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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 10 2014 :  4:11:53 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

It snowed off and on all day. Temperatures started off at +1 F and rose into the teens. We may have received a couple of inches of the fluffy white stuff.

Mar sorry the emotional roller coaster is twisting and turning........ again. or is it continuing. Two mortgages are a big responsibility. We had one for a couple of years when we first moved here. I was glad when it was retired. Your dd has communication access with you, right? It is just the inconvenience of being snow bound that is the problem. Maybe when you move you will meet someone right away who is splitting her perennials and will gift you a big parcel.
I would really like to visit this pinterest site that you all talk about but I am leary that I would be addicted to it and not be able to do anything else all day. So, I stay away. I hope that it has some way for you to organize your pins so you can find what you need.

Years ago I did glass work. I really liked it and had several pieces in my head I would like to make. I wanted to make a cabinet with doors that slid sideways so I could back light it and put a mountain scene on a panel and then slide a dark piece in front so it would look like night had fallen with stars and a moon and lights from a village. Way beyond my skill level but interesting to think about. The gf of a man that C works with does the glass with glass glued onto it and has done some wonderful ocean and dolphin pieces.
Your piece is simple and beautiful.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Feb 10 2014 :  5:04:39 PM  Show Profile

Time for an update. Get your coffee, tea, hot chocolate or mixed drink because this one will be long.

We place a 5 gallon plastic jar on a ceramic base with a spigot to dispense filtered water. This morning I noticed that the towel under it was wet and I mentioned it to Lowell. He discovered a crack along the seam of the jar. When I got home (I was at school then the doctor's office then the post office then the pharmacy.), I drained the water into three gallon plus containers and used 4 cups to make rice. I removed the plastic jar and cleaned up the table where it is placed. Lowell will get another bottle. I told him not to fill it so we can refill it with the available water. I'll just betcha he brings it back full and I will have to use up the water somehow. I do not want to just throw it out.

I hung the wet towel over the shower rod after moving it down to a place I can reach it. In due course, it fell. When putting it back up, I realized that the spring is not so springy anymore and will not hold on the tile. I put it back up where it was so the tops of the tiles could keep it up. I also learned today that I will not be able to get my glucose test strips at the clinic close by because they do not have a Medicare Part B contract. More to do. #%&^(&%$!!!

I've drowned my frustration in churros and hot chocolate.

The kids had their end-of-unit presentation on money and markets this morning. They did a readers' theatre piece with students not so good at reading holding signs and pictures along a timeline. I have pictures.

They presented this for the third grade class and some parents.

Jan - I wish I could watch the Olympics. The live feeds online are difficult to get and cost money. I might try YouTube. My mother and I always watched the Olympics together. We watched the Munich Olympics when the hostage crisis happened. I especially loved the beauty of the equestrian course. They had potted plants at every gate. I also liked the Olympics from Sapporo, Japan. I regret that I never visited Northern Japan. I am so happy you are able to get me that scrap yarn. I will make you something nice and send it to you. JoAnne has coupons on the website and Hancock has really good sales on patterns such as $1 each for all patterns of a certain brand. Also, go to for coupons and codes for almost any retailer.

Holly - I wanted to speed skate for the winter and swim for the summer. However, I broke my arm trying to learn to ice skate and am too athletically challenged even for swimming. My Olympic fantasy was shattered.

Bunny - I found some neat stuff for you at the clothing swap. I just have to iron everything and pack it up. I like the ideas of making quilts and turning them into jackets. I suggest padding some with some thin fiber fill and quilting them. People like quilted jackets for the fall. Lowell's main struggle with his health is not knowing what is wrong. His new doctor is confident that the pain in his chest and across his shoulders is the result of a problem with his cervical vertebrae. I hope this will put him somewhat at ease.

Gypsy - Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. It is a lovely piece of glass. I would love to see a piece of B's glass. TEE HEE

And now (ta da) The List:

Financials - Lowell: 4 months of analysis (eek!), budget schedule, set up new accounting system
Marie: balance checking, update statement accounts, update cash account, yearly analysis

After School Class - make new class roster, find storage space (done)

Doll Swap - no progress

Cards and Letters - 9

Ironing and Mending - very little progress and more being piled on all the time

Make Storage Books - no progress

Name Doodles - scheduled for the end of the school year

I will start writing out valentines tonight to distribute on Friday to the class.

