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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 10 2014 : 11:54:08 PM
Bunny, I admire you for sticking with it. And congrats on yet another sale.
Marie we had our class on the Charleston tonight and we did pretty well. It is a fun dance to do and fun music. Turns out the whole month is going to be on Charleston. It is fun and so wonderful to have someone to practice with.
After class we went to Starbucks then to see the movie as planned. So much easier to not have to worry with coats and scarves to keep warm. I left the movie thinking that Merle Streep should get yet another academy award, as should Julia Roberts, all the acting was superb, but the story itself will leave you feeling like your family isn't so bad after all. No matter how bad it was, it couldn't top this one. Some of the characters seemed vaguely familiar as was the dreary setting, and I remembered the feeling all too well of just being so desperate to escape from the people you love but must get away from if you are to have a shred of sanity intact. But don't go if you can't deal with a lot of swearing.
Tomorrow we have a private Salsa lesson with Anthony, a Latin instructor. Then Sunday we are going to the driving range where I will no doubt make a fool of myself, then we will meet my dd and family for dinner. The driving range is half way to their house. I'm loving my life right now. I'm going to Hawaii in May to see my grandson perform in a Hawaiian cultural festival. Don't know yet if B will go or not.
Bunny, a jar of Nutella will cure everything, especially if there are strawberries to dip. hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 12 2014 9:55:36 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 11 2014 : 5:14:56 PM
Good evening everyone,
I edited the last post about the dance show because I thought these posts can be searched from the internet and I did not want ddK to be embarrassed as some later time. M's mom is not too much of a prude she is just overprotective. M reads all sorts of books voraciously and her mom does not edit any of the content.
Yesterday was -4 after chores. Today was +22. such a difference. It has been raining all day long. So, we know that the temperature is above 32 now. Why could it not be just a few degrees colder so we could have snow. Can you here the fine whine vibrating across the airwaves.
Glad you sold another dress, Bunny. It must be nice to know that more than one person covets ad outfit. Sorry the spreadsheet program is so difficult.
You are far better than me, Gypsy. I could not hit the ball to go to the driving range. My eye hand depth perception is not good enough to know how far the club has to be raised or lowered to hit the little ball. I am glad that you have us to tell the tales of B and his frog ness. You are so good not to laugh because that would make him feel so inept and we do not want him to give up on the dancing. He is a good sport to try the more difficult dances.
I hope that the couple with the young boys can get the financing together to make an offer. Your seclusion would be a great place for boys to grow up. I would guess they would learn quickly to stay away from the canyon edge. I wonder if not disclosing the Neighbor would be like not disclosing a defect in the house. lol I hope you have many moments of joy with dd and her love. I did not realize that they would be visiting for seven whole days... How nice for you. I want to hear about the jokes and pranks, even if they are accompanied by we are having such a fun time over and over. I will be happy you are having a nice time.
I would think that working with tigers would be incompatible with being naked. One missed place growl and oops.
I have a friend J who used to go camping with the Radical Fairies. They are a group of gay men who camp, learn political action and have fun together. At one event years ago J was sitting naked by the campfire and a doberman came over and laid down beside him draping his head over J's lap and loving putting his mouth around J's source of pleasure. J said he did not move a centimeter the whole night for fear the doberman would .............
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jan 11 2014 : 11:05:35 PM
Just found this on my Etsy site. If you use this link to open a new Etsy store. You and I both get 40 free listings. Listings are .20 each. It doesn't sound like much, but I will be relisting a bunch of my items and this could be a great help.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2014 : 01:06:59 AM
I am up late because I am dealing with an insulin reaction. I'm okay just cold after being all hot and sweaty.
Lowell was going to have band practice today but the drummer couldn't come and he let us know only this morning after hearing about it a couple days ago. Lowell doesn't want the bass player over without the drummer so he called it off. Problem is, I had canceled my appearance at a Fixit Clinic because he wouldn't have been able to pick me up. So my whole day was effed up. He was out all day at breakfast and then trying out 12-string guitars. I didn't even know rehearsal had been canceled until 2:00. He didn't get home until 4:00. Argh! Some people's husbands!
