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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Feb 20 2014 : 4:01:43 PM
You guys are so funny!! Well, I can't complain about my X never doing anything for me any more. He bought me a new laptop. Mine was dying a slow death. I had already lost my desk top and trying to get my homework done is getting harder and harder. I bought a new wireless printer and the driver slowed my old laptop down waaaay down. Not enough ram. So, now if I can just get a place to live, an income.. I'm set. The new computer is really nice. It is also lighter so when I go to San Diego and have to do homework, taking it won't be a bummer.
Anyway, lots more homework to do. This teacher gives out way too much! I'm already pooped and still have bunco tonight. This bunco group does potluck food too. So I made chicken salad sandwiches with onions, green apples and walnuts. I also made dessert with frozen raspberries rolled up in crescent rolls. Everyone loves them. The rolls are in the oven. I always get to try one out before I leave. (just to make sure they are eatable ya know).
Marianne, I would love to see your property turned into a pot farm!!! Wait until her animals get out and eat the crop. !!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2014 : 6:02:57 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a lovely overcast day. Temperatures rose into the twenties. The warm weather has caused the snow to be wetter so we can now make snowballs for throwing and snow for rolling into big balls for a snowman. I did make a snow man and the little boys and I had a snow ball fight. Ross thought it was great to get close to me and hit me in the bum over and over.
DsK , you are right Mar was here for only a short time. His birthmother paid for his bus ticket so he said he should stay longer with her even though she makes him crazy. Competing with her is something I try very hard not to rise to the occasion. In the past we have helped pay for his ticket or a rental car and she puts up such a fuss that he ends up staying with her longer as well. We have sent him money for his expenses in the past and he has mismanaged it so the international bank of Holly is closed to him for now. It is what it is and we are doing ok with the circumstances. The visit went well. He has gained a tremendous amount of weight and the little boys had no tact about it around him. I think that hurt him some. He is a miracle in who he is now from where he came from. I do not always like his choices but he is kind and has a good heart.
When I stepped off the sled today to pull it up the hill I did notice that the snow was over my knees. I do not know how tall you are M'lyn but I think that you have far more snow than we do. It must be beautiful.
C had not had her period for ten months and now we are on the second month in a row of having it again. She is not happy. I see Gypsy that she has the box of ICool that I bought for her a while ago out on her bedside table.
Mar how many acres do you have and how would it split into two parcels? Our property was originally two parcels but has been one for several owners now. Who would pay for the survey to divide the land?
Marie I am glad that Lowell stepped up to the plate in dealing with his dad regardless of his allowance. I think it is good to be a generalist because then you can talk to many different people and have something to say. The band might shape up after all. Good for Lowell to keep trying even when people are not responsible to keep up their end.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2014 : 6:41:27 PM
It is raining now. We got about a 1/2 inch of snow, then it turned to rain and very windy, with sleet mixed in. It is going to be an ice rink out there tomorrow. Then we are supposed to get real cold, down into the below zero temps again for a week. We will be an ice rink for at least 2 weeks then!!!! I may not be going to work tomorrow. My son's water froze again, so he is waiting for the city to thaw him out again. He is number 51 on the list. They did hundreds of homes and businesses this month so far. Gypsy, I sure could use a pool boy right now, for that matter, a pool would be great, with 75-80 degrees!!!!! I did nothing today but play games on the computer all day. Now I have a headache from too much eye strain. Bunny, how nice that your ex bought you a new computer. Hint for a trailer and some land!!! Lol!!! Mar, That would really tick off the neighbor having a pot farm for a neighbor!!! Marie, Good for Lowell for sticking up for you. Maybe it will sink in and you will start getting treated better. Marlyn, The staircase looks wonderful. I would like to see a picture when you are done painting it. Love the stairs that color wood. Mel, Have a great birthday tomorrow!!!! I sent you a card, but don't know if you will get it in time. I forgot to put postage on it, so I got it back and had to resend it. Funny me!!! Have a safe warm evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl
6869 Posts

Debbie L.
