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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Dec 18 2013 : 4:31:30 PM
Gypsy, sorry you are sick. Bummer about missing your lunch date with girlfriends. Hopefully you will make it next month. I hope you feel better soon.
Mar, I had another dress sale this morning. That's 3 in 5 days. I'm very grateful! I'll be here for Christmas to keep you company. Hopefully next year you will be closer to DD and no more late Christmases for you.
I guess my mom is doing good in California but boyfriend isn't well. He had cancer a few years back. His platelets are down, so she is a bit worried. She says if all stays ok, she will be home the end of March. She is still working on the reverse mortgage though. There were two liens on the house that were suppose to have been removed but were still there. She only has until the end of this month to get everything signed. After that she doesn't qualify any more. That's a bad thing. We will then be back to the possibility of losing the house again. I try not to think about it. Not much I can do at this point.
Later all....
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Dec 18 2013 : 4:37:40 PM
Good evening everyone,
Last night J (19) was side swiped on the road into town. He did a 360 and ended up over a snow pile with his front in a ditch. Cheri went when he called and took him to the hospital. The police stayed with the vehicle until the tow truck came and towed it. Now Cheri had asked that it be taken north to our mechanic but it was taken south to the impound lot in Montpelier. We do not know why it was impounded. I have a call into the state police to find out. It cost him $250 to get it out of the impound lot and then an additional $50 to have it towed a few miles to the service station and then he is supposed to pay the tow truck driver to bring it home. They would not let him drive it from the impound lot or even see it to see if it is driveable. He said the ticket at the service station said there was no reason on the line to write why it was impounded. He is upset that his beautiful '98 black honda civic is hurt and very frustrated that he is broke and does not know why. We were trying to let him handle it because he needs to learn how to do it but we do not want him taken advantage of either.
I drove through Montpelier on the way home from the dentist having my teeth cleaned and there parked illegally in the transit bus spaces was a Texas Sheriff's car complete with official license plates.
Mar I hope this house thing finally goes smoothly It must be very nerve wracking the hurry up and wait. Chocolate is a wonderful industry, right? lol I have not had a lot to do with pit bulls over the years. My niece had one who apparently was a great dog and she never had to worry when the children went out to play if Ruby was around. However, I would not have one.
Someone asked about K's online romances. She seems to not be excited about anyone right now. She told me that romances were over rated a week or so ago. She has a male friend locally that she has been helping care for his daughter who is three. She liked spending time with him but told him a couple of days ago she was done with it because the drama with the baby mama is something she has not interest in being involved with. She assured me they were just friends and liked to hang out and play video games. She said he was treating her like his wife and she did not like it. I am not sure what that means except that he was taking advantage of her time. She is excited about her massage school classes right now. She is learning about meridians and herbs. Not mutually exclusive subjects. I wanted her to take herb classes a year or so ago but she would have nothing to do with it but now she is excited that she may be able to help people feel better if she knows about them.
I am going to post this so I do not lose the whole thing.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 18 2013 : 5:13:04 PM
J's car is here in the yard. The driver's door does not shut. I did not have to write a check to the tow man. I hope we get this straightened out soon so he can get his money back. He has AAA so all of the towing should have been covered.
Bunny congratulations on the three sales. I think that your pricing for the quality of work is fair but maybe the sale prices give people the extra nudge they need to hit the right button. So, extend the sale and sell more. my unsolicited advice. Better to sell than to sit.
I am sorry to hear that Ginny is having extra stress. I should get off my duff and write to her. I sent Thelma an anniversary card and did not hear back. I worry about her and Darwin.
My son will be 30 on March 20th. Close to yours Marie. I am sorry that Lowell is having extra stress right now. Maybe you could go knit at your friend's house in the evening to get out of the way of his rants. or go practice signing to your neighbor. maybe slip him some Calms Forte to take the edge off his being spun up. I know i am not much help but I will send kind thoughts your way.
