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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 18 2014 : 7:58:03 PM
The trees are still bare but the water is pretty.
Tonight we went to Salsa class. We have a private class with that instructor on Monday night. Hopefully he will help us to master some of the finer points of the dance. I did not want to go because I'm still tired from the weekend but was ok when we got there. Then we went for a bite to eat and then to grocery store. Now B is singing our song, The Power of Love. hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 18 2014 8:06:50 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 18 2014 : 8:39:10 PM
Bunny, someone in Italy!! That's big, girlfriend. Had you thought about the fact that your artistic creations are seen all over the world? That is awesome!
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Feb 18 2014 : 10:09:57 PM
Hey y'all! I am embarrassed to say it was 80 degrees today! Sunny and no wind. Marvelous! Of course it won't last but definitely no snow and freezing temps. We are going to need some heavy rains to get through this drought situation.....all our lakes are still down 10/20 feet and this winter is not helping any. I see that some of the North and Northeast are going to probably have flooding problems after all this snow....well we can use some water but guys.....don't get carried away and send us all yours!
Well I don't have a social life but a couple of my gal pals came for dinner yesterday....we had a pot luck. My pal Pat did drinks and salad and Patty did appetizers and veggies. I did main entrée and bread and dessert. So we had.... appetizers of bacon, tomato and cheese....asparagus and ? (it was good anyway).....apples and feta each wrapped in crescent rolls and bakes! Then we had Mimosas.....we were celebrating all our B-days....Patty 12/29, Pat 2/4 and me Friday! Salad was romaine with Mandarin oranges, dried cranberries and pecans....yummy. Veggies were asparagas and eggs and cheese (kind of a quiche like thingy) and then a tomato pie smothered in sharp cheddar cheese....scrumptious although I don't really like asparagus. I made herb and citrus chicken....very good if I do say so myself...and it makes for a pretty presentation. Faux Cheddar Bay biscuits....well not faux cheese LOL it was real....but an knock-off of the Red Lobster biscuits. And for dessert Slow cooker Chocolate Lava Cake!!! served warm with vanilla ice cream ! My recipes all came from Pinterest! :) I'm almost 52,000! And broke 1500 followers....doesn't say much when some have 100,000+ but nice for lil' ol' ME! :) LOL stepmom's name was also Virginia but every one called her Ginny too.
Holly....I know you don't want to get hung up on Pinterest but they have some really cool suggestions for things for kids....experiments and crafts they can do and great things you could use for their education/homeschooling projects that look so fun! Sometimes I wish I had some kids to do some of the stuff with! Oops! there's that ending's a Midwest thing! Anyway....think about might find it informative and enjoyable also. :) your pics! Reminds me of Chicago and my SIL is being buried up there also. BRRRRRRR! I am cold just thinkin' about it.
Marlyn.....would love to see a pic of your home. My great grandfather on my mother's side was born in Germany. He was much older than my great grandmother and he had told her parents "save Freida for me!" And I guess you could say she was betrothed with no input. He immigrated a bit later than they did. I am so glad we have since bypassed that sort of ritual. :)
Thanx Gypsy!
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Feb 18 2014 : 10:12:09 PM
Congrats Bunny! Italy, huh? That's not Italy, Texas is it? Chuckle! chuckle!
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 18 2014 : 10:38:41 PM
Jan, I love your frozen water balloons. At least,you get to enjoy them for a long while. I have been checking out trailers for myself. I figured I need one at least 24 feet and two slide outs. I have found a few that would be perfect. However I don't have the money or regular income yet. My mom says she is going to have to sell her house and will give me money to buy a trailer to live in. My budget is about $10,000. I will still need a monthly income though. I found a really nice trailer park I want to live in. Just need all the pieces to fit together.
Gypsy, looks like a nice place to walk. Seems like Texas would be a good place to winter.
Mel, I'm jealous of your nice weather too. You'll get yours this summer!
I actually have had another international sale before this. I had a sale to Israel about a month ago. I can see where people that look at my site are from. I get lots of visitors from Australia too. No sales from there yet.
I just got back from bunco. I ate too much junk and drank too much coffee. Thankfully coffee makes me tired. So time for bed...
Until tomorrow.....
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
212 Posts
212 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2014 : 10:09:45 AM
Finished wallpapering the back stairs yesterday by noon hour. I used the tiled ceiling paper. The Hardware store was getting rid of this line and I got it at 75% off. It looks really nice. This week I hope to get paint for it.
Today I have one of my grandchildren here. I had to go to the bank to reinvest my retirement fund and took her with me. She was really good and sat there. She is just 12 months old. I had other things I wanted to do but to carry her around in the slippy snowsuit, in and out of the car seat. I scrapped it all and came home.