We are over 0 degrees. By Wednesday we will be at 32 and after that the temps look as if they are all on the way up. Have to buy seeds.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Feb 10 2014 :  6:19:38 PM  Show Profile
Mar, selling a house is not much fun is it. Sorry for the bumps. Hopefully it will all work out and you can turn to the stress of moving. My town was shut down too. They don't plow the roads here. I watched the news in Portland and they were in pretty bad shape too. I just can't understand why there are no snow plows here! It wouldn't be a big deal to just plow the main roads. My neighbor plowed my driveway and it actually was dry this afternoon. If they had plowed the roads, they would be totally drive able. As it is, I'm still stuck at home afraid to even try. I slide around too much with not so good tires. It is suppose to warm up tomorrow into the 40's. Hopefully that will start to clear up the roads. I have kitties to feed on Wednesday. I have a friend that can come and get me if necessary.

Marie, I'm looking forward to your clothing finds! I wanted to sew yesterday so much! I think for my jackets I will most likely put the center layer as a flannel. I found even thin batting can be too much. My jacket I made has a layer of muslin under the actual quilt squares. With my lining it is perfect.

I did finish up all my bookkeeping yesterday. I actually made a profit last year. Mostly because of all the fabric I sold. Hopefully this year will be decent. I haven't had a sale in a week. The article hasn't made much of a difference so far. Time will tell.

Anyway, I'm done with homework and I'm tired of looking at a computer. So, until later!!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2259 Posts

Posted - Feb 10 2014 :  8:45:36 PM  Show Profile
Hello everybody, hope you are all warm and dry and not losing your sanity over all this miserable weather. We stayed home from dance class tonight because we did not want to drive on the wet cold slippery streets. Yesterday we went walking without even a sweater and this afternoon I was so cold I thought I'd die just getting gas in the car. It was 38 when I left the gym and 35 when I got home just 15 minutes later. That doesn't sound so cold but there was rain and wind involved too. The weatherman said he thought this would be the end of these dreadful cold fronts and he expects the last half of February to be warmer and dryer than normal.

Mar, I'm sorry for all the crap you are dealing with. Good that you have your lovely lavender for a little escape from all the aggravation. I hope the house deal gets straightened out and you are able to move on with your life soon. I used to have some lavender but it has all died out by now. It is wonderful stuff. I will plant it again when we get back out there. I kept bunches of it under the beds and in the closets to discourage those dreadful scorpions. There is a book called The Lavender Queen about the woman who first figured out we could grow lavender here.

Mar, congrats on getting through a week with MIL. I have a tough time having anybody in my house for a week, even the relatives I like.

We watched some of the Olympics tonight. Then we practiced our dance lessons and now I'm chilling while he practices his keyboard. We have headphones so we don't disturb the neighbors.

Marie, your little students are so cute.

Holly, there are some amazing ideas on Pinterest on gardening, greenhouses, homesteading, and I'm pretty sure we are all kidding about it being an addiction. It saves me money on magazines. Seems like a while back you were trying to figure out a greenhouse with a basement?. Am I remembering that right? I'm interested in keyhole gardening so when I finish this post I'm going to look that up. I looked up beekeeping and there is just endless info on that. It is a good research tool if you don't get too distracted by all the shiny things.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 10 2014 8:54:39 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

212 Posts

norwood Ontario
212 Posts

Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  08:04:40 AM  Show Profile
A newed Newbie here. I had left for MJF for a spell but am back.
53 year old dairy farmer caring for two sets of elderly ill parents and my own teens and then grandkids daily. After a long, snow winter and all the care giving, about to check myself into somewhere far away. But I keep plucking along.
They call it sandwich generation. I call myself the majo on the sandwich!

Edited by - lovingewe on Feb 11 2014 08:04:57 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  08:32:24 AM  Show Profile
Welcome Marlyn. You will love this thread. A lot of wonderful gals on here with a lot to talk about. We all tend to spill our guts out, but in the end makes us all feel better, Lots of hugs too!!!

