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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 28 2014 : 6:05:58 PM
Mar, so sorry you had such a bad day. How rude of the realtor. I do hope you are right and that man does come back to you with a nice offer. Vent all you want. I seem to be the whiner!!! It was -22 when I got up this morning, warmed up to a balmy 5 degrees though, because the sun was out. There is heat in the sun, just don't feel it yet. We are supposed to gradually start to warm up, in the teens for the next week or so, it will feel warm after what we have been through. One good note, it was still a little light out at 6:00 tonight. That was encouraging that spring may arrive some day!!! Bunny, I hope school starts to get better for you. I can imagine it would be hard when you are doing it online and run into a problem you cannot get. I think I would have given up. Marie, I hope you are staying warm. There was no school here today or yesterday, but there will be tomorrow. It is -5 degrees here now, and windy, so we do have another bitter wind chill. Gypsy, I know you are busy getting ready for your big day. How exciting!!!! Stay calm, it will all work out, you know that. Before you know it, it will be all done and you will be back home and settled in. Holly, I hope you are not getting any of this bitter cold. Seems almost the whole country is having some kind of cold spell. Snow where they have not had it in years. The newsman said yesterday that this is the coldest winter we have had since 1960. I am so glad I will not be here next year to see if it is better or worse. Enough is enough. I am looking forward to sitting by the pool in my swimsuit drinking a glass of champagne on Christmas Day. I told Bob today that when we are down south next year, I am going to take a picture of palm trees and make Christmas cards to everyone up here and rub it in!!> Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jan 28 2014 : 6:10:15 PM
Mar, I think I would have pulled the realtor aside and said something about her negative comments. She should be a neutral party. She does sound very rude. I wonder how many houses she sells.
California is a whole different world when it comes to real estate. Apples and oranges. Hang in there.
I got an email from my teacher regarding the test I was suppose to take yesterday. She sent me the correct files but didn't say anything about resetting the time for me. So I just did the work and submitted it. I added a note about the problem. Someone else emailed her too. She thanked the both of us and said we would get bonus points for letting her know.
Thank you for the kind words on the jacket. I still have another dress to add, but I have to redo the pictures because I didn't like them.
Time for some Star Trek.....
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jan 28 2014 : 7:48:21 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 8:12:46 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jan 28 2014 : 8:23:19 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 8:13:14 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jan 28 2014 : 9:01:31 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 8:13:41 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2014 : 9:52:48 PM
Such trials and tribulations today. I actually got out to do errands today. It was so nice outside today. We had nice sunshine and I even went without gloves sometimes. I did all I wanted to do except shop for a couple items. Just look what I scored at the thrift store for $12.

I needed all this stuff. The ladder shelf in back is going in the bathroom for storage because we do not have an undersink cabinet and stuff is all over the place. I need newer shoes. The pinkish bowl replaces the one that Lowell broke. The tupperware will store flour. I would like three more like it. The small glass dish is a wax catcher. The beads are just for me.
Minneapolis Public Schools were closed today so that meant I didn't have a crochet class. So far, 2 of the 8 classes have been canceled because of weather. I do not believe that I can schedule a makeup but I will talk to the powers and see.
We have been asked by our utility company to reduce our use of natural gas by turning down the thermostats and not running appliances. Apparently, I natural gas pipeline ruptured in Canada and they had to shut down the supply to Minnesota and Wisconsin. We we don't have a thermostat and it is pretty cold in this place anyway. The only other gas appliances I use in the building are the drier and the water heater.
I am concerned about this and believe problems such as these will likely increase as the infrastructure deteriorates.
We had a dog when I was a kid called Skeeter. He protected my sister and I agressively. He bit one of my uncles who playfully ruffled our hair. Our next dog was a terrier poodle mix (terripoo) named Lady. She was Dad's hunting dog and lived to be very old. My first dog was a lab basset mix I named Morgan because when me and my then husband were driving home from the Humane Society, we passed Morgan Avenue North. I called her Little Dog and to this day every dog is Little Dog to me. I had a cat named Lotus who lived to 19 years old. She was named by the guy I had lived with for 8 years and decided he was gay. He always named all things and animals with 5 letter words. His car was named Bongo, his cats Tiger and Misty, his dingaling Sgt. Barte. Annette used to call her Loaty. My second dog was a sweet little boy dog named Abel. I adopted him 3 months after Morgan died. The previous owner named him. He had three dogs and had to get rid of one so he gave Abel to me. Dean brought him to the park when he was small and because he was too little to run with the big dogs, we would all take turns holding him. I had him once and he was shivering so I covered him with my wool cape and he fell asleep on my shoulder. Annette used to call him Abel-Babel. When we adopted Mitzi, her given name was Itzy I guess because she was a small puppy. Lowell changed her name to Mitzi and because it was so close to her given name she got used to it right away. I called her Mitzi-Mitts.