Gypsy - Aren't they so cute when they sleep and snore with their mouths open. I don't even want to take a picture because I just enjoy the moment.
Bunny - The article I talked about will go out on Monday. I missed the mail carrier today. I included another article from Threads which I believe you might like. I can't believe that they didn't give you training in Access before you needed to use it. Access is a tricky program. I need to relearn it.
Holly - Oh dear! A dog doing that is just not right. On the other hand, the dog may have responded gently to the proper command. Guys are really sensitive about that area and I know they tend to freeze up when it is threatened. I like to sleep naked but I put on a nightie when Mitzi gets in the bed because she doesn't know where not to lick. It is all just skin to her.
Probably about time to go back to bed. I can smell my yummy crock pot soup cooking away.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 12 2014 : 07:27:28 AM
Oh Marie, getting thoroughly chilled after being hot...glad you are recovered. It is so irritating to arrange your day around someone and then have their plans fall through and you are left just thinking, "I could have..."
Gypsy, you sound like you have had a really special day. I read a review on the movie and they agreed with your summation. I am sure we will be seeing both actresses next award season.
Bunny, I remember having my college schedule messed up by well-meaning idiots, too. At least you are near the end.
The young couple are interested in the house, but I guess they don't know if they "should." They can get the financing... Meanwhile, yesterday dh and I wanted to show the kids the house that we are so excited about. Dh pulled it up to find it labeled "Sale Pending." Third house we have set our sights on and then watched it sell to someone else. But, good for those home owners, they must be happy. It was a bit crushing, though. We seem to be having a lot of disappointments lately. I am sure it will swing to the positive side soon.
We are above freezing and the ice has almost completely cleared. What a relief. The animals can run again and I can uncurl my toes when I walk!
Hope everyone has a great day. Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jan 12 2014 : 4:03:46 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today started out at 26. We had snow flurries all day, no accumulation. Temperatures started to fall in the early afternoon and continued to fall. The rain from yesterday has frozen across the fields. I bet we could slide from one end of the property to the other with out a bit of friction.
My beautiful, smart compassionate arrogant, ddK has caught herself. Earlier in the week I said to her as we were getting out of the car and she reached inside to flick the button to lock it. What you are doing is dangerous. What do you mean? she arrogantly asked. I replied, I always make it a habit to take the keys and lock the car with the key in my hand. I know, Mama, but Aron (her most recent infatuation) says to lock his car this way so that is the way I do it now. Like in her best you are so backward, Mama voice. So, this afternoon I am doing chores and C comes to ask me if I want to drive to Williston because the wonderful, smart,, arrogant Miss K has locked the keys in the car and since she does not have a AAA membership they will not go open it for her on our account when C called them. So, I wrapped up chores and went to get ready. Meanwhile ddK does have my AAA card with her. She does decide she can call on her own and use my card that I had let her take on New Year's. I am waiting for her to come home, I am trying to decide if I should say,...........
Do the young couple think it is too big a bite for them? Crossing my fingers someone comes along soon. A relief to have the ice gone from the horses field so you will not fall and break your neck while racing to hold the horse that has fallen while looking for you to bring it a treat.
Patience is a great gift, Marie and I think for the most part you have it with Lowell.
I think about the many things I could make to sell, but my available time to create the items is so limited I have not made the plunge.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Jan 12 2014 4:05:32 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jan 12 2014 : 4:43:52 PM
Well I was reasonably productive today. I managed to finish the jean jacket that frustrated me so much and the dress that I pinned up the other day.
Here is the jean jacket:
Mar, I guess I don't blame the young family for "thinking about it". Putting themselves in a large amount of debt is not something to take lightly this day and age. The right people will come along.
Holly, I don't think you need to say anything to K. She knows. It's learning those lessons the hard way that really sets the learning process. I can attest to that!