6869 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2014 : 09:11:02 AM
I'm back! Still recuperating and recovering from my surgery, but find that I can write a bit with my right hand when it is not hurting. Good Physical Therapy I think. It is fabulous to be back with all my farmgirl sisters as I have missed all of you and the farm this past 4 weeks. Have a beautiful fun and happy weekend everyone. Hugs, Debbie
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2014 : 09:16:28 AM
Marie, I too agree it was a good letter from Lowell. I just hope it doesn't get him in too much trouble that dad cuts him off.
Jan, sounds like your son will be without water for quite some time. I just can't imagine people sticking it out living there with that much winter. I would have been long gone.
I did hint to my x about my housing issue. I really don't know where all the money is coming from. Unless he finally got IRS all paid off. He makes upwards to $90,000 a year but due to not listening to me when we got divorced, ended up owing IRS big bucks and they and Calif took a big chunk of money each month. I'll find out more in April when we go to San Diego.
Still lots of homework to do today. If I want to sew tomorrow I need to get it all done. Plus it's bag day at Salvation Army. Not that I need anything.
Well, better get to it.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2014 : 09:29:27 AM
School is out today. We finally got the snowstorm. I was out at noon yesterday waiting for Annette at the bus stop just as the rain was turning into snow. While walking to the restaurant, large wet snowflakes fell. We went to Common Roots, a place that makes meals from scratch and sources locally. They provide food for all the events at the school and around the community. I had miso soup with garlic added and Annette had beef and cabbage soup. I also had a pot of ginger tea. I am so sick but it will probably heal by next Monday. I just wish I had some fresh garlic to chew on. Anyway, my bother sent a box of computer parts for Annette's son so he can rebuild his computers after they were pretty much destroyed by the fire. LeMar was ecstatic when he saw them.
As for the storm, we had 1" to 2" of snow per hour. The rental company has just shoveled a path from the back door to the alley and the front walk. Now it is covered with a drift.

Someone made a snowman in the front yard. There was an empty beer can nearby so I guess it was a bit of a party. Mitzi barked at it when she went out. The streets look pretty good so Lowell was able to get out for work. His company is really desperate for drivers today. He will go out in any weather. What a guy! Just south of us are blizzard conditions and I94 was pretty much closed down. The sun is shining now. We could get blowing snow tomorrow but it will be above freezing into next week. I will be watching for the emergence of amazing icicles.
Gypsy - Okay, Jan can have the pool boy. Some cable guys were in the building yesterday installing internet cable and some of them were nice to look at. I discovered on my first day of substitute teaching that I had a teacher look which would stop kids dead in their tracks. It continues to be useful.
Marlyn - Love the staircase. Can't wait to see it when it is finished.
Marianne - Yes, it is a love letter. <sigh> I didn't know how strongly he felt. Money from pot farmers spends just likes anyone else's. If they like the answers to your questions, go for it. That would be a nice parting shot at The Neighbor.
Bunny - Your ex obviously still cares about you. The trip and the laptop are very nice gifts. Lowell's dad won't cut him off. His dad has already alienated his other son and hasn't cut him off. Lowell is the father of his only grandchild and he would not risk alienating her.
Holly - That reminds me, my last period was in December. I like knowing a lot of things but I am careful because I don't want to look like a smarty pants. The guitar player who plays George Harrison in a tribute band just canceled his audition on Saturday. At least the bass player will be there. Lowell looks for players on Craigslist. Many place ads with no intent of following through with the project. Now that I have calmed down a bit from Lowell's father's accusations, I have decided to behave as if it never happened. I believe that would be the right path. I will be mindful of how he may feel about me.
Jan - Thanks for the yarn. I will gladly take the test of your stash.

I will be able to use this for my crochet classes. I hope that Lowell's letter will encourage me to become a better person.
Debbie - Glad you are feeling better. Welcome back.
That's it. I need to do laundry, wash dishes and take a nap.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
212 Posts
212 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2014 : 10:55:35 AM
Freezing rain then just plain rain today. Starting to snow now. Needless to say the roads are sheer ice.My daughter worked midnights so I have her kids today. I'm a little upset over this because I had plans for today and its all taken from me. Plans to work in my studio. You know to make some money instead of being a full time volunteer. Seems that is my occupation in life right now.