Holly - I saw the post about trading your son for meat. I wish we had room for him. There is an active Little League program in the Twin Cities. We also have these baseball camps but they only run from December to April. The lock on the apartment door is very difficult to operate so we just don't lock it. The front and back doors to the building sometimes do not fully close especially in the winter. Yeah, we have excellent security here. Gotta check that t-shirt out for Lowell. My mom got him the Lord of the Strings t-shirt.
Marianne - I bought the long underwear from One Hanes Place.
They have frequent sales and promotions. I can highly recommend it. Yes, four guitars does make a family. We need another guitar stand so that the Stratocaster can join the family instead of staying in his case playing video games and drinking Red Bull mixed with vodka. Mitzi's paws have fur on them called "feathers" I think. It has gotten quite long this winter. That realtor woman sounded really self-important and nasty. If she works in an office and has a supervisor, I would call and just tell them about her.
Bunny - I will be attending a clothing exchange on February 8th. Tell me what you usually look for and I will make a grab for it and send it to you. I am going to buy that issue of the magazine and show it to everyone I know. I look at your shop and want to buy something but I am just too fat. I thought about the slip dress when I was at the thrift store and saw all the fancy, colorful slips there. I really love both the slip dress and the jacket.
Gypsy - I wish I was there to be your personal assistant. I might have advised to leave plumbing, electrcial work and hair coloring to the professionals. Still, dark brown is lovely. Mitzi is only part cocker. She has the right shape just more muscular. I say her mix is cocker and attitude. Lowell says it is cocker and rotweiler. The happy pills I have only take effect after two weeks of constant use. The other happy pills I had took effect in 20 minutes but you tend to develop a tolerance and they can be addictive. I suggest that you smile, chill and enjoy the ride. If you don't have anything packed, just buy what you need when you get there. Look at all this as an adventure.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jan 29 2014 : 10:57:55 AM
Just saved a little bird from MoeMoe the terrible. I didn't think it would make it. But after it stopped gasping for air, it's little heart was still beating strong. I was going to put it in the basket of death...(a safe dark place to die), when it bit me. So I opened the outside door and held it in my hand and it flew away. I feel pretty good. I wish I could put up a sign in my yard that says something like "thank you for putting out bird seed for my cats. They love the warm snacks". All my neighbors hate my mother as it is... I probably don't want to provoke them anymore.
Marie, I'm fat too!! LOL. I do make quite a few things in larger sizes due to my son's suggestions. Actually my most looked at dresses are plus size. As far as the clothing exchange... it's hard to say. I'm always looking for unusual textures or fabrics. I'm always looking for polka dots in skirts or dresses, Men's button up the front cotton or cotton blend shirts in black. Right now I need sleeveless women's tops in either cotton or t-shirt material. Also t-shirts with either old rock and roll groups, any thing Harley Davidson. I'm going to start working on summer stuff now. I bet you won't find much for that yet! Anyway, if you do find stuff, let me know and I will pay for shipping. I like to keep the cost down to no more than about $2.50 for each item. So the shipping would have to work out to that per item.
Off to sew!!! Until later.
Gypsy, I want to see the hair!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jan 29 2014 : 4:38:31 PM
Good evening everyone,
It was -10 this morning and did not get above 0 all day. The wind was blowing lightly. The sun was a wonderful change in the afternoon. It can be cold, cold, cold all day but that sun seems to make it alright. I think Jan has won the cold temperature for the day contest, not that there ever was one but we have not gotten that cold yet.
Mar what was that realtor thinking? She did not want a sale? Do you have a lemon law in Washington State? Here there are certain things that need to be disclosed but I think none of them are as you listed. If she has been handling all of the other interested parties no wonder you have not had an offer
. this is an obituary of a colorful character from our fair state. She ran for public office several years ago now.
