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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 12 2014 : 3:03:04 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 1:10:27 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2014 : 4:04:21 PM
One day a week, Mrs. Pendleton selects 7 kids at random who can have lunch with the teachers if they want. I stayed later at school to do this today. One little girl always wants me to sit by her and be her partner and stuff. I tell her that I would have to see if I can. I always let the kids pick their own spots at the circle before I sit down. I wore a skirt, shawl and nice jewelry today and they were quite impressed. I will be wearing pagamas on Friday. All the valentine cards are ready to hand out.
Gypsy - I love the name Rosslyn Oaks and an artist retreat would be would be easier to administer. My mom was a master gardener and became a state horticulturalist in South Dakota. It wasn't hard. She just filled out an application and paid a fee but she was able to judge at the state fair.
Holly - I do have high standards and they are difficult for even me to live up to. I expect everyone to live up to their own standards whatever they are and I never expect anyone to live like I do.
Mel - I rescued your email from the junk pile. I am so happy to take the scrap yarn off your hands. Let me know what kind of amigurumi you want me to make for you.
Marianne - Oh man! Some peole's kids. I recommend soakingup all the healing vibes and just sitting back and letting it happen. Yes, we had meltage here. I brought my half finished afghan to school and everyone loved it.
Ginny - Take your time answering us. You have a lot on your plate right now.
Marlyn - Congratulations! I have some UFOs that are older than that.
I have to send this off before the batteries run out. I am at the game store right now waiting to punch goblins with my bare fists. Nasty Golbies!!!
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2014 : 6:08:17 PM
Good evening everyone,
I think it would have taken me weeks maybe never to see that I was spelling Marlyn's name wrong if it had not been pointed out, so I thank you. Now I reread the last page and everyone but me was spelling the name correctly.
The meeting tonight for dsT's school program was a waste of time. The classes seem to be pre ordained. DsT 's home room teacher called a TA in this system said you are not unhappy here are you I see you smiling a lot. T says no. To me he says I like the students I hate the teachers and the system. I told him this year has been very painful for me so he needs to figure out what he is going to do about his schooling because I have no interest in going through two or three more years of this. He goes to classes and does the work in class but does not do any homework. He has assigned study halls but only listens to music. I told him that when Robert (34) was in 8th grade at the end of the year the teacher told me he took out his pen and opened his notebook when the other children did and now I was at a meeting for T and I am being told by the teacher that he goes to his classes now, it didn't seem much different to me. I was worried that he had lost and entire year of learning opportunity and he was more important to me than that. Did this rendition make any sense to any of you? He says he does not want to homeschool because he does not want to be home with the little boys, they make him crazy. I told him there were other opportunities and he needed to seriously think about them. I fear that he will be complacent and just go with the status quo. I did ask the TA if he thought the school would give T any credit if I sent him to volunteer in Haiti for a few months. He was interested in the idea. T was not.
Does The Neighbor have flood insurance? Seems like she would need it. Mar it must make you crazy seeing such a poor architectural design and know that someone actually paid money for it even if The Neighbor is so disrespectful.
The University of Vermont runs a master gardeners class here through interactive TV each year. It is some weeks long and then you have to participate in a service project and agree to offer gardening advice. I know several people who have taken it. I think there may even be a master composter program as well.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Feb 12 2014 6:12:05 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2014 : 6:35:36 PM
I am glad to hear that some of you are now thawing out and melting. Here, well, it only got down to -2 degrees this morning, so that was an improvement. It snowed, but we only got a couple of inches with more on the way tomorrow with heavy winds. The weather man says close to 30 next week!!!!! I am hoping he is right for once. Holly, I hope things work out for your dsT. Seems being a teen is harder for some than others, and school is no fun to them. Things will work out in the end. How are the little piglets doing> They probably doubled in size by now, heh? Mar, Sorry about the sale falling through, but that does give you time to find the perfect home for you and DH. I have tried so many times to grow lavender here, our climate is just too harsh, even if I take the plants indoors. Gypsy, glad you are keeping up with the dance classes. That is good exercise in itself!!!! Happy for you getting such wonderful warm weather there. We will in time here, I think. LOL!!! Marlyn, your quilt is just beautiful. I also have a lot of projects that have been hanging around for years. If I do not get them done this year, they are getting tossed out. I have way too many things I want to do. Bunny, hope your homework does not stop you from getting your sewing done. Any more sales? I was sure you would be selling out faster than you could produce. You will in time, I am sure. Ginny, So glad you have hubby home now and things can start to settle down some for you. Be sure to take time for yourself each day, if only to let the sun beat on your face for a minute or two!!!! We are all here for you. Mel, Do you do a lot of gardening there? Our growing season here is very short, about 3 months tops. There are a lot of things that will not grow here in our short season. Marie, You are warming up faster than we are. Sounds like you enjoy your time at school with the little ones. Are you in the foster grandparent program? I probably will not get your package out to you until Monday. I have to work both Friday and Saturday this week. Well, time to get ready for bed. We do go to bed early here most nights. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Feb 12 2014 : 7:44:22 PM
Holly, The design isn't too bad, so my architectural sensibilities aren't too insulted. But, my common sense is highly annoyed when someone doesn't divert the snow melt from their structures. Am I making my point? We have more than a few ice dams around and a little elbow grease would go a long way right now... Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2014 : 07:18:35 AM
hello gals, sorry i have been missing....between trying to get this new system at work to actually function the way it is supposed to and the house selling/siblings, i have been more than a little stressed out. we are signing off on the house tomorrow (Lord willing) and that part of my nightmare will be over. it hasn't been that bad, i just don't feel too good at the moment and everything is hitting me wrong. i haven't even tried to read here and catch up, will have to try later. hope everyone is well and happy and doing good! miss you! hugs janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2014 : 09:26:39 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 1:14:06 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
212 Posts
212 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2014 : 10:43:36 AM
Beautiful day here too.Still cool out about-8c but with sunshine I will take this any day. No dripping of snow though.
I am in the city about 54km from our farm. We have a dairy farm with 60+ cows and a small amount of sheep and chickens. We use to have well over 100 sheep but this retirement thing and kids moving away I don't have the help I once did.
Right now I'm at my mum's house. She is in a retirement home for the winter. My wash machine rusted out the bottom and floods the floor each time I do laundry so I have been bringing it to my mum's house to do. Last load in now.
Took mum to the doctor this morning and her knitting club this afternoon.
Good day.
Yea my name is Marlyn. Think of Sally Fields in Steel Magnolia. Her name was M'lynn. Its pronounced the same. Dutch name!! Hubby calls me Mar though, so I had to do a double take on this forum.Ironically enough I have a brother named Erick! |
Edited by - lovingewe on Feb 13 2014 10:44:30 AM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2014 : 2:02:36 PM
Marlyn, your mom must look forward to her knitting club. How nice that you keep her involved. Why not move that washer to your house when you get a chance?
Janie, it is always nice to hear from you. I hope the house nightmare ends soon. One less stress on your relationship with your siblings. And then you can enjoy that new sewing room!
Gypsy, you shouldn't take advantage of the poor immigrant that way. Making him your handyman and all. (I think Janie's forum name has two e's because her last name begins with an e.) I never went for special spelling for my kids because my first name has eight letters and my maiden name was two words with eleven more letters. Middle name had only seven letters, barely worth mentioning. But our names were never pronounced correctly and often misfiled which is a total nightmare when you are talking social security or medical records...
Bunny, now that Portland is thawing out, I understand I-84 is closed in the eastern direction. For heavens sake. Today was the first day that dd's boyfriend could drive his own car to work. And now it is the rest of the country that is hurting. My goodness. Weather has been the topic of events for a few years now. Just event after event. I was so glad to hear that dd and her boyfriend had checked on their elderly neighbor before they walked to the grocer's to see if they could pick something up for her. The woman thinks they are such nice young people - but, we know the truth! ;)
Who has big plans for V Day? We are looking forward to our date of having a latte at Starbucks. Woo-hoo. Dh knows that I would rather have a plant for the garden than cut flowers. Chocolate, as you can imagine, holds very little of my interest.
Marie, you must be a great knitter to be able to do those small figures. They are so cute. I have admired them for some time now. I hope you will post some photos of your creations when you find time.
Jan, how is your countdown coming? And how has business been? Are people starting to think of sprucing up and getting a few new things?
Holly, any new courses of action that you have come up with for T's next school year? Or are you just tired of thinking about it for a while? Planning ahead and setting a course of action is not a young man's strongest suit so I am sure you will have to lend a lot of your organizational abilities to him in order to have a set plan. Thinking of you.
Thank you for the healing thoughts... needed and appreciated them. Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2014 : 5:14:22 PM
Good evening everyone,
I took no offense Gypsy about the name diatribe. I found it amusing. Well, most of my children came with names so I claim no responsibility. My sister on the other hand spelled most of her children's names phonetically. Kristofer, Josselin, Jubilee, Eren, and Elisabeth. The others are more regular spelling. I do claim responsibility for Kethry's and Taliesin's names. I filched them from science fantasy books. Talie does not have problems with people saying his name but Kethry does. Many people call her Kathry and it makes her crazy. I think Mar that spelling your name because it is Italian would be a little hard but not as bad as if it were Polish. Where as my last name is fairly simple but one needs to remember poultry and not University. lol
I am glad Janiee has dropped in and the impending sale of mother's house is successful and for a good price. I am glad this stress is over. I hope your relationship with the siblings will continue in a non stressful way.
I am still not sure what I should do about dsT's schooling for next year. I could do the I'm the mother and you will do what I say but he is 16 and I think should have some input and responsibility for the decision. I can no longer do the I'm bigger than you because he passed me by in the last couple of months. I am hoping he comes to some decision that will be healthy for both of us. I know that millions of children survive public school each year. For him it has been very punitive. I was told by his home room teacher that they do not have the resources at the school to do restitution or simple apologies. I told dsT that I was not willing to live next year as we did this so he needs to either toe the line at school or make a change. Anyone want a young man with a kind heart who is pretty angry, self centered and not making good choices right now to come and live with them.
Gypsy a handy man with benefits. I guess you do not need a pool boy anymore. You could send yours up to Bunny perhaps. lol or over to Janiee. If you sent him up to Marie, Lowell might get a little jealous.
Marlyn please explain the second part of your hyphenation in your name. I have a friend Heather whose husband is a dairy farmer. A friend of hers found a t shirt that had the face of a lovely holstein on it that read Too Sexy for the Barn. Her dh was not sure how to take it. We thought it was funny. Heather never went into the barn.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2014 : 5:24:35 PM
Valentine's day.....B just realized it is tomorrow so he wants to take me out to dinner at Brio tonight. Tomorrow night we will be in the country. I'll buy some flowers at the grocery. I love cut flowers, but I hate the waste of buying the expensive florist ones ( I apologize to any florists who read this). B is not a gift giver but I'm not someone who needs or expects gifts so it's okay.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2014 : 5:34:27 PM
Holly you slipped in there while I was writing. I like T's and K's names a lot. Now I know where they came from. Some creative thinking going on there.
Oh, here's another interesting subject. B said they shipped 150 thousand condoms in to the Olympics village I didn't believe him and looked it up. He was right.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 13 2014 5:36:24 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2014 : 5:42:25 PM
I'd read that about the condoms, too. mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2014 : 5:45:22 PM
Holly, I always thought of Frank Lloyd Wright with your dsT's name... occupational hazard. Just looked on wikipedia to see the story I think you drew your inspiration from. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2014 : 6:31:54 PM
Good evening everyone. Not much going on. Homework, cat sitting ....vegging. The sun was shining all day. It was wonderful. It got up to a little over 50 degrees.
I named my oldest son Ashley after the book " the far pavilions". Of course that year there was a popular female soap opera character with the same name. So every little girl that year seemed to get the same name. So we call him Ash. My youngest is Jesse and I got lots of grief from my family naming him a gender neutral name. My mother named me Bernice. I hate that name. It's just not me. Too bad children can't name themselves.
Janiee, nice to have you back. Don't be a stranger!
Marlyn, I like your quilt too. Feels good to have it done I'm sure. I have so many UFO's I don't think I'll ever get them all done. I'm too stressed about trying to earn money to sew for fun anymore. Thankfully I love the sewing I am doing.
I haven't had any sales in over a week. I was really hoping the magazine would make a difference. I still have hope. It just takes time. I just wish I could sew more.
Until later.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2014 : 10:37:25 PM
I had all day to do stuff. I did the dishes, made a dent in the ironing and started Lowell's monthly analyses. I former lover of mine is in town and he stopped by. Love, actually sex, didn't really work out for us but we stayed friends. He has several degrees because he worked at several colleges and could take classes for free. He has a PhD in Philosophy and has worked as an adjunct professor in several places. He has saved an invested well and now doesn't have to work if he doesn't want to. He has been traveling abroad for conferences and working on a book.
My mom named me and my sister. My mother's full name is Mara Vitums (no middle name). She named me Marie and my sister Vanessa, probably to reflect her initials but who can say. She is . . . interesting and somewhat strange but in a good way.
Holly - Tell T that his name means "radiant brow" in Welsh. Taliesin is a bard in myth and history. In myth he is considered the god of transformation. Maybe this history will give him something to think about.
Janet - Don't throw those UFOs out. Barter them for postage. I love finishing up someone else's hard work because it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I volunteer at the school. I couldn't get into the Foster Grandparent program. I'd rather be the crazy Aunt anyway.
Gypsy - Punching goblins with bare hands is what a bunch of us used to do in EverQuest for sport. My character in Dungeons & Dragons is a high elf healer who is enthusiastic, steady and kind. She has below average strength; average constitution, dexterity and intelligence and above average wisdom and charisma. He best skills are healing, perception, insight and nature craft. She can smite the undead and heal and protect her allies. She rarely get injured because she is smart about the risks she takes. Kids like me because I treat them like people not puppies or kittens. I would take your pool boy but whatever would I have him do? <evil grin>
Marianne - Lowell took me to a new restaurant in our neighborhood on Tuesday. It had unique Asian dishes that were very spicy. Because we could walk to the restaurant, we both drank and I got nucleated - I was really silly and loud. I slept very well. I'll be making more Amigurumi soon. I have some I should photograph to show off.
Tomorrow I get to wear pajamas to school. I will cover my legs and wear a robe just to be safe. All the valentines are ready for the kids and I believe I will stay for the entire day. It should be fun.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 14 2014 : 11:02:14 AM
Just read about how Lowe's and Home Depot are selling plants with pesticides that will kill honey bees. Gosh. Another thing to have to keep in mind when you refresh your spring garden. A lot of people will think this isn't a big deal, but we farmgirls know better.
happy Valentine's Day to all of you! I hope it is a fun day and you are all greeted with many smiles wherever you go.
Bunny, I hope your sales take a leap forward over the President's Day weekend. Maybe there will be alot of gals cruising through your site wanting a new brighter look.
Marie, how did your pajamas go over with the kids. Did everyone have a comfy cozy day in the classroom? My kids always loved pajama day.
Yesterday afternoon we had a friend drop by. He had had to replace his cell phone and had lost both my and dh's number. He only had our old land line number that has been disconnected for almost a year. He is a very nice man that dh met in school and we really enjoy his company. He suffers a bit from paranoia and thought we had blocked his number. So, he drove out and was so relieved that we weren't upset with him, he had to sit down for a bit. I just gave him a big hug and told him to never hesitate to come out here. It made me sad because dh had mentioned the day before that he needed to give his friend a call. Oh well. It all ended well. I will just remind dh that he needs to care for this friendship a bit more carefully.
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 14 2014 : 4:47:00 PM
Good evening everyone,
I did name dsT after the archdruid of England but I did have hope that he might become a reknowned architect as well. It will probably not happen in this lifetime since he hates fine motor skill activities. He does know his name means Shining Brow and he knows that a youth named Taliesin stirred a potion for some Goddess whose name I can not remember for a year and a day. If you drank the drop you would have all the knowledge of the world. He ran away and deceived the Goddess and drank the drop himself. He has a plaque that someone sent him that is of a big cauldron being stirred. He has a big name to grow into. He likes the Taliesin part of his name. He is not fond of the Phillip Charles part. Phillip is after my mother who hated her name and Charles is part of his birth name from his birth mother.
I like Bunny Rose far better than Bernice. You can rename yourself. I know someone who has done it several times. It just takes getting the people who know you already to call you your name of choice. I know a Gladys who calls her self Duffy and a Doris who calls herself Jesse. Then there was Deborah who became Cheyenne SunHunter and then Running Deer Sun Hunter. I donot know where she is now.
I am thinking of signing up for a class at an Herb school to learn about walking in the woods and finding what is in this area to eat and make remedies. It will be one weekend a month from April to October. The school is a few miles from my house.
I went and got my boobs squished this morning. The woman had warm hands. It is done for another year. I hope I do not have a recall.
We received about 15 inches of snow last night and today. The temperature was +10 F this morning. The snow was dry so it is easy to shovel.
I read in the paper that some middle school student stuck his tongue to a metal pole at school and the fire department came and poured warm water on him. He was not injured. He must have stood very still while waiting for his rescue.
We made heart and star shape cookies and decorated them with icing.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 14 2014 : 5:11:24 PM
Gosh, if I changed my name, I have no idea what I would change it to. I hated my name growing up for those length and pronunciation reasons I mentioned before. But, also because my sister's name was Joanne. And our parents were Mary and Joe. It was just all too "pat" for me. But, now, I don't know who I would be, but Marianne. And usually not capitalized. I like the roundness of a lower case "M" better. So, I guess I will stick with being marianne, mar. Dh calls me "my mar." And I love it.
But, I want to know what names all you would choose, if you could? Gypsy gets to sit this round out.
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 14 2014 : 5:16:36 PM
Holly, I actually do go by Bunny. It's the legal stuff that gets in the way. Going to the doctors office or registering for school I cringe when I have to write down my legal name.
Not much going on today. I'm a Valentines' day humbug. I have never had a boyfriend or husband that paid much attention to gift giving. Unfortunately I equate gift giving with being loved. The only person I feel really loved me was my grandmother. She always had the nicest gifts for me when ever I came to visit. My father was really good at it too. My mother... not so much. So I learned at an early age, if someone loved me... they gave me gifts. Sad but true. So when I got married and my husbands didn't acknowledge my birthdays or give much in the way of Christmas gifts... I felt unloved. Most of my family doesn't do gift giving. I know see men that don't give gifts well as being stingy with their money. So if they spend money on me... I feel loved. I know... I'm broken.
Today was overcast and gloomy. Yesterday was so nice and sunny I could almost feel spring. I finally made a doctor appointment. But because it is my first and an "well" visit, I couldn't get in until April. I'll deal with it. I haven't seen a doctor in about 8 years, a few more months won't make a difference.
I got another letter from my youngest in boot camp. He sounds good. Although the poor thing has had pink eye, he got infections in some cuts and was allergic to the medicine they gave him. He is allergic to sulfa. I am too. He said he got the worst rashes and ended up at the base hospital. He says he is all better now though. I'm really proud of him. My X is not only flying me down to see him graduate, but renting me a hotel room back in their town for a few more days so I can see Jesse for a few more days when he gets back home for his 10 day leave. My X is planning a party for him and wants me there. It is nice to be able to get along with everyone.
Well, I finally got my homework done for today. It was sooo boring. It was all about filing. A before B.. numbers before letters. I will be so glad when this quarter is over. I'll be able to start complaining about all new classes.
Later all!! Hope your spring weather is coming soon!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 15 2014 : 12:13:29 PM
Bunny, I applaud your making a doctor's appt. No one likes to have to go in. We all know we should...
Holly, you sure got a bunch of snow! Any warm up yet?
We are in the forties, but it is still very gloomy out. Dh and I are heading out to repair a place on the drive that washed out a bit. In ten years, that has never happened before. There certainly was a lot of water moving.
I have a pan of eggplant, zucchini, green peppers and red onion roasting. It is one of our favorites. Good hot or cold. Easy as can be.
Gee, there really isn't much else going on right now. I guess I will check back with you all later, Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Feb 15 2014 : 3:22:06 PM
I am really enjoying the discussion about names! As you all can see, I go by Mel.....I have worked with people who never knew my given name, which is Melody Sue. I have no clue were my parents came up with Melody. My mom told me they had decided on the name and then she wanted to name me Diana Marie but my father said nope! I do wish my middle name was Marie because it is both my grandma's and my mother's middle name.
Sadly growing family on both sides called me Susie....I hated it! No offense to those who are Susies' and love it.
My hubby's name was Lester....story was that my FIL worked with a guy named Lester and he really liked the guy and so it would be! LOL
Now when I had my first kiddo.....I decided I wanted it (boy or girl) to have the same initials as us boy, his....girl, mine! So my son was stuck with Lesley Joseph .....Lesley/Leslie also a generic name and spelled either way for either gender about equally. So I chose 'ley' and he hated it because people always assumed he was a girl. :)And around ten he started telling everyone his name was Lester. LOL I did not want my kid called Junior or Butch, that's why he wasn't a Lester! Anyway....he was ultimately called Les!
Now when the second one was on the way, I just came up with Kari Anne for a girl. It was just off the top of my head and I did not want it spelled Carrie although I liked the sound. So now what if it's a boy....that will be the same letters K,A. Ahhh! Kirk Alyn was my brilliant choice! I loved the Kirk ( after Capt. Kirk..yes, Star Trek) and Alan but how about an unconventional was the hippie way. LOL Thus Kirk Alyn was born. No girls! :) Curious addendum....many many, tears later, I found out that my great grandmother was named Carri Ann. Then when the kids were small we went to Metropolis Illinois to the Superman Museum and I was reading the captions on the displays and found that the original radio version Superman was actually named Kirk Alyn! Can you say freaky?
Anyway enough of my nonsense.
Hope everyone has good healthy and happiness and fine weather TODAY!! :)
Marianne....I'll be stopping by for dinner.....your veggies sound delish!
Holly.....the kid with the tongue frozen to the pole made me laugh! But I am sure the poor kid wasn't laughing!
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Feb 15 2014 : 4:36:37 PM
My legal name is Virginia but only my Mother calls me that. I don't know what name I'd choose for myself. Marie is my middle name as it is with my Aunt and my daughter. When I picked Alana's name I was reading a name book and it said Alana means fair Norse maiden and I figured, being Swedish, she would be just that and she is. We say it Ah-LAH-nah, not A-Lane-ah. I wanted Nicolina after my 2nd great grandmother but David didn't like it. He wanted Erica and I said no, it reminded me of Erica on All My Children. Funny what we relate names too isn't it.
So sorry Mar about the house. Someone that truly deserves it will come along and maybe it's because you have to wait for someone to move out of the house you want that this happened and you just don't know it yet. Good luck! And please, all of you, whine away. Just because my life took a strange nightmare twist, doesn't mean everyone's problems aren't important, they are! You can always find someone worse off then you, but we all have to complain anyway, no matter how big or small.
The day after DH had his foot and part of his leg removed, he could barely speak from all the sodium, drugs, and such and he motions me to come to his mouth and he says to me "Don't mind the woman across the hall wailing, she just learned her husband is dieing of bladder cancer. Then he looks at me and says "We're so blessed".
The last winter storm the east coast got, yesterday, we got about 6 inches of snow and then it rained. When I went to shovel this morning it was like shoveling bricks it was so heavy! Now they are saying Downeast Maine and the islands of Mass. are suppose to get 18"- 24" of snow starting tonight. I AM SO SICK OF WINTER!!!!! I keep saying, 38 days until spring, 38 days until spring! I'll probably be dead by Monday from all the shoveling.
