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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 26 2014 :  06:37:15 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, you are right. Jan has been missing too long. I sent an email. She has a couple days to post and then I will resort to snail mail. This just isn't like Jan. And her weather has been really cold. Sure hope we hear soon...
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 26 2014 :  4:00:28 PM  Show Profile
Gracie is helping me on my latest knitting afghan.

Where is everyone today? I have been a motor mouth...motor typer?

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 26 2014 :  4:02:45 PM  Show Profile
It looks so odd because it is posted sideways. Looks like the dog is peeking out of the ground like a gopher! She looks more normal if you look at her sideways.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 26 2014 :  4:20:06 PM  Show Profile
I'm here. Just finished up sewing. Couldn't do any more. I finished two dresses today and pinned up a vest with a men's shirt pinned to the bottom with ducks on it. Not sure if I like it yet.

I too am worried about Janet. With this cold I hope she didn't end up in the hospital.

Marie, I have kitties that help me with all my projects. Our pets are so helpful aren't they.

Time to rest.



Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 26 2014 :  4:25:32 PM  Show Profile
I mean Mar....


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 26 2014 :  4:32:05 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Another cold day here on the old hill farm. It started out at -16 F. I think it never got close to 0. Maybe tomorrow will be warmer.

I am glad to read your ramblings, Mar. Gives me a good smile. I like the colors in your afghan.

Gypsy your skin must be much smoother than mine because when I wear silkies it gets caught on the rough parts of my hands and feet. I like it once it gets on and warms up.

DsT had a baseball clinic today.It is the first in a 6 week series. It was held way downstairs in the indoor track area. It was a big space for not so many boys. It was cold down there too. Not as cold as outside. The hallways to get there were unheated which have been so cold if the doors to the outside had been sealed. We left before the catchers piece because he said his shoulder was hurting him a lot. I hope he figures out the shoulder piece and it heals. I have asked him before if he wanted to go to the doctor's about it and he has said no. Now I wonder if it is an optional activity any

I think the Minnesota poem could apply to Vermont as well. There were boys who came into the arena today in shorts and t shirts. It was -10 outside. But, then again they do have that Y chromosome that sometimes indicates lack of awareness.

We had crepes for supper. C spent a good share of the day making them. They are one of my favorites. She makes a chicken, cheese, mushroom, spinach filling and covers them with cream of chicken soup.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jan 26 2014 :  5:47:12 PM  Show Profile
Hi gals, I am so sorry to have you all so worried about me. I have been is such a slump lately, I feel like winter will never end. We have had below zero days for weeks now, and tomorrow is supposed to be the worst day yet with high winds. There were a few days I could not even type, my fingers were so sore. This bone disease I have does not like cold weather at all, plus my lungs. I worked Friday and Saturday, then Bob got the car stuck in the street when we got home, so I had t be out there and help steer the car while he pushed. It did not work, so had to help shovel. The cold was so bad, I though I was going to have a heart attack!!! We did go out today while the wind was down and got some groceries that we needed and came right back home. We are ready to leave this area, but we have not had an income since December 9th. Still waiting for pension and social security to start.
I will try to catch up with all of you tomorrow.
Have a great evening, and stay warm!!!!! Holly, I hope you do not get this colder weather your way. February is another very cold month normally here.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 26 2014 :  6:28:15 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 8:10:19 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 27 2014 :  12:57:38 PM  Show Profile

The temperature is so cold here in Minneapolis that the schools are closed for the day. That makes 3 days to make up.

We got snow over the weekend and high winds. It was so bad in the rural areas that I94 N north and west of us was closed to traffic. The light rail line between downtown and Mall of America was having trouble navigating the tracks. I had plans to go out and run errands today but I am not. The authorities are advising no unnecessary travel. It will be warmer tomorrow and in the 20's on Wednesday.

The 13 year old guitar player has not shown up for rehearsals. All communication is through his dad so we are not always certain he is getting the messages. Apparently, he is also in shared custody so he travels between two houses and his dad has to take him around. Lowell went to see him play at a concert sponsored by the "School of Rock" he goes to. Lowell said he has a good voice and wonderful stage presence in addition to playing the guitar well. He wanted to talk to Josh but decided not to because he was engaging with some kids his age. It just wouldn't be cool for an adult to break that action up.

The 12-string guitar sounds so good. Lowell is always playing it when we watch TV. Sometimes he plays along with the theme music.

