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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 16 2014 :  01:04:39 AM  Show Profile
I wondered if you preferred Janet or Jan. Glad that question is answered!

Ginny, so glad to hear you have a bit more satisfaction in your relationship. Hard times sure can clear your head about what is important.

Bunny, you mentioned that gift giving was an important matter to you in relationships. Your X is giving you a wonderful gift. I hope you recognize it as a sign of deep appreciation and respect for how you have raised your children and treated their father. Being together will be so wonderful for all of you.

Holly, I can imagine ddK keeping warm by letting off some steam while she digs the truck out. She is a woman after my own heart.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 16 2014 :  09:20:18 AM  Show Profile
Mar, I do. I think he has been much more giving in the years after our divorce. I think we were more friends than a married couple.mainly because of his gender issues. I think my youngest leaving has made him appreciate all of us more.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 16 2014 :  09:21:23 AM  Show Profile
The sun is out in force this morning. I love it! It actually shone in my eyes through the window and work me up. My favorite alarm clock!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 16 2014 :  12:47:39 PM  Show Profile
It is peeking out now and again here, too. I think we are supposed to cloud up and get some rain this afternoon into evening, though.

Dh and I went out to work on the area of the driveway that washed out a bit. We were able to line a bunch of flat rocks to halt the erosion, but the sand/soil that washed into the ditch is frozen solid. So, that will have to wait for some warmer weather - which may be weeks away.

We ran into The Neighbor on the driveway. And she told us about her shavings pile and the due date for her pregnant horse and how her piggies were and how her puppy was growing and then hopped in her government vehicle and went to work. I turned to dh and said, "But, enough about us." She is the type of person who never asks how you are, etc. She just knows her life is more interesting and you are just dying to hear the details.

While we were out, we checked out the creek at the bottom of the canyon. We could see the waves from all the way up here. It is flowing fast. I don't recall seeing it this wide and fast-flowing in the past ten years. The falls should be spectacular this Spring, although we didn't get the snowpack we usually do...
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True Blue Farmgirl

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norwood Ontario
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Posted - Feb 16 2014 :  4:16:32 PM  Show Profile

My name: Marlyn is after my two Oma's. The Mar is from Maria and the Lyn part from the end of Evelyn. The Neleh is for my dad's half sister whom he adored whos name was Helen. Neleh is Helen spelled backwards!! So there you have it! I went by M'lyn most of my life as in German ( which we came from Germany)there are the two dots over the "A" in the name kind-of removing the "R" sound. So it sounds like M'lyn. There ya have it.

I have seven brothers all names European names, which when we came to Canada was miserably horrible to live through.
Martiaans (Matt)
Jonas ( pronouced with as Yonas)
and Erick

Our last name was equally difficult and we would laugh when we heard people take a breath before saying it. I married a French Canadian. Easier on the pronunciation.

We are still cold here. It was -26C last night. But the sun makes all the difference in the world during the day. It is a long weekend up here called family Day tomorrow. We are going to a family skate and hockey game and pot luck supper. It should be fun.

I have been smocking like crazy. I have shops wanting smocked bonnets for Easter. I sewed up 11 of the ones I smocked the last two weeks up this weekend. Hope to post them on my blog in the next few days.

Also wallpapering the back staircase that leads into the kitchen. these century old homes are full of character, like two staircases.

Edited by - lovingewe on Feb 16 2014 4:17:05 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Feb 16 2014 :  5:08:00 PM  Show Profile
It was a sunny day today, but still a bit cool with the wind. It started out at 1 and got up to 23. We got a couple of inches of snow last night. There is a winter weather advisory for tomorrow, up the 7-9 inches, I am hoping they change it before morning and it stays south of us. although, they do not need any more snow either.
Marie, I have a box of yarn ready to ship. I have another one with almost as much more if you want it. I will try to get the one shipped out tomorrow, if we are not snowed in too much.
Mar, I bet you are happy when the neighbor drives off to work. I hope your ground thaws out soon for you. Our frost line is down over 6 feet right now, so it will be a long time before ours thaws out. It is usually in May when we are able to turn our soil for gardening.
Marlyn, You do such beautiful sewing. I never did learn the art of smocking, although I do like it.
Holly, hope your spring starts sooner than ours. Did you get a lot of that new snow yesterday?
Well, off for the night. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 17 2014 :  02:30:35 AM  Show Profile
Wow, Marlyn, Jan was so right when she mentioned that your smocking is gorgeous. I had a friend teach me how to do work like that about 25 years ago. I didn't keep it up. I admire how beautifully even your work is. I bet your bonnets will be snatched up quickly! I sure would have wanted one for my daughter. Just precious.

jan, hoping the snow misses you! Yep. Sometimes, I do breathe a sigh of relief when the neighbor drives off. You sure have that right.

Dh and I binged on television this weekend. We watched the House of Cards second season. So good. I really love the fact that as we are watching this series, we have to stop, look at one another and say, "Wait. They are pulling a scam on this guy, too." so much backstabbing. Love it!

We have some wicked wind right now. That is good for the evaporation rate, though. But, tough for a good night's sleep when everything seems to be rattling and banging!

Hope everyone is warm,
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 17 2014 :  09:20:26 AM  Show Profile
Good Monday morning to everyone,

We had a very busy weekend in the country. My handyman got a lot done. He loves it out there. He fixed a lot of stuff. All I have to do is keep him well fed and sleep with him. Not bad, eh?

We got to the mailbox in town on Saturday for the first time in at least three weeks, and there was our very first mail addressed to Mr and Mrs. Guess who it was from? Yep, our very own Marianne ! Thanks, mar, and b smiled and said he plans to take very good car of me, no worries. I told him you had mafia connections if he didn't. I hope that was okay.

I got a valentine card from Darlys and it seems her life might be settling down a bit so I'm hopeful she will be back posting soon.

So glad the weather is being kinder to us all. Having no sun for days is terribly depressing.
I'll sign off for now

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 1:21:15 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 17 2014 :  09:25:28 AM  Show Profile

Today it is 21 degrees and snowing. It started around midnight. We have 4" now and could get 2" more. The maps show the storm heading northeast. Sorry Jan.

Lowell auditioned a guitar player this weekend. Paul is tall, good looking and plays very well. Everyone agrees to have him in the band. I went in the living room at the end of the rehearsal and said, "So have you made a decision?" meaning is he in and no one said anything. Lowell helped Paul carry his gear out and Joanne and Vlad said, "Why didn't Lowell say anything? We gave him a thumbs-up." Lowell did not see the signals and he couldn't find Paul's phone number. He has pieces of paper all over the place with names and numbers but no details. We emailed Paul last night and when Lowell hadn't heard from by this morning, asked me to send another. He was walking around saying "Where is that phone number? Why didn't we get it?" I reminded him that he was responsible for all the recordkeeping until every member of the band agreed that I could do it. Lowell is such an anxious fellow it is almost too much for me to handle. Have to focus on the cuddles. It seems as if the bass player quit, so that's another round of frustration. WHEN WILL IT END!!!

I agree with Marianne. I don't know who I would be except Marie. It is fascinating that so many have Marie as a middle name. I guess only the really special girls get Marie as a first name. My father named my brothers. My father's name is Joseph so, of course, that was my first brother's name. My second brother is named Michael. My dad said that if he had had a third son, he would have named him Alan. My brother Joseph is the fourth in the family and guess what? He named his first son Joseph. I wonder why? His second son is Patrick. My sister named her kids Aaron, Caroline and Katherine. My little brother named his son Roland from The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King.

If I were to rename myself, which I do not want to do, I would like the names Ariadne for Beryl. Ariadne is the mistress of the minotaur's maze and Beryl is a semi-precious stone associated with fortune telling. If I were to have children, which I won't, the boy would be Rhys and the girl Beryl. I guess I like the Welsh names.

Marianne - I wore a lot of jewelry and that is something I rarely do so that kids liked that. The adults liked the kimono. You did well by your paranoid friend. Paranoids need lots of reassurance. Lowell and I watched the first episode of the new season of House of Cards. I had heard a review of it so I was warned that Francis would do something amazing. Lowell was incensed by what happened in that first episode and now refuses to watch the rest. He complains that the writers are playing with our minds. Personally, I love the complexity of the personalities on the show and I can't wait to watch more. I just have to find time to watch it alone. <sigh>

Holly - The Celtic goddess is Ceridwen and the potion was intended for her ugly and ill-favored son. I wonder if the kid who stuck his tongue on the pole was triple-dog dared to do it.

Mel - I like the name Melody. It sounds lovely to me.

Ginny - I figured Alana was a Morse name and I always pronounced it the way you do in my mind. I am glad things are going better for you. I have been following your journey on Caring Bridge.

Marlyn - Some parents make interesting decisions. Still your siblings have unique names and maybe that's what it is all about. My last name is Listopad. It is a word in several Eastern European languages meaning autumn. In school, the first day role was always called in alphabetical order. So I waited until the teacher got to my name and watched the hesitation and listened to the pronunciation guess. I made a bit of a game of it and still do.

I just got a disturbing call from Lowell's father. He claims that I hacked into his computer and blocked his access to some of his programs. I tried to explain that Outlook has this new alias feature in which you can link up all your email addresses in one place. The call did not end well. He already thinks I am embezzling Lowell's money and now he thinks I am doing harm to him. I got a notification about this but ignored it. Then I noticed that the name in the upper right hand corner had changed from Marie Listopad to Roger Nelson. I looked into it and noticed that Roger Nelson's email address was the primary and my address was the secondary. I deleted his alias and changed the display name. I believe that this has caused some kind of unintended problem on his computer. I don't know how to deal with this right now. It literally just happened so it is fresh. Damn!

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 17 2014 :  11:27:26 AM  Show Profile
Dh is heading into town this morning to pick up prescriptions, do recycling and a bit of grocery shopping. I am staying home! He is so sweet to go do these terrible multi-stop runs and let me sit them out. I am feeling a bit tender with the weather and some of the physical stuff I have been doing, so he is pampering me. Better than a dozen roses any day in my book.

The really tall pines are swaying so much that if I stare at them I can actually get seasick. So, I don't. One of those incredibly smart things I have discovered. I mean, who has to take Dramamine to sit in their living room?

Two (out of five) of our cordless bottom up/top down Levolor dual pleated accordion shades for the windows along the north/view side of our great room stopped retracting correctly. They are guaranteed. So we got the return authorization and boxed them up this morning and dh is shipping them off today to Utah. I hope the turn around is shorter than the six weeks the representative mentioned on the phone this morning.

I don't know if I would recommend the product, but I would recommend Levolor. There was not a question asked. It is covered.

Well, I am gonna make some bran muffins to heat the house up a bit more...don't feel like putting on a sweatshirt! And the chihuahua agrees!
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 17 2014 :  11:28:21 AM  Show Profile
Well, for heaven's sake Gypsy! I'm glad you got your wedding card before your first anniversary! ;)

Enjoy the day off with your honey!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Feb 17 2014 :  2:56:42 PM  Show Profile
Mar, the wind is really blowing here too. I had to go out and rescue the garbage can lid three times now. So now the lid is tucked inside another box by the side of the house. I'm done running after it. Tomorrow is garbage day.

I got all my homework done today. I'm trying to decide if I have it in me to go sew for a bit. I'm so cold though. I may take a hot bath first to warm up my bones.

Gypsy, I think you are very lucky B likes to go out to the country. So many opportunities for you two out there.

Not much else going on. Jan and Marie, sorry about your continuing snowfall.
Marie, sounds like Lowell may have gotten so e of his anxiety issues from his dad. Good thing you don't live too close.

Later all!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 17 2014 :  5:06:17 PM  Show Profile
Good evening girlfriends,

We had a good day today. We went downtown to the LadyBird Lake and walked the trails and then walked several blocks to the Whole Foods Market and had a delicious lunch outside on the patio, then walked back to the Hyatt for tea, then walked to our car. So we spent hours walking and got some good exercise along with enjoying the gorgeous weather.

A few pages back, mar was talking about oven roasted veggies and I wanted to say that is my very favorite way to cook any veggie. On TV a few weeks ago one of the chefs took a big head of cauliflower and sliced it into big thick slices, brushed on both sides with seasonings mixed into olive oil, roasted it, I think turned it once, then used it in a big veggie sandwich. So I roasted cauliflower like that and just served it for the veggie dish and it was delicious. It uses the whole head and not just the florets. Today I had butternut squash roasted with red onions.

Marie, I agree with Bunny, Like father like son in this case. My unsolicited advice is your man needs to stand up for you against his father.
Bunny I hope it is a good week for you sewing wise and health wise. The only time she hears her full name spoken she knows she is in some serious trouble with mom. We all call her Meg. I named my daughter so when she became a movie star she would not have to change her name. was our last name. My grandson's name is a long Hawaiian name that I always have to look up. His short name is. Make a note of that name because he is going to be president some day.
Mar, this is the first time we have been back to the farm since before we went to Sedona but the card was totally appreciated the same as if we had gotten it earlier. I've admitted several times to being post office challenged.


Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 1:25:13 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 17 2014 :  5:41:47 PM  Show Profile
I had to sign off quickly because my phone was ringing and I didn't want to lose that post.
What is House of Cards about? I keep hearing it mentioned here and there but haven't seen it and don't know when it comes on. Since they took desperate housewives off the air, Downton Abbey is my only addiction.

Marlyn I would love to hear about your house! A hundred years old with a front and back staircase sounds intriguing.

Mel, I got a kick out of your comments on names. You should post more often, your posts are always fun.

Holly, you were somebody's favorite, so be thankful for that. I honestly think it makes a difference in a child's life. I was my mother's sister's favorite and it made all the difference. A friend of mine had 5 siblings and long after their mother passed, they figured out she had told each of them they were her favorite and all six of them grew up thinking they were favored. Smart mom, I guess. I tried my best to never show favorites, only to learn my son and daughter both grew up thinking he was my favorite and she was her dad's favorite.

Jan, I've been calling you Janet because that's the way you sign off. But from now in you shall be Jan. I've wondered why we need these screen names since we then use our regular name?

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 17 2014 5:46:35 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Feb 17 2014 :  6:18:27 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I had Janet on for my signature because I was on another forum, and someone named Jan joined and I had to go to Janet, but I now changed it back to Jan.
We got about 4 inches of snow and it is still snowing. We hit a record of 74 consecutive days of below freezing temperatures. Our lake had 40 inches of ice thickness. Our frost line is down to 7 1/2 feet, and our pipes are 6 feet deep. That is why so many houses are having frozen pipes this year. This is the worst winter since 1993. I guess we will be going down in the record books this year. I do not care what happens next year, we will not be here, or anywhere it is cold, hopefully!!!
Marie, looks like you are going to warm up there tomorrow. We will still be below freezing because, they say our lake is frozen over, so we stay colder. Is it spring yet?
We do not get Downton Abbey here, I was hoping to find it on our PBS, but it is not on here. I like those type of shows. Still watch Little House on the Prairie and Waltons every day.
Today I made a big batch of Chili. It tasted good on a cold windy snowy day. Leftovers tomorrow.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 17 2014 :  6:43:37 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Last night the internet server would not activate enough to let me get on line and I did not have the patience to wait until it woke up.

