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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 31 2014 :  6:56:40 PM  Show Profile
Here is a link to a commercial that apparently caused a big uproar.

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 31 2014 :  8:10:20 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, your selfie looks like nirvana. So glad for the both of you. Give Mr. Gypsy a squeeze for me.

Holly, the appointment went OK. The offer was significantly lower than our asking price and we declined it. Onward!

Jan, I saw an article that said our spring was going to be slow in coming. The areas it specifically showed was the Northwest, Midwest and Northeast. But, maybe the worst is over!

MIL gets here at noon tomorrow. All is ready except I want to wrap a couple of early birthday presents for her.

Marie, your doll pattern looks pretty intricate. I have never made a doll, but I have made some stuffed animals that were big hits with the kids when they were younger.

Well, I am exhausted. The realtor had said she would be here at 3:30. She got here at 4:10. Not appreciated.

Talk to you all tomorrow.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 31 2014 :  9:20:50 PM  Show Profile
Mar, sorry about the offer. I guess they didn't want the house that badly.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 31 2014 :  10:20:24 PM  Show Profile

So far this winter, we have over 30" of snow. This is more than we have had in a long time. Last spring was very slow in coming last year. In fact, we had snow in April. It seems as if climate change may cause cooler temperatures for a longer time in the upper midwest.

Lowell and I have so much to do before we leave for Fergus Falls so maybe it is good that we are not leaving until later. Lowell needs his breakfast out tomorrow. After that, I will be taken to the Barnes & Noble (actually in the same place as the restaurant) to buy Altered Couture and to Joann Fabric to buy what I need for the doll and the apron (which has to be done on Monday). We will then go grocery shopping. Mitzi will have to stay with the neighbors because she made too much noise at the retirement place and Lowell's father got complaints. These neighbors love her and will be very good to her. Lowell is getting ready for bed and I still have a few things to get ready tonight.

Gypsy - Woah! That picture looks pretty racy. Those cookies look really, really good. UMMM . . .Ummm . . . ummmmmmm.....

Jan - The girl dolls' arm span is 8", legs 10" long so the total height is about 14". The arms and legs are made with pipe cleaners wrapped in fabric and glued. It's not very difficult. I do sew but have almost no time and very little space. This is my sewing space all crammed into part of the bedroom.

Holly - That commercial is really cute. I will admit that when I was a kid I said the same things everyone else said and thought about people in an uneducated fashion. I had not been in the proximity of very many people who didn't look like me until I was 18. Once I had some direct experience, I found that everyone is a lot alike which is what I had suspected since I was 10.

I'll check in while I am away from home. Have a good weekend everyone.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 01 2014 :  1:34:30 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today started out at +6 F and has risen into the twenties. It is lightly snowing right now. We have only about a foot of snow on the ground now. We have has several rain storms that compacted the snow. We have a firm base from the ice and compacted snow. If we would get a couple of feet now it would be ideal.

Our roads here in town have plenty of space on either side to push the snow. Down in Montpelier they pick up the snow and take it away in dump trucks. They used to dump it on the Winooski River but had flood scares several winters. I am not sure where they dump it now. Sometimes there is no space to drive on the roads if we have had a lot fall.

I was thinking this morning Mar that the RE agent must have been pointing out the aspects of your house to drive the price down. Maybe she wanted you to hear the faults of the house so you would accept a really low bid. It does not make sense because the RE agent gets a percentage of the sale price. I am glad you did not act like a depressed seller. The right person will come along.

Marie your sewing space has nothing on mine. I have a narrow pathway through piles. It seems that anything that does not have a place is put into my sewing room

The lower barn is an ice skating rink. DdK and the boys did a great job making a bed for the pigs but we can not use that space until the weather warms and the flood recedes. We will put them in this barn in the cow's stall and she will sleep in the hallway. I hope we will be able to carry them in six weeks when the other space should be drier.

Sweet dreams

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Feb 01 2014 :  1:36:50 PM  Show Profile
Marie, your bedroom looks just like mine!!!! Too much stuff, not enough room. I do need to do some spring cleaning.
We usually get about 53 inches of snow, and we are right about that amount now, so for sure we will hit a record for snowfall this year. It is snow now, as a matter of fact.
Mar, sorry about the low offer. Maybe they will up it more to your liking.
Bunny, I went to Joann Fabrics and they still had the old magazines out, so have to wait for them to restock.
More later,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dallas Texas
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Posted - Feb 01 2014 :  1:45:54 PM  Show Profile
Congrats Mrs B......May this be just the first day of a lifetime filled with magnificent days!! :)

I love that commercial. Was so happy when they were bold enough to make the original one with this family. Touche' Cheerios!!!!!!!!!