This afternoon I hope to get more bonnets on my blog. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2014 : 11:08:17 AM
Hi all!
We have sunshine!!!
A friend is coming over for lunch in a few minutes, so this might be very short.
It is nice to see the area soaking up the water and have less standing water and muck. I got the smallest paddock mucked out yesterday, so it looks nice and clean again. The other two closest paddocks are the only others that we muck and there isn't that much to remove...
Oh...friend's here. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2014 : 1:13:41 PM
Bunny, sometimes it is good to indulge -- keeps life from getting too dreary. Hope you slept.
Marlyn, you are lucky to have your grand baby near. I only got to be with one of mine at that age but it was one of the highlights of my life A pic of your completed wallpaper project would be nice.
Mar, in all this time, I've never thought to ask you if you ride the horses. I don't recall your mentioning going horseback riding.
Mel, what a feast! Wish I lived close enough to come help you with the leftovers! Pinterest is really a fabulous resource for wonderful recipes and entertaining g ideas. Now I see where most websites that I visit have the pin so you can save things from their website to your boards. Bunny, I wonder if that helps your worldwide exposure, having your pieces on Pinterest. It's smart marketing , I think.
I just got back from lunch with my lunch bunch group here. I missed it last time because I was sick. A lot of them have been sick as well, as we had the worst cedar pollen in recorded history along with bad weather. Seems like a lot of us are taking advantage of better weather to catch up with our friendships. Wish all of you were close enough that we could get together once in a while for a cup of tea. hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 19 2014 1:23:45 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2014 : 3:02:42 PM
Gypsy, I found that most people who re-post my things on Pinterest pin to boards regarding sewing them for themselves. I'm thinking my traffic from the magazine are the same kind of people. More to learn how to do it themselves than to buy something from me. It is still exposure but It isn't converting into sales. I need to find something else that does a better job.
Back to sewing... later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2014 : 3:21:18 PM
Yeah, Bunny, I think you might be right, but there will still be some........... On the bright side, this look is really gaining in popularity. I get Robert Redford's catalog called Sundance, and the last one had a lot of this "look". I didn't actually realize that the Altered Couture magazine was a "how to" publication until I read it. The positive thing is--that is a magazine that stays around for a long time. People don't throw those away. It will be seen by lots of people who aren't do-it-yourselfers. And it looks good to have been published.
Maybe offer online classes like many artists do? Kits? I'm trying to help you think outside the box. Maybe get a store to carry a few things on consignment? I'm sure all these things have already crossed your mind because you did them with the quilting business. Speaking of that, I'm wondering if any of those pretty fabrics you have would work into some of your projects. May have to wash and wrinkle and fade them to get the look---- Mel, we are getting 70's and up to 80 this week, too. You are right, bunny, along about July and August Mel and I will be wishing we were where Jan and Marie and a lot of you are---anywhere but the triple digits.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 19 2014 3:35:26 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2014 : 3:41:55 PM
Oh, Bunny, I see where you re-pinned a couple of my altered clothing pins. I was hoping you would see them. They are sure doing some clever things with denim. I just recently figured out its silly to pay the price of new jeans that look old for ridiculous prices when I can get worn out jeans at goodwill for $10.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2014 : 4:51:31 PM
Bunny, I was just thinking about a sales philosophy that I was taught years ago. To get a yes, expect to get 500 no's. It's a numbers game. Every person will not buy. If one out of a hundred do buy then you need to reach 100 people per day to get your sale per day. I've also heard it said in retail traffic that they need 600 people a day in foot traffic to sell enough to be profitable. I have also heard that 75% of retail sales happens in the last quarter of the year. Ok, I will shut up now.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2014 : 4:56:27 PM
Hi everyone, We had a lot of fun playing a few games and having lunch with our friend today. The horses used to be ridden daily. Tahoe, the bay mare, was a bit of a handful. Young, high-spirited and very athletic. Sunny, the palomino gelding, was a bit surer, solid, slow - but more spooky. Dd worked and trained them both and when she left the area, they have been on a sabbatical. When dd visits she tries to do groundwork and get on their backs. When dd was younger and I was homeschooling her, she taught me how to ride. It was a wonderful reversal of roles that made us see each other more clearly and helped us both to have patience. And I really enjoyed it. Dh and dd were more likely to trail ride together, trailering the horses to parks, etc. I rode mostly in our riding arena and on our property where there were fewer reasons for me to have to ride out one of Sunny's spooks. It was very foolish for me to ever get on a horse's back. I have an eighteen inch long stainless steel rod in my back that is likely to not stay put if I am tossed six or eight feet into the air. But, that didn't happen. It was a bonding experience and I faced a fear and overcame it. So, it was worth it. But, like I said, in hindsight, probably not my best decision.