Gypsy, I have been enjoying all your pinterest pins. Lots of nice dreams there. I still want my tiny house on wheels but I don't think I will be able to find a place to put it and it's not big enough for my sewing anyway. But I do look.
Marie, so sorry you are dealing with health issues. Doesn't sound fun at all. Take care!!
Until later......
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
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Posted - Jan 13 2014 : 09:05:46 AM
Hi Ladies :)
Wow, I hate when I'm away so long and I miss out on so much. Takes me forever to read and catch up. Is no way my mind can remember and address every thing I read. I forget too easily. So I will just say that I'm glad most everyone had a nice New Years.
Gypsy, your rings are lovely. I also don't blame you for being miffed at Miss Flirt for coming onto B. Won't it be fun when you get to let her know you two are married? That will be sweet! Mar, I continue to hope for you that you are able to sell your house and get away from the crazy neighbors. Ughhhh. You're so patient with them. I'd have had to find a place to hide the bodies by now. Jan, I know you've been in the deep freeze too and hope you're staying warm and watch out for icy patches when you're out and about. I wear these gripper things on my shoes or boots. It's been so icy here and I hate falling. Bunny, I'm happy for you that your business continues to grow. I have a young neighbor who is in the Marines and a nephew who's 10 yrs in the Air Force. Your son will do well I'm sure. He'll see this all as a great adventure and you, as his mom, will fret far more about the separation and training than he will. Marie, I shuddered when I read about the old guy and something poking you in the tail bone. I'd not have been nearly as pleasant as you were. He'd have gotten an earful. Your Christmas stocking is lovely and I'm sure your swap partner was very happy. Oggie, I'm so sorry about David and your DD. My goodness you folks have had more than your share of trouble. I hope 2014 ends better than it has begun for you all. They say God never gives us more than we can handle but my dear, you've had your share. Stay strong and when you can't just go off and have yourself a good cry. You've earned it. Holly, I got a chuckle out of your telling of the dog and naked J. Too funny. I'm glad you've not turned into an icicle either with the cold. For everyone else if I missed you I'm sorry. I'll try to be a bit better about getting in here more often now that the holidays are over. My weight has bounced a bit but I'm hanging in there. Dr. put me on Lyrica and it is just like the gabapentin with the side effects so I've stopped it too and lost 5 lbs immediately. Torques me off as those meds actually helped my pain but if they turn me into a blimp and cause heart palpitations and shortness of breath I just can't take them. Our plumbing woes are solved and life is moving along nicely. I see many of you are into Pinterest. It's one of my vices too. I have way too many boards (108)and quite a nice following now with 3,952 people so I get a nice selection of pins every time I open the site. I agree, who needs magazines now when you have Pinterest? I can get lost in there for hours. I also continue to work on my Spark people weight loss team and we've picked up some new members as is usually the case after New Years resolutions. One of the ladies on my team was nominated for a make over by her sister and she won so she was to be on tv this morning with a local station getting her makeover. She's lost 90 lbs so far and was really looking forward to today's events. Okay, I'm going to close for now before this post disappears. Take care everyone! Huggz Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 13 2014 : 4:03:54 PM
Good evening everyone,
The temperatures started out in the high twenties. This morning the sky was so clear and sunny. I was lucky to have seen the sun because the rest of the day was cloudy and dark.
I sent the boys out to play around lunchtime. It is so nice to eat lunch in peace. They have so much energy and talk all the time. If one asks a question then one of the others has to take the idea and go one more step for another question. I know that as their self esteem rises the constant questioning of minutia will decrease. Seems like they need to be reassured over and over that they are valued.
ddK was in good shape when she arrived home last night The AAA attendant said she did not look like the written profile of the owner of the card. She said that is my mom. He said he wouldn't tell an opened the car door. She smiled at him and gave him a $20 tip. I thought it was excessive but she is young and was so happy to be saved. I have never tipped the AAA rescuer.
dsJ has started to bus tables at work. He is so excited to be sharing in the tips.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 14 2014 : 07:16:32 AM
I did a post last night and it is not here this morning. That has happened several times lately. I posted it, then edited it, so I know it was there.
Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Jan 14 2014 07:18:12 AM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 14 2014 : 08:25:51 AM
Bunny, love that jean jacket. My favorite item of yours yet. School must be keeping you busy, though...we need a post!
Holly, I don't think I have ever tipped a AAA attendant either... but, I haven't had one look the other way, either. K will live and learn. J will have so much fun with his extra money from tips. He must be very proud about the extra responsibility.
Gypsy, what the heck is going on? Your account must be haunted.
Cheryl, glad that life and your plumbing is moving along nicely. What a disappointment about the Lyrica prescription. It is difficult to have relief and then have it taken from you. I have always wanted a makeover. How exciting for your Spark member.
It seems everyone has had a reprieve from the cold. We have been delivered from the ice covered everything. Only a few patches left. It is nice to walk normally.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 14 2014 : 09:57:39 AM
Good day everyone. Our temperatures have dipped to 19 degrees, 12 degrees with wind chill. We got snow last night and it is still snowing. There is 3" on the ground and 1 mile visibility. I am glad I am not out in it today except to walk 1/2 block to the school for the after school class.
Yesterday, I had a sensor installed which will continuously monitor my blood sugar. I will have this for the next five days and will have to keep a log of my food, medication and activity. Here's a picture:

So until Friday, I am a cyborg.
Holly - Life is a learning process and K is doing her share. I think it was totally appropriate for her to give him a tip after how he helped her out. I know what you mean about trying to find time to make stuff to sell. People who buy handmade items have no idea of the effort it takes to have an idea, create a design, gather the materials, craft the item and package it attractively for sale.
Bunny - I love the jean jacket. Contrasting yolks and embellishments on collars and cuffs are very popular now. An insulin reaction means that a person does not have enough energy (carbohydrate) in the system to keep one going. When this happens to me I get hot and sweaty, have double vision, and feel confused, sleepy, sad, irritable, angry or violent. In extreme cases I can have hallucinations. It is really scary for Lowell to deal with. He knows now what to do but he still yells at me to try to break through the mental fog I am in.
Tapestry (can't see your real name) - yes, my swap partner was very happy. I sent her a bunch of stuff. Each item was wrapped in cotton cloth and tied with a ribbon. She is a quilter and will be able to use it. I'd rather wrap in fabric than paper for someone who sews.
Anyone interested in The List:
Ironing & Mending - no progress and more being added
After School Class - finished record keeping for last quarter including making and delivering certificates; made copies of all handouts for today; all that is left is to highlight important points in the documents
Name Doodles - No progress; has to be done by Friday
ATC Swap - 2 left to make and I have until the end of the month
Letters & Cards - 4 left
Financials - Finished analysis of teaching expenses; no other progress
Here is a picture of my latest project - an afghan for a pregnant teacher.

Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 14 2014 : 1:04:20 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
The boys are watching their afternoon PBS shows so I am hoping for a short while of quiet. I have Tai Chi tonight.
It has been raining or dripping off the eaves all day. The snow is starting to be patchy. The ice on the pond looks green.
We did school work most of the day. This afternoon we made winter pictures by putting diluted elmers on dark paper and then putting borax on it and shaking off the extra. The boys had a good time.
DsJ wants me to co sign a loan for a new to him car next month. I told him he needs a down payment and three months of payments in an escrow account and if he missed one payment the car would be mine. He has an entitled attitude about money and his mothers. He believes that since we have some money it does not matter if he does not pay his bills to us. For example, he had a phone and was supposed to give us $50/month for the fees. He got behind in his payments. I told C to cut him off but she is a nicer mother than I am so she let it go that much longer. I finally had her shut down his phone. He was angry but did not say anything or offer to pay he went to Walmart and bought himself a new phone and monthly charges. So, I am cautious about lending him money or co-signing a loan.
My dryer is not working.... again. The appliance repair man was here last Friday and fixed it but said it was on its last legs. He is coming on Thursday and will bring a dryer and try to fix this one again. I am lucky to have a wood stove and a big enough space to put up the umbrella shaped clothes rack.
Marie I admire the way you can categorize your chores. I have not thought to do this. I am not sure it would do me any good in being more productive but it would make remembering a little easier. Does the monitor hurt? I do not know how to do the zigzag pattern. I have been told it is not hard but I would need time to sit and learn.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Jan 14 2014 1:05:41 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jan 14 2014 : 1:37:37 PM
Marie, I hope you can get your health in order. Doesn't sound fun for you or Lowell.
Holly, don't think I would cosign for the car. I can't tell you how many mothers (me included) have done this and then been stuck with a car (and payment) they couldn't afford. No good answers here. There is no guarantee he will always have a job either. My youngest bought a car with his dad and guess what... got laid off 3 months after they bought the car. Thankfully with him in the Marines eventually he will be able to pay his share. I know that is one of the reasons he went into the military. He couldn't find a decent job and couldn't afford college.
Gypsy, bummer about your internet ghost. I have had that happen enough times that for a long post, I do it in notepad so if it gets lost... I can just copy and paste and try again..... If I don't have a hissy fit first.
Mar, thank you for the compliment on the jacket. It is actually pretty calm for me. I had to force myself to stop. It is a small to medium to will probably take a while to sell.
The weather here has been decent. The rain is keeping the temps up above freezing so I'm happy about that. I finished up my homework early today so will probably head down to the sewing room to see if I can get inspired to create something.
later all!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jan 14 2014 : 4:51:04 PM
Holly, we took the same stand as far as co-signing for a car loan. Unfortunately, ds's other mom did co-sign and then a few months later, ds asked us for a loan to make his payment... Sheesh. We were the bad guys all the way!
Bunny, I know you are enjoying the warmer temps, too. Have fun downstairs since you had a early homework day.
Marie, the recipient of the baby afghan will be thrilled. I bet the tape on that monitor is a bit uncomfortable. But, having good information will be well worth the irritation. That must be a relief to know you can expect an answer.
Gypsy, how are the private dance lessons going? It would be my guess that the Charleston would be tough on the knees. Are you back to being balmy and warm?
Today, The Neighbor is taking dd to have a facial. A bonding experience, in theory. Apparently dd went in first. Had her facial. Then The Neighbor went in and had a facial. So, in total it was two hours of bonding while in separate rooms. Sounds like a foolproof plan to me.
We spent some of the afternoon showing the house to the couple who took measurements. He is still taking measurements. They took the opportunity to let us know there has been a slight delay in the buyer of their house attaining financing. So, maybe they intend on making an offer yet. Three visits is a lot of visits.
Did I mention how beautiful Yellow Dog looks in her royal blue sweater? She was very patient and her owners loved it.
Tonight we are going to watch that movie that Gypsy has mentioned a couple times, The Family. Robert DeNiro and Michelle Pfeiffer are in it. And you know I love me a mobster movie. It looks funny and as long as I can deal with the swearing that Gypsy warned about ... (Frankly, I bet I will be just fine. I think my language might be a bit saltier than Gypsy's)
Well, January is moving right along. We are in the dead of winter for the most part. I always think that once the holidays are over, then winter starts with a vengeance. Hope you are all well. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 14 2014 : 8:38:13 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 21 2019 1:04:07 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 15 2014 : 09:45:15 AM
Awwwhhh Gypsy, no fighting! I hope you resolved it. I would hate anything to get in the way of you two getting married. Fighting......bad.
Mar, I hope your prospective buyers come through. Where is your new home going to be? Have you found anything else you like? Bummer about the one selling. Just wasn't meant to be I guess.
Today is grocery day. The cupboards are getting bear. No homework today. I give myself a free day on Wednesdays to sew or go to town for stuff.