Got up to -22 degrees this morning. Tomorrow they are saying 22 degrees, but 70% chance of snow. A couple more weeks of this, then it should start warming up, but then we usually get blasted with lots of snow in March. Motorhomes are all still in storage right now, so we cannot buy one yet.

I need to get something to eat, I am getting pretty hungry. Have a great day, and stay warm,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  08:36:46 AM  Show Profile

I love your blog.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  09:21:58 AM  Show Profile
Welcome Marlyn. Nice to have a new face to chat with. I too like your blog, but I think your sewing room is much too clean.

It rained last night. So that nice dry driveway I had.....slicker than snot right now. Had to drag the garbage can out to the curb. I stayed in the snow. My neighbor across the street was worried I hadn't left the house in many days and asked if I had been able to get groceries. I told him I had bulked up for the winter and was still living off of fat. Smart man didn't say a word.
It is warming up. The snow is falling off the roof. It's just as much ice as snow. Scared one of my poor kitties big time. He had just gone out the kitty door when a big chunk fell off. I thought he was going to take the door off.

Time for homework!!! Yea!!( weak voice)


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  09:27:13 AM  Show Profile
Oh! I see the sun, it's so bright!! Hurts my eyes!! Fading...fading....ok. It's gone. I'm better now.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  11:56:22 AM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

DdK has the little boys making collages so I thought I would type some.

Marie has so much more attention to detail than I do. When I sent Bunny the items my goal was to cram as many items in the box as I could. Nice ol' Marie is ironing hers. I know that I will never live up to that standard of sophistication. lol

The children all look very smart and should be proud of their presentation. Good for them.

I have used old flannel sheets to line blankets and window quilts. Hid the old sheet and added that much more insulation.

Welcome, Marilyn. We used to go to Montreal for a child free weekend when we had a sitter. It was always very cold but the underground stores and the restaurants were great. Are you bilingual? I can commiserate about teens. Hope you stay around.

Gypsy when do you start to plant so you can beat the heat? Does mulching help protect the plants from the dryness? I would guess B will have a steep learning curve on growing in such a different climate than Canada.

Jan my brother thinks the CrankyApe website is a good place to look for cars and such. Maybe they have motor homes.

Today started out at -4 F and is a little above 0 now. The wind is bowing lightly. The sun is out most of the time.

I was up in Burlington today and found the Alterred Couture with out wonderful Bunny in it. It is an interesting magazine. People do come up with some creative ideas for clothing. Your articles were very nice. You should be proud.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  12:07:17 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 1:03:49 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  12:20:01 PM  Show Profile
Holly, you posted while I was writing.

We should have already planted onions and any cold weather crops like broccoli cabbage cauliflower. We start gardening in earnest in March, while still being prepared to protect everything from a surprise late freeze. Then we plant according to the weather. We need to be done with harvesting by July when the triple digits come. Of course, you can create small ecosystems to stretch the growing seasons, and cold frames, hotbeds, greenhouses, shade coverings, etc make it possible to garden year around. July and August are too hot to be outside but then we have a second growing season in the fall. I can, with a little planning, harvest tomatoes up to thanksgiving. My asparagus is producing now and I'm not there to take advantage of if. We are going this next weekend. The best time to plant garlic here is in the fall for a spring crop. Many plants don't mind the cold but can not tolerate the heat. And vice versa. But an avid Gardner nearly always has something growing.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
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Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  12:37:18 PM  Show Profile
Welcome Marlyn...glad you could join us! You are obviously stretched....MJF can be a good place to settle once in a while. These gals are sooo great to commiserate with! Have a dilemma?.....they can help you figure it out. Need a laugh?....they can supply it! Each one just a little different than the other....a great, diverse group always willing to put themselves out there for the other. Love them one and all. the pics of the kiddos....did you get my email?

Gypsy....we camped in Glacier National Park with some Canadians from Alberta and Saskachewan in the late 70' folks! Some of the guys worked in the Gas Industry.

Bunny....we haven't seen the sun for days either....but when it's 105 this summer and 110 in the sun....we will need to appreciate this moment! :)

My best to all,

Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!

Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Feb 15 2014 2:32:12 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  12:47:11 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 1:06:01 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  12:59:13 PM  Show Profile
Mel, you are so right! I keep reminding myself RAIN IS GOOD

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  1:52:33 PM  Show Profile
Our house is back on the market. The buyers rescinded their offer. I am so sad.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  2:25:37 PM  Show Profile
Oh, Mar........I am so sorry.....

