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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 17 2014 :  2:59:38 PM  Show Profile
Awwww... Mar so cute!! Both have such sweet faces!!

Finally got an address for my son. I wrote him a letter right away. My X got a form letter in the mail signed from him with the instructions for mailing letters to him. There was also a form letter from the base commander and his drill sargent. It had dates for his graduation that were for August 2013. Ummm.... doesn't work for me. You would think the Marines could send out a correct form letter with the correct dates. My X is going to go see my son's recruiter on Tuesday to get it straightened out. My X is also going to pay for my trip down to San Diego for graduation. I just need to come up with money for food. Supposedly graduation is the first week of April. Of course that is also my first week of the Spring quarter at school. I will have to make sure all my work is done before I leave.

Just finished up my homework so I'm trying to decide if I have enough energy to go sew. I have been pushing myself a little too hard lately. I was in big pain yesterday. Thankfully Alleve takes the edge off and I was able to go to bunco. I have to get out of the house every once in a while.

Here is the dress I posted today on my store.

It has a very low neckline so I suggested wearing a lacy camisole underneath. It looks so cute on the manikin.

Later all!!!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 17 2014 :  4:28:45 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

The pups do not looked thrillled at all to be in matching outfits. Mar did you not know that matching outfits even for twins are sooooooooo old fashioned and these pups are surely up on what is fashionable.. I think if you had embroidered yellow ducks on the chest of one and a pink heart on the chest of the other they would have been so much happier to wear them. lol

Not good for the neighbors. Is the house totaled? This vacation for dd and her sweetie pie is certainly a memorable one for both the good memories and the bad.

We had sunshine for some of the day. The children went sledding while ddK and I brought over hay from the other barn.

We did school work and chores. what else?

Nice dress. good for Valentine's Day. I hope the pain is less. Glad you have an address for your ds.

Marie, I hope the after school program is going well. and the monitor is working and there is some positive information that can be gleaned from it. I was talking to a friend today who has some sort of diabetes that she controls with her diet. She said some company is trying to develop a contact lens that would measure blood sugar in tears so a person would not need to prick herself many times a day.

Jan are you well?

Gypsy dancing?

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 17 2014 :  5:24:12 PM  Show Profile
I am having problems posting. I have been using IPad. Did a nice long one and hit

Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 17 2019 2:07:03 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 17 2014 :  5:24:54 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I read about the contact lens monitor, too. Kinda interesting, huh? I will take your doggy wardrobe advice under consideration. ;)

bunny, love the dress. It is well-suited to a lacy camisole. How nice that you have your travel costs already taken care of for the graduation. I hope your pain cycle breaks.

Today was a tough day because of The Neighbor. The visit for the kids is ending with a lot of upset. The Neighbor had invited dd and her boyfriend (The Neighbor's Son) down for breakfast. Also there was her mother - the boyfriend's grandmother. About forty-five minutes into the visit, The Neighbor asked her son when they were going to have "A Talk." (He had spent from 9 am to 5 pm at her house yesterday doing chores like changing the kitchen faucet, stuff like that.) Dd was asked to leave. Because according to The Neighbor "you don't want to be here for this." So, it ended up with The Neighbor and her mother telling the boyfriend that he doesn't spend enough time with his mother when dd and he come to visit. So, that fight ensues, dd is upset with her boyfriend. It has just made it uncomfortable for everyone today. Dh and I have stayed out of the kids way when they are dealing with this "issue." The Neighbor is a bit unreasonable as her other adventures have shown. Dd and her boyfriend have been together almost three years. Dd got a travel sized Burt's Bees set for Christmas from boyfriend's mother. Nothing from his grandmother. He opened package after package. Which is fine, but maybe don't make it mandatory that dd attend your Christmas Eve gathering if you aren't going to really include her past a token gift. BTW, dd shopped for and wrapped all the gifts for both his mom and grandmom.

And so we continue to market the house!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 17 2014 :  5:31:41 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 21 2019 12:55:50 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 17 2014 :  5:38:08 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 21 2019 12:57:20 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 17 2014 :  5:54:26 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 21 2019 12:56:40 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 17 2014 :  6:43:13 PM  Show Profile
I was thinking the same thing about the visitation with the Neighbor. That once you move she will still think of you as competition but she will not be able to sling the guilt about visitation. She may find that her ds only visits when he is d*** good and ready. I would guess that she is lucky to have more visits from him now because dd likes to visit you.