Marie.....I can't begin to imagine having to have all those crafting items in my bedroom. I find it difficult to sleep in chaos. OOPs! I did not mean to insinuate that you were chaotic..... :) Have a terrific weekend getaway to Fergus Falls!

Marianne....seems like it just is not time for you to move. That realtor (was it yours?) obviously does not value other folks' time. How disrespectful! Get a new realtor!

Jan, so sorry for all this crazy was 73 here yesterday and it's only 46 now......and dropping. 20's and 30's tomorrow. The planet continues to evolve....I don't really understand that the scientists don't say to the population that this a natural progression and we have to reconnect with these changes...and why we don't GET IT!! Oh well....I must sound like a real airhead!! LOL Have a great day!

My best to all,

Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 01 2014 :  3:16:01 PM  Show Profile
Wow, my computer just flipped out and wouldn't let me type anything in the comment box here.

Mel, Mar and her husband listed their house themselves without a Realtor. The one they dealt with was for the buyers. I think she needs a different job.

Jan, your sewing room looks just fine. If it was too clean, I would think you never went in there. Mine is a mess right now too. I have piles of cloths and scraps on the floor. It is easier to find stuff than stuffed in a basket. I end up dumping everything out on the floor anyway when I need something.
I just sold 5 dresses to one lady!! Very cool. I have one dress finished. So I have 3 items ready to photograph. I'm working on another but don't like how it is coming out. I think it will go on the back burner for now.

Anyway, back to work..

Holly, take care of those little piggies! Poor cow.. lost her bed.

Later for now.....


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 02 2014 :  10:43:48 AM  Show Profile
Happy Super Bowl Sunday! And Ground Hogs Day!

MIL is visiting and I am still standing. That's about as far as I can go right now. The couple is still interested in the house, so who knows what will happen with that. Too much going on right now. Think I will zone out today as much as I can. I have to try to let my mind wander for the most part when MIL is visiting. Although Dh is really paying attention to what is going on this time. And having him say what I am thinking is so helpful.

Check in with you gals later!
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Feb 02 2014 :  11:28:09 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 12:44:13 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 02 2014 :  2:09:59 PM  Show Profile
Mar, glad the couple is still interested. I would hope they find someone else to help them buy the house. Zoning out is not a bad thing. I use to zone out when my mom would lecture me for hours on end. I would have this little thing I would do to zone out and make her head disappear as she droned on and on. I use to do it in church too.. so stopped going to church..

Gypsy, so glad to hear from you!! So nice of his sister to welcome you! I hope you do post something on Yelp. It called the hospitality industry for a reason! Can't wait for pictures!

Got 5 items done to replace the 5 I sold yesterday. I have been kickin you know what in the sewing room. One little tunic top is so cute I want to keep it.. but bad girl!! Have to let someone buy it. One is really funky. The waist came out a little low but I put a cinch tie and it looks good cinched.
I got another pet sitting job yesterday. It is for later this month and it is a overnight job for three nights. I charge $45.00 per night. It is for two corgis. I go meet everyone later today. I'm only charging $20.00 for the first night because I don't have to do anything except be there with the little guys. I'll go home during the day and do all my homework and eat. I have another job before that for quite a few days. So all in all it has started out as a good month.

Back to work... until later!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 02 2014 :  4:07:43 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

The piglets arrived this morning. They are all healthy. They appear to be from three different litters. They are different sizes and colors. They are Berkshire Tamworth crosses. I am glad they are here and for a good price.

It was overcast and in the twenties all day. There were snow flurries off and on.

Congrats Bunny on the continuing sales of your creations. I hope your finances are such that you can be saving some of the profits for your move to California.
Patience Mar, she is old. I can say this because I am not sitting in your living room. I bet the horses are good listeners and could use some extended grooming. It is good that dh will be around to entertain his mother and not away on a business trip.

Tonight ddK has gone to her friend's to watch the Big Game. DsJ has gone to his girl friend's apartment for the same activity. DsT is downstairs with the station tuned in. I think I might like to watch half time with Bruno Mars but not the game.