Mum called last night said "we forgot to get her Depends at the drug store". "WE" didn't forget! She forgot to tell me. I'm not a mind reader.
Taking care of four generations daily is wearing on me.
My microwave died yesterday. I only use to to warm things up like my heat pad for evening smocking. Oh well. Wash machine now microwave. Whats next? |
Edited by - lovingewe on Feb 21 2014 10:56:07 AM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2014 : 4:30:33 PM
Good evening everyone,
DsT is in Florida for the ten days of school vacation and I am so relieved. A couple of weeks ago I asked C to ask a friend who moved to Florida three years ago if she would like dsT to come and visit for school vacation. Her son is not on vacation but she was excited to have dsT come to visit. Her son will take a few days off and maybe dsT will go to school a couple of days there as well. She and her family love dsT and will take good care of him. A friend said if I act like and a******** will you send me to Florida for vacation. I am hoping that his self esteem will rise enough while he is there that he will remember he is a good person and start to make good decisions again. I am relieved that I do not have to worry about him not coming home and I do not have to worry about him hanging with his "friends" who are currently making poor choices for their own lives. Where would a mother be without hope?
This afternoon the little boys and I started to rip up the kitchen floor. On Monday our contractor will come to put in a new floor, new cabinets and insulation in the outside wall so the kitchen will be warmer.
We just had all of this nice snow and today it rained all day long. I used a roof rake to try to remove enough snow off the sheet metal garage out back so that it will not collapse. I hope it does not collapse. Crossing my fingers that it does not collapse before I can get dsJ out there to take off more of the snow.
I think a llama could behave in a very smoozy way if it had eaten some fresh cannabis. I wonder how the roots are for pigs. Maybe the Neighbor could hire her pigs out to the cannabis grower to break up the soil for easy tilling. Do you have to provide a disclosure for anyone you might sell the house to regarding the Neighbor. How did dd like her new afghan?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2014 : 5:42:52 PM
Thanx Jan for the happy birthday wishes.....don't feel bad about the bff from Chicago has had a hard time getting to the post office on time and she just sent my card yesterday! LOL
Holly.......when I went through the change I stopped for 6 months and then bled like a stuffed pig for 2 straight weeks and then never again! All done... short and sweet! Hope the trip to Florida does your dsT some good and he comes home with a new attitude! happy for you that Lowell has made it quite clear to his dad how he feels about you and you are not the leach that his father apparently thinks you are......we can see that you certainly have a caring heart and surely not taking advantage of Lowell !!
Marlyn....sorry you didn't get your day in your studio....Looked like you had a heck of a drive to the city yesterday. We had great weather and lots of sunshine....I would be glad to share! 
Debbie.....Welcome home!! Good to see you are back with what's the scoop?
Bunny.....for my special day.....I treated myself to a copy of Altered Couture!! Finally! I love the fact that they even used your Lil' Black Dress as inspiration for a Hot New Challenge! Very Coool! And Joann's had my favorite yarn on sale! What the name on your Pinterest ? I follow Gypsy but the only thing that I get when I search your name is a pic of a small quilt sold to a fellow at a show, I think. Does that sound right? Well.....send me your link.
Where's Gypsy today?
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2014 : 9:26:56 PM
Mel, happy birthday! My Pinterest site is under curious orange cat not my name. You also need to click "pinners". Trust me you will find me.
Holly, I sure hope dsT's trip does him good. I hope your kitchen doesn't take too long to get back to normal.
Debbie, it's nice to have you back! Hope you heal up soon.
Marlyn, sorry about your appliance troubles. Hopefully you can get some relief from family and have some fun in your studio.
Time for bed..
Nite all...
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 22 2014 : 6:14:31 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a beautifully clear day with temperatures at 20 F. It did not waver up or down much all day. The wind blew and blew. The trees swayed all the way down to the ground.
I have taken two of the cupboards off the wall and hope to take down the rest that are up on the wall tomorrow. We have pulled up some of the flooring but some of the plywood is under the cabinets and I can not get to it before the contractor takes out the lower cabinets under the counter top. I hope if I can do some of it he will be able to put it back together that much quicker.