Our first dog when we moved here was a Brittany Spaniel we drove two hours to buy. He name was Avis Canis Middlemarch. Our next Brittany was Giselle because she could spring into the air from a stand still. We have had many cats. We had a white one named Mariko which means first new snow fall in Japanese. We had Moses buzz balls who was a black long hair who purred alot but did not have any balls. We had Figaro who howled a lot. We had Lacey who was a long haired strawberry blonde and was very delicate. We had Ashley Montague who was a long haired gray with an extra toe. We had Morgaine LeFay who was a tiger. She lived to be 21 yo. When she was 15 she asked to sleep under the covers. I told C that she did not have much longer and since she was old we should let her sleep under the covers. She had three extra toes and would hit me in the head to let her under the covers. We had Sundae who was a calico. We had Mango and Papaya who were big orange males. Oh, If I could remember I could go on for lines because we have had up to 14 cats sometimes.
People around here suggest putting collars with bells on the cats who like to have free treats from the feeders. Ours are on the second floor porch railing. We have had cats climb the side of the house to get to those warm little treats. I stopped feeding the birds for several years to avoid the free food opportunity.
I am going to post this because the AI man is supposed to be here soon to give Coco a good time. I think this morning when I milked she may have been in heat.
Sweet dreams if I do not get back.
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jan 29 2014 : 4:50:55 PM
Until Holly gets back from lighting Coco's cigarette, I will try to keep you entertained!
We never put bells on our cat because there are too many things around here (and in KS, when we lived there) that wanted to get the cat! So, instead of warning the birds, we would be ringing the dinner bell for the coyotes. Callie got her fair share of lots of critters, birds weren't her favorite. Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 29 2014 : 5:05:37 PM
So, I guess our Gypsy is on her way! We now have to wait for a photo.
Jan, you still surviving your last winter there? It is going to be one to remember, isn't it?
We have filled out all our disclosure forms when we were listed with the realtor in July. But, like you mentioned the items that the realtor was pointing out weren't anything big, mostly just "taste" issues. And apparently, our house wasn't to her taste!
We got about four inches of snow today. It looks pretty. And our neighbor, whose house just burned down, plowed out our driveway. He is the nicest guy. And apparently appreciated our calling 911 and helping the next day. I will miss this family and a few others when we do actually move. Dh and I are the residents who have lived here the longest. So, we're like the grandparents on the "block."
My afghan has outgrown its third tote bag. I have to find something larger to put it in! It will be keeping me company while my MIL visits. Saturday to Saturday. Hopefully, busy hands will keep my mouth shut. (OK, you all know me better.) Maybe it will help me pump the breaks on some of my comments before they leave my mouth.
Mar |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Jan 29 2014 5:06:22 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2014 : 5:38:42 PM
It is very windy out right now and 6 degrees. We are supposed to warm up tomorrow with winds and 4 inches of snow. We are in a winter storm warning from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. And 20 degrees? I hope so!!!! But then back to the bitter cold for at least another week. I am very tired of this weather here. Mar, I hope you sell your house soon. Sounds like your afghan is getting pretty big. Are you making it for a bed? The house that burned wasn't the one that Grace lived in was it? Holly, You are pretty cold there too. Stay warm and indoors as much as possible. Bunny, I will be getting the magazine this weekend at Joann's. They sell them here, that is the only place. We do not have a Barns and Noble here, or anywhere near here, the closest one is 120 miles from here, which is probably good because I can spend a whole day in that store!!! Marie, glad you had a warmer day today. Hopefully you can make up the days for knitting and crochet classes. Great finds at the thrift store!!!! Gypsy, I hope things are working out for you now. Seems you had a rough day yesterday, hope today was better and that you made it safe and sound with no ice or snow. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2014 : 7:19:47 PM
Today was nice but the weather guessers say we are in for cold again. I am not surprised. This is Minnesota, home of Frostbite Falls.
School was in session today and the kids were pretty good. There's this little girl, Riqiya, who is really stuborn. She was partnered with another girl, Kayana, who is a really good worker. When the teacher asked if there were any problems, Kayana said that Riqiya was making mistakes and smiling so she thought she was doing it on purpose and wasn't taking it seriously. The girl was asked why she was doing it and she just shrugged her shoulders. She will have an adult partner next time who won't put up with that stuff.
Lowell wants to watch TV. I have to go.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 10:04:45 AM
I am back.
