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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Feb 07 2014 :  7:02:13 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, I guess you are not used to getting much snow. Our banks here are now taller than I am. We have close to 3 feet on the ground, and it is way too cold to melt any time soon.
Good news though, it is supposed to be in the 20s by the end of next week. I hope they are right. It was -11 again today. We have not had any snow this week, lots of sun, so that helped the cabin fever some, but it sure is chilly, and windy most days. We have had 39 consecutive days of 0 or below in a row.
I worked today, it was slow. My son got his water thawed yesterday. It was frozen all the way to the fire hydrant down the alley. His was not frozen going into the building, but it was the city lines in the alley that was frozen. He has to keep one faucet with cold water running slow all the time until April. There has been over 100 places in town that needed the city to thaw their pipes so far. A lot of other nearby town have been having the same problem.
Mar, I don't envy you packing for a move, but I will be doing the same in a few months, plus Gypsy and maybe Bunny? 2014, the year of the move!!!! LOL!!!
Gypsy, You could set up your property to have glamping events, or arts and crafts workshops where people stay there for a fee and have different instructors teaching different techniques. There are a lot of people that do that yearly. Or, have antique and flea market sales where people set up and sell their wares.
Last year we were all planning on meeting somewhere central in the summer of 2014, then most of those that were planning dropped off the face of the earth. I have been saving my change for that, but looks like it will not happen any time soon. I hope to meet most of you in my travels going from state to state. We want to see every state eventually.
Marie, How are the classes going? Have you started to warm up there yet? Did you get your doll done yet?
Ginny, Good that you are looking forward to gardening. I hope you will be able to do some, at least. I will not be doing much this year, getting ready to move in the fall. We want to be able to take off during the summer and go places and not have to worry about watering the gardens. Good to be retired.
Holly, Bob is really enjoying not having to go to work. The last couple of years were so stressful for him, he did not know if he would make it to retirement before having a heart attack. He worked at the same place as a machinist at a plastic company for 39 years. It is so nice now to have laundry that does not smell like burnt plastic, or greasy.
Well, I think I wrote a book tonight. Time for bed. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 07 2014 :  9:01:17 PM  Show Profile
Janet, we get a good snowstorm about twice a year. It only a foot or so deep. I use to get much more snow in California. I remember one year I rammed the snow berm the snow plow left in my driveway and got high centered on it. Then my son joined the volunteer fire department and we got our driveway plowed for free. I sure miss those days.
I can't afford new tires so my truck isn't safe for driving. The truck in the picture isn't mine by the way.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 07 2014 :  11:25:48 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 8:20:47 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 08 2014 :  08:43:11 AM  Show Profile
So now it is 10:30 Saturday morning and we are just now having our coffee.

Today we are going to a glass studio in town and do a three hour stained glass class. It will be a primer for me and a brand new experience for B. I love that he is so interested in crafts too. We have so much fun together. In all the time I've known him he has never said a cross word to me. Can't say the same for myself.

It is supposed to be warmer today and we are both happy about that

I will read all the posts and catch up tonight. I wish all of you a happy and peaceful day.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 08 2014 :  09:23:54 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, it is so nice you have found someone to share interests with. I always envied women that had quilt show booths with their husbands helping out. Mine saw it as an imposition.

It is still snowing. Days like this I miss my log home so much. I would have a big fire going with the couch right up to the hearth. Kitties all around and a good book. If the electricity was still on, I would be sewing all day.

My mom says when the time comes if she can sell the house, she will give me money for a decent trailer. I found plenty of good ones for under $10,000. I'll just need a place to put it. I'm hoping my friends in California can help me with that. I'll have to downsize big time and make sure my truck is in good order for pulling. At least it is some hope that I won't be homeless.

I didn't get all my homework done yesterday so no sewing today. Pretty bummed about that.

Later all...


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 08 2014 :  10:03:15 AM  Show Profile

I have been busy but do not seem to get anything done. Lowell, of course, has all kinds of suggestions for tasks to do and that cuts into time for other things. I want to go out and about and taking the bus eats up time. I am tired when I get home after that.

Lowell wants to take me out for Valentine's Day. He always gets pretty sentimental around this time. I really do not know where I want to go. I always have to keep in mind Lowell's preferences. I don't want to go anywhere too expensive either. Maybe I'll just let him decide and we will go to the same place as we always do. I will think on this.