We were sitting on O this morning so I thought I would have plenty of time to finish shoveling the pond but now I hear tomorrow night may rain and Friday as well be up in the thirties. So, now I am under pressure to finish shoveling before the warm up so the ice will be smooth. The boys had a great time skating today. they are all asleep so it might have helped tire them out.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Dec 18 2013 : 5:15:35 PM
Holly, I am so sorry to hear of J's troubles. The beauty of a car is paramount at that age ... and well beyond it. I am glad that physically he is fine, right? The cost of the impound will be very difficult to recoup won't it? It does seem like it was entirely the officer's oversight for it to have been towed to impound in the first place. It is completely frustrating when these things happen. Especially when you are young.
K has the right idea about protecting her time. It is a precious commodity. So happy to hear of her interest in her classes and herbs. Thanks for your wishes about the house. It'll happen.
Bunny, how did I miss a sale? Three in five days is awesome. Hope you have the bulk of winter and beginning of spring to yourself and that your mom is doing her paperwork for the reverse mortgage.
Mar Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 18 2013 : 6:18:12 PM
Gypsy, Hope you feel better soon. There are lots of different strains of the flu. The shot is for the worst one that is supposed to hit for that year. Here, there is a lot of strep and whooping cough going around right now. Get lots of rest. Mar, glad you got your package. Sorry I did not get it out before your birthday. It is not much, just a little something to let you know you are a part of my life. Bunny, congrats on the sales!!!!! Makes for a nice Christmas surprise. You may be swamped when that magazine comes out!!! Holly, that is too bad about J's car. I hope he did not get hurt. We were supposed to get into the 20s this week, but have not gotten out of the teens. Oh well, at least it is not below zero. It looks like we may have a blizzard of some kind on Sunday. That is a few days away, so maybe things will change before then. We have one outdoor rink that the city keeps up. There is also an indoor rink where they have some open skating, but mostly they play hockey there. I used to love ice skating when I was in my teens. I would love to do it now, but cannot because of my hip replacements. Hope the ice stays thick enough for the littles to keep skating. Mel, how are things going with you? It is a busy time of the year for all of us. Marie, thank you for letting us know when your birthday is. We like to know when our sisters have something to celebrate. You are such a good friend to help out your friend like that. I do not have many friends here either. We were all going to get together somewhere central for glamping in the summer of 2014, but so many of the farmgirls that were on here left this forum, so that idea kind of fizzled out. It would be nice to meet each other in person though, don't ya think? Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 19 2013 : 1:03:56 PM
Lowell has been really upset lately. He had a very low paycheck and has to make his car payment by the 25th or incur fees. Problem is he doesn't get paid until the 23rd or 24th. He keeps his expenses in his head and says he knows what he has but is always surprised when he looks up his account. I keep very close track of my account and know where every single penny is going. I keep some books for Lowell's independent contracting. I tell him to just check in before he plays chess so that he knows what is going on in his account. But, I guess he knows better. I say, not my problem.
Gypsy - Bummer being sick. Eat a clove of fresh garlic and go to bed. That's what I do and I am never down for more than two days. Take care of yourself.
Marianne - Hey thanks. I'll help you do your housework anytime but rest first. I do. 
Holly - Sounds as if K has her head on straight about relationships. Good for her! I am happy she like the herb classes. Ginny's DH just turned 60. She has been asking for birthday cards. Thank you for the suggestions. In warmer weather I sometimes go to a nearby coffee house.
Janet - I just love my friend Annette. She and I are so different. She is a big, black mamma you don't want to mess with (her words), very proud and knows how to survive in the hood. She is always so happy to get something handmade from me. Yes, it would be really nice to get together and meet each other in person. But where?
Okay, time for The List:
Ironing & Mending - new stuff, no progress One Swap Item - 7.5 squares left Calls to Make - no progress, tomorrow Financial Recordkeeping - no progress, will do some late tonight after Lowell goes to bed and tomorrow, have to figure out how to pay Lowell's car payment Letters - no progress, maybe tonight and tomorrow Cards - no progress, maybe tonight and tomorrow Dishes - almost done will finish this afternoon
I will be out tonight teaching a class on how to make holiday pomanders by sticking whole cloves into citrus fruit. I'll have pictures. I left Lowell a note with some things he could do when I was gone last night: wash dishes, take out trash, take out paper recycling. He washed one pan before I came home and took out the trash after I came home. It's progress.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 19 2013 : 4:26:32 PM
Hello friends, I am feeling a little better. Yesterday I slept all day and all night. Chills and fever and such an awful sore throat and cough. All my remedies did not work. Marie I wonder if you could wrap the pieces of garlic in something and swallow it without chewing. I might manage that. There is a garlic soup that's supposed to be good for you but I don't have the recipe. If I ate a garlic clove I'd probably have to sleep in the car. Texas is having a high incidence of flu now according to the news and 4 people have died from the bad one that I guess I got the flu shot for. They say you are contagious before you know you have it so this means B has been exposed. He won't get a flu shot.