Debbie I am glad that even if you are tied up and in pain you have a good outlook and are not in too much pain.
I was feeding some of the chickens today and heard a chicken cooing from the grain room. I had not seen a chicken in the grain room. I dug down under the empty grain bags and there jammed in behind one of the barrels was a sorry looking alive chicken with severe stiffness. I pulled her out and put her near the water dish and I hope she unstiffens and makes a full recovery. I am glad she did not die back there and petrify over the rest of the winter through spring.
DsT seems to be having a good time with his friend. He texted last night that he was glad we had sent him. A step. He said something positive.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2014 : 09:06:05 AM
Holly, so glad to see that T's tough facade may be beginning to chip away. Saying something pleasant is tough for teenagers. It seems they think they job is to point out the obvious and the negative. Because we are too stupid to see it for ourselves... You had asked about our two parcels. They are in different school districts, so they stay separate... One has the majority of the land and all the improvements and the other is deemed open or green space and cannot be built upon. Taxes on that second parcel, eleven acres, are about $150 yearly. Very little. It sounds like you are undertaking a major renovation in your kitchen. It will be nice to have a cozy kitchen for you. You spend so much time making bread and such you certainly deserve it.
Debbie, it is so nice to hear from you. Use it or lose it seems to be your point of view and I think that works! I bet it is tender to try to type, but I do hope it becomes easier.
Marlyn, isn't it true that appliances always all go at once! Do you find yourself walking towards the microwave out of habit?
We had a pretty eventful end of the week. Our buyers who backed out emailed me and asked if we would consider still selling to them. They regretted pulling out of the deal. We asked that they conclude any further testing within a week. They waived all tests except water quality/quantity which will take place next week and the deal is back on. New papers were signed, sealed and delivered. It's theirs. Closing the second week of April. Now the fun begins.
Since MIL will be moving up here, we have to consider her into the equation. She keeps repeating, "Just get what YOU want." She thinks she will be able to just build a little guest house anywhere. No rules or regulations against that! So, we are really taxed with some difficult parameters in which to find a suitable place to live...trying not to stress.
We are having a gorgeous snowfall today. I will miss this canyon. Not The Neighbor who decided she needed more shavings for her animals' bedding. (Good time of year to bring in shavings, don't you think, Holly?) Had them delivered (an entire truck load!) in the middle of a rain/sleet/snow/wind storm. Apparently, there is no room in her $110K barn for shavings. So there is a mountain of shavings covered by a patchwork of tarps, held in place by old tires. Way to class up the neighborhood. The Neighbor's house is newer, nicer (was) than ours. It sold to The Neighbor about three years ago for $480K. She put in the riding arena/stable that I mentioned was another $110K. And then starts to just junk it up... As I said, there will be no tugging at the heartstrings to leave that behind. Just a big sigh.
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2014 : 09:45:00 AM
Mar, I'm so glad you finally sold the property! Yes, now the hard part starts. Are you going to build a cottage for Mil? I can point you in the direction of some very nice small cottages that might work. Most are about 300 to 500 square feet.
I sold another two dresses yesterday. I spent most of the day getting them packaged to mail off. I also photographed some more quilt books for my other Etsy site. Just have to get them in the store. I also went to bag day and found some more new stuff. Like I needed it! I'm thinking about purchasing some rolling baskets to store my "supplies " in. I'm just afraid if I end up in a trailer, I won't have room. I'm just getting tired of all my piles. But I'm also afraid to spend money because I need to save up for the future!
It has been very nice weather the last few days. It has been almost 50 degrees and enough blue sky to lift my spirits.
Wednesday night and two more nights after that I house site over night with a customers dogs. I never liked staying in other peoples houses while they were away. Plus, she doesn't have internet or a tv. So I will be putting together a sewing project box to keep me busy. Plus I bought a few books for my iPad. I can use my phone for a hotspot. So I'll have internet access I can use sparingly. I'll still head home each morning after walking the dogs to do homework.
My new computer is wonderful. It is so much faster than my old one. My old one is now in the basement so I can print out shipping stuff for my orders.
Well, it's sewing day...I'm off to the basement.