Bunny - I did buy the Altered Couture magazine. I gulped at the $16 price but this is for a friend and worth it. I liked the article you wrote and especially liked the jacket especially compared to the others. What is it about some of these "artists" who go over board on the designs. Project always tells the designers to edit their designs. Well, I guess this is art. Yours was artistic and tasteful at the same time and that made it quite attractive. Where ever you end up after your mom sells the house, you will be happy to be on your own. By the way, did you get the package I sent with the purse instructions?

Gypsy - Congratulations on the wedding day. The pictures are lovely and B is so handsome. What a lucky woman you are to have such an understanding, open-minded gentlemen in your life. He must have had some excellent prior training.

Janet - The crochet class is going well. I have a couple students who really get it and are working diligently. The weather will warm up later this week. I haven't started on the doll. Ack! Too much to do and no time. I had to downsize so much stuff before I moved last and now I only buy supplies on an as needed basis. I will be interested in any small balls of yarn leftover from yarn projects. They can be as small as a thumb or as large as a hand - just the small ones that you can't do much with. I will make you an Amigurumi in exchange.

Oggie - Yes, Lowell does have some emotional difficulties. He has OCD which he has been able to control. He has a fear of death which when he talks about it is annoying. He is very anxious which causes physical symptoms. He is grateful that I have stayed by him through all his troubles and he tries very hard to be kind and considerate. He is a sensitive soul who is appalled by the way we treat each other. I love him for that.

Well time for lunch and then off to the clothing swap. I have some shirts for Bunny I no longer need which I will send soon.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 08 2014 :  10:07:43 AM  Show Profile
Marie, I'm so sorry. Yes, I did get your patterns. Thank you. I haven't had time to try either of them out yet. But I will. Thank you!

I'm going to start sending out hints to my mountain friends on Facebook about needing a place to park. I know quite a,few have large pieces of land. I will however need water and electricity. I will compost the potty.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 08 2014 :  5:50:40 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

C and I went out last night to supper and to Lost Nation Theater to see The Vagina Monologues. I know it is an old show but I had not seen it before. I thought parts of it were funny, parts were sad. It was all information we as women should know. It was performed by local women. We were mostly child free for the evening. We did drop dsT off in town and pick him up to bring him home. DdK stayed with the ones at home.

Today was mostly overcast with temperatures in the single digits and teens. Not too bad. I went grocery shopping with ddK. Not too exciting.

Gypsy I was going to suggest you and B putting up platform tents for your B+B but then you talked about the hail storms and that would shred the canvas in no time. I make lists and that helps me to finish projects. I find without a list that when I do have a little time I start something else because the ongoing project is not on my mind. Afterwards I think oh, I could have worked on it.

Bunny you would go live in Northern California? I guess there is a lot of snow there in the winter. I have read of people living in Yurts. If you had a small piece of land or someone would lease you one you could live in a yurt. I think nice size ones go for $19,000 maybe less. When we priced them maybe we were looking at what we would like. I do not know what price range you are looking for in a mobile home. There are websites with yurts on them. You can customize them as well. They can be moved without too much trouble too. They can be winterized.

Marie as always you seem very busy to me. I like to hear about your life.

Jan, our snow piles are higher than the little boys heads but not mine. Our tractor needs the hydraulics checked because the steering wheel is not turning the wheels right. So, I was channeling you the other day when I was shoveling the driveway. I do need to get to the mailbox there is a pile right in front of it and we received the please shovel out your box note from the weekend deliverer.

