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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  4:03:10 PM  Show Profile
Mar, I think in this case it would be good if she came back. This is a tough thing on top of trying to get her own career going. So that's my vote.

Way to go, Bunny!!!! I'm so excited for you!!

Going back home to regroup is not a bad thing. I never had the option and it caused me to stay in a terrible marriage. That is worse by far

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on May 12 2016 8:49:00 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  4:12:24 PM  Show Profile
Are those your longhorns? The house looks interesting...big arched porch?

Thanks for your vote, G. Dh is very upset, annoyed and trying to not take it out on me. With little success.

Bunny, we are gonna start coming to you for loans! Your inventory is moving quickly.

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  4:15:49 PM  Show Profile

In Lowell's defense, he never asked me to buy the guitar just to switch money around. I was either too lazy or too tired to do it. This works out the same anyway.

He said the being in the counter-culture, one does not wait to get whatever they need to persue their passion because there is no future. You have to get it now. While I disagree with his vision of the future, I can understand where he is coming from.

I do a check in everyday with Lowell. Keys? Yes. Wallet? Yes. Lunch? Yes. Cup? Yes. Phone? Yes. Pad? Yes, wait. This works well for someone with OCD but not so well for someone with ADD.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  6:34:17 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

You know I read all of the posts and then sometimes someone makes a comment and I think how did I miss that one? What links did people make to put that thought together. Geez we all carry so much baggage that influences our thought patterns. That being said, I never thought B was a moocher. He seems very hard working.

When I was a child my mother did all of the banking and bill paying and shopping. We bought food every week and I can remember buying over several weeks or months the food we would need for holiday meals because it was special and not budgeted for all at once. One time when my mother was sick my father took me grocery shopping with him. He went to the fruit aisle and loaded the cart. My jaw nearly dropped to the floor. I was sure that when we arrived at the check out that he would not have enough money to pay the bill. He did and I was so relieved.
After my mother died, I said to my father remembering this experience, how are you going to pay your bills, you have never done it. His reply was, who do you think taught your mother how to pay the bills? Now, I thought it was the secretary school she was sent to after college. I didn't know he had.

C's parents on the other hand lived outside their means their entire married life and each year her dad's mother would pay down their credit cards. It blew my mind when I found that out.

DsG, who moved to the new room had bags under his little eyes this morning. He was a tired puppy. He said he woke up around one and then went to sleep at 5. I am not sure how accurate that is but he sure did look tired. DsC who was left in the old room seems to have slept long and well. He is miffed that dsG's new room is bigger than his room. Well, it is probably two feet wider. I told him to be happy with what he has and stop the whining. I was not sympathetic at all.

I guess a spine transplant might be in order for Mar's dd's bf. Please tell us how it works itself through. It is so hard to grow up and act like an adult when in the presence of one's mother. Especially a mother who uses guilt and manipulation and calls it love. I would guess he prays every time he visits that her self regard will be a little less. Maybe he should talk to his dad about why he lives in Florida and how he survived living with her. Even if dd is angry and terribly hurt by her bf's behavior with his mother and ends the relationship before it becomes a relationbarge it will still be painful for her to leave him. How will she deal with the Neighbor if she returns home to live with you while she figures it out. Will the Neighbor gloat because she believes she has won a coup?

I am glad you had some moments of joy with dd and hope that the Neighbors b.s. did not make your time with her less fun for the two of you.

Marie you do what you need to do for you. and you did. I am glad to read your rants. We have worked through some of our money issues over the years and C is so much better now than she was. Her learning curve is not flat. I guess if I had a parent giving me $1000 a month as free money and I could count on it I might become less of a tight wad when it comes to spending. Well, I would probably save it because there really isn't anything want besides a vacation.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  6:45:21 PM  Show Profile
So, now I read that page that I did not and the one the last post posted too.

WOW! Bunny that is great. Selling two items in one day! You will reach your moving to California money goal if this keeps up!

Mar, tell dh to go talk to the horses they listen, their feelings aren't hurt and they do not disagree. He could brush them while he is at it.

Gypsy, your soil looks as rocky as ours. It looks like the brush gives you some privacy so that strollers by will not look up into your bathroom and surprise you. But, I guess you do not have strollers by either.

Sweet dreams....... for real this time.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  10:41:18 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 10:18:36 AM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  11:48:19 AM  Show Profile
So, dd and bf have settled down a bit. She regrets having shared the upset with us, but knew if they split it would affect us. This kid does understand my daughter's quirks. He does usually treat her with the utmost respect and always puts her first. EXCEPT when his mother is involved. He is an only child, raised by a single mother. The only time he laid eyes on his father was when he was about ten and had a DNA test. His mother dressed him up and made him go shake his father's hand. That gives a lot of weight to the insanity, doesn't it? The absentee male figure (The Neighbor's Husband) who spends more than half the year an entire country away, was an abusive drunk and no male role model. His mother joined the Navy and parked her son with her parents for long periods of time. So, I can forgive some of this young man's wishy-washiness towards mother, especially when grandmother is there parroting all the comments. This is his only family.

Meanwhile, we show the house tomorrow. We really don't need to stay here. We need to get my MIL in a better situation and there are no answers here (That she will agree to). Except living with us. And guess who has a problem with that.

And The Neighbor is dead to us. We no longer feel a need to "keep the peace." We feel we can say we aren't in the position to help her for any of her requests. She needs to get used to being without us anyway.
thanks for listening.

I would take one of those spine transplants, too. This curvy one I have is definitely of trade-in quality!
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  11:54:37 AM  Show Profile
what would i do without you all?
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  12:49:19 PM  Show Profile
You would pay mega bucks to a shrink and we are free. But our advice sometimes sucks. Because we are very protective of our beloved sisters and we are always on your side no matter what..

Today is a beautiful summer day at 75 degrees and not a cloud in the sky.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Jan 20 2014 12:50:41 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  2:45:33 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, 75 degrees sounds so nice. It's the over 100 degree days that do me in.

It's cold and gloomy here. I'm having a hard time doing my homework. It's soooo boring!! It is stuff I already know but the class is required for my degree. I started rocking in my chair. ( that's bad by the way. ) my ADD is doing me in today.

I want to seeeeewwwwwww!!!!

Mar, I still think moving is a good idea. You need to get away from the neighbor. I bet it would help DD's BF too. Then they both can visit without the momma drama.

Ahhh, back to work.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  3:42:24 PM  Show Profile
Yea, let your mama have her drama with the llama. We are always rocking that little ditty around. (We are easily amused.) So, the house is clean. And since I had a week's worth of visitors, that is pretty good. I wanted dd to have a break from some of her responsibilities while she was here so she could enjoy some sleeping in and bonding with her horses. She still did at least her fair share. Every time I turned around she was cleaning up the kitchen. And she left the guest house immaculate, as usual.

I will be glad to have the house showing over with tomorrow morning. I want to just rest for a full day. When you are feeling adrift, it is exhausting. Today, dd was looking into getting some aid. She volunteered at SNAP for a year or more when she was in graduate school or just after, so she knows what the process is. She has no fear of being treated disrespectfully there because it is drilled into anyone who works there that preserving these people's self-esteem is paramount and to be very respectful always.

Dh has started volunteering at the food bank. Right now he is doing about three hours a week, we'll see if he increases. It is hard not to when you see the need. I can't pass the physical requirements, so I will be knitting caps. Apparently, they are best to be lined. I will have to experiment a bit.

Oh, hubby needs popcorn!
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  4:09:00 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We started out at 12 degrees this morning and over the course of the day the temperature has dropped to 0 at dusk. We had snow and gusty winds. I think we have four inches of new accumulation.

What does # mean? in posts?

Mar I thought dh was doing consulting.

I think Gypsy you need to put a hook by the front door for B to always hang his purse. I hang my fanny pack in the same place every time I come in the house otherwise I would take too long to find it. Some one once called me anal retentive because I did. I thought it was self preservation.

I used to type on a big family board and barfing came up. Mar's comment about bunk beds and barfing reminded me that this woman would pay each of her children a dollar when they barfed in the bucket. She had no desire to clean up after them unnecessarily.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  4:47:10 PM  Show Profile

It is really cold again here in Minnesota. I watched the winds blow snow off roofs today. I didn't go out. Nothing is opened today anyway. At least I can see that the birds are eating at the bird feeder. I had to refill it today. I should really put out a bag of suet. I have to make a bag to put it in.

I got in a lot of trouble for telling all of you about Lowell and our life. He doesn't want me to talk about him unless he has my permission so I guess I won't. What a jerk!

Holly - My parents give me money only at Christmas and my birthday. I usually put it on my bus card or make an extra debt payment.

Gypsy - Scots are stereotyped as being tight wads. I never doubted that B was good with his money.

Marianne - I can see that you are kind and understanding to dd's bf. He sounds as if he has been given all kinds of mixed up signals. Maybe you and your husband are the only ones who treated him in a sane manner. As for The Neighbor, I believe you are correct in removing her from you life. Take care of her animals but don't spend any time on her.

Bunny - It just keeps getting better doesn't it.

I see the doctor tomorrow to review the sensor data. Will keep you all posted.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  4:47:33 PM  Show Profile
That woman was a genius, Holly. I don't know what you mean by your question..."#" means number to most of us, but to the younger generation, it is a hashtag. Is that what you are referencing?

Dh is brokering some food products, strictly part time, partnering with someone he has known professionally for many years. He has always found time to volunteer here and there, but now he can pretty much have a "schedule."

My son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was nine. The best advice I ever got from the many professionals who wanted to give advice was that I had to lend him my ability to concentrate/organize. He had a place for his backpack, coat, shoes, everything. There were days that he would wear an empty backpack to and from school. His younger sister would suggest he leave it home and I would veto that idea. You just don't stray from the routine. And he was able to compensate for his lack of attention span by developing a routine for almost everything.

Both children suffered from terrible carsickness. This became a problem when dd started to ride the bus a greater distance to school. It finally became necessary to drive her. She had many embarrassing vomiting instances, but her bus driver loved her because she always made it to the barf bag. That's my kid!

I love that your house is high up and you can look down over the pasture, Gypsy. And for heaven's sake, it's a murse! Get a hook for his murse. And you know it probably won't work. I have put up hooks, plates, tables... anything you can think of for dh's wallet, keys, glasses. It doesn't matter. He just hits the door and starts emptying his pockets on whatever horizontal surface is available. We have found his credit card at WalMart, our local hardware store and the dictionary. Exhausting.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  6:25:45 PM  Show Profile
Mar, I get SNAP and they have always been decent with me. I look forward to the day I don't need them anymore though.
I am also ADD and routines are the only way I can get by. But heaven help me if I have to change something. It stresses me out to have too many things to do out of my routine.
I finally made myself a purse with enough pockets for all the things I can't find. I always hang it on the same doorknob. Someday I'll have an organized sewing room. I spend so much time looking for lost things in there....and then I get sidetracked with all the fun stuff I have and don't get anything done.

Marie, if Lowell doesn't like what you say about him...maybe he needs to change his behavior so you have nothing to write about. No mercy.

I finally got my homework done. I just wasn't in the mode today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Oh, and I sold another dress, and got a kitty sitting job for Feb.

Later all...stay warm and safe!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  9:30:55 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 10:19:47 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Machias Maine
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Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  9:44:28 PM  Show Profile
Took me all day off and on to finally catch up here and all I can say is I MISSED YOU GIRLS! I haven't had so many good belly laughs in a while, so thank you! I especially liked paying your kid to barf in the bucket! I should tell Alana that now since she barfs 5 - 6 times a day. It might be her incentive to keep her bathroom clean.

Ok, here's what I wrote on Word up to this point:

Marie – Thank you for the lovely card! I got it the day after I posted and just haven’t had time to get back on here. Now that I am, I must read up and see why Mar’s daughter is back home and what happened with you and Lowell regarding a guitar! I know what I’m doing today and it isn’t what I thought I would do, lol.

Holly – I know you are thinking of me and that’s all I need. Don’t feel guilty about anything!! I’m just glad I can pop in and out of your lives on here during this hardship. It’s bad enough to be flakey in normal situations, but I’m literally hanging on by a thread these days.

Mel – below a picture of my buffet with some of my vintage Valentine’s. I have a photo album with about 300 of them and put these pop up ones out this time of year. That’s the only real decorating I’ve done. Just that night throwing up and decorating the buffet. The candle holder David made for me out of a maple branch. Once he whittled a heart for me. That’s his softer side which no one else see’s but me and why I allow him to stay in my life I guess. Like Holly said, we have a lot of baggage. Sorry Mel, I didn't get the picture taken, I will tomorrow.

Bunny – Love the jean jacket! I love the dress! You SOLD BOTH! Great for you! I think you've been selling a lot while I've been away. Fantastic!

Marie – I think David needs one of those monitors. At night he told me he has been “crashing”. Probably 2 – 3 times a week. I asked him if he wakes up at least and he said “Oh yea! You can’t sleep through it”. Tell Lowell, if he doesn't like what you write here he shouldn't read it! It's about bonding with girlfriends, not pleasing your husband! What is this crap him telling you not to write about it? That's like my daughter telling me I can or can't say this or that. Sorry, it doesn't work in the world of strong women. And tell him if he isn't nice, I'll take Gypsy up on being the posse! I was born and raised in MN and know Mpls. like the back of my hand. Besides, I need a reason to visit my best friend and some family members, lol!