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 1:06:57 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Machias Maine
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Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  6:25:17 PM  Show Profile
It was -8 when I got up today. YUCK! Even Fred's staying in his own coop until noon when I go let him out. In this cold I only let them all out for about 4 hours a day.

After 108 days DH is now finally home from the hospital! I picked him up on Friday. He is bed ridden, unless he has his back brace on, which I put on him in the morning. But once he's up in his wheel chair with the back brace, he is a force to be reckoned with! Very independent for someone without the use of his spine and in a wheel chair. But it's GREAT to have him home and not be alone anymore. I am very busy, very tired, but happy! As many of you know, for a few years our marriage was nothing to write home about, but this ordeal has finally woken him up and he is so appreciative. And while we have a long road ahead still, it's a good start!

DD is still in the rehab hospital and they will decide this week where she will go next. Her hubby is seeing if he can stay home for another 3 weeks before going back to Afghanistan. I told her, if she can't go home and the only alternative is a nursing home, she can come home and camp out in the living room.

Hopefully I will get on here more now that we are under one roof. I do have a Home Health Aide coming in three times a week to bath him, etc... A Home Health Nurse comes three times a week for vitals and to check in and a PT comes in three times a week to help him strengthen his muscles. I've called to see about being paid to stay home and care for him, about getting the bathroom revamped so he can get into it, and the nurse signed us up for food stamps, which I would not have thought to do. But as she keeps saying "all of these programs were really started for people like you in this sudden, unexpected difficulty so use it".

And while I'd like to respond to many of you, I'm tired and going to bed. I have to work in the morning, I missed Monday and Tuesday just trying to set up all of this stuff. Just wanted you to know, we are moving forward finally.

Farmgirl #2343

"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with."
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  6:51:31 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I am back from Tai Chi and I needed to get on line to email some of dsT's school people. He is doing better at school but not well at all. Does taht make any sense. This school is not a good fit for him. They are very rigid in their rules and he has a very hard time with not being able to negotiate or make restitution. They believe he should toe the line or suffer the consequences. In a sense they are right but.... there is no lee way for individuality. It has been a really awful learning experience for all of us. Anyway, we have arranged for him to fly to Florida to visit a friend who moved there several years ago for February vacation. He is very excited and so is his friend. So, maybe the dark out look on life will lift. We are supposed to go to school tomorrow night and discuss classes for next year. I am not sure what to do about next year. I think a repeat of this year will destroy what little self esteem that he has left.

I forgot to say earlier that each of us should stand and sing a verse and chorus of "The Good Ship Lollipop" in honor of Shirley Temple who died sometime today or was it yesterday. She brought a lot of joy to many people even after she stopped being an actor.

Gypsy, I think you are right to smudge the house to get rid of the rest of the bad juju. Fresh asparagus sauteed in butter is one of my favorite vegetables. We also plant our garlic in the fall.

Ginny I am glad you are home and I am especially glad that D has gotten his head rearranged so he can appreciate you and all you do. I hope it continues to improve. I am sorry he is in such rough shape. I wonder what lesson the universe had for him to learn by all of this pain. Hugs to you. Our rooster is being a good boy these days. He has not pecked any of the hens recently. We do have a little leghorn that on occasion the other birds peck at and make bloody. I do not know why. It is not on any regular pattern. This last time I had C put blue coat on her. It is a liquid antiseptic that is blue. She now is healing but has an interesting blue collar and blue wattles. the other birds are not pecking her. .... for now.

I am sorry the sale of your property did not go through, Mar. Big hugs for you too.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 11 2014 :  8:50:58 PM  Show Profile
Mar, I'm so sorry the house sale fell through. I'm with Gypsy, sending you healing thoughts.

Holly, there is a reason people homeschool their kids. As someone that never fit in, I can relate. Maybe he needs to go back to homeschooling. What about online school? Some states have a free online schools up to 12th grade. Or independent study. That is how both my kids got through school. I'm afraid the apple didn't fall far from the tree with both of them. I know he wants to be with his friends, but high school is probably the most important milestone he needs to accomplish right now.

