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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 22 2014 : 4:47:27 PM
Good evening everyone,
Yes, it is hashtag I wanted to know the use of.
Marie, tell Lowell to get over himself and that you will tell your gfs what eases your heart. He should think reality we will probably never meet him.
I get car sick but not as much as my sister. We used to drive more than four hours down to Cape Cod each summer. My sister would lean forward from the middle seat of our Chevy station wagon and touch my father's shoulder to tell him she needed to stop. He would swear and drive some more and by the time he decided to pull over she had barfed over the top of the front seat. So, when she got married my father took her husband aside and said, when she leans over and touches your elbow stop as fast as you can. After she had been married six years or so they had three little girls and would sit them in car seats across the back of the Subaru. One time when they were in the middle of nowhere Missouri all three girls barfed within moments of each other. They only had a few diaper wipes to clean them up.
Gypsy I think there is a line between being B's mother and self preservation. If him taking an extra amount of time makes you crazy on the way to anywhere then that is self preservation to make the accommodations.
Ginny I am so glad to hear from you. I like the take the saw and fix it.
I use lists too to keep me on track more so in the outdoor seasons than the winter. The winter jobs are all the same and monotonous. I think boredom tends to be more the factor in not finishing jobs than the ADD. By the time I am some of the way through I know how to do whatever is the new activity and when there is no challenge I lose interest. If the task is not too long I can force myself to finish. I can do Fair Isle knitting where the colors change on a frequent basis. I have a really hard time on one color knitting. I teach well on a new subject the first two or three times and then think although erroneously that if I know it everyone else must too and my teaching enthusiasm wanes.
Mar, maybe there will be a bidding war on the house and your asking price will be inflated by these two couples desire to have your property. Maybe ten years or so ago a house on the other side of town with ten acres and a barn was bid up several hundred thousand dollars to $425,000. The family who finally won the bid was from NJ and the mom had been working in the second tower. When the announcement came on that the tower had been hit but everything was under control she walked right out of the building and kept on going. She and a man hired a taxi together and rode away from the city. She really wanted the property. The over inflation of the selling price of the town did a number on our property tax assessments. Two other properties in town also sold for way over what they were worth.
I think spreadsheets are magic as well. When you change a number at the top and all of the numbers down the column change as well.
It was -18 this morning at dawn and rose to a brisk -10 as a high. Where is Jan? I need to have hope that the temperatures are going to rise.....soon.
DdK took the little boys to a show at the theater this morning. We usually leave an hour and a half before the show to get there on time. 45 minutes before the show was to start someone from the theater called to say the show had been cancelled because there was no heat in the auditorium section of the building. They found out when they arrived and came home. Disappointed.... I would guess the show will be rescheduled.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Jan 22 2014 : 7:36:16 PM
Boy is it cold! Tonight as I come to bed it's only 1 degree but the wind is howling and feels like it is coming through the walls. I'm guessing it's about -30 wind chill and it's been snowing since about noon. I was going to do a lot when I got out of work and came home instead, started a roaring fire and stayed put. Didn't even go feed or water the girls. Yesterday I spent two hours freezing in the woods running around trying to catch Fred the rooster. He begrudgingly finally let me grab him and I threw him in the girls coop so he'd stay warm.
I rented Captain Phillips, Blue Jasmine, and We're the Millers and watched movies all day by the woodstove. Not something I normally do at all.
Here's the pics I promised Mel a day or two ago of my vintage pop up Valentines and the candle holder David made me out of a maple knot. BTW, did I tell you about my flowers? I had to bring the truck to the mechanic last week. He is waiting on transmission lines to fix it and told me I shouldn't go see David last weekend. I had told him about David and Alana. He knew something about David, didn't know about Alana and I started to choke up when I talked about her and had to walk out. Friday night, he showed up at my door with his girlfriend and this bouquet of flowers and said he had been thinking of me all day and thought I needed something to cheer me up. He told me his girlfriend picked them out for me. Then he asked me to call his Mom, which I did and I think it was to bring her and I together. She has cancer. We talked on the phone about an hour that night. I didn't know her before that. What a sweetie to do that for me! For all the troubles we are having, we are certainly blessed.

Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jan 23 2014 : 09:07:56 AM
Ginny, what a sweet collection. Fred the rooster is lucky he isn't fried rooster. I guess you got some good exercise. Bummer about the transmission. Sounds like your repair guy is a sweetie.