I took the bunk bed out of dsC's room this morning. His room looks a lot bigger. He has adjusted far better than dsG to the room separation. DsC has a hard time going to sleep but sleeps in in the morning. DsG goes to sleep easily and gets up early. He really misses having someone to talk to in the morning. Their Nana and Papa sent Valentine cards to the three littles. DsR's arrived first. The next day came dsC's and yesterday came dsG's. He was a trooper in not making a fuss when his did not arrive day after day. Now they each have five dollars to spend. I need to figure out what store to offer them to shop in.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Feb 02 2014 :  5:30:49 PM  Show Profile
Well, Gypsy, I hope married life is very good for both of you. You deserve to be happy. Nice that his family accepts you. Will you both be spending time in both countries now?
Holly, Glad the piglets arrived safe. I bet they are cute now, before they grow too much. The boys will have a great time spending their money. Hope they find something they will enjoy.
Bunny, I am so glad you are selling so well. I am sure you will get a lot more sales very shortly, once people start getting their magazines. Hope you will be able to keep up and make enough money to move sooner than expected.
Mar, it sounds like there is still hope for a move soon. I am sure you are a very good hostess to your MIL. Good that hubby can be there to keep her company too.
It was -9 this morning, warmed up to 19 degrees. There is heat in the sun. We are not going to have any heat waves in the near future, but hopefully in a week or so we will be done with the below zero nights. I hope.
Mel, glad you are having warm weather there in Texas. I am looking forward to being in a warmer climate next winter. Don't know where we will end up, but can guarantee it will be someplace warm.
I am not a sports fan at all, so I am not watching the super bowl, but Bob is watching it in the dining room. Although, I do like watching the winter Olympics, especially figure skating and skiing and snowboarding.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 02 2014 :  6:38:04 PM  Show Profile
Janet, we are going to get a taste of your temperatures come Wednesday. I will feel your pain, but i sure hope your winter temps are coming to a close. I am looking forward to the Olympics, too.

Bunny, five garments is quite an accomplishment. Good for you. Thanks for catching Mel up on the realtor fiasco.

Mel, I still have my fingers crossed that we have an interested buyer - makes it hard to type, though!

Holly, there isn't a cuter baby animal than piglets! Who is naming the group? Five dollars is a great amount of money for the littles to learn to spend carefully. Congratulations on retiring the bunkbed. Thanks for the reminder to be kind to MIL. She is important to my important people. Our relationship is probably better than most. She is of a generation that holds men in higher esteem than women for no reason. And that annoys me to distraction. I think the horses are going to have to be un-groomed right now, cuz it's cold.

We are supposed to hit negative nine Tuesday night, so dh and I got out the silkies and horse blankets. They are laid out in the barn so that they will be ready when we need them. If the temps are dropping that much, it will be nice to be able to grab them rather than pull them out of the tack trunk, and open them up and check the buckles...

Looks like a big night in Seattle!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Feb 03 2014 :  10:05:25 AM  Show Profile
Mar, we were down to -19 last night. I hope you do not get that cold. I don't remember when the last time it was above below zero temps during the night.
Bunny, found the magazine. What wonderful articles you wrote!!!! Love the 2 items too. Hope it brings you lots of success.
Hope everyone else it doing okay. Will post more tonight,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 03 2014 :  2:32:05 PM  Show Profile
Just a quick note-Bunny, I just got my copy at Barnes &Noble. You did good. Editor's message, two articles, and mention on the back inside page!!!!! Very impressive! Haven't had time to read the whole thing but my overview is that your Steampunk jacket stole the whole show. And they've taken your little black dress idea for their future issue! Fabulous!

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 12:45:13 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 03 2014 :  2:49:19 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 12:45:46 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 03 2014 :  2:57:00 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 12:46:22 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 03 2014 :  3:46:36 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, good for you! Love the pictures. We finally get some good ones of you too. Almost looks like you are standing in a riverbed! I guess it was raining for you.
Thank you for the kind comments regarding the magazine. I sure hope it brings me needed recognition and of course.. cash.

It's trying to snow here. I want it to stop!! My truck isn't liking the snow.

My poor older son got up at 5am this morning for work only to get a call telling him not to come. They shut the job down today. Hopefully he will get more work this week. He is waiting for the foreman to just lay him off so he can move back to the mountains.

Homework is done for today. I added 4 dresses to my etsy site. Only one is up for sale. I am saving the others in draft mode to add one a day. It helps keep me in the main pages in the searches. They say it is better to add one thing a day than a bunch of things all at once.

Later All!!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 03 2014 :  5:25:29 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Gypsy those are great pictures. I saved the two I wanted. You are gorgeous. B should be thrilled to have you on his arm any time you go out together. I hope you have joyous memories of the occasion.