Mar, my granny and great aunt lived with us for years in our house. I think your MIL having her own cottage will be good for both of you. I guess you and dh will have to set guidelines on when she will come to eat with you and what her privileges for walking into you house will be. I read Mel's MIL did not have guidelines set so her dd's house is her house. I think when you are chasing dh in the buff to cover him with chocolate might be a bit disconcerting for her to walk in on. lol If you are only 90 minutes from dd well her granny could visit her for a weekend here and there.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Feb 08 2014 :  7:12:47 PM  Show Profile
Are any of you watching the Olympics? Right now I am watching the snowboarding. It is amazing how graceful they look twirling in the air. U.S. won the gold for that. The team figure skating was good too. I am not one to watch sports, but I do like to watch the winter Olympics.
It has been sunny here during the day, in the teens, but 18 below in the morning. It is warming up faster, so there is heat in the sun. A couple more months we should be out of the snowy season pretty much. I sure do hope this is the last week of the below zero though.
Yurts are a great alternative to building. They remind me of a modern day teepee, but I would not mind living in one if I had a choice to. I have been looking online for a small piece of land somewhere out west or down south to just have to build a one room building on for storage and a mailing address, and a place to go to when we do not want to travel in the summer. It is hard to judge what the land is like in pictures.
Marie, email me your address and I will send you some of my yarn scraps. I have a lot of balls of yarn too small to make mittens or scarves with. I would gladly be willing to get rid of some of my stash!!!
Well, back to watching the Olympics. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 08 2014 :  7:33:33 PM  Show Profile
Holly, yes I would move back to Northern California. I did have a yurt on my property in Calif. I had my sewing classroom for my quilt shop there. It was wonderful. But I built it without permits. I ended up having to sell it when things got really bad. The new owners are now fighting the county because of permits. Kind of a pain. I need something that can be moved. Land is really expensive and land with water, electricity and septic is hard to come by. Just the well and septic would cost over 25,000 to put in and again, the county won't let you just do it without paying permits for a house. The house has to be no less than 850 square feet too. I figure a trailer or tiny house on wheels would do just fine. I would still have to hide from the county. But at least with wheels I could move around if need be. An acre with nothing on it can easily cost over $80,000 and that is if you can find one for sale. If my kids weren't here, I would be more likely to live somewhere else. But I really miss them. My oldest especially. We are very much alike.

The snow is everywhere now. The town doesn't plow at all. So the streets are over a foot deep in it. My neighbor used his snowblower to clear my sidewalk yesterday and today. He has never done that for my mom! His wife knows she is gone. So maybe they are being nice because I'm nice to them. I made sure to go out and thank him.

I got all my homework done and all my bookkeeping for last year caught up. I wasn't going to do it because last year was pretty much just a hobby. But it helped me have everything for this year in order. Now to see if I can make an actual profit.

Time for dinner... later all.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Feb 09 2014 :  3:50:08 PM  Show Profile
Marie, I got your email with your address. I will send out a box of yarn scraps to you the end of the week sometime. I will let you know when I mail it. I am glad you can use it. I hate to throw anything out that can be useful to someone.
Bunny, I am sure your snow will melt fast enough. It was a bit better here today, it started out at -9 degrees, but with the sun out for a little while, it warmed up to 23 degrees!!!!! Now it is snowing and only 8 degrees, so we will have yet another below zero evening.
I went to Joanne Fabrics today looking for a pattern to make a blouse. I could not believe the prices of patterns now. $16.95- $19.95. I could not find anything I liked, but I did end up buying 4 more skeins of yarn ( I have 7 totes full now!!). Another $15.00 magazine, and more jewelry findings. I want to start making jewelry starting March 1st. That is my goal. I also need to start working on getting my blog going again. Always too many irons in the fire.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 09 2014 :  4:42:51 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I hear you Bunny when you talk about the prices for an acre of land. When we bought in 1984 if land was over $800 an acre it was outrageously priced. Now an acre around here can go for as much as $40,000 an acre. Up near Burlington I am sure it is more. In our town we do not have zoning but we do need to meet the state septic laws so we do not need to have as many inspections and permissions as neighboring towns.. It used to be that if your house was not a permanent structure the tax laws and permit laws did not apply.

Jan you might get a small rental in a park to use as an address and storage. It might beat the cost of a small bit of land.

It was +2 at 8 AM and rose to the teens for most of the day. The wind did not blow much and the sun was hot enough to cause the snow on the roof to drip off the eaves. I only went out to do chores.

We had turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and cranberry sauce for supper. It cooked all day with little attention.

We just started watching the Olympics. We saw the men's figure skating long programs, and the women's biathlon. I used to think I would like to try the biathlon but that was a passing fancy. I took figure skating lessons when I was a child for six weeks or so. I remember being very cold. I was not coordinated enough as a child to do graceful anything. lol

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 09 2014 :  5:17:18 PM  Show Profile
I tried to sew today. Not sure what is going on but after a few hours I was hurting so bad I had to stop. I took a hot bath and went to bed. I feel a little better but not much energy. I have decided I really need to make the effort to see a doctor. Now that I have insurance I should use it.

I did a little organizing, filled a box for the Salvation Army and cut out a quilt with my die cutter.
I have so many scraps from my sewing I thought maybe I could make some simple quilts and they would sell. The fabric is basically free at this point. So the quilt price would be all labor. I might even decide to make some more jackets with the quilt tops before quilting them. It might end up a whole new line.

I was so surprised today to hear a motor working away outside. It turned out to be my neighbor across the street with his little tractor clearing off my driveway. I made a point of going out and thanking him.