I spent the afternoon running about town getting tube sand, rock salt, fill the truck with gas, get groceries, meds, lancets, trash to dump, card for Father's b-day in mail, and stopped by a friend's art gallery and got a hug. It's hard to get hugs from DH when he's in a wheel chair. My friend Holly gives great hugs. This after I shoveled and scraped and put sand down from yesterday's storm. I'd like to stay home for two days and do NOTHING but I don't think that will happen anytime soon. Picked up my boss's laptop from work to do work on it for him so at least my hours are covered from yesterday and Monday.
Gypsy, would you like a letter for B? It's pretty obvious after years of being on here we all know B isn't married to you because he wants to be an American? I'd be happy to write you one, just email me your address and names.
Bunny, I'm so happy your X is willing to fly you to the graduation and to be in town with them! It's a big deal for these boys and your son will be so happy you are there.
Holly, good luck with DST. I hope he picks the right answer for schooling! Maybe the trip to see his friend will do him a lot of good and he will realize what's best for him.
Valentines Day was great! I ordered pizza from Tom's Mini Mart, lol. To tired to cook after shoveling.
Better get the laundry done. I always worry with storms like this coming that we will lose power. I remember the ice storm of 1998 all to well and how we were without it for 10 days.
Have a great weekend all of you find ladies!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
Edited by - Oggie on Feb 15 2014 4:38:10 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 15 2014 : 5:49:18 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was as high as 20. DsJ remarked that it was warm out and DdK did not need to worry about being cold when she went out to do the animal chores. No, he did not offer to help. Get dirty? not him. Now, the wind is blowing so I can hear it through the closed windows.
I was named Martha Holly. My mother gave all of us a formal name and an every day name except our older brother who is a III. So, I got Martha after my great grand mother who helped to raise my mother and then I guess I got Holly because of my birthday. I have never been called Martha except when I was in trouble or by my 11th grade math teacher who thought it was the most beautiful name in the world. My mother did not want me called Marty like her grandmother was. I have gotten used to using my whole name to sign legal documents so it does not bother me anymore. We do know that a solicitor is calling when someone calls on the phone and asks for Martha. So, would I choose a different name? I like Holly. Maybe I would choose an animal name like Kestrel.
Bunny, I am glad you will be able to visit with your sons after the youngest's graduation. I had a cat I really loved named Ashley Montague. He was the best gray cat with extra toes on both his front and back feet.
My grandmother also was my go to person. She lived with us for a while. My father favored my brothers but was especially partial to my younger brother because my mother almost died having him. My mother favored my sister. Although they never really showed favorites. Our great Aunt adored my oldest brother who could do no wrong in her eyes. He use to put half dollars down the air vent in her Oldsmobile and she thought it was adorable. My grandmother once told me she determined not to like me when I was born because my mother, her only child, should not have had any children never mind three. But, then I became her favorite.
Ginny, must be the ocean influence on your weather. Our snow is very dry and light to move. I am glad that D is looking outward more. It must be so much easier to live with him. If it is any consolation the downy wood peckers have started to drum on the trees looking for mates. That must be a sure sign that spring is coming. We will know for sure when the evening grosbeaks show up at the bird feeders.
We brought hay over from the other barn this morning. DdK slid the truck off the road through the field twice. She dug it out as well. Her mouth was just a running foul the whole time. In one of her loudest voices. I am glad that we do not have neighbors. She was so frustrated with herself for sliding off the road. She is so funny sometimes.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 15 2014 : 8:40:47 PM
Short post tonight, it is late, and I am tired. I worked yesterday and today. It was not real busy, but sales were not too bad today. Son went to an auction today. It was -13 this morning and only warmed up in the teens, but windy, so felt so much colder. Now it is snowing again. We got 6 inches of snow on Wednesday. We are over 10 inches over our normal for the year so far, so we will be hitting records this year for both snow and cold. Ginny, Hope you are able to slow down soon. You do need a break. I never liked my name when I was younger. We had a neighbor whose name was Janette, and she was called Jan. I could not wait to grow up so I could be called Jan. That did not happen until I was about 30. My middle name is Marie also. There are 10 children in my family, so my mom had a difficult time naming some of us. There were 3 boys and 7 girls, 6 that were born just a little over a year apart. Will post more tomorrow,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
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