Here's a picture of our guitar family. The black one in front is the 12-string. She is kind of an over-achiever. The red one in the Gretsch Heritage. He is the old man of the group with plenty of vitality and class. The tan one is the Martin acoustic. She is a classic model with a loud, melodious voice. The Stratocaster is in his case sleeping off a hang over. The amp is a Fender Deluxe.

The temperature inside is none too warm either. I am wearing a turtleneck, two sweaters and a scarf. Mitzi knows how to keep herself warm.

Gypsy - I want silk long underwear for Lowell. He has such sensitive skin and refuses to wear anything with polyester in it. Here is a picture of my pretty long underwear.

I believe you were right to let B off the hook for the mix-up but, next time, play along and let him talk. You never know what you can find out. Aren't I evil! I have had to do the lotion and gloves for my hands and socks for my feet. It is the best but Lowell does not believe me. He has sores on his fingers from the cold.

Marianne - It is so sweet that your stepson mixed you up with his birth mother unconsciously. Guess you know how important he believes you are in his life. What a sweet dog you have. My first animals were a dog named Morgan and a cat named Lotus. They liked to lay on whatever I was working on and when I turned it, stayed where they were to enjoy the warmth from being covered with it.

Holly - I believe T should see the doctor about his shoulder. He may be playing the macho "no I don't hurt" game. He could have an injury which may get worse from lack of attention and effect his ability to perform athletically. It's a Y chromosome thing. The Y chromosome also causes selective hearing disorder which exacerbates the XX chromosome converatalis repeatitis.

I am listening to the Beethoven Symphony #7 which I played when I was in high school. This was a live performance played after the conductor and some of the musicians had spent the night in Paris singing and dancing in a café and got to London just in time to set up for the sold-out concert. Those crazy classical musicians have nothing on the rock musicians.

Here's Mitzi telling all of you to stay warm.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 27 2014 :  2:44:27 PM  Show Profile
Marie, you have some pretty longjohns. Mine are just plain old solid colored and right now both pairs are hanging to dry. I can't risk losing any length by machine drying anything I wear below my waist. Well, I'm ok with drying my socks. Although, I need all the length I can get there, too. Size 10 feet. Where is Holly when I talk about these things? I know she knows my pain.

Mitzi is adorable. She has good hair for the Minnesota winters! Our little Gracie doesn't have enough hair for a California winter, let alone here in the Inland Northwest. Her dog bed has one of those burrowing flaps that falls down over her when she settles into bed. We, of course have renamed the device The Pita. We have a habit of renaming everything. Which makes it sound like we are speaking our own language. You have all heard me tell you that we call our guest house The Cubby because when my daughter was living in it during her second stint in college, she remarked, "It's like the little cubby you have in kindergarten to keep your hat and mittens in." The Yellow Dog, aka Sammie, has a long given name due to her Italian heritage from me. Her official name is Samantha Manicotti. Naturally, we call her "Noodle." Gracie Belle, the chihuahua, aka Cheech, Chichi Hua-hua, GB, and for some reason, Poot. Why are our dogs confused? What would we do if they had as many personalities as they have names. The horses have not escaped from this torture either. Tahoe, bay mare, is often called Taco Ta. And Sunny, palomino gelding, is most often called Bunny-Bunny Bunshine. Usually in a falsetto. He loves it and always nickers. I think we may be touched.

Tomorrow is dh's 58th birthday. We are celebrating by meeting with the Montana couple and their realtor at 10am. Hopefully to receive an offer. Fingers crossed. Dh looks good for his age and since his borderline diabetic diagnosis has lost more than 15 pounds. Through the holidays. yay!

Yesterday I was truly uncomfortable. More so than I have been in a very long time. My hips just burned. It was a very long night and I wasn't feeling any better this morning. I drug myself to get a shower - it always helps, but sometimes it is difficult to just get there! That was when I realized that yesterday I had not put on the patch that releases pain reliever to me throughout the day. That explained the extreme pain, my oral medications could not keep up. Wish I had noticed sooner, it is tough when the pain really takes hold to get it under some kind of control again. But, mentally, I feel enormously better.

Since dh's birthday is tomorrow and will most likely be less than completely festive and carefree, we are celebrating some today. That includes him being in control of the television and actually just chilling in front of the tv in the middle of the day. So, naturally he has it on the SyFy channel.