M'lyn are your children eligible for dual citizenship if they wanted it? Just curious. You do beautiful handcrafts. When I was in elementary school there lived in our neighborhood a family that had come from East Germany. A boy a little older than me and a girl a little younger. They told how scary it was flying over the wall and leaving behind a treasured violin. They lived near us a couple of years and then I do not know where they moved. I was friends with Cornelia. How old were you when you immigrated? Was it scary?

Jan the wells in your area will not go dry this summer. So much snow to fill up the water table. I do not know how deep our frost is this year. I think it must be deep because we did not have any appreciable amount of snow for so long and such intense cold. Today I thought of you as I dug a path to the oil filler pipe. The snow was over my knees in some places. We do not want the oil man to neglect us because he could not get to the tank to fill it. lol

Marie it seems like paranoia runs in Lowell's family. I hope he figures out his band members soon. It would be a relief to both of you. You have a wealth of knowledge on many subjects. I think it is important to be a generalist instead of a specialist. If I had had twins in my fantasy I would have named them Rhys and Rhyl. not practical but interesting. My other choices for twin names would have been Emrys and Merlin or Merlin and Kestrel.

We used to have neighbors well we bought their house when they were moving and remade it inot a duplex. They have a son named James who decided when he was young that he wanted to be a writer and James was not a writer's name so he renamed himself Nigel. Even in his twenties most people still call him Nigel. lol A dual purpose handyman is good. keeps up the house and property in the daytime and keeps up the woman in the night.

One winter holiday we bought each of the children a t shirt taht said Mom likes me best. We put them in their stockings and watched their reactions as each opened theirs without the others knowing.

Sweet dreams.

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Feb 17 2014 6:51:49 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 17 2014 :  9:30:03 PM  Show Profile
Yes, Holly, you've got it right on all counts. Laughing so hard.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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norwood Ontario
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Posted - Feb 18 2014 :  06:46:39 AM  Show Profile
Close to a foot of new snow here this morning. Not sure if I should embrace it or groan over it. I do know is I Have to shovel it.

Holly I came to Canada when I was 5, but we came over by ship. I was allowed one doll and the boys had Lego. It was an adventure but scary when we started school. We were teased so much and called names. No my kids were born in Canada, no duel citizenship.

Gypsy: Our house is a typical two story brick house circa 1881. A Farm house from around here, but the two staircases is nice. Ironically the back one you could never creep down as each step makes so much noise!

Today I have three hours to myself. Yahoo! I hope to start to wallpaper the back staircase walls. The rest of the week is consumed by babysitting and taking care of elderly folks.

Edited by - lovingewe on Feb 18 2014 06:47:09 AM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 18 2014 :  09:33:20 AM  Show Profile
Oh Gypsy, I hope you know I was just poking at you. PO challenged is something I aspire to being. I'm getting there with the autopayment of most of our bills...

Marlyn, your house sounds so fabulous. Two staircases. I would have been Nancy Drew as a kid exploring and sleuthing! I grew up in a brick house and they have a solidness to them that I love. Do you know the history of your house? Kudos to you to undertake wallpapering. Those days are over for me. Back in the 80s when it was the rage, we did a few rooms. Now it is super popular again. You are probably doing something that looks appropriate in your home to keep it accurate. I think there are a lot of geometric patterns around that the designers are going for...not exactly your first choice for an 1880's house! Papering a staircase sounds very daunting to me. Again, my hat is off to you!

Holly, love your Mom Likes Me Best shirt surprise for the kids. Bet the looks on their faces were priceless.

Gypsy, I think the spelling and Chinese meaning of your granddaughter's name is beautiful. And per you mafia comment...dh's best friend met my folks before we were married and made mention to dh that he wondered if there was an Uncle Guido with a big Cadillac complete with fold down back seat. (Silly boy! Those trunks in Caddies are huge!) BTW, my father always told me to not joke about "Casa Nostra."