It got up to 73 here today but I did not feel well enough to go out.
B spent $10 bucks on the mega millions lotto. I never gamble on anything. Marie, my B goes on his rant about politics and religion too. I do the same as you, pretend to be listening.
Holly it seems like you are having more than your share of kid problems right now. I agree with the other sisters, just glad he was not hurt anywhere but the pocketbook.
Bunny see you were all worried for nothing. I'm so happy for you about the sales. Like Janet said, once your article is published you will probably get covered up with business. You will be so glad you have that inventory.
Mar I'm still hoping any time now you are going to announce a contract on your house. I got an email from my realtor today that someone wants to rent my building g with an option to buy in one year. I'm going to take it. The bad news is they want it cleaned out and ready by Feb 1st and that's when we were going to go to Arizona and have our big W. We had decided on our one year anniversary from when we met there last year which was Jan 31.
So sorry to hear about Ginny's problems. That really is awful. My heart goes out to her. Marie, thanks for bringing us up to date on that
Everyone, stay well and sleep well.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Dec 19 2013 : 5:50:49 PM
Marie, good job keeping your cool when Lowell is losing his.
Gypsy, so sorry that you are so sick. Glad to hear that the worst seems to be over. Get ready for B to have it. This will really test you two. Men are such wimps. So, you and B can get that place cleaned out and have one thing off your shoulders. I know you know where to hire some help and having B with you to oversee the work will make it so much easier. So are you aiming for the 31st as THE day?
Thanks for everyone's well wishes on the sale of our house. The one "sure thing" offer just didn't materialize. But, the appt. on Sunday may be the one!
Got my hair cut today. Dh and I finished up picking up a few things for one another and dd and her boyfriend. Dh is always so patient with me. We went to Michael's because I had a pair of knitting needles on my wish list and he wanted my help in picking up exactly what I wanted. He also "insisted" I pick up some lovely yarn I spotted. So pushy. ;)
I also went with him to pick up a gun mat that he wanted and a bit of ammunition. That took three stops, but we were having fun. Stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond for a pair of Tweezerman's for dd. And picked up my birthday drink at Starbuck's! Made a deposit at the bank. It took a little longer than usual since I was using my Credit Union card rather than my bank card. The teller said, "Can I see your card?...Yea, that's for Numerica..." At least I didn't ask her where I was! The big "CHASE" sign behind gave that away. Anywho.
Jan and Holly, snow heading your way. How are your temps? Have the boys been skating? And have you finished the last Christmas stocking?
Marie, how's your list coming?
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 20 2013 : 12:24:28 PM
Gypsy, glad you are starting to feel better. Really hope B doesn't get it. I agree with Mar, men Re the biggest babies when they are sick. But it is a true test of a relationship. That and building a house together...done that and it busted a bad marriage all to haystacks and back.
I'm not allowed to complain about no sales for at least a month...I have had four in the last four days. I now can complain about all the sewing I have to do to replace the ones I sold... :)
Time for my knitting lesson downtown...later for now.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Dec 20 2013 : 5:26:00 PM
Way to go, Bunny. That is terrific news. And I love the term "to haystacks and back." Why don't I use quaint sayings like that? How is your knitting coming along? I saw a quick coffee sleeve pattern that I thought I could whip up in literally minutes as another gifty for the kids. It is always so fun to get something done quickly.
Gypsy, hope you are continuing to improve. Dh and I spent two bucks hoping to win the mega million and then waited to get hit by lightning instead.
We have a gorgeous layer of snow. Maybe three inches. The horses spent the day in the south woods and I could see them peeking out. The bay's blaze is so easy for me to pick out amongst the green. Sometimes it seems like she is just staring daggers at me! I got all of downstairs dusted and freshened. Dh did the guest house for me. Tomorrow I will have the upstairs all spitshined so that Sunday I won't really have to do anything before we show the house.