Hope you are all well.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 27 2014 :  2:49:37 PM  Show Profile
Thank goodness we heard from Jan! Sounds like she has had a bit of bad luck dealt to her.

Gypsy,Penny is lucky to have a Texan for a mom! How old is she?

Oh and Marie, I love the personalities of your musical family.

Holly, how is the sore shoulder doing? Tough injury for a baseball player! I remember you mentioning C making crepes before!

Bunny, do you worry about your items having cat hair on them? I used to have to sticky roll everything before I delivered these undergarments I made for under body braces. I thought dog hair is the last thing these girls want to find on these garments!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 27 2014 :  3:20:21 PM  Show Profile
Mar, sorry about your pain issues. Glad you figured it out and are feeling better. Cute names for your pets. I can't repeat the names I use for some of mine. Butt Munch is one of the safer ones to reveal. I have 4 cats and my mom has 2. Ozzy (for Ozzy Ozborne because he is spaced out most of the time) Sassy (long black fur... thinks she is all that)Those are my mom's. Mine are: Twinkle (she has extra toes.. so Twinkle Toes), MoeMoe named after the little flying lemor in The Last Benderbender movie and finally, Alex and Stinky Sammy Princess (cos... well momma didn't teach her to clean up right). I do use a sticky rollie thing to clean off all the cat hair. I even do the inside of dresses. Alex and Sammy are very helpful on my sewing table.
Sending good thoughts about the offer on your house!!

Holly, I agree with Marie on the shoulder. Better deal with it now or it may mess up things for a long time.

Jan, so glad to hear from you. Hang in there!! You can do it.

I had homework today and a big test. I'm pretty sick over it. I was suppose to do two Word documents according to some instructions. The test was of course timed. But when I downloaded the documents and the instructions, they didn't match. Of course you could't download them until after you started the timer. So I sent an email to the teacher. But at this point... I'm screwed. I couldn't do the test. I hate it when these teachers don't double check the work they ask us to do. It seems to happen almost every quarter. I'm so anal that I would have double checked everything many times over to make sure all was well. I sure hope she deals with it and gives me another chance to redo the test. I have gotten 100% on all the assignments and quizzes up to this point.

Still no letter from number two son. I did get two more copies of my magazine. One from my regular subscription and because I didn't get the first one when they said I should, they sent another. So I have one to send to my oldest son to show off to everyone in California.

Weather is gloomy as usual. No snow, rain or sun.

I need to take pictures of my last outfits finished for my Etsy store. Not feeling it right now, but I need to get them online.

Later all!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 27 2014 :  3:22:10 PM  Show Profile
Good grief... I meant Airbender movie.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 27 2014 :  3:51:50 PM  Show Profile
Gonna see my picture on the cover.
Gonna buy five copies for my mother.
Gonna see my smiling face
On the cover of the Altered Couture.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 27 2014 :  4:31:30 PM  Show Profile
Is the magazine on newsstands??? What? Did I miss the fact that it is out? What? Bunny!! You need to announce these things!

OK, Altered Couture, February. Right? What section, page, etc...

Do not be coy about these things, Bunny. I will scalp you alive if I miss this.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 27 2014 :  4:33:53 PM  Show Profile
I think I should have included some sort of emoticon with that last post. You know I love ya, Bunny,
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jan 27 2014 :  5:09:15 PM  Show Profile
Mar, I don't think the magazine is out on the store shelves until Feb. 1st. I have been looking too, but not out yet. We have a celebrity in our group here. I love the colors you are using in your afghan. Is it knit?'
Marie, our schools have been closed today and will be tomorrow too. It is supposed to be the coldest tomorrow with -45 degrees wind chill. Alaska had 46 degrees ABOVE zero yesterday, they say that is why we are so cold, all of their cold is coming down to us. Trouble is, we have been below normal here since before Christmas, and supposed to be cold yet for at least one more week.
Bunny, I do hope you get your school work all worked out. That would not be right to have it work against you, that is for sure. Hope you hear from your son soon. My son that was in the army was like that. When he would call, one time I asked him if he ever hears from his dad. He said "All the time. We keep in contact through email weekly." I heard from him every 6-10 months. Now I do not hear from him at all. It hurts when they are not very communicative to their mothers. I think boys have a harder time to write to their mother's than to their fathers. Looking forward to the magazine.
Gypsy, You will be coming back as a married woman, right? Still set for the 31st? Sending a big hug and warm wishes your way for the both of you. Make sure to take pictures for us all to see.
Holly, I really hope you do not get as cold as Marie and I have been getting. We are only due to warm up to the teens by the end of the week. Those days will feel very warm compared to all of the below zero we have been having. Crepes sound good. I am sure they were very tasty.
I have been making a lot of comfort food lately, things that warm up the tummy. Beef stew, scalloped potatoes and ham, tonight was chicken chop suey with rice. I also made a poke cake with banana pudding. We eat good around here. It shows, too. LOL!!!!
I hate to see our heat bill for this month. I usually have the heat set on 68, but this past month it has been so windy and cold, it has been on 70 most of the time, and running a lot.
It was sunny today, that made it look nicer out, we have had snow on top of the cold almost every day this month. The sun was a welcome sight to see, at least. I am trying to be positive about all of this.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jan 27 2014 :  5:16:16 PM  Show Profile
Mar, Happy Birthday to hubby!!!! Hope he has a wonderful day and you both sign papers and your house has a sold sign on it!!!!! That would be a great birthday gift, for sure, heh?