Marie, you are certainly in a no-win situation with the keeping track of band members...good luck. I talked to a friend who is in Minneapolis today and he said there is snow everywhere! (I guess I already knew that!) Hope you get a break soon.

Bunny, did you make it to the sewing room?

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Feb 18 2014 :  11:18:28 AM  Show Profile
Marie, You should receive a big box of yarn on Thursday. I have just as much more to get rid of if you want it, let me know.
It is not going to hit 30 here today like it was supposed to, it is 19, was -4 when I got up. We got a few more inches of snow last night. I just got in from helping Bob shovel. is it spring yet?
We had fog this morning, the trees were all white with frost. Pretty, but tired of it.
More later, have a great day!!!

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 18 2014 :  11:53:56 AM  Show Profile
I bet you are tired of it, Jan. But, it is so pretty and clean. And I am so jealous of your sunshine. Maybe we can swap temperature for sunshine for 24 hours! We just hit 40 with clouds and rain threatening. I hope to hear from Bunny that she is done with the rain and then maybe I can expect it to end here soon.

Thanks for posting the photos, Jan.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 18 2014 :  12:20:02 PM  Show Profile
Mar, of course I knew you were just giving me a hard time-- I know your sense of humor just as well as I know my own-- and I suspected the mafia thing all along-- il tell ya for sure- I always want to be on YOUR side!

Jan, the snow pictures are so beautiful! Everything so white and such beautiful clear sky. I know it's tough to live like that for months on end, but it sure is pretty. The landscape here is still very brown and gray. We watered some of the area around the house where the blue bonnets were thick, because, after we got enough rain to get them to come up in masses, now we have drought conditions that might cause them to not bloom or bloom sparsely. Even though I don't like the dreary rainy weather, I know we need it. So you gals feel free to send the rain down here but not the cold, please.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 18 2014 :  4:29:13 PM  Show Profile
Jan, I agree with everyone else's comments about the snow.. very pretty. You will be out of it soon! Have you picked out an RV yet?

Mar, I'm afraid it has rained all day. Very gloomy. I have bunco tonight so will have to go out in it. Ugg...

I did sell my Duck Dynasty long vest today... so someone in Italy of all places. I'll pack it up tomorrow and send it off. I really need the sales! My computer is getting very slow. It is a laptop and is over 10 years old. I know it needs more RAM but I don't know if even that will help. I was bad and bought a wireless printer. I was tired of running to the basement everytime I needed to print. But I needed the printer down stairs for my Etsy sales. The printer driver is eating up all the RAM in my computer. I had to make some adjustments to just get my homework done. I think it is ok for now though. I really don't have the money for a new computer.

Ok, I need a nap before I go out tonight.. so until later all....


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Feb 18 2014 :  5:51:17 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, we have not found a motorhome yet. We are looking for a used one on the small side. Right now most of them are in winter storage until April. We plan on doing some travelling as soon as we do find one that we like. We need a break here.
Gypsy, it was sunny this morning, but turned gloomy this afternoon, but that is okay, hopefully it will keep the temps up a little. We are supposed to be below zero again this weekend into next week. Only 10 more days this month, then it should start to warm up in March. I will not send any cold air your way. I am trying to keep it up in Canada where it came from!!!
Hopefully Holly will start warming up soon, and Ginny.
This picture is the water balloons that I added food coloring to. They are frozen into the snow on the porch, so they are not as easy to see.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 18 2014 :  7:56:40 PM  Show Profile
Wow, Jan, another great pic..the water balloons are a pretty cool idea. At least if you have to be in the snow you have figured out ways to enjoy it. Holly, I ll bet your littles would like the frozen colored balloons.

I'll see if I can upload a pic from our walk downtown yesterday

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 18 2014 7:59:11 PM
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