I wrapped the few presents we have for the kids today. There are three for each of them. And one for the both of them. I have one gift for dh that he doesn't know about. He wanted some goodies for his latest gun, so he ordered them. I wouldn't let him open the packages when they arrived. He did much the same for me. So, we have a few packages in a basket that we will open together. The "present" that he doesn't know about is a new leash ... for Gracie. The leash we have now is so small we can't get more than two fingers through the handle. It's very hard to hold with gloves on! So, big surprise!
For my birthday, dh bought me a People magazine. I enjoy that magazine and it was fun to devour it while it was current rather than a few months old and borrowed from the library. Dh said that the rest of my present was the subscription to People. It would have cost more than $100. I asked if he was crazy. I guess I could have been a bit smoother. But, I was glad he hadn't entered the subscription already. He is very kind and just wants me to have all these luxuries that are not necessary.
Gonna jump over to see what Bunny has "in store."
Holly, how's the ice skating crew? |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 20 2013 : 5:40:55 PM
Good evening everyone,
J is fine physically. Since his car is a '98 Honda Civic he did not have collision on it but the insurance woman said she wanted to talk to him because he neglected to tell her that he had been hit by someone else and that person left the scene so that changes the circumstances so he may be able to get money to repair his adored vehicle.
Yesterday we finished shoveling the rink on the pond. The little boys skated while J and I shoveled. I wanted to get the snow cleared off before the warmer weather and rain that we are now receiving so the ice will be smooth. I want the temperatures to drop below freezing before it snows so the ice will not be rough.
I have not finished the second stocking but now that I have decided on a pattern for the block in the middle it should go right along. I wanted to knit a frog into the middle but could not find a pattern so I am going to put two small reindeer on instead.
Gypsy someone wants to lease to own your ranch? or someplace else? I am glad you are on the mend.
I believe unless I knit like a fiend I will not be getting out winter holiday cards this season. Maybe I will try for the New Year or maybe I will just bag the whole idea and let go of the guilt.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 20 2013 : 6:14:01 PM
Holly, I am not sending out any cards this year either, so do not feel guilty. Things just crept up way too fast, and we do not have an income until Feb. 12th, when our SS finally kicks in. I am just so thankful I did well at the craft show, that will tide us over until then. We are not exchanging gifts at all this year, but that is okay. my daughter and son will be here on Christmas Eve for a nice dinner and games afterward. Gypsy, I hope you are almost back to yourself again, and hopefully B will miss getting sick. Bunny, I knew things would pick up for you. I do hope you will be able to keep up with orders once that magazine comes out. I am glad that it will help you with some income. What are you knitting in class? Mar, We also got about 3 inches of snow. It is snowing now, just ever so lightly. It is pretty, but we are already tired of it. We have close to a foot of snow on the ground now. We never did get into the 20s, stayed in the teens all week. January and February are usually cold with lots of below zero temps. Sending good vibes for good results on Sunday!!!!!! Are you good to move in the winter? Well, my computer is acting up, so I better send this before I lose it. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 20 2013 : 8:45:34 PM
I don't send Christmas cards any more. Getting sick has caused me to be late with everything. We had tickets to meet up with DD and attend a Celtic Christmas performance of music and dance tonight. I was too sick to go and B is so intimidated with the traffic and has the sense of direction of a goose so he called a cab to take him rather than drive.
T he offer of a lease purchase was for a building I own that has been on the market for a while, not the farm. Mar, my fingers are crossed that the people who look at your house tomorrow will fall in love with it and have to have it.
Bunny you are on a roll. I still think you should leave the sold pieces up on the site with a sold sign so people will see the product is selling and they better not procrastinate. I'm just checking in quickly. Catch up with the rest of you tomorrow.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 20 2013 : 9:50:08 PM
Gypsy, I can't leave the sold items up. The site has no way to do it. When something sells,it goes into another area and people can see how many sales I have had and what it was.
Sorry you are still under the weather. But glad you decided to stay home.
Janet, I'm learning to make fingerless gloves. It's slow going. It has been two weeks in between classes because of weather and an illness so I forgot most of what she taught me.