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 27 2014 :  5:22:59 PM  Show Profile
Mar, don't worry. It is not out just yet. I have a subscription so got it early.

Pages, 47-49- Little black dress and 146-149 steampunk jacket... all the way at the back. Also read the letter from the editor in the front. Made me smile and well.... it was very nice to see.

Here is the slip dress I made and sent off for the Slip Challenge for the August issue. It is very funky! But that is what they like.

Told you it was funky... And here is something a little more normal...

Anyway, I'm done for the night. I hope my teacher gets everything sorted out with the test. I'm still a little stressed about it.

Stay warm and safe!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 27 2014 :  6:07:30 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

The high was +6 F and then it fell and then there was a nice wind chill. The trees were really swaying. I hope we do not get the chilly weather from the Midwest either. I am getting really good at cranking up the wood stove to heat the living room. We have a fence around the stove to keep the children from getting burned. They do like to snuggle up close and soak up the heat. The dogs sleep on either side. Sometimes the cat sleeps underneath.

Our dogs came with their names Beecher is a Brittany Spaniel and Joey is a brindle hound dog. Beecher is 13 and Joey is 5.
The cats are Birdseed because she is a dark mottled color, I can not remember the name. Triscuit is an orange male and Nuisance is a very dark two tone. Nuisance is Nuisance because before she decided to live in the barn with Trissy most of the time she would kneed and lick skin at night. Sometimes she would lick and nip. It was disconcerting in the summer time when body parts were not always covered. Nipples could have been lost.

I saw a t shirt in the Where on Earth sale catalog today for Lowell that said Guitar Players Fret.

I have an appointment for dsT for his shoulder with his primary care doctor on Friday afternoon. He wants to play both AAU basketball and Varsity baseball this spring. He is out tonight at men's basketball down here at the elementary school.

I do not remember if I told you ddK had a boyfriend, using the term loosely. who lives up north in Burlington. they are just friends now. I do not know what happened but I guess this puts the nix on her moving to New York in the summer. I am relieved.

Please remind me closer to the first of February to get my butt down to Joann fabrics to I can pick up a copy of the Alterred Couture magazine. I have a mind like a sieve.

I have been thinking about the B and locks. It maybe that up north they do not lock the doors. We don't. We don't really have anything anyone would want to steal any way.

Have a great trip and I hope you create memories that give you warm fuzzies when you think of them.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 27 2014 :  8:04:42 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, are you packed yet? Are you getting nervous? Is B getting nervous? How long are you going to be gone? I know twenty questions. Marriage sounds so scary to me!!

Holly, I never locked my doors when I lived in the forest. Living in the city is a little different. I miss that lifestyle.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 27 2014 :  8:47:40 PM  Show Profile
No, not packed. Yes, nervous. It's scary. If B is, he's not showing it.

A million things to do. Have to take Penny and Lola to my daughters tomorrow and it is supposed to be SNOWING!!!??? Somebody has really p****ed off Mother Earth. Holly can you please do something about this? Just have another word with her......... Tell her when those hard--core weather people up in Minneapolis start complaining, that's ENOUGH already.

Penny and Lola had their names when I got them from the shelter about 3 years ago now. I went to adopt a pet dot com and said I wanted a cocker spaniel. The next morning there was a picture of these two from a shelter in Dallas. Said they were bonded and had to take both. So I did. Penny is probably at least six and Lola maybe four. Don't know for sure. They are not cocker spaniels.