I am sorry the Neighbor and her mother are petty. It will be easier once you move. Sending good vibes into the ether for the sale of your house. I know that the jet stream moves in one direction in the north so my good vibes take longer to get to you than your good vibes take to get to me.

Gypsy, I have decided I am a slow thinker. We still get the job done we just need to ponder how. I think if you quiz soon to be you might find that acting more quickly has gotten him bit in the arse in the past and he has consciously slowed down so the wounds could heal before bitten again. Patience dear heart, patience. Go do something else after making a suggestion.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 17 2014 :  8:46:43 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on May 12 2016 8:42:01 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 18 2014 :  2:06:50 PM  Show Profile
Thought you would like to see the returned dress redone. I added a bottom hem and some lace on the back and some tulle around the middle. I also raised the price quite a bit. I put in about 4+ more hours and the bottom hem was from a skirt I bought at the thrift store for a nice little penny.

I call it my Rock-a-Billy cocktail dress.

I figure it will take forever to sell. But it looks amazing in person.

Today is sooo gloomy outside. I have the music cranked in the basement to keep my spirits up!

Gypsy, sounds like Mr. B needs glasses all over the place. I think you need to second guess him to keep him on time. Glasses, socks, clean back window and before you get to the gate, directions. Maybe keep a pair of his glasses in your purse. Glad you still think he is cute.

Until later!!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 18 2014 :  3:04:43 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I think that B needs a checklist. Some very bright people can not organize themselves out of a paper bag. Here is a link for an ADD site
The article is not what I am recommending but the magazine is. They have articles for spouses of people living with ADD. Look back through the archives. I remember some about organization. It could very well be that B is ADD and that is why he is so good at cost estimation because he can hyperfocus.

I guess he is also directionally challenged. Has little concept of where he is in space or time. I have not searched out any sites for this. Good luck.

I took pictures outside this afternoon. I have been trying to take pictures of those fast darting black capped chick a dees. Remember that beautiful picture that Thelma took? I would like mine to be half as good.

the black dress is very pretty, Bunny. Prom season will be coming up soon. Maybe you could market to that demographic.

We moved dsG (7) to his own room today. We will see how he does away from dsC whom I think he has shared a room with all his life. We will see how dsC does with out him as well. I will be so glad not to have to make up bunk beds. They are convenient and such a pain.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 18 2014 :  3:27:23 PM  Show Profile
Hello all. What a week. Dd left this morning and her boyfriend is still not out of the (well deserved) dog house. When he let his mother separate them, he made a huge mistake and one that they had promised one another would not happen. So, there is hell to pay, as they say. This is the straw that broke the camel's back. They aren't coming back here together. Dd will come to visit us if we don't sell soon, but he is not returning to visit his mother and will see us when we are in Portland or end up moving. He actually told his mother that we weren't home but he was returning to our house rather than stay with her at her house because he is more comfortable here. That kind of showed her that it wasn't a matter of him choosing to spend time with us over more time with her. It was a matter of him choosing sanity over more time with her. But, he knew he screwed up and I think he knows dd is through with this nonsense.

Dh has ADD as does Ds and Dd. It is inconvenient. They can be so fixated on small things and miss other things. A lot of things get almost done. Dd manages it best at this point. Dh seems to be getting a bit worse, but I think it because he doesn't have to have such a tight rein on things now that he isn't working...

I just had such an irritating afternoon sending photos out to people interested in the house and losing them. I am not very talented at that.

I think the black dress is definitely prom-ish. Especially in the Portland area.

Holly, good luck to you with the new bedroom situation. There might be a bit of loneliness on one of the boy's part. Usually the youngest, right? I hope you sleep well tonight. I would look forward to never making a bunkbed again. Ds had an elevated bed with his desk underneath. Annoying. Especially when they get sick and vomit during the night.

Well, on that note...
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 18 2014 :  7:53:16 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 21 2019 12:58:34 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 18 2014 :  7:57:41 PM  Show Profile
I read a little about ADD and I must have it too lol. I took the self test and scored 55. But I might have been a little hard on myself. I'm absent minded and never finish anything, talk too much, put things off and constantly interrupt people, but have no trouble sitting still for long periods.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Jan 18 2014 7:59:25 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 18 2014 :  11:02:02 PM  Show Profile

I apologize for not posting. I ran out of my happy pills and can get really snarly if provoked.