I have been very bad with eating all the holiday goodies everyone keeps bringing me. I had bunco last night and ate too many goodies. One of the ladies insisted on bringing me a piece of lemon meringue pie today. I couldn't say no...and of course I ate it. Now I'm feeling sick. I need to get back on the wagon soon!
Time for bed...nite all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 21 2013 : 4:06:15 PM
Good evening everyone,
It has rained off and on all day. There are travel advisories out so we are staying home. The shoveled part of the pond looks like glass from the house so I hope it freezes before it snows. Then it will be slick as snail snot.
Holidays are a hard time for eating only healthy foods. Although lemon merangue pie does have several food groups in it.
I am glad B did not forgo the concert because of the traffic. I would have been wiggy about driving in the night with all those cars. I hope you are feeling better soon, Gypsy.
Jan, I received a box from you today in the mail. Thank you so much. I am going to wait until it is closer to my birthday to open it.
I finished knitting the major picture on Gabe's stocking today. Jan must knit so much faster than me. It took me a good share of the day to knit the length of the stocking. I just have to turn the heel and do the foot tomorrow.
We are switching our internet service so we will have unlimited service for less money so I will be able to spend more time with my pictures online. I am hoping to have the children do some online sites for school work as well. Icivics is sponsored by former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O' Connor. It is about the Federal Government. There are also some science ones I would like to explore.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2013 : 12:07:48 PM
I have had an interesting couple of days.
On Friday, the second grade teachers decided to have a little celebration for the kids. In the morning they were given a couple pieces of work to do, one of which had to be done before they could participate in the party. One little girl didn't get down and was put into another classroom by herself to finish. Another teacher had several kids who had been acting out do an exercise in which they took responsibility for their actions before they could participate. We watched The Polar Express and had snacks and hot chocolate. I received more swag from some of the kids - a candle, a ceramic tray and a hand-drawn picture. So cute. He made these for everyone.

I came home rather late in the afternoon feeling tired and did my usual things. It wasn't until my evening snack of pita chips and Greek yogurt that I started feeling poorly. I was knocked out tired by 9:00 and went to bed. All night, I felt as it I wasn't getting any rest and had odd dreams. At 7:00 yesterday morning, I had to get out of bed fast, step over the dog and hold it back before I got to the toilet. My stomach sent the pita chips and yogurt back while I peed all over the floor. Lowell cleaned that up while I took a shower. I took a sip of lemon juice to clean my mouth and went back to bed because I was really tired now. Later I had to get out of bed fast again to sit on the toilet. Lowell was out with Mitzi not that he could have helped me with this. I cleaned myself up and stripped the bed because in my rush to go something had been left behind. I put on some of my nice, new, cotton underwear to use as a shield and when back to bed. I felt really terrible now. Lowell went out to breakfast and Mitzi curled up with me. Soon I threw up the lemon juice. I started to wonder if I had ketoacidosis which is caused by high blood sugars but mine was not all that high. I took my long term insulin and only half my short term. I was not going to eat or drink anything now. My stomach had sent back the sips of water I had taken to relieve my thirst. We had tickets to go to a production of The Nutcracker that Lowell's daughter Hayley was in but I could not go. I am glad I didn't. This routine of barfing and sh**ting kept up all afternoon. I was now getting dizzy and didn't have the strength to clean up the messes in the bathroom. When he came home he was really worried. At about 5:00, I did the rush one more time. As I was sitting there, I also started to throw up. Lowell got me a bowl so it didn't go all over myself. Between heaves, I told him to call the EMTs. They said it looked as if my body had totally purged itself of the offending contents and I could decide to go with them or to stay at home. I stayed at home. I had one more messy poop and was well enough to sit in the living room.
Today, I have been treating myself very gently. Lowell got me some chicken free chicken soup and some cranberry juice. I didn't want to soup and I had to water down the cranberry juice. I wanted jello and Gatorade.
More later. The guys are setting up for practice.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2013 : 12:29:52 PM
Marie, I have always maintained that if both ends are going at the same time it is very possibly food poisoning. Hope you feel better soon. Sounds like Lowell stepped up for you..