The guitar player which was supposed to be here last night didn't show up. I had forgotten to send the guy our address and phone number so I sent an email back saying this:
Lowell is upset with me for not sending you our address. So sorry. I get distracted and forget things.
Now he is upset that I wrote that. He has asked me not to talk about our relationship with strangers any longer. I keep wanting to type a comment about how I feel about this and just edit it out and start over because I don't want to say anything which might reflex badly on him.
Did I just say that? Do I sound bullied? I don't know. I know I am not a nice person at times. I seem to have this blind spot where Lowell is concerned. I don't know what to do.
I'll feel better later.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 3:50:33 PM
Marie,I don't think you allow yourself to be bullied. I just don't think you two are a team. Lowell is pretty much in it for what ever he can get you to do for him. At least that's what is coming through. If you aren't a nice person sometimes, it is probably because you don't feel loved or appreciated. Eventually you will have to decide if it is worth living with someone who is just using you for their own purposes. It's your life... you get to choose.
I finally got a letter from my youngest son today! I'm so glad. It took a week to get here. I feel a little better about that. I was able to photocopy some of the pages from the magazine for him. I printed my letter on the back so he wouldn't have too much to deal with. I also told him he could toss everything after he read it. I know they don't have a lot of space to store things. He says he is doing great. It is harder than he thought but he is sticking with it. He says he loves his Senior Drill Instructor. He makes everyone laugh and has sent two other drill instructors home for being jerks and going overboard.
I went to bed last night feeling pretty lousy. I think I caught the flu from a friend. No more hugs!! I was able to get my homework done though. I don't want to lose my weekend sewing time making up homework!
It is finally sunny today. It rained all day yesterday. I sure wish it would do that in California. It is going to be a terrible year. I can just see all the brown dead lawns now. Of course the biggest worries are the forest fires. The firefighters love it because it means good money. Not so great for people in the path.
Mar, are you hanging in there? Working on that afghan to stay sane? At least you have your furry friend to keep you company.
Gypsy, I'm thinking of you today. Hope you are holding up and having a wonderful time!
Later all!! Time for a nap.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 4:56:08 PM
Six inches of snow fell last night and this morning. Commutes were really bad but not as bad as Atlanta yesterday.
I decided to wear my long brown skirt all day today. I have to learn how to move in it because I learned that I will be playing the part of Grandma for the Read-A-Thon information skit. I will be making myself an apron and try to find a nice, old lady shirt to wear. This is going to be fun.
I was planning on going out today to look for supplies for the doll swap. I will be making one of these dolls.
I want to make the doll with the apron and style her to look like a Farm Girl.
Lowell and I are going to Fergus Falls this weekend with his daughter Hayley. We won't be able to leave until after 1:00 PM which, I guess, is okay. Lowell is canceling rehearsal this week so we do not have to hurry back. I am glad of that.
Tonight, I will be sitting in from of the TV embroidering my Farmgirl Sisterhood badge. When it is done, I will sew hexagons of cloth around to get it ready for the next badge.
And now The List:
*Valentine ATC Swap - Done *Financials - pay bills (mine are done), balance checking (barely started) at least there is some progress *After School Class - no progress; ready for next week *Cards and Letters - no progress; I will set them up and do them while I am in Fergus Falls this weekend *Doll Swap - gather materials (will get what I need this weekend) *Make Storage Books - one ring binder for lyric and chord sheets; one ring binder for a better Mary Jane Farm Girl display (have all the materials) *Ironing & Mending - miniscule progress (more added to ironing; I have 33 items in the mending pile YIKES!)
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 5:00:34 PM
Good news, Bunny. It feels good to know that the PO took so very long to get the letter to you. Now kick that bug and hit the sewing room. Glad you saw the sun. No such luck here!
Marie, There is a fine line between being bullied and making concessions to keep the peace. And you get to decide where that line is. And it can change from day to day. I feel you set your preferences aside to avoid having an issue with Lowell that may take a very long time to bring to a conclusion. Again, you get to decide if and when you will let your wants wait and when you will pitch your own fit.
We haven't heard from the couple that was so in love with the house and then brought their friend/realtor with the quacking phone. So, unsure what that means. The last thing the husband asked was whether we would rent the guest house to him for the time between now and closing. That sounded kind of positive...