For instance, Lowell wants to buy a 12-string guitar. The one he wants is so new it is not in any of the stores around here. He read reviews and listened to YouTubes of it and asked me about it and agonized about it. Finally he was ready to make the purchase. He went to the maker's website but they didn't take his debit card because he has a $300 per day limit. Amazon wouldn't take it for the same reason. He doesn't have enough on his credit card so he asked me. I refused. I have had two guys use me as a cash machine and I have already paid for stuff for him (bankruptcy, car repair, rents) and I refuse to finance his lifestyle. He needs the guitar for the band. His ex-wife is a graphic artist and made a cartoon of a guy who desperately wants a guitar going "I WANT THAT BEAUTIFUL GUITAR!!!". That was Lowell today. He hates to buy online. He hates to pay delivery charges even though he himself is a courier and makes his living that way. What a pain in the arse! I was trying very hard to hold on and not start yelling or screaming at him. Finally, when he said he wanted to change the date of the car payment, I lost it. I almost left him right there. What a whiny bas****! Ended up, I bought the guitar for him on my credit card and I told him the guitar was mine and I would sell it if he p***ed me off. He is getting no more financial aid from me again. I mean it this time. #&%$^&*@#%//?#$%^&@%!!!!!!!

Apologies. I really need to get those happy pills.

I have to see a legal person to help me fill out the paperwork to declare myself an informal guardian of my uncle's estate. I just do not understand what is needed on the forms. This is annoying.

Holly - I was always taught to pay my own way even as a kid. When I did have to ask my parents for money I always paid them back. They got really snarky about the last time so I no longer ask them for anything. Lowell's dad gives him $1000 every month. The needle didn't hurt although I could feel it slightly. The adhesive was uncomfortable and I kept wanting to scratch at it. I am so glad it is off now. I categorize my chores but I end up doing only the ones I want to do so my productivity is pretty low. Strangely, I do enjoy doing the dishes. There is something so satisfying about having a clean sink and countertop. I like the rubber band idea. I don't have many clothes and since I have been unemployed, do not where any of my dresses or skirts very often. I'd like to save them in case I do get a job again but I believe I will never have an office job again.

Ripples are easy. Make a chain of a multiple of 17 stitches. Single crochet in 7 chains, make 3 single crochets in the next chain, one single crochet in the next 7 chains, skip the next 2 chains and repeat. I have made many ripple afghans and have a book full of ripple pattern instructions.

Marianne - The Neighbor sounds as if she is bipolar. She is a good person to stay away from. As my mom always said "Let them go to hell in their own way." I am a little surprised that ds didn't stand up for dd. Maybe now he will start growing some cahones. That fire sounds bad. Did they find out what caused it? I hope those dogs got a nice treat for having to dress up.

Gypsy - B sounds much like Lowell. Lowell's problem is OCD. He forgets things but also will go back to check on stuff or is certain he has done something and has to check it out. One time he was sure that he had hit another car. I said that if he had the other driver would have stopped. He kept insisting that the other driver may not know that he hit him and he tried to catch up to the other car to flag it down. I believe B and Lowell would get along famously and the two of us can trade "dumbest thing my guy has done" stories and laugh. Lowell was laughing at your description of B's antics. He would know how insane it all seems.

Bunny - I love the dresses especially the black one. It is definitely prom style. There is a charity in the Twin Cities which sets up at a thrift store and alters dresses to fit disadvantaged girls for prom. The program buys the dress, shoes, purse and does the alterations. I may try to contact them this year.

The after school class is going well. Luckily, they split the class into knitting and crochet so I am only teaching crochet. I have some serious students many of whom grasp the skill easily. I have a ripple scarf pattern which they are all going to use for the project. I will have them write out the instructions and maybe even do a diagram. I really want them to be able to read and follow instructions so that they can feel confident about making anything.

That's it. I'll review The List tomorrow.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  09:04:11 AM  Show Profile
B pays his own way and treats me to dates regularly. He would never take a dime from anyone, especially me. He just has trouble and takes a lot of time counting everything out, doing the math several times, etc. I hope I did not convey anything else. He came from a wealthy family and lived in a fine home growing up. His family had been in the furniture business in Scotland for over a hundred years. He left when he was 20, his sister moved away which left the older brother to take care of the aging parents. So the entire estate was willed to the older brother, strangely in a one page will handwritten by someone else but signed by his then incompetent dying mother. It somehow was legal. B has worked hard his whole life and provided well for his family. He still works and saves quite a bit every month
So I probably misspoke when I said he had trouble with money without further explanation. Sorry about that.
He pays half of all my expenses and he says he will fix the house for me himself which will save me many thousands of dollars. I have never seen a harder worker