P.S. I got two more sales yesterday and finally got the jacket back from the magazine. So hopefully one more sale in a day or so.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2013 : 4:12:07 PM
Good evening everyone,
Marie that is the worse to have both ends going at once. I agree with Bunny, sounds like food poisoning. We had scallops on Friday night and I felt dizzy during the night and the next morning. I was worried about barfing and diarrhea but I was lucky. I hope you can eat some yogurt soon and mend your digestive system. I am glad you only gave the bare details because if you had given color and odor the social pukers would have had a go of it too.
congratulations Bunny! two more outfits. I hope the sales continue on a regular schedule. What are your thoughts on the pieces that sold?
Today I knitted in the morning. Then K and I went last minute shopping. I came home and finished the instep for the stocking. I only have to decrease for the toe and sew up the seams on both stockings. I like to make them but I will be glad when they are done. I should have remembered not to procrastinate on them as I have done in the past. However, these may be the last that I have to knit. The little boys want to learn to crochet so that may be our next project.
Rained off and on all day. Temperatures were in the 30's all day. The weather guessers tell us that it will be warm all week. The rivers are high. It is like the melt off in March. The pond is all glassy except where the snow piles are from us shoveling. However, unless we get some significant cold none of us will be walking or skating on the pond.
We packed up four people's presents tonight. It is not really hard. We divide them in to six piles, cut off all of the tags and put in batteries and put them into the draw string bags. Every year one of us remarks that it is so nice to have the bags and we are so glad to not be using wrapping paper. Years ago I typed on a big family board. I told how we took off all the packaging and used the bags. One of the women said afterwards she thought we had been anal retentive until the morning her children were screeching for help in getting their gifts on the move I laughed, self preservation when not dealing with an only child.
I have been sending house selling thoughts to Washington State all day. I hope it works out for Mar and her dh.
Jan send us some cold weather.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Dec 22 2013 : 4:30:43 PM
Holly, missed you by minutes - posting wise. But, I love the social puker term. There have been times I could have used it! Our 3 pm appt. was a no-show. Thank you for your positive thoughts. I know it will turn out fine, but we have put a lot of time into posting, advertising, cleaning and showing. It takes a toll, but as you all know, it isn't the end of the world. We are lucky that we don't have a deadline.
Marie, my two-cents says food poisoning, too. Sounds like a good case of it. As long as you can rehydrate, you will live. Even though I know you were wishing for a quick death at some point of this ordeal!
I was so surprised to hear that it was 70 degrees in NYC today. So, Holly, I guess you will be waiting for ice skating weather! It doesn't feel like Christmas for most of the Northeast. We have a couple inches of snow on the ground and most everyone is happy with the weather right now around here.
Dh was terrific helping me get the house ready to show. He knows the routine now -- almost. So, after waiting for our appt. for about forty-five minutes, he fed the horses and I turned on SyFy channel and made him some popcorn. Thank goodness it isn't Star Trek. Lord, I wanted to off myself yesterday afternoon. He was enjoying the living daylights out of himself. Finally, an episode that he remembered came on and he said we could turn off the tv because it was a "rerun." I said, "You know the series has been off the air for decades, right? They are ALL reruns." I guess I snapped. Imagine.
Holly, you have parenting figured out. From gift wrapping (or not) to letting 'em figure it out for themselves...
Bunny, you are on fire. Congratulations. I hope this is just the new normal for you.
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2013 : 6:12:20 PM
Hello all, I've been so miserable that it took Marie's descriptive story of her own dilemma and Holly's comments regarding same that finally threw me into a coughing fit of laughter, while feeling more sorry for poor Marie than for myself for a change.
Marie the trick is to make sure there is nothing between you and the toilet to trip over, make sure you are on the side of the bed nearest the bathroom, when you do have to make a run for it, sit on the toilet and hug the wastebasket between your knees for the other. Regardless of which comes first, this works best. One time I just stripped and got in the shower for the duration. I thought I might die in there but at least they would find a clean body. I was by myself and couldn't run back and forth fast enough. I think that is the sickest sick there is. I hope you are ok now. It can harm your liver to be that sick so consider something for that from the health food store. Also aloe Vera is really good to soothe the stomach. And acidophilus. And good on Lowell for helping you out--men are normally so helpless they just stand there looking dumbfounded.