Jan, it wasn't Grace's house that burned. She is coming up for a visit in a few weeks. I think she has had more snow in her new home than we have had here! But, of course, it didn't stay very long.
Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 5:33:00 PM
Good evening everyone,
Coco was indeed in heat and enjoyed her visit from Mike. He is about 5' 10" tall and has a beard like Kris Kristofferson.
Mar you should call my sister and commiserate about MIL's. Hers has despised her since before the wedding 30+ years ago. Jane bends over backwards to be kind to this woman and she has nothing nice to say about her. Luckily they do not live close. I think whistling Ode to Joy when your MIL is annoying might bring momentary distraction for your mouth.
The obituary notice I posted yesterday was for Karen Kerin. It dawned on me after I closed the post that it was a multiple listing.
Today was sunny and started out at -1 and rose from there. Not far but it did. I filled the bird feeders. We have never put bells on our cats either. I have been afraid of them getting hung up on a branch. We have enough issues with predation that your are probably right that it would give the predators an easier target.
The post office has been nasty with one piece of our mail. Nana and Papa G and C's from Texas has sent Valentine's Cards. C and Ross's have arrived G's has not. Ross' arrived two days ago and C's yesterday. I hope it is not a thirty year delivery for it.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Jan 30 2014 5:35:14 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 6:14:01 PM
Today was very windy again, but it warmed up to 21, but now down to 12. Supposed to get to -5, then back to the cold weather for at least another week. I did not get to enjoy the warmer weather today, it was way too windy, and we got 6 inches of snow all day. I was so cold all day, I finally covered up with a queen sized quilt and wrapped my feet up like a mummy. Just got out of a nice hot shower, so now I feel nice and toasty. I work tomorrow, hope it is somewhat busy so the day goes by faster. The weeks are flying by, now we just need some warmer weather. drinking a glass of wine, then heading to bed. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 9:28:29 PM
We have an appt. tomorrow to receive an offer on the house. Finally. Thanks for all you patience listening to me belly-aching about this. Please keep your fingers crossed that it is an offer that we can consider. Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 31 2014 : 08:11:14 AM
Happy Wedding Day, girl friend. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 31 2014 : 5:34:56 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 8:14:41 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jan 31 2014 : 5:36:16 PM
Gypsy, Happy Wedding Day to you both!!!! Hope all went well for you. Mar, how did the appointment go? I hope it was to your advantage. Marie, Looks like a pretty large doll in that pattern. You need to show us a picture when you are finished with it. Do you do a lot of sewing? Bunny, How are things going in the sewing room and school? Hope you are able to keep up with both. Holly, Did you get a lot of snow? We ended up with about 6 inches yesterday. We now have about 2 feet of snow cover, which is more than we usually have at one time. No melting in the near future. It is -4 right now and supposed to stay cold for at least another week. February starts tomorrow and it is a short month, so hope that means we will warm up soon. I worked today, it was slow, but had some larger sales to make up for it. There is so much snow in the streets downtown, people will not cross the street in it. It is getting hard to see around the corners of every street in town. The city cannot keep up with snow removal. I think we have snow until June here!!! Bunny, going to look for the magazine tomorrow. Hope Joann's have it, that is the only place here that carries them. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 31 2014 : 5:49:29 PM
Good evening everyone,
I had not heard that one needed an appointment to receive and offer on a house. Around here the real estate agent calls you up to ask if this offer is one you are willing to consider. I guess after a little bit of negotiation there is one put on paper. Do not settle if you think the offer is too low. You have nice property and while you would like to unload the house you are not desperate. Good luck and I hope the offer is reasonable.
I hope the wedding was wonderful and you have a life of joy and comfort, Gypsy dear.
Today started out at+4 F . In the afternoon the car thermometer read +34 for a short while. The house thermometer only went up to 24 but no one around here is complaining. The sun was clear and bright. Inside the house was wonderfully warm.
DdK took the little boys out to the other barn this morning to put hay in the corner for bedding for the piglets. They are to arrive on Sunday. They are coming much earlier than usual but the woman we usually get them from is not going to have any ready until June and with a slaughter date at the end of October that is really too late. So, we are starting early. Just one more chore. I hope the frigid temperatures ease up now. A lot of snow would be ok.
Jan, Marie do you think we are over the hump for the coldest weather?
I looked in the Joann Fabrics near here and they do not carry the Alterred Couture Magazine so I will have to look wider.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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