Gypsy, I'm jealous of your wonderful plans for country life. You could host glamping weekends or contact the local quilt shop for quilt retreats. So many opportunities. Everyone will love B's accent.

Ginny, how wonderful to have hubby home and help too. Hopefully you can have some normal in your life now. I hope your daughter's husband can stay with her a little longer. That must be stressful enough for both of them. Remember we are here for you when you need hugs.

Time for TV...later all.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 12 2014 :  04:29:47 AM  Show Profile
Ginny, I am so happy to hear that David has made it home and that your relationship has renewed respect. Your strength throughout has been outstanding and I am glad you are getting the help that is deserved. I'll keep your dd in mind as she faces her struggles and I hope her husband can stay a bit longer. Hope to hear from you more often as life might be calming down a bit for you!

Thank you for your sympathy over the house sale failure, friends. I feel foolish complaining in light of Ginny's struggles. I am just being inconvenienced. We will be nearer to our loved ones sometime in the future. There seems to be too many dashed hopes lately, that's all. Again, thank you for withstanding my whining.

I woke to wind whistling and a bit of rain. It is a bit early to expect the horses to be waiting for their breakfast, but I wish they would come in so I could let them into their stalls. Of course, they are out in the trees and probably warmer and drier for their choice!

My afghan is coming along = probably about 3/5's done at this point. Dh will see daughter the last week of February so I think he will be able to deliver it for me.

Bunny, I still haven't been anywhere to find the magazine...I feel like I am arriving at the party late! How much has the activity on your shop picked up?

Gypsy, the glasswork is so pretty. Holly's idea for a night scene is fantastic. Holly, I am sorry you are faced with a difficult decision about school for T. It will be an important choice, you know your son and what he needs even if he doesn't agree at the moment. good luck.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 12 2014 :  07:11:18 AM  Show Profile

Today we woke up to sunshine. Spring weather, meaning 60's and70's and sunshine are in the seven day forecast

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 1:08:53 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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norwood Ontario
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Posted - Feb 12 2014 :  11:02:39 AM  Show Profile
Early afternoon up here. Was -28C this morning but has gone up to -15C and of all things....snowing again.
I have the house to myself this day. Ya hooo! Finished my quilt yesterday which I began 12 years ago.
Today painting the back staircase inside the house in my 1881 circa house. Always lots of work to be done.

Edited by - lovingewe on Feb 12 2014 11:03:04 AM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 12 2014 :  12:49:18 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

Marilyn now that I have thought about it you do not live in French loving Quebec so while you may be bi lingual you do not live in the French province. See Gypsy there is hope for you. If Marilyn can finish a quilt that she has been working on for years there is still a chance that you and I can do the same. Congratulations, Marilyn on your perseverance.

We shall see what dsT thinks over time about what he should do for the next school year. Tonight we are supposed to go to the school to talk about the path he should follow for until graduation. I do not want him to return but the decision ultimately will be his. He could take classes at Community College and start getting credit but he needs to have the right frame of mind for that.

Today we woke to -18 F. Last night the stars and moon were very bright. The sun is shining without a cloud to interfere. It is now +8 F. The water is dripping off the eaves.

It is so nice to do chores when it is light out in the morning. I hand milk one cow each morning. How many head do you milk and how many do you have Marilyn?

I have been thinking that Jan has an abundance of hope and a great outlook on life. Even though it is so cold in Northern Michigan she is believing that soon it will be warm. I am all for that.

Have a good evening.

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 12 2014 :  2:18:23 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I hope the meeting at school goes well and a reasonable course can be chosen for T to have success.

We were in town today and it was 50 degrees. As we returned home, we lost a degree with each hundred feet of elevation. But, the snow is melting something fierce. And a lot of the water is running straight down that paved driveway into The Neighbor's barn... I told you the driveway acted like a gutter. Our ditches are on each side of our driveway and are several feet deep. There is a lot of water in them - more than I have seen in ten years.

Marlyn the only part of Ontario that I have visited is Toronto. I loved the city, the CN Tower, lovely underground walking so that you don't have to worry about the weather! Congrats on the completion of your quilt! It is nice to read your posts. Welcome to our family.

Marie, how are you doing? Any melting your way?

And, yes, we are all lucky to not be anywhere near Atlanta right now!

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