Until later!!
Have fun packing Mar.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2014 : 10:13:44 AM
Bunny, I forgot to congratulate you on your new computer. I know how much you appreciate that gesture. It will make your homework easier. Who needs having to play around with your computer on top of playing with spreadsheets!? Do you try to organize your finds mostly by color or weight or "parts" in sewing area?
MIL is going to have quarters with a full bath and a great room with efficiency kitchen. We have to keep in mind there can be no steep inclines, stairs, etc. And she doesn't like to get her majorly teased hairdo wet...ever. Welcome to the North West! Deal with it. We have been waiting for her to live near us for 23 years, since her second husband died. She said she was going to relocate "in about a year" for more than two decades. She missed knowing her grandkids and being very helpful in our lives. Frankly, she is moving up now that - in her words - "her family is taken care of." This means (and you can imagine the hurt this brings to my husband) that her brother and sister - both younger than her - have their children living with them. Both of these events happened within the last thirty days and all of a sudden she can now make the move. She was very honest in telling us that was why. She has no idea how hurtful it is. So, frankly, she will be here in the nick of time for us to nurse her until her death. She turned 87 while she was visiting us. My husband has been using the argument with her for almost a decade that he feels he is not looking out for her best interests by allowing her to stay in So. California. I expect a lot of complaints about the weather. She has lived in the San Diego area all her life. (And I already mentioned the hairdo...) Well, I have prattled on long enough Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
212 Posts
212 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2014 : 12:07:57 PM
Beautiful skies here today. LOVE the sunshine. Still below freezing and my laneway between the house and the barn is an ice rink. The kids are on it now!
I had my eldest granddaughter this weekend. Needless to say nothing I wanted got done but we had a good visit.Tomorrow is my baby granddaughter and mum all day. I don't cook supper Monday nights so I should be okay until milking time.
Packed my microwave oven in the car for the city. Dearest tells me it needs a new fuse and he needs the "special screw driver and the fuse to fix it"! I figured bring it to the repair place and they will either fix it or tell me it can't be fixed(fuse or whatever), and I will know where I stand.
I have some down time today and hope to be able to sew up some pink bonnets. They are smocked just need some sewing.
I am still following this tread trying to get you girls all straightened out. |
Edited by - lovingewe on Feb 23 2014 12:08:32 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2014 : 2:49:08 PM
Marlyn, we have needed some to get us straightened out for quite a while! ;) mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
212 Posts
212 Posts |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2014 : 4:44:12 PM
And now, you can keep me straight as the one whose sense of humor means you wonder if you should apologize, but you NEVER need to! I am always joking... mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2014 : 4:49:09 PM
Mar, there is little method to my organizational madness. One bin is black scraps and clothes, another is al wool. Still another is men's shirt sleeves, a basket of tablecloths and linen scraps. Then there is all the t-shirt scraps and a giant bin of just everything scraps. Then the little baskets of pockets taken off of shirts, collars cut off and a basket of scraps for making brooches. That's just the clothes in baskets. I have tons of clothes hanging on racks. I need a really large sewing room to fit it all. I found out my half sister is moving to be closer to her dad in Eureka. She was going to be homeless and my mom found her an apartment through HUD. I told my mom if my sister would do it...I would give her a sewing machine, a little camera I don't need anymore, sewing supplies and a bunch of my fabric leftovers. My mom says she use to sew for a drama company. So I am hoping she can make some money sewing stuff. She is very good at selling things. ( frankly I think people buy stuff to make her go away). She is pretty dysfunctional. But if she is creative, she could make some money. My fear is she will just sell the sewing machine and get into trouble financially again. She can't work. Too messed up in the head.
So that means my mom is going to be here the end of the week with half sister's dad to pack her up and move her. The house is in pretty good shape, but I have to put clean sheets on her bed and rearrange some furniture.