Not much else going on. I'm afraid like you Janet, I am looking at RV's for myself. I don't really want to travel around. I'm not sure my truck is in that good of shape. But I imagine I could find a park to live in.

Time for food...later


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 09 2014 :  6:02:40 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 12:58:51 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 09 2014 :  7:44:54 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I love your glass work. I took a stained glass class many years ago and enjoyed it too. I think it is really nice that you have something to do together. What happened to the wire wrapping. I really liked your projects.
I know I need to get to a doctor. But I'm not too keen on the current medications. The advertisements are great for pointing out all the possible side effects. Seizure, coma, death....or cancer..they scare me.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 09 2014 :  7:46:06 PM  Show Profile
Oh and Gypsy, I'm taking very good care of the frog. Everything in its own time.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 09 2014 :  8:00:25 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 1:00:12 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 09 2014 :  8:07:39 PM  Show Profile
Bunny you don't have to take meds that scare you But if you know what's wrong you can at least know what lifestyle changes you might need to make and consider natural supplements There is enough poison and chemicals in the food we eat to slowly kill us anyway.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dallas Texas
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Posted - Feb 09 2014 :  8:50:18 PM  Show Profile
Bunny..... so sorry you are not feeling well. You should make an effort to get to the Doc! It may not be as unpleasant as you think. :) Just knowing what may be causing the pain and fatigue can help and be comforting, while you will know how to proceed. And besides you are on the path of achieving dreams and this is probably something minor....just a little blip in the road!! Onward and upward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gypsy.....nice glasswork. Hey the lil' dipstick that copied you is just following greatness! Glad you and B are enjoying the same things. That is a blessing....not so many folks can be that simpatico. Oh hey....I'm on my way to 50,000 on Pinterest....trying to stop by at least once a day! LOL :) Now I have joined Hometalk and you can clip things to boards...ohhh lordy...may have been a mistake! Ha! Ha!

Holly...nice to hear you and C had a night out! Sounds like fun. The only part of the Olympics that I have watched is the Opening ceremony. Just finished watching the 50th Anniversary of the Beatles Appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. It was marvelous! I know some on here probably were too small to have any experience with the early Beatles but I was in high school and the memories it brought

My best to all,

Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 09 2014 :  9:27:43 PM  Show Profile
Mel, we watched the Beatles thing too. it was on after Downton.

I wonder if non-texans use the word dipstick to describe morons. I got a laugh out of that.

I don't think it is possible to get to the end of Pinterest but I keep trying lol.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 10 2014 :  09:34:52 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy and Mel, we use the word dip and replace stick with a similar sounding word.


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 10 2014 :  11:08:18 AM  Show Profile
Bunny's right. It's probably because we are in bad moods because we are cold.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 10 2014 :  11:21:20 AM  Show Profile
MIL is safely home in San Diego. It was a long and difficult week, not entirely because of her visit, but the visit didn't make any of the other issues easier. She has always been very self absorbed and it has maybe worsened as she has aged due to her inability to focus on more than one thing now.

Dh and I are in "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" mode right now. The house sale is hitting all sorts of bumps and it appears we have a skittish buyer... The wife wants the house and I think the husband is nervous about carrying two mortgages. Who can blame him?

Dd has been snowbound for five days. No mail, nothing. Apparently Portland is shut down. I thought I was going to get to see her today on our house hunting trip. But, we have delayed that until we have surer footing about the sale of our house.

Hope everyone is safe and warm.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 10 2014 :  2:47:38 PM  Show Profile
Dh just returned from delivering a care package to our neighbors who lost their home in the fire. We saw that they were there so he hurried back to catch them before they left. What a slow heart-breaking process they are going through.

We are expecting a warm up this week, maybe turning over to freezing rain. yuck.

I spent some time this afternoon stripping lavender buds from the stems. This is my "vacuuming lavender" that I just love. I sprinkle it on the carpet, walk on it to release the fragrance and then vacuum it up to freshen the vacuum bag, too. I will miss my lavender so much when we move. I have gotten stingy with it!

I have watched a bit of the olympics. The snowboarder that cracked her helmet open was so scary! Thank goodness no one can make you do something like that. I would never have the guts.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dallas Texas
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Posted - Feb 10 2014 :  3:47:40 PM  Show Profile
Marianne.....I can smell your lavender now! :) Sorry to hear about the glitch in the house sale....hope things work out soon. How kind of you and Dh to get a care package to your neighbors...I'll bet they really appreciated it.

My best to all,

Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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