Gloomy weather today. Just high fog.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 15 2014 : 11:08:10 AM
It was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm glad to know how he fights. Disagreement is a better word, as it was all calm and no name calling. It is sad though.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 15 2014 : 5:24:09 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a boring day. We did school work and chores. the littles played outside for a few hours so it was probably not boring for them.
The weather was like a spring day. It felt like spring. I hope it is not spring and I hope that the warmth does not mess up the apple crop by tricking the trees into believing that they should blossom and then kill the pretties with a flash of frigid winds.
Mar you think parallel bonding is not a legitimate emotional growth experience? lol Maybe the Neighbor is a little bit Asperger's in the social interaction department. My father always told us that we needed to be kind to those who are less fortunate than we are. Sometimes that is a hard rule to follow. I think you do try to be kind to the Neighbor even when she peeves you, right?
C was peeved at me last night because she went to plug her ipad into the surge protector to charge it. She said, the power bar is blown already, how could that happen? What did the children do to it this time. I said, turn the switch on. She said I did see. I said the switch on the wall. She scowled at me and scuttled over to the wall and flicked the switch. She growled, I hate it when you are right.
Glad you could have a day off, Bunny to do the mundane chores of life. It helps to have a breather every now and again.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 15 2014 : 6:28:48 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 21 2019 1:07:17 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 15 2014 : 6:44:34 PM
Gypsy, you are lucky I'm not close. I would be happy to help you clean out your closet. I bet you have some cool clothes I could cut up and make into something fun.
I wish there was a tai chi class here. I would give it try for sure.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 16 2014 : 1:33:57 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
I read somewhere that if you have a lot of clothes in a closet you should take little rubber bands and put them on the hook part of the hanger. When you wear a garment then yo should remove the rubber band. After a certain amount of time get rid of the clothes that still have rubber bands on the hangers. I tried this with C. She was in high revolt about getting rid of any of her clothes. I will note here that I do not have that many hang up clothes. However, I did note which clothes she did not wear and when the clothing swap came along and she was at work I removed some items. She was none the wiser.
It has snowed lightly all day long. We have a couple of inches of clean snow on the ground.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 16 2014 : 2:04:21 PM
Holly, I have never been a big clothing buyer. I have two really nice dresses and one suit coat for job interviews. Everything else is so worn out it needs to be tossed just for that reason. I hate to buy clothes. During the day at home sewing I just wear yoga pants and a men's t-shirt. I have so few clothes that I would totally notice if something was gone. My mom and sister on the other hand could take up 3 closets. My mom has those hangers that each hanger has sections can hold up to 6 items each and the closet is full. Then she has another portable clothing storage in the basement. Quite the clothes horse. We won't even go into shoes and purses.
Nice that you got some nice clean snow. The sun is shining here. It's cold but nice to see the blue sky.
I got my homework done so off to the sewing room and bunco tonight.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 16 2014 : 5:16:30 PM
It has been a busy couple days. Yesterday, we noticed some smoke at the end of the drive. Dd and her boyfriend made it to the end of the drive first, so they called 911 when they saw the flames were coming from our neighbor's (not The Neighbor's) house. This was about 1:30pm. Dh made sure their cars were gone. We assumed the girls were at school. And the dogs were in their kennel well away from the house. Another neighbor called the owner and let him know what had happened. The fire trucks started to arrive. Since we don't have fire hydrants out our way, the total number rose to about fifteen trucks, last time I counted. There was activity at the house until about 8 o'clock last night. This morning, dh, dd and I went down to offer our generator, ladders and whatever help we could. They have had a busy day with insurance and recovery specialists.
Today, we also worked on a very difficult puzzle, baked a bit and watched Mob Wives.
Time to get to work on dinner.
Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 17 2014 : 2:44:06 PM
Looky, looky! Here are the girls ... Gracie, The Chihuahua and Sammie, The Yellow Dog in their matching Christmas sweaters. Don't they look thrilled? Mar |
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