Nice to have a day in by the fire. I miss my fireplace something terrible.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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873 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2014 : 11:07:17 AM
Ginny....your cards are lovely! Thanx for the pix!! See, you can share your lovelies with us. And the candleholder is quite unique and clever. Guess David had his thoughtful moments.
Sounds like you have a very thoughtful mechanic also! How nice of him to think of you and to get you flowers and connect you with his Mom.
Alana is in my prayers! Went to the Caring Bridge website...had no idea such a thing existed.
Glad you chose to sit by the woodstove and watch need to find relaxation time when you can. I can't imagine so much cold for so long...I'm originally from Chicago but never had such bad weather for sooo long! I have been in Texas for so long....I'm frozen at 40 degrees....I used to run around in short sleeves and laugh at those who thought 40 was cold....oh how times have changed! :) Stay warm.
And shame on Fred for making you chase him through the woods...but glad he's not frozen bird.
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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873 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2014 : 11:28:20 AM
| sad that the kids missed the show...and they had to make the trip with no results but there will be a next time...and they have learned that the best laid plans of mice and men sometimes go awry. :) -18?...Brrrrrr I feel like an icicle just thinking of it.
It was 65 yesterday and only 30 sympathy expected, I realize that most of the country is suffering with single digits and worse like Holly.
Mar....sounds like you have good movement on the home front! Hope all works out well. I sure am impressed the the DD's boyfriend and the fact that he called to apologize. What a thoughtful young man....and I must say courageous to even make that call. :)
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2014 : 11:36:38 AM
I ran around all day yesterday. First to school where the kids were acting up and misbehaving. They did not have outdoor recess because it was so cold. I had to go there to my therapist and then to the game store where I play Dungeons & Dragons. The game store was cold and the ceiling was leaking. Some water soaked onto some of their Magic Card stock and some of us were helping them count and sort them for an insurance claim.
I got off the bus at 9:10 PM and had to walk two blocks home in -30 degree weather with wind in my face. I could hardly use my hands to turn the key in the door lock. Lowell had the living room crammed with music equipment and I had to wait in the hall for them to clear a spot for me to get in. Then, I had to navigate a maze of PA, speakers, amplifiers, guitar cases, mike stands and cords to get to the kitchen. I told them all that I was cold, tired, cranky and not responsible for whatever I was about to say. They all chuckled.
My therapist observed that Lowell's behavior is pretty childish. I had never thought of it in this way. She suggested that I be very clear about my expectations like I must do with the second graders I work with. She also said that as I get more healthy emotionally and seem to need him less, he will feel threatened by my new independence. I hope that isn't true but I can see how that could happen. I just wish he felt better about himself. He is so cute.

I have been working with spreadsheets since the 1980's when Lotus 1-2-3 was the standard. I did a lot of design and entry with them. Excel is more photogenic and has much better support. I use it mostly now for databases.
Ginny, I love the pop-ups. What a lovely display to look at. The candle holder is exquisite in its rustic simplicity. He could make these and sell them. I would buy one. It is amazing how people will reach out to another in their time of need. All of us can relate to heartache and know what we would like to make us feel better. I am so glad your mechanic's mom is so nice to talk with. There is nothing better than having a wise person around to help one thru difficult times.
School is closed today. I found out when I walked over there for a scheduled meeting. I could get in but there were no kids around and the office was dark. I have the radio on but haven't heard anything about it. I had planned on staying in anyway.
Let's review The List:
Ironing & Mending - no progress; need to assess the workload
After School Class - still need to find place to store past records; design and enter new class roster
Name Doodles - try to finish before Spring break
ATC Swap - one to finish; mail on Monday
Doll Swap - have a really cute pattern; ready to start
Letters & Cards - 3 letters, 2 scars left
Financials - embarrassingly far behind
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2014 : 11:40:22 AM
Sorry for the spelling errors. Constant dog interruptions.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2014 : 4:51:37 PM
Wow, it is cold everywhere tonight. We are having turkey chili for supper. It is in the low 30's with sleet and snow to come later.
I spent three hours in the dentist chair, then came home and slept all afternoon.
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 12:27:34 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2014 : 5:20:38 PM
Good evening everyone,
We woke to -20 this morning with some wind. The high was 0. The rest of the week is supposed to be single digits above or below 0. That will seem balmy. We did chores this morning and that is the extent to my near outside activities. The little boys thought they might like to go play outside. That adventure lasted maybe five minutes tops. I am glad we live in a big barn and not a small house. I would be crazy with noise if we lived in small place.
I think I am glad to live with extreme cold for a few weeks than live with the nasty poisonous critters that you fine women in the south might walk across.
Marie I do not know why you continue to torture yourself with the ironing on your list. I would hang things up and forget them, but then I do not need to appear in public like you do looking professional. C irons and and enjoys it. Better both of you than me.
Ginny you are too kind to the rooster. I have told mine that if he did not stop beating on some of the girls that he was going to find himself in the stew pot. He is white and some of the white leghorns he pecks at mercilessly. I have put one in a stall to keep her safe from him. I have tried to reintegrate her twice and both times he has pecked her head.
NIce cards on the table. I will live vicariously through all of you who can have nice things. Boys, at least mine are so rough on anything that I am not willing to even try anymore. Can you tell I am feeling hopeless about anything nice.
In one of our upstairs bathrooms we have cold water in the toilet and shower but not the sins. Go figure. We are trying to unthaw whatever might be blocked.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2014 : 5:35:52 PM
I love my sons. I love my sons. I love my sons. I love my sons. I love my sons. I have been trying all day to get the water to run in the sinks in the bathroom and come to find out one of the twerps went under the sink into the cupboard and turned off the valve. I love my sons. I love my sons.
Have a lovely quiet evening.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 24 2014 : 1:13:17 PM
A rare occurrence for us to wake up to the white stuff on the ground. It is now melting off. I have a bad case of laziness --all I feel like doing is sleeping. Really need sunshine.
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 12:28:44 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 24 2014 : 1:30:55 PM
I meant did you figure out Pinterest, not prepper.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 24 2014 : 5:28:49 PM
Good evening everyone,
Gypsy when I posted last night your post was not there. I checked back several times last night and your post did not precede mine until this morning. The magic of the internet is baffling.
Today we woke to -16 F and the high was -2 F. The sky was a brilliant blue all day. The stars last night when I was up to pee were bright enough that I could see them without my glasses.
Did I tell you I am so glad to have put in as much wood as we did so I do not have to worry about running out. I can get it cooking and when the sun comes around to the windows the house warms up to t shirt temperatures.
I went to the doctor's today for my annual physical. All of my numbers were within normal limits. As I tell the children, I am going to live for another year.
We did school work today and not much else besides the regular day to day chores.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 24 2014 : 6:39:02 PM
Everybody is sure quiet |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 12:31:50 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 24 2014 : 8:13:02 PM
I'm still here. Homework is taking up all my fun time. I do get to sew this weekend.
I'm a little bummed. My youngest son wrote to my x from boot camp but I haven't gotten a letter yet. I'm afraid my feelings are hurt. He knows how I feel. I told him one time I feel isolated from my family up here and out of touch with their lives. By now writing to me, he just confirmed my complaint.
I realized that I put my blog address in my magazine article. I guess I'm going to have start doing a better job at my blog.
I do hope Janet is OK. Janet!!!! Are out you there?
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jan 24 2014 : 11:35:12 PM
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 12:33:03 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 25 2014 : 3:37:14 PM
Holly, congratulations on having your Peek and Poke appointment behind you for another year. And I am glad you figured out the mystery of the no cold water to the sink. Stinkers. It does sound like it has been a good winter for extra wood being handy. Enjoy your forethought every day that you are comfortable! I am a bit like C as far as feeling a great accomplishment when I iron. I get no satisfaction out of vacuuming. But, dh likes to see the lines on the carpet... So, I let him knock himself out.
Bunny, I hope you are having a greatly productive weekend. The weather is definitely fit for sewing. I think we are having a heat wave since the thermometer has risen from the 28 degrees it has been stuck at for two week. Yep, it's 29 degrees out there. And no sun in sight. I'm sorry that you didn't hear from ds. That hurts a lot. The minute you hear from him it will fly out of your mind and you will be thrilled. It is the nature of being a mom. In the meantime, I am so sorry because it does suck to feel like an afterthought.