I didn't know about ddK's boyfriend, or that she was planning to go to NYC.

Mar, I totally hate that you deal with so much physical pain---- at least you know the reason why it got so much worse and you won't let that happen again. But, gosh, I know that's a tough road. Wish I could take it away.

More later.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 27 2014 :  10:44:48 PM  Show Profile
I got interrupted. Mar, I hope your DH has a happy birthday and will be remembered as the day you sold the house.

Bunny, you just get better and better. I'll be saying I knew you when....... The slip dress and the jacket are both fabulous. I'll go to the stores here as soon as I get back and try to find a copy. Brace yourself. I think you have a way to see how many people view your site? Have something clever on your blog, too. And hold on to your drawers, girl. At least if you don't post, we will know its because you are just too busy!!

The dog and cat names were funny! I'm not good at thinking of clever names. My chihuahua that the X got custody of, I named Jitterbug. It fit her. I had a donkey named Matilda and a black and white dog named Pepper. Not very original.

Thanks Janet--we are not doing anything fancy but we hopefully will get a couple of decent pictures.
I am hoping you get a break from the awful cold. You, too Marie. That pic of the dog was great, but wow, did it ever look COLD outside.

It's late. B is playing Floyd Cramer songs for me on the piano. Sounds just like him. We both have busy days tomorrow. So we are about to crash. It's almost 1:00 am here.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Jan 27 2014 10:45:43 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 28 2014 :  3:49:43 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I don't care about views as much as sales!!! I do have a way to see how many people visit the site. I can also see where they come from if from another website and key search words used from the etsy site. (I know when you are lurking). I can even tell what time people look at my site. (sister is watching).

Gypsy, deep breaths... not too much longer now.

Homework was really hard today. Next week is a test. I only have two hours to finish it. I'm so worried! This is slowly getting over my head.


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 28 2014 :  5:33:26 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, did you get a chance to get that last test snafu straightened out? I often post and then go up to your last post and hit your link to see what you just described. You are really expanding your line. The last jacket you posted here was especially nice. I can't wait to see the magazine. Are you entirely sick and tired of this weather?

We showed the house to the realtor and the husband of the couple who at this point seem the most interested in the house. The husband arrived on time and we invited him. He is a nice man and has been very easy to talk to. His realtor showed up and came in the house and told us how she's been "all the way down to the bottom of the canyon." I was thinking, "Me, too." Who was she trying to impress? Then we heard about her polo match in CA from which she just returned. Then she told us that so-and-so owns the house next door. Well, we said, "Uh, no. The Neighbor owns the house next door." She just knew everything. Told us she has been all over all these lots. I was thinking, "Really, you trespassed all over our property?" Throughout all these stories about HER, she took four phone calls. I was astounded. On top of this, her phone didn't "ring" it "quacked." Which drove Gracie to distraction. Such fun.

Since the husband had been here twice before - for a total of four hours - we let him lead his realtor around. Of course, we could hear her comments, "These cabinets are oak. You can't paint them. Very outdated. All you can do is hope they'll come back into style." "These are probably the original windows." I just don't understand. Dh and I have bought seven houses and have had our share of tours with a "buyer's realtor" and never have we had a realtor point out everything negative they could find. This woman is supposed to be a friend of this couple. And they have said our house is their dream home. She must know how they feel about the property. Why would she be so negative?

At the end of the "tour", dh offered to drive them around our property - the husband has already done twice. The realtor turned to him and said, "Do you want to?" And I had to say something at that point. I told her, "He's been around twice. You're playing catch-up here." It was so annoying. It is hard to convey how rude this woman was.

When they left, dh and I were so down. We were annoyed. Disheartened. I think we will still get an offer, dh doesn't. I don't know what the heck happened. Everything was going so well and now it seems derailed. Maybe not.

Not a good birthday for dh. But, he did enjoy all your wishes! And I did my best to spoil him.

BTW, did I mention our next top spot house to buy is sold? Crummy day all around. Also got to hear from MIL that dh's deadbeat cousin who is finally divorcing her deadbeat dad husband ($50K behind in child support to his ex wife, kids are all grown) is selling their nasty house in Escondido with five parties in a bidding war. We are just not living right.

So, I am done complaining. For now. thank you all for this place to vent.
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