It's cold here. During the week when b has to work at the computer all day we usually have a couple of nice days but on weekends when he can go out its cold. We went out for a while but he was cold. He's trying to like it here but so far not so much. He was so looking forward to being warm here.
Bunny, you are on a roll. I'm so happy for you. Have you seen any sort of trend in what is selling?
No word from Mar yet? Maybe our posts are crossing in cyberspace.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2013 : 6:15:07 PM
A busy group of ladies here. Bunny, congrats on all the sales!!!! I am sure it will keep up now. Good for you!!! Holly, I would love to send you our weather!!! We got about 4 inches of snow today, very windy, and only 15 degrees. We cannot get up to 20 lately. Marie, you poor gal!!!! I feel for you being so sick. Hope you feel better real soon. You too Gypsy, hope you are over your bout with the flu. We have not had any heat since last night about 7:00. Don't know what is wrong, but the furnace would not kick on. Now we are not getting any gas to light the pilot, so gotta get a furnace guy here tomorrow. In the meantime, I baked breads all day to heat the house, plus we have 2 small electric heaters going. At least we have it up to 65 degree. Not too bad, but I will not run the heaters at night when we are sleeping, so we will heat up a bunch of rice bags and bring them to bed with us. Once we are warm and under the covers, it won't be too bad. I did put on another quilt too, so we have 3 quilts and a comforter to keep us cozy warm. I will make sure I have my nose under the blankets. Mar, sorry you ended up with a no show. Did they call at all? It is very inconsiderate if they did not. I planned on making my breads tomorrow, so now I won't have to do them, so maybe I can catch up with the laundry, if the furnace guy is not here for too long. We only have a crawl space and it is right in the middle of our diningroom, in the center of the house. Is everyone else almost ready for Christmas? I still have house cleaning to finish up on also, but not big last minute stuff to do. It is so nice to have Bob home all of the time now. I have not had to shovel snow at all!!! I filled up a bunch of balloons with water and food coloring and put them outside to freeze the other day. I cut the balloons off of them yesterday, they are kind of neat. I put them going up the front steps. They are red, green, yellow and blue. My last time to be able to do this too. Next year will be decorating a palm tree!!!! Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2013 : 6:17:00 PM
Hey, we did cross! Mar, I'm so sorry--when I read they didn't show, I said a few cuss words on your behalf.
B watches that stupid aliens channel. I want to "off myself" and him too. Especially when he turns it on then immediately falls asleep.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2013 : 6:32:23 PM
Janet, your post crossed my second one.
I don't think I'd be in that ice palace without an electric blanket. (Visions of Doctor Zhivago). . I sometimes use my heat pad to get warm before I go to sleep. Or I used to before B. Sure hope they get your heat back on first thing tomorrow.
The frozen balloons sound very cool, no pun intended.
Im feeling a lot better except for a dreadful cough. I'm now so far behind on Christmas there's no point in trying to catch up. Things will just have to happen when they happen.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2013 : 6:48:58 PM
Gypsy, sounds like you are on the mend. I got food poisoning one time and swore I would never live in a house where I couldn't sit on the toilet and barf in the sink or bathtub at the same time. Funny how things stick with you.
Holly, sounds like you have the Christmas thing down. The boys learning crocheting sounds like a great idea. If the crocheting is too hard, try knitting. Hope your pond sets up soon. I was thinking you were getting hit by that bad storm that took out all the electricity.
Mar, I'm afraid I would be watching syfy reruns too. Gypsy, I have been watching the alien shows too. I guess I'm a little off from most my farmgirl sisters.
Time for dinner...until later.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl
6872 Posts

Debbie L.
6872 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2013 : 08:19:27 AM
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all of you. I will be out of touch for the next 3 months or so due to shoulder surgery on the 9th of January. I am right handed and the surgery is on the right shoulder, I will be in a sling for 8 weeks with months of physical therapy. Not sure what if anything I will be able to do with my left hand:-) They will remove one end of my Clavical and bone spurs, GRRRR! But I am hoping this will take care of all the pain. Plus my hubby is dealing with serious medical issues so I need to get him though his as well, we will help each other.
I will miss all of you and the forum, but I will check in as often as I can, and may be able to type a short message with one finger
Take care everyone and Please Be Happy.
Hugs, Debbie
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