Bunny I am glad you are figuring out the selling style of Etsy. Adding a dress a day to keep the search engines telling people there are new items to look at. Your dream of moving back to California will happen. You can sew anywhere.

Jan your temperatures are a bit scary. I have been trying to convince myself that the worst is over for us, that we are on the other side of the cold and then you tell me what may be coming. I do not watch the weather guessers and only hear them on the radio when I am in the car so you are my station. I hope you have an income soon and that you find the right RV for a great price. My brother is looking for one but each time he gets some money he looks on EBay or what ever list he cruises and finds something out of his price range that he likes better and then he has to save some more.

Mar I am glad you have MIL in the right place in your head. I have started crocheting an afghan. You were inspirational. I needed something to keep my hands busy while the little boys are doing their school work, I need to be there to help but I need to not take the pencil to show them how. I need to just explain it.
I am glad your dh is there to help take care of the horses when it is so cold out.

DsJ bought himself a new car today. It is a 2003 Acura. I believe he is in debt for it. I havenot asked how much. I did not co sign. More than two weeks ago I was upset and sat at the kitchen table and wrote him a note. I did not give it to him I left it on the table because I like to think things through before I leap. I believe he saw it because as he was leaving for work he said You sure have a crappy attitude this morning. Now he had not said a word to me other wise. So, I followed him out the door and told him what my attitude was about. He has been courteous since then. I did say in the note that I had no interest in co signing for someone who could not even give me the time of day.

Marie I hope you had a good trip.

It was overcast and above 0 all day. I made bread and granola today.

Sweet dreams.

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 03 2014 :  5:41:44 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, I will probably be the last one to see the magazine...but, I will cheer as loudly as everyone else has!

Gypsy, you both looked wonderful. You are a beautiful bride. I like what you chose to wear. It photographed really well in nature.

Holly, I know exactly what you mean by having your hands busy. It will be great for school time. Sometimes the only way kids, especially boys, will learn is to have enough rope. (If you know what I mean.) Admiring the car will make him feel on top of the world. You will get the whole story soon enough. Crappy attitudes are very contagious.

Got an email from the Montana couple agreeing to our counter-offer or whatever you'd like to call it. We told them why we couldn't take their offer, what the lowest we would take was and which of their requests we would and wouldn't honor. So, they are having their realtor (our favorite!) write up the offer. They thought we would hear from the realtor and have the offer today. For some reason - I don't think the realtor is in any hurry to see us again - we haven't heard from her yet. But, I do think the deal is "done." We have had a meeting of the minds and I don't think there will be anything we can't work out at this point. so...good news.

So tired. Sleep has been somewhat elusive and fragmented. MIL is a bit of work, like any company is. Life is a bit stressful.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Feb 03 2014 :  6:01:15 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, what wonderful pictures of you two!!!! You both look so happy and sincere. I can now picture you both dancing away without a care in the world!!!
Holly, I hope you do not get as cold as we have been. Not far from here it was -28 degrees last night, we were -19. There does not look like much change for at least another week, but it is nice to see the sun shining. There is no snow in the forecast for this week. That is okay, we have enough here to last until at least April.
Marie, Hope you had a nice weekend getaway. Looking forward to reading about it.
Bunny, that is a smart idea to put one item on a day. That will keep people interested in looking at your site daily.
Mar, Sounds like a sale is in the making. How wonderful for you. How long do you have to move out? Are there any places you like now?
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 03 2014 :  6:52:30 PM  Show Profile
Mar, good for you on the sale. Do you have a place in mind for your next home? I guess you can make an offer on a new place now.
Done worry about the magazine. It will be there when you are ready.

Holly, your son will appreciate his car by paying for it himself and pay the price if things go bad.

Janet, do you have ideas as to where you are going when everything comes together? If California wasn't dealing with a drought I would suggest there. The weather is pretty consistent in quite a few places.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 03 2014 :  10:33:22 PM  Show Profile

Thanks for liking the pics. Sometimes the camera is kind and sometimes

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 12:48:46 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 04 2014 :  5:06:17 PM  Show Profile
Ok, seriously tired. Excel test and homework done. Last quarter if we had a test that week, we didn't have any other assignments. Not this quarter. Tests and plenty of homework to go with. Just not feeling the love here. Took all day! Started at 10:30 and just finished at 4:45pm. I need a margarita. My friend is picking me up and we are going out for dinner.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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