My nephew is also moving back here. A girl at a party said he raped her 9 years ago. We don't believe it. He is just too sweet and just not that kind of person. She did it to two other guys too. But he has been harassed by the police where he lives in Arizona and keeps getting fired because of it. So he is moving back here. The attorney that first took his case and then changed his mind has had a change of heart and thinks my nephew should have never been convicted. Long story, my mother and his mother forced him to eventually plead guilty to keep him out of jail. He is also mentally challenged. Anyway, I think the attorney felt guilty for bailing on my nephew so has told him when his 10 year probation is up in September, he is going to try to get it overturned. I have such a fun family.
I am half way to my financial monthly goal. I sold another dress today. It was only on in the store for a few hours before it was bought. I might be out of here by September yet!
Well, enough of my long story.
I'm hurting from doing way too much in the sewing room today....
Later farm sisters!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2014 : 5:31:09 PM
Good evening everyone,
We have so much stuff! It took us most of the day to pack up the kitchen to take down the cabinets. I found dried comfrey from 1984 in a mason jar with one of those wire clasps on the top to hold it down. I do not even know why I would have it, Anyway, most of the ktchen is dismantled. The cabinets are in the truck waiting to go to the other barn to get hung on the wall. They are too good to trash but too worn to keep in the house. some of them are just falling apart from too many boys.
Shoveling frozen wood chips is not my idea of a good time. But, then again we know the Neighbor is not in her right mind. I am glad the emotional rollercoaster is over for you. Is April too early to dig up any of your perrenials before the move? Here it would be.
If you need clarification on any piece of inside information just ask.
I will explain the pool boy piece because I brought it up this time. A wonderful woman who used to post on this board used to go on vacation to Hawaii and take all of us with her in our imaginations. She is a colorful writer and we could imagine being there and laughing until we peed. Dear Gypsy was sick during this time and unable to participate in the vacation so she was sent a pool boy to attend to all of her needs. Now she has the B and no longer needs the pool boy so she has sent him to live elsewhere.
I am tired from dismantling the kitchen. I am going to shower and pass out.
Sweet dreams to all,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2014 : 6:52:00 PM
I have had a busy weekend also. I worked Friday and Saturday, laundry today. We had an inch of snow the other night, then it rained, turned cold, and now it is nothing but ice out there. All of our snow has a very hard crust on it. Sidewalks and streets are glare ice. It has been below zero again, and is supposed to for the next week yet. I hope we warm up soon. Bunny, sounds like you have an interesting family. Mine is a soap opera too, with 10 of us. Glad you are selling again. Keep it up, and you will be on your way back to California. The magazine is out for 3 months, so you will still get new exposure for awhile, hopefully lots of sales. Mar, Good news for sure this time!!! Congratulations!!!!! Now the fun begins with packing and house hunting. Hope you find the perfect place and all the paperwork goes smoothly. Gypsy, I am guessing you are at the farm. Holly, I do not envy you tearing your kitchen apart. It will be so nice though, when it is all finished. Marlyn, I hope you find some time to be alone and get done what you want. Hope you get your microwave fixed. Our coffee pot went out yesterday, so we had to buy a new one. I was just looking at them the other day and told my hubby that I better quit looking, or ours will quit. Well, it did quit a few days later!!!!! Funny how that happens. Marie, Glad you liked the yarn I sent. I will send you more in a couple of weeks, after I get the rest organized. I was not sure if you could use the patterns or not. If not, just throw them out. Mel, How was your birthday? Hope you enjoyed yourself. I am going to bed. I did not fall asleep until after 3 this morning, then was up at 7. I drank too much water before I went to bed, and it kept me wide awake for hours. I hate that when that happens. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2014 : 8:19:52 PM
good evening everyone from the sunny, balmy state of texas where we enjoyed lunch outside overlooking one of our lakes which as you will see if i can get the picture to upload, is still way down due to several years of not enough rainfall. 
sorry it isn't a very good picture but i guess i was shooting into the sun and i don't have a good editing program yet.