Bunny, I saw a lot of altered clothing at the Saturday Market in Portland. I know that is quite a ways for you to travel, but do you do any local markets? Portland would be a great fit for you.
BTW, I am no longer a Pinterest virgin. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2014 : 5:07:05 PM
Holy cow, Mar. That hurts to think about. Don't ride--it ain't worth it!! You can sure enjoy having beautiful horses without getting on them. I have never ridden a horse nor have I ever wanted to. But I enjoy their beauty. Well, there is an old photo of my grampa on his horse holding me and a cousin. We were babes in diapers and he was holding us like two sacks of feed, our little feet hanging down and the diapers looking questionable.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2014 : 5:40:23 PM
Good evening everyone,
It was overcast and snowing all day. Now I here water dripping from the eaves on the garden window in the kitchen. It was +2 F this morning at 7.
I am not sure I would want to live where there is no winter. I do think the snow is beautiful to look at and play in.
M'lyn how many children do you have? I would guess at least 4 since there are three teens at home and one out who has a child. It must be nice to finally have unattended time to do projects.
Gypsy can you make a movie so we can see you dancing with the B?
Our first son is visiting for a few days. He came into town a while ago but stayed with his birthmother because she bought him the bus ticket. I wondered how he was going to do staying there because she makes him crazy. She does on upmanship with him all the time. If he does something she always has to one better him. I guess he visited friends while he stayed there. He will get on the bus back to St Louis tomorrow night. He will arrive at 6 AM on Saturday. It has been nice to see him and visit with him.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2014 : 8:11:54 PM
We broke a record of having 75 days of below freezing days. Today ended that, finally!!!! Woke up to zero degrees, and it warmed up to 46 degrees!!!! It felt like summer!!!! BUT now we are supposed to be below zero for the next week again. We are supposed to have a big storm coming in tomorrow into Friday. What a teaser for such nice weather today. There were people walking outdoors with short sleeves. That is the worst part of the weather here, it changes so drastically from one day to another. That is hard on the old body. Holly, glad you got to visit with your ds. I am tired, will post more tomorrow. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2014 : 9:32:27 PM
Oh, I forgot about Kestrel. I used the pen name Kestrel Stevens for some writing I did once.
On Tuesday I was asked to attend the 2nd grade class by the teacher because she would be having a substitute. The kids misbehaved terribly. One of the Somali boys told a Hispanic boy that he hated him and all Spanish people. Two kids complained to me that one boy was saying bad words. He does this whenever the teacher is gone. I took him for a walk and talked to him about it. Kids who usually didn't crawl on the floor were doing that. I had to send two boys and a girl to another teacher's room for a serious time out. The girl is still mad at me. She will be getting a cold shoulder from me for a while. I had to teach crochet afterwards and I was kind of ill with some kind of sore throat and runny nose. Today Mrs. Pendelton told the kids she got a very long email from the substitute teacher and some emails from parents about their bad behavior. She also said that because they did not get their work done yesterday they were a day behind all the other 2nd grade classes. She said that there will be a substitute in the future for 2 days in a row and this will not happen again. She expressed her disappointment in their lack of integrity, work ethic and self management. They were all really quiet. I hope it sank in. I felt overwhelmed on Tuesday. That was tough.
Gypsy - Seems as if your handyman get paid pretty well. Now about that extraneous pool boy . . . Bruce is a fine name for a Scotsman. I've always fantasized about going to the Highlands, meeting and marrying a Scottish Lord with a castle. <sigh> He would catch me swimming naked in one of the streams on his land and would say that I was trespassing and he could take any payment he deemed necessary. I would call my big, female Rottweiler out of the woods and command her to "Watch" him while I got dressed. Tee HEE! That roasted cauliflower sounds really good. Gotta try that. House of Cards is not on a network. It is a Netflix original show. You can catch it there. It is about Representative Francis Underwood, the congressional whip and the political maneuvers he makes to set himself up for a higher appointment. Lowell has changed his mind and is now watching the second season again. I love this show because I love Kevin Spacey. The script is so good. The Francis character does these aside chats and looks toward the audience to tell us about his strategies. Totally amazing. By the way, is B's admirer still ogling him at dance class?
Holly - Lowell just got responses from a guitar player who played the part of George Harrison in a Beatles tribute band and a bass player who sings. They will be auditioning on Saturday. Yeah, I'm kind of a sponge for knowledge. I know a little about everything but I try to keep my mouth shut about it because some people find it intimidating.
Marlyn - My mother emigrated from Latvia where she was born at the end of World War II. I can get citizenship in Latvia if I wanted. She was a refugee in Augsburg.