I spent my weekend sleeping and working. Shoveled three times, cleaned the woodstove twice, changed the cat boxes, glued a lot of things that needed gluing, brought a chicken into my basement because the rooster beat her up, hauled a lot of wood up to the living room, cleaned the entire house since I had soot everywhere from cleaning the wood stove, made scallops and alfredo sauce and also as they say in Maine, "American Chop Suey" but I call it golash. I also took a jigsaw to an outer door that was not able to open because the landscaping bricks moved from the hill they are holding in and since I need to open the door, well off a piece came! And I started to grind all the herbs I dried last fall that never got done since I haven't been home. Thought before David arrives in February I'd better get things done and now, it's time for bed as I work again in the morning and it's late.

We're living on what I earn at my part time job and the graciousness of my family, particularly my parents. They know they probably won't get it back, but they don't want me losing my home or being without heat or electric either. Before David's 90 days in the hospital, we had no debt. Now, we are at about $100,000.00 and that doesn't include three of the hospitals. Let's hope and pray MaineCare steps in and pays it all!

Thanks for the well wishes, the laughs, and for being the great farm girls you all are!


Farmgirl #2343

"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with."
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  9:55:13 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, SNAP is the food stamp program. I realized a year after I was here I wasn't going to find a decent job anytime soon and didn't want to be a burden on my mom for food.

There are plenty of people without ADD.

I have most of the symptoms. They have made life very difficult for me. I have never held a job for more than a year. I just can't keep my mouth shut or do a job where I'm treated poorly. That describes almost every job I have ever had. I even got laid off from a job because I had to leave for two weeks because my dad was dying. No one could do all the work I could do. He said he didn't ever want to be in that position again. He let me go and hired two people to do the job I had been doing by myself. I have left many a job where I was overworked and my boss hired two people to take over.

Oh dear, I'm on a tangent....

Gypsy it isn't discipline as much as it is a routine. The only reason I get my homework done is because I have no distractions and I hyper focus and don't stop until it's done. Same with sewing. However, I watch tv with my iPad in my lap playing a game of some sort, my phone by my side checking it every time it beeps at me and watch the tv at the same time. But I can't knit anything fancy because I get distracted at the littlest thing and can't keep track of my rows or pattern. I'm outspoken to the point where teachers have wanted to throttle me or they are afraid and intimidated by me.
Sometimes it sucks to be me. That's why I was so good at being a store owner. My time was my own and I was great at customer service. No BS, you always got the truth from me. I even told people not to buy stuff if it wasn't right.

Ok, I'm tuned up now...time for bed.

Later farmgirls!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  9:55:36 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, I stumbled onto a Pinterest site that had some gorgeous dresses but I didn't take the time to pin them onto my boards, so they are in my "like" file if you care to take a look. I just pinned them last night so they should be near the bottom.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 21 2014 :  09:33:23 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I checked it out. Very nice! 19k likes?? You have been very busy. I saw lots of cool things there.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 21 2014 :  11:16:50 AM  Show Profile
Yep! Mel 's got nothing on me!

I do Pinterest at night when b is playing his keyboard and I am just sitting on the couch, which is what I do best!

I don't think my problem is ADD. More like AGE.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 21 2014 :  5:10:42 PM  Show Profile
Ok, I'm pooped. Excel homework was really HAARRRRD. Totally whining here. If all my homework assignments are going to be like this... I'm not going to be doing anymore sewing on Tuesdays.
I got one dress mailed off today, but I can't find a decent box to ship off the order with two items. I just may give up and put them in an old Amazon box and just let the customer know. I ordered some flat rate priority boxes from the Post Office but they didn't come today. Hopefully tomorrow.

Not much else going on. Just homework. Time for dinner and vegging in front of the TV.

Until later...


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 21 2014 :  5:48:33 PM  Show Profile
Man, I really have to get up to date with this Pinterest. I have been on it, but I don't know how to pin or really even navigate through it. Am I just dense? Maybe don't answer that.

Ginny, there is no good reason on earth that someone should be saddled with so much medical debt in our country. The entire idea behind the affordable healthcare act is to avoid the exact situation you are in. When you are sick, the cost shouldn't be another stress on you or your loved ones. I do hope the new laws work as they should in your case and MaineCare picks it up.

Bunny, I hate Excel. It is more difficult than most spreadsheets, I think. But, it is the one that is most often used. Good luck.

Gypsy is it dancing night? How was the late night drive back to the city? Are you going to stick with that departure time or go back to driving in the daylight?

We showed the house to a man moving here with his wife. She is still in Great Falls. He unabashedly told us it was exactly what they are looking for. She called this afternoon and we made plans for her to fly in to see the house. They will both be here Thursday morning. So, this couple and then there is the couple who have been back three times (the measure-ers). Looks like this house might actually sell in the near future. Thanks for all the crossed fingers and good thoughts you have all sent and all the reassurances you have made to keep my spirits up.

Another interesting event that happened today...dd's boyfriend called to apologize for his "ridiculous behavior." I let him go on for a while, feeling kind of bad for him, but still... He wanted to assure dh and I that there is nothing he wouldn't do for his relationship with our dd, that he is in this for the long run, etc. etc. He sounded like he wanted to vomit the entire time. I assured him that we never doubted that he loved our daughter. So, I guess things are smoothing over for them. And I think calling was a difficult thing for him to do. And dd had no idea it was going to happen and also was quite pleasantly surprised that he had made such an effort.

I am working on an afghan that you knit with two strands of yarn at once on size fifteen needles. Obviously, with that large of needles, it goes pretty quickly. It is a simple pattern, too. Very little thinking involved! Very relaxing.

I am so tired from all the stress, holidaying with the kids and showing the house. Did I mention MIL comes for a week's visit on the second of February? What was I thinking?

Good night, good friends.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 21 2014 :  7:54:03 PM  Show Profile

You are right. I can and will say whatever the eff I want to here. I just have to make certain that he is not hovering around when I read or type. He will read something, usually out of context, and get all bent out of shape about it. I almost emailed my phone number to a few of you. I really needed a person to talk to. I really do not have anyone close either geographically or friendwise. Thank you everyone. I see my therapist tomorrow and I have to ask her how I can defend myself against his calm logic.

Gypsy - I have learned that one cannot suggest to a man. Men respond best to direct orders. I know that is not a woman's way but it works. I have done it. It's the dog training method. Keep saying "put your keys here" everytime he walks in the door until he can do it without a reminder. Give him a treat when he gets it done correctly. Also, buy a bunch of reading glasses and leave them around the place and in your purse. I know many non-ADD people who do this.

Oggie - The guitar is supposed to be here tomorrow but I will be gone in the morning and again in the late afternoon. He is in a tizzy about receiving it. "What will we do if you are not at home?" I don't HAVE to do anything. He'll just have to wait. My God! He is so impatient. What I had was a sensor meant to be attached for only a short time. What David needs is an insulin pump with continuous telemetry which sends the signal to a staff of doctors. The pump will sound an alarm or the monitoring station will call when the readings are too low or too high. Medicare will readily pay for this and all of the supplies and insulin. I checked this out but I do not want to depend on a machine in this way. I believe that MaineCare will take good care of you. If not, write to all of your legislators in the state and at the federal level. They DO listen to constituents.

Bunny - I love Excel!!! I design spreadsheets just for fun. Remember, as with all Microsoft Office products, there are 3 or 4 different ways to do the same operation. It can be confusing but just stick with the way you are most comfortable with and you will get through it just fine.

Marianne - I found this little book in the Office Max called Pinterest For Dummies. It only cost $1 so I thought it might be helpful when I started. I could copy it and send it to you if you send me your address.

I had a confused first grader in my class tonight who thought she was taking crochet. I tried to get her to go to the knitting class but she wouldn't budge. I got mad at her because she was playing with my scissors and looking in my notebook. She wanted a great deal of help and I told her that I would help her catch up when I was done teaching the class the new material. Two of my students forgot their materials. I had one of them help the first grader. I do not like having to catch students up. If they show up like this, that's just too bad. I don't even have supplies for them. Some people's kids.

Lowell has been listening to David Bowie songs. We have new speakers and it is so nice listening to him (David) sing. Lowell listened to all the songs from Labyrinth and a few songs from his new albumn. He wants to do "Where Are We Now". It is such a sad song. Obviously, he wrote this after losing someone close to him.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jan 22 2014 :  10:04:32 AM  Show Profile
Mar, you think you are stressed now? Wait until the house sells and you have to find a new house and move. MIL may be visiting inside a storm. I hope it all goes well for you. I like that DD's BF called you. It shows respect and a maturity he didn't learn from his mom.

Marie, you crack me up. Training a man is indeed hard to do. I actually do like Excel. My homework was just especially difficult yesterday. I was nesting formulas and the instructions were a bit vague. I still think it magic how it all works when you get it right.

Today is a sewing day!! Later all.....


Farmgirl number 3738
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