Marie, are you getting ready for the next needlework class? Or are the schools maybe going to be closed again? Stay warm on those walks to school and the bus. Do you favor tights or longjohns? I am big on thermals! That extra layer helps me a lot. I know there are merino wool layers and such that are supposed to insulate better, but I am ok with plain ol' thermal underwear. Well, maybe not so plain, I do rock a purple pair now and then!
Mel, so nice to hear from you again. Such a drastic change in temperature is difficult to take no matter where the original temperature was. Yes, dd's boyfriend is pretty good about doing the right thing with dh and I. He has done about as well as he could considering the mess we were dealing with.
Gypsy, Have you collected everything you need for your trip? Are all you choices nailed down? When will you change your DL to read GG?
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 25 2014 : 4:50:47 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today we woke to a balmy 0. I could tell when I woke because my face was not cold. Although I have yet to see my breath in the house.
I think B thought when he moved so far south that it would be a warm climate. I did speak to the Earth yesterday and said, I understand that you are trying to even out the global warming trend and that being so big it would take a while to get the disruption evened out but could we just have a few more days of this serious cold and get by it. She has not answered yet.
I did not punish the boys, probably Ross for turning the valve on the sinks. I spoke to the boy wonder today about not turning the shut off on the toilet to off. I thought the toilet was filling slowly early in the day and then it did not fill at all. HHHmmmmm it was shut. It is a nice sound to here the tank fill.
{{{{{{{{ Bunny }}}}}}}}} sometime you will not be so lonely. I hope soon.
Mar hurry up and wait is not good on emotional stability. I like to talk to the animals when I am worried or have no control. I did see in the Green Mountain Trading post that there are two Morgans available for adoption because they live with an older woman who is no longer able to care for them. For a fleeting moment I thought, yes, that would be fun. Only for a fleeting moment and then reality and rationality set in.
Didn't do much today. I did sleep in until 8. that was a treat.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 25 2014 : 5:00:47 PM
Today was good in the sewing room. I had to turn on the heater though. I try not to. It is expensive to run. It is one of those portable oil heaters. I have to tie a ribbon on the railing on the basement stairs so I'll remember to turn it off. I got a jacket done and finally finished a challenge for the magazine. You are suppose to take a slip and make it into a dress that could be worn by itself. I think I did a pretty good job. Time will tell. The deadline is March so it will be for the August issue. I will have quite a wait to see if it gets in. Same with my brooches I just sent. I make them with the collars from men's shirts.
My cats are sooo needy lately. I have a cat actually laying on my arms as I try to type. I'm afraid he will lean on a button and erase this whole message so I better sign off..
P.S. Gypsy, my youngest knows I'm a whimp. I cried when he was here. He knows how I feel. I think he figures my X will call me with any info so he won't have to write. I do hope to get a letter soon. Or else we will see how tough this new Marine is with his mom on his back!!
Later all!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jan 25 2014 : 5:39:02 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 8:07:53 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 25 2014 : 7:52:34 PM
This is a quick check in because I don't want the posse out after me. I will write a longer post when I am not so tired.
Please check out the Weather Report forum and a thread called Cold Enough For Ya?. It is all true.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 25 2014 : 9:44:06 PM
Good for you, Marie. We worry, ya know. I went and looked at the post you referenced and it was my belly laugh for the day. Thanks!
I know you will all laugh at me but even today at 50 degrees I wore my silk long johns. From winter silks online. So comfy sometimes I sleep in them. But now I want some purple ones!!!
B got home from the movie. He said it was pure Hollywood. I said, what else did you expect?
Have any of you ever had the experience of your guy describing something you did together ("remember when we.........") and you know you never did that, then somewhere along the story, he suddenly realizes himself that it wasn't you. That has happened with me twice. I think it's funny. B got all embarrassed so I let him off the hook, but when Ed did it, the stubborn fool never would admit it was the girlfriend before me, and not me. I never, ever, get my men mixed up.
Stay warm, sleep tight
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 26 2014 : 06:29:26 AM
Oh Gypsy, I have had the "fun" of the mistaken significant other happen to me with dh, MIL and even ds. I had my ds (who is my stepson, but was mine since he was 6) complain that I had named him the same name as his father. Uhhhhhhh, wasn't me... took him a bit to realize his mistake. ;-) Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 26 2014 : 06:34:43 AM
Loved the weather post, Marie! Thanks for pointing us in its direction. Mar |
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