Holly, I have not sent the pool boy elsewhere. Im having a heck of a time keeping him hidden from the B, so I thought id just send him to Jan, although I know Marie is lusting after him.
bunny, i am finally going to go see my family this next weekend, thanks for reminding me that I'm not the only one with a screwed up family. At least I don't think anyone is in jail right now. I have a 91 year old mother with the use of only one hand who is driving. She said she does ok driving with one hand except for right turns. I give up trying to get anyone to be sensible so I just suggested that she try to find one of those knobs they used to put on steering wheels back in the 50s to be cool. anybody old enough to remember those? anyway she laughed and thought that would be a great idea and she has set out to try to find one
Bunny, Im glad your sales have picked back up. Sounds like you are on your way. Mar, I know you will be happy to get the papers signed and the check in the bank on that house. But am I correct that you now have to find a house and get moved by the closing date? Any possibilities yet?
Marlyn, you will find that on this thread we have a great time kidding each other and no one takes offense at anything. We knew what you meant, and good luck figuring it all out. Plus if you could straighten Mar out a little we would all really appreciate it. she just gets out of control..... and marie, too, she is going to be really a troublemaker when she finds out she isn't getting the pool boy. You know when I get to missing my grandchildren, I remember that it is good not be be close enough to become the nanny on call 24/7. on the other hand, its great to be able to help your daughter out when she needs it. so its a double edged sword, isn't it.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2014 : 8:34:42 PM
Holly, I laughed when you said you were going to take a shower and pass out. I was just thinking of what a mess that would have to be to have your whole kitchen torn out, and what a lot of work, plus how are you are going to feed everybody in the meantime
Jan we didn't go to the farm this weekend but we seem to be busy every minute Time is flying by so fast I hope you get spring soon and can start shopping for that RV!
sorry that picture turned out so dark it was really a bright sunny day
tonight was the last Downton Abbey for this season. B got hooked on it too and he was so upset that they announced this was the end of the season.
So, Mar, dear neighbor has an ordinary government job and she could afford a half million house? Did I read that right? If so, I chose the wrong career path!!
we went to see the movie, Gloria, Friday night. Don't waste your money.
goodnight all tomorrow starts another week
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 23 2014 8:42:46 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
212 Posts
212 Posts |
Posted - Feb 24 2014 : 11:11:23 AM
At my mum's house typing this waiting on the laundry. Granddaughter asleep on the livingroom floor. A few moments to breath,.
What a day! Daughter arrived at my house late. I had my car all packed to go into the city. Was too late to meet up with my friend and give her boxes she was wanting. Dearest had left for work with both sets of my car keys so I had to borrow another daughters car and of course all my stuff for the city was in my car ( locked)Too late for my car appointment by the time I got in the city....through a snow storm!
We did do groceries. We did get to my mum at the senior residence and brought her to a photo place to get her Passport pictures taken.
My Dat died last year March. Mum would be getting his German pension only she has no ID. So I sent away to the Dutch government to get her birth certificate ( the village she was born in doesn't exist anymore) This took four months. I needed it to get a Passport for ID.I need these two ID's to get Dats German Pension. A around about way. But I can officially bury my Mum now when she passes because of all this ID! You got to see the humour in all this right!
Thing is mum can't walk well and folding her up into my daughters little car and then mum's walker in the trunk! Well I'm beat.
Paperwork done. groceries done, Laundry almost done. Ready for bed.....Oh and ticked at my family. |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Feb 24 2014 : 11:26:59 AM
Holly....I am so excited for your new kitchen....take pics so we can see the remodel. The mess can be a bit daunting in the midst of feeding a family....but it will definitely be worth it. Saving the cabinets to use in the barn is a terrific idea. It's always good when you can recycle things rather than dispose of them. As a matter of fact....I'm in the Reclaimed Item Swap here on MJF and I need to get busy on my item! :)
Mar.....Pinterest has been known to keep me up til 3/4 AM! I can get totally engulfed and time dissolves....My 52,000 pins shows that...Congrats on the the search will all work out just as it should...prayers for an easy transfer and new digs! :)
Gypsy.....Ya'll can come to my house for leftovers anytime.....if you ever get to Dallas...lets get together....and you won't even have to have leftovers.
Marie....looks like you get the pool boy! :) sorry you have no relief from the cold. And I had a fine b-day.....alone but I went to JoAnns and got my self some yarn and fabric thanks to my MIL's b-day card! My son has been working like crazy but we will celebrate when he is able to get a break....his is on Wednesday.
My best to all, Mel
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