But the ADD with hyper focus explains his unusual behavior well. BTW he is warn and loving and affectionate even when I'm grouchy. So I can figure out how to compensate for his special needs for the way his brain works. I'm out of time. More later.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  11:06:17 AM  Show Profile
Just wanted to add Marie, my dh #2 used me as a cash machine and I was so blind to it all. I won't be doing that again. I would not have bought the guitar for Lowell. Maybe I would have wanted to , but I wouldn't have done it. Someone on here, maybe you, said I came from a family of enablers. True. So I've learned that lesson. Lowell isn't ever going to become responsible if he's got you and his dad to bale him out. You are more generous and forgiving than I am.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  11:16:09 AM  Show Profile
Mar, how are you doing today, after your eventful week? I hope that idiot neighbor has the good sense to leave you alone for a few days at least.
Holly, how did the littles do last night?

Today is sunny and clear and perfectly beautiful. I am enjoying the quiet. B says he has no problem driving at night. I know better, but he wants to stay here all day. He loves it out here. So he will drive us back to the city tonight probably really late if I know him. I'm going to clean up the kitchen and nap with the girls Penny and Lola and he is rigging up a golf net he bought to practice his golf swing without losing his balls. No pun intended.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  11:38:46 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I would add that apparently Lowell had the money to buy the guitar just couldn't with his debit card. Marie needs to take him to the bank on Tuesday and have him pay Her back in cash. If he didn't have it, she would know he was just using her. I'm not liking Lowell very much....sorry Marie.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  11:55:29 AM  Show Profile

Oh don't worry. Lowell will be paying for this for the rest of his life. As I said, this is my guitar and I will sell it out from under him. My problem with him is that he has always taken such a casual attitude towards money and is not willing to make compromises in his spending. He wants everything right now and he whines about it if he doesn't get it. So he gets his music toys right away and I have to wait years to save up for anything I need for sewing. Sorry, I am just venting.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  1:20:43 PM  Show Profile
Vent all you want to my dear but don't be surprised if your farm sisters jump in when we think you are being taken advantage of. That's what we do. Tell your man we will send a posse after him if he doesn't treat you right.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  2:29:07 PM  Show Profile
The quote of the weekend with dd and boyfriend comes from his mother (The Neighbor). It is "I am tired of coming in second." Boyfriend was dumb enough to share this with dd. Along with saying that he felt torn. DD said, "We're done."

She is completely right. He allowed his mother to divide and conquer them again. He hasn't stood up for them as a couple and sending dd home so that his mother could have a talk with him was disrespectful. Before she left, dd let them both know how she felt. Calmly.

She called to let dh and I know there is trouble in paradise and she may leave Portland. Boyfriend has a good job there, she doesn't. She prefers Seattle, but can't afford the rent without a roommate. So, some planning will be needed. She may return here for a bit to regroup. She may just stay where she is.

Meanwhile, dh and I are pumping the brakes on selling our house. SCREECH. Anyone gotten whiplash from my posts about selling the house lately? Sigh. We don't have any offers anyway.

So, as we all know, when our kids are going through turmoil, some of it passes to us. I bet Bunny has muscle aches from all the calisthenics of boot camp!

So, Marie are you still happy you are farm sister? We can be brutally honest, but frankly when several sisters have the same opinion we are usually right. Or you told the story wrong. I like the idea of the prom dress alterations. Sounds fun .

I will be checking back on all ya.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  3:01:36 PM  Show Profile
Oh Mar! Fun being a parent huh! Hopefully DD and boyfriend can makeup and put everything back together. But it is good she stands up for herself. I bet she got that from her mother. You could still sell your house and move between Seattle and Portland just in case. I kinda hope she doesn't give up and move home. That isn't always the best solution...(coming from experience as the one who moved home). It's hard to get back on your feet and get back out there.

We are a opinionated group aren't we. I actually hold back quite a bit. You're welcome!!

Sewed a really cute dress today!! I love it. If only I was was 20 years younger (had a job) and was about 40lbs lighter. I would rock this place!!

Until later.....


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  3:16:14 PM  Show Profile
I have the same misgivings about her coming back to Spokane...but, of course, we've got her back.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  3:48:32 PM  Show Profile
Whoo Hooo Just sold the redone dress that was returned plus a jean jacket to the same person!! I had raised the dress price from 95.00 to 175.00 because of all the extra fabric and hours I put into it. So jazzed it sold so quickly. Yea!!!... can you tell I'm excited.

I'm beginning to think I will never get it to 100 dresses on my store. I keep selling them. I hate it when that happens.....


Farmgirl number 3738
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