Jan - Whoa! One box at a time. Yes, I will take the yarn off your hands. I can use it for my crochet classes.
Lowell has defended me quite well. Here is an excerpt from the email he sent to his father:
"I have long been puzzled by your negative attitude about Marie. Of late you have tried to paint her as a conniving gold-digger. I'm sorry but that characterization is laughable. As I tried to say the last time we were up, she is frugal to a fault. Many of her clothes were thrown out by others and she literally retrieved them from the dumpster. I'm the one who could stand to have a better relationship with money. It has occurred to me that perhaps your feeling about Marie might have something to do with the fact that we are not legally married. We considered that a few years back but decided against it for financial reasons. But for all practical purposes, I consider Marie my wife and you need to know that. I do not therefore take this latest outrageous accusation lightly. I consider it a hurtful affront to me. I do not want our relations to become impossible so I would urge you to rethink some of your assumptions. For example, if Marie were really an evil master hacker, would she really choose such an easily detectable method to accomplish her nefarious purposes? And in a larger sense, would you be saying this stuff if she were my legal wife? Enough about all that. I think you get the picture - if you don't want to be the bad guy, don't act like one."
Lowell's father has alienated his other son. The last bit of this message refers to the fact that his accusations may cause him to lose his other son also.
We are about to get nine more inches of snow. Oh, YIPEE!!!
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2014 : 11:01:40 PM
Holly, I would like to just go visit the snow and come back where it's warm. I'm glad you are getting a visit with your son. Hope things are going better with DS T.
I think, dear Marie, that Jan is colder than you are, so probably the pool boy ought to go to her. Plus, your man Lowell is stepping up to the plate and taking good care of you. I'm proud of him for that. It's the right thing to do. All is calm at the dance studio. I think I made it clear B was not receiving any suggestions and I wasn't in the mood to put up with any crap. I have a look that puts the fear into whomever I bestow it upon. So I'm told by family members.
I'm still drooling over Mel's descriptions of all the food and drink at her house. Trying to figure how far it is from here to her house......... Texas is a big state.
So, dear Mar, what about Pinterest? You like?
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 19 2014 11:11:05 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
212 Posts
212 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2014 : 08:28:01 AM
In the city as I write with granddaughter whom I think just pooped. Smells awful. She is just a year old. I am doing laundry at mum's right now then will go to her senior residence and bring her to her knitting club.
I have eight children. 3 boys and 5 girls.I have three granddaughters right up the road and there at my house a lot.
I also think that people use Pinterest looking for ideas. It is so easy to put into a search engine and get what you want.
I bought paint this morning to cover the wallpaper. here is how far I am right now.
We have a ton of snow too. It is about the height of my waist, deeper in the fields where it blows about. Yesterday we had a melt down. Our roof is steel so snow fell of with loud thumps. Kept waking Lillybeth up. Today it to be above the freezing mark and snow. This was the drive into the city this morning:
 Needless to say many are not about on the roads and shopping in the city has been a dream! I hate shopping so when the stores are quiet I rejoice. |
Edited by - lovingewe on Feb 20 2014 08:29:27 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2014 : 08:38:23 AM
Love the pics, Marlyn. Thanks ! I've used that wallpaper to replace the sprayed on ceiling in a bathroom. Looks like you have beautiful wood floors as well.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2014 : 1:26:39 PM
Marlyn, Nice job on the wallpaper. It will take paint well...what color have you chosen?
Holly, I hope it was a nice visit with ds. Seems like it was very short?
Jan, I know what you mean about temperature swings. They are very tough.
Marie, I bet you will go through that yarn quickly! Lowell did a great job. A letter like that is a true love letter, don't ya think?
Gypsy, I do enjoy Pinterest. I am trying to not overdose on pinning. Is that possible - to be so selective that you don't have a lot on your boards? There are too many tempting items, ideas, etc.
I got a call from a realtor in Seattle yesterday. Her client was interested in finding out if our parcels can be split, if there is 800 - 1200 amps available, what the well put out is, and whether there is any irrigation on the property. The list of questions makes me wonder if some one is thinking of setting up a grow operation...maybe for the newly legal crop in WA? They are planning on being in the area this weekend and will give me a call if the answers to the questions keeps our property on the maybe list. Interesting to say the least. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2014 : 1:46:33 PM
Mar, very interesting-- think what a perfect neighbor for you know who--hope it all works out!
I wouldn't know about overdosing on Pinterest but ask Mel   hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 20 2014 1:49:20 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2014 : 1:49:19 PM
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2014 : 1:57:52 PM
Well, now with that page break, it is difficult to understand what that big grin is about!
You gals are smart, you'll get it. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2014 : 2:50:23 PM
ROFL like a fool!
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |