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rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 23 2013 : 2:30:24 PM
Debbie, I am so sorry to hear of your upcoming convalescence. I do hope you will check in and read how we are doing now and again and maybe hunt and peck a note to us now and then. I will be thinking of you on the day of your surgery. I think you can expect great results if you stick with your therapy. Best wishes to your dh, also. mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2013 : 5:00:57 PM
Good evening everyone,
Another blah day weather wise. Temperatures were in the thirties and rainy. Last night I was told after I posted that the weather guessers said the temperature was going to plummet from 41 to 19. Didn't happen. Up north near the border the ice took out power lines. Barton is a little more than an hour by car from here has a private electric plant and they had a lot of ice on the lines and many people are still out of power. Up on the border Derby was without as well and many of the towns in between. We were lucky. After last year the power companies cleared the trees way back from the lines. We still have snow on the ground but it is very dense.
How rude of the those people to no call no show on a house showing. I would have been spouting cuss words and pacing . We do not get a scifi station here so I am off the hook watching old shows.
I know that if Jan has the weather we will have it soon so just put a fan in the window to send it faster east.
Tomorrow the tree goes up. K wants us to stand it up tonight after she brings T home from baseball throwing practice. They are young and strong they can drag it up the stairs.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2013 : 7:09:07 PM
Hi ladies, we finally got heat after being without for 2 days. I called a heating place this morning, it was 53 degrees in the house. The guy came over within 15 minutes. He looked at the furnace and said that he could not fix it, we needed a new one, the one we have is about 40 years old. I called our landlord and he called a company, called me back and said that they would be here shortly. It took until after 5 tonight for him to show up. He looked at the furnace, took a part off, had to run and get a new part, came back and put it on. By 6:30, we had heat. What a luxury!!!!!! Now we know for sure that we will not be here in this cold next year. It is still only in the teens. 10 degrees right now. Debbie, sorry to hear you need surgery, but do know it will feel a lot better later. I had a total shoulder replacement. That was worse than having both of my hips replaced. But, after awhile, no more pain. I did not have therapy, so cannot lift my arm over my head, but it is now painless. I used to be in constant pain. Bunny, are you able to replace the items that you sold? So happy for you to have some sales just before Christmas. Gypsy, I hope you are fully recovered now. And hope that B does not get sick. Marie, Hope you are feeling better. Do you go anywhere for Christmas? Holly, Hope you get some colder weather there, but I do not think you want teens for a month like we have had here. I am hoping for a January thaw, but will not hold my breath. Mar, Glad you are not having bad weather there. You are a lot warmer than we are here. Are you all ready for Christmas? I am done with everything except making the meat pies tomorrow. We have dinner here on Christmas Eve, then on Christmas Day, we just lounge around and watch Christmas movies all day. I baked all of my breads yesterday to keep the house warm, today I made jello cheese cake, got all of my cookies and candies done. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2013 : 7:30:40 PM
Just a quick note to wish all of you and your families a very Merry Christmas! I wish all of you the Blessings of a warm home, happy hearts and joyful times spent with family and friends. I'll stop back after the holidays and try to catch up. Christmas Blessings to all! Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2013 : 8:08:23 PM
Janet, so glad you got your heater fixed. Next year will be much better for sure.
The broker doing my mom's reverse mortgage called today. It sounds like the underwriter is being very difficult. Every time they give her something she asks for...she asks for something else. Now she doesn't want to accept my mom's power of attorney for my stepdad. She says it's too old and she wants a newer one. Stupid because my stepdad is unable to understand anything and the power of attorney says it is in effect until changed it writing. We only have until next Wednesday. My mom kinda made it clear that I would have to find somewhere else to live if she loses the house. I'm trying not to get scared. I can't afford a place to live, can't get a job and don't have anywhere else to go. I won't give up my cats so unless I can save up for a trailer and find a free place to park...I'm in a tight spot. I just need to pray this reverse mortgage goes through. Trying really hard not to worry.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2013 : 8:28:00 PM
I feel fit enough to leave a large message. Now Lowell has to scoots. He thinks he got it from the bass player when he was over for rehearsal. The bass player, Kevin, had to leave early because he wasn't feeling well. Here is a picture of "the guys".

The drummer is Vlad and the bass player is Kevin. They are an awesome rhythm section. Lowell is stressing out about finding another guitar player and a female singer. He is considering calling Rebecca the lady from the last group. She can play guitar and has a really nice voice. The problem is she is now married to Julian, the guy who caused Lowell all kinds of trouble. I don't think he should go there. Here is Lowell playing he sweet Gretsch guitar.

I am still not 100%. My body is expelling the air from my intestines. It sure is noisy. 
I haven't gotten everything done yet but I do have some decorations up. Look at our interesting crèche. We are pretty proud of it.

Gypsy - If you can't do the raw garlic, do the soup. It will help a great deal. I don't spend on lotteries or any type of gambling. A credit collection company I worked for had the holiday party at Treasure Island Casino and gave everyone $50 worth of chips. I cashed mine in. I like the shower idea. I will definitely do that next time.
Marianne - Lowell is a good guy who is an anxious hypochondriac. I am the demanding, mean monster. Just being honest.
Bunny - Ah! The dark side of success -- more work. It is nice to be appreciated though isn't it.
Holly - Does J know or can identify who hit his car? In Minnesota it is a felony to leave the scene of an accident. I think if the insurance company handles this right, he may be in good shape.
Debbie - I have typed with my left hand. You get used to it.
Jan - I will be going to a movie and a restaurant on Christmas Day. That is in Edina, MN about 14 miles down the highway. Lowell, his daughter Hayley and I will be seeing The Hobbit and eating at McCormick and Schmick's.
The temperature is -1 with light snow. It is supposed to be 25 on Wednesday which is really rather warm. Today the wind chill was down to -20. Not too bad.
I love the SciFi channel. I am very upset that they dumbed it up by changing its name to SyFy. It's Science Fiction boozoos!!! Anyway, I love it all and have even dressed up in costumes. Here's me in full Minbari makeup.
And me in Kligon gear.
Here's the Dr. Who Cat Nurse outfit I made for someone. I didn't do the mask.

Because Lowell is home sick today, I didn't get on the computer because he was playing chess with robots all g**d*** day.
Now The List:
Ironing and Mending - new stuff; little progress One Swap Item - all squares done; time to put it together Calls - no progress Financials - no progress Letters - some progress but not on what I wanted Cards - got 3 more out; several left; finish those tomorrow Dishes - DONE; more piling up Name Doodles - 2 of 29 done; each takes 1/2 hour After School Class - have to put last semester's stuff away and prepare of next semester
My uncle died in March and I have been saddled with the task of getting his life insurance collected. He had no will, his wife is dead, has no children and both his parents are dead. I have to document and verify all this and get myself named administrator. I have procrastinated on this. This uncle was "special". We think he had Asperger's Syndrome. He had always been odd and people had always took care of him even though he held a full-time job and had a wife. He was happy in his own way I guess.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2013 : 9:01:34 PM
Marie, your total honesty astounds me. This place gets crazier and crazier. I love it.
If Lowell is the track star today, maybe it wasn't food poisoning after all. If you are working on the life insurance I hope you are the one to get the money.
I forgot to tell you ( or did I?) B put an onion on my nightstand saying it would draw all the germs and bad stuff out of the room where I was sick. Said it would turn black from the toxins He has not gotten sick yet. The onion is turning black.
Bunny, don't borrow trouble. If you have to move, your mom will have to help you and so will your son. They are not going to let you suffer. The loan surely will go through. Hopefully it isn't all up to one cranky person, there should be a loan committee. Call your congressman like Cheryl did about the immigration jerk. Seriously.
Janet I'm glad you got that furnace fixed. Otherwise Christmas would have been a little frostier than you wanted.
What exactly is Asperger's. Is there such a thing as a very mild case of it? What would that look like? I'm seriously needing to know.
Today I finally felt well enough to try to finish up a little Christmas shopping. There must have been about a million people out there. I kept forgetting to make a mental note of where I parked and every lot was full. It was very annoying for those people following me in their car to try to nab my parking spot only to have me cut through to a different row, or turn around and go back. I could see their lips moving.
Everybody, have a good holiday no matter what. All the troubles can be put on hold for a couple days.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Dec 24 2013 : 01:47:47 AM
Merry Christmas Eve, friends!
Marie, glad you are on the mend. I hope Lowell is quick to follow. Your holiday plans sound wonderful. Enjoy! I bet you are really looking forward to that movie. And good luck with the insurance paperwork.
Janet, so glad you have your heat back on. Enjoy your holiday. Last one in the deep freeze. You sure are a testament to joint replacement! I bet that shoulder surgery slowed down your needlework!
Bunny, however the housing situation works out, you will be ok. What's the other choice? I hope you can get your answer soon so some of the terror can subside. Don't forget to check in here and keep me company the next couple of days.
Gypsy, love your black onion! I have a terrible sense of direction, but don't do so bad at finding my car in the lot.
Holly must be busy sewing up stockings and stuffing her gift bags.
Merry Christmas to everyone, Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 24 2013 : 08:05:07 AM
Just a quick note today, waiting for yet another furnace guy to show up. Yes, the furnace quit again in the middle of the night, so we are again sitting in the cold. If they cannot get it fixed this time, I am afraid we will end up with frozen pipes, since it is supposed to get below zero the next couple of nights. Did I tell you I hate the cold???? We definitely will not be here next year, if I have to hitchhike out of here!!! LOL!!!! Wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!!!! Hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow, and hope we are not in the deep freeze here. Hugs to you all!!!!!!!
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Dec 24 2013 : 08:34:49 AM
Gypsy, Aspergers has many forms and levels. It is hard to give you a one size fits all explanation. Essentially, Aspergers makes is difficult to form relationships, they don't make eye contact, will typically be obsessed with a subject and very knowledgable about trains or a certain car. But as I said, there are different levels and many have families and good jobs.
I had a repeat customer this morning. She bought two more dresses and left a very wonderful review. So much hope here...and so much work to do!
Marie and Gypsy, glad you are both on the mend. I have heard about the onion before. It's why you don't keep leftover onions. Either use it all or toss the leftover out.
Janet, I'm getting worried about you and your heating situation! Not good! I hope you have a space heater that you and hubby can use to keep warm. I would close off the rest of the house and hunker down in one room. Been there many times when the electricity went out in my house in the mountains. Of course I did have a fireplace too.
Cheryl, have a wonderful Christmas!!
Holly, hope you got that last stocking done. I bet the littles will be so excited tonight. I think you and Cheryl have blessed them with a wonderful home and family.
Well, lots of work to do. Until later!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 24 2013 : 11:45:13 AM
Mar you should have been sleeping at that time. I slept well last night but not the night before.
Bunny I'm so happy for you. Jan, I'm so.cold for you. Sorry you are having such a time with that furnace. Santa should bring you one of those heated snuggle blankets. I see them here at walmart
I just got back from what I hope will be my last trip to the store today. People are openly rude now. It's impossible to move in the grocery store or the parking lot. But it's a beautiful crisp bright sunny day. I'm hoping B can knock off work a little early so we can hang out today and go sonewhere for a quiet dinner tonight. I'm feeling much better just tired and still coughing a lot. Jan I hope this flu does not make it to your house. Or anybody's for that matter but your lungs would not handle this well. I think my pneumonia shot might have prevented bigger issues with me on this one.
What is everybody's Christmas dinner going to be? Mexican food is very popular choice here. Not my favorite.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 24 2013 : 4:13:00 PM
Good evening everyone,
The littles are watching the movie Ice Age II . They are having a grand time. Kethry orchestrated it. She has been wonderful all day.
We started right after breakfast decorating the house. We do not do it earlier because my two adult special needs foster women, B and K believe that once the tree goes up the man in the red suit comes that night. It does put a little ddamper on the excitement for the children but it is the way it is. The tree is in the corner with lights and stray ornaments that will not break. Draped along the beams are strings of the ornaments. We started this part when Ross was little. Along the long beams are lights. The inside of the house is sort of post and beam.
Outside Kethry and the littles put lights on the railings of the porch. The stockings are all done and hanging from the beam that goes down the middle of the room. Gabe and Chris are excited to have stockings like everybody else. Off and on all day they compared theirs to everyone elses. The designs, the length and the colors. The stockings are hung on the beam by the age of the person.
You are right the boys are excited to have winter holiday here. There is a high level of anxiety and excitement. This afternoon all of the children brought hay over from the other barn so that took the edge off their hyperness. The little boys push the hay off the stack and then drag it down the ramp to the door where the big teen agers toss and stack it into the truck. It is not far from the hay barn to the house barn but hay is so awkward to carry and some of the bales are heavy. the snow right now has a thick sheet of ice.
Kethry has her version of our culture. Some of which she has created to torture the little boys and some of which she has created to jerk the strings of ignorant adults. Her latest for the little boys is that as cultural Jews we do not eat candy canes until we have gotten down on our knees and prayed. Her latest for adults is that we eat Chinese food on Christmas because it is part of our culture. We later explained to her that Jews eat Chinese food on Christmas because they are the only restaurant open. Bunny I am glad your sales are continuing and to have a repeat customer is wonderful. I am sorry the reverse mortgage person is being disorganized and anal-retentive.
I have never seen the HObbit. I think some day it will be fun. Keep track of the menu so I can live vicariously through you. I am glad you are feeling better.
Frozen pipes are no fun. I hope that if it gets cold at your place that the landlord's insurance will pay for you to stay at a hotel. Slim chance but hopeful. I would guess by now your dinner is over your are relaxing. I am glad yo will do what will be enjoyable for you tomorrow,
Mar I hope that you have a fun time with your dh tomorrow and give the horses a little extra treat.
I hope Gypsy that your day is relaxing and has moments of joy. Asperger's does run the gammit of intensities. bunny was right about the lack of social skills and high intelligence. If you watch big Bang theory you can see a very high functioning person in Sheldon and one with a few more skills in Amy. There are less functioning Asperger's in people who have a few verbal skills and no social skills but are very bright.
Sweet dreams eeveryone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 24 2013 : 4:55:07 PM
Holly, I never thought about Sheldon having Aspergers. It makes perfect sense.
Hope everyone has a safe Christmas! My DVD has been recording Dr. Who shows all day. I may do some sewing tomorrow but mostly watching tv. I bought myself a roast to cook. I'll have a baked potato, spinach salad and roast beef with horseradish. Then I have my favorite ice cream of all time ...peppermint. I can only get it this time of year so it's a treat.
Mar, I'll be back tomorrow for sure.
Every time you hear a bell ring....and angel gets their wings...nite all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Dec 24 2013 : 6:21:00 PM
Greetings Y'all! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! Christmas Eve is sorta lonely 'round here, just me and Jake. Jakes Christmas present was a shampoo and trim! :) I figured he should be presentable to go to Kirk's (son) tomorrow for Christmas dinner.
Gypsy...glad you are feeling better. Did you get to go to dinner with B? Kirk says he's making gumbo for Christmas dinner.
Bunny....congrats on more exited for you! I am anticipating the Mag in January! :)
Jan....sorry to hear that the furnace is still giving you fits. I can't imagine having to suffer through the cold without heat!
Marie....good you are also feeling better.'s great the littles are with you for Christmas....all children deserve wonderful holidays! They are blessed to have a warm and caring family. Your observations from K are always too amusing! :)
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 24 2013 : 8:02:40 PM
Hi everyone, hope you are having a relaxing safe and warm day. Bunny your dinner sounds delicious. Mel, glad you stopped in. Hope all is well with you and yours. We went out for Indian food tonight. I am not a fan of curry but I like the place and tonight they were doing live India music, which was a first for me. B is chatting with his daughter now and I just talked with my little Hawaiian grandson who is having a birthday today. My DDs birthday was last week and my moms is next week. So there is a lot going on here this time of year.
Janet, bummer!! Hope that heat is back on by now.
Holly, I think K has inherited your wicked sense of humor. Christmas is so much more fun with little ones around.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 25 2013 : 12:03:06 AM
I am sitting here late on Christmas eve doing what I always like to do -- sitting quietly listening to Christmas music on the classical station. The neighbor's party has ended so all is calm. I have no electric lights only candles so all is bright. I am drinking some wonderful dark tea with spices and eating some Lindt chocolates.
Listening to these songs, I realize that the messages are about love and hope. Jesus was in a time and a land which was occupied by a foreign power imposing its culture on the native people. His revolutionary message gave many hope for justice and equity. For those in the Dark Ages, the shortening of the daylight was a very frightening prospect. The shamans knew the light would return and had to reassure the people that it would. I can imagine the local shaman being besieged with entreaties to make magic to bring the light back. The shaman would take the walk up to the rock every morning and place twigs in the marking holes to gauge where the sun needed to be for him to announce that Winter Solstice had come. When the day arrived, he told the people that today was the day to perform the light bringing ritual. They would pile up wood, make a feast and select a tree to burn so that the light would return. Maybe it was the magic and maybe it was not. In any case, a grand party was had, the light returned and the shaman had a job for another year.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 25 2013 : 03:06:05 AM
How nice it is hear from so many of you on Christmas Eve. It is fun to hear about everyone's traditions. Holly, K cracks me up. It is so fun to have a teenager figuring it all out and sharing their wisdom with you! Marie, love that you share your quiet time with us. Janet, you are just getting so many messages from the universe that you have the right idea in mind for packing it up and hauling out of there. I sure hope you have some reliable heat now. Gypsy, this is a very busy time of year in your family. Wow. Bunny, you fixed a lovely sounding meal.
We opened up our presents. There were no surprises except the leash I got dh for the chihuahua. silly, but fun. We needed a new leash. We had a quiet evening with a few special yummy treats. Watched "Jobs" with Ashton Krutcher. Steve Jobs wasn't a very likable genius. Talked to dd and MIL...
Hope everyone's holiday continues to be pleasant, safe. Merry Christmas! mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 25 2013 : 06:29:07 AM
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 25 2013 : 09:27:27 AM
Mar, looks like you were awake as late as me. I should have visited you at 3:00am.
I just posted to you on another thread. I feel stupid....and tired.
Just put the roast in the crockpot. I'll call my kids later. Funny feeling this morning knowing other houses are filled with family. I really miss my kids on times like this.
It's overcast and cold outside. Some sunshine would have helped. I have some sewing to do and then my date with Dr. Who.
I actually had an invite to a friends house for dinner. But her two daughters are very rude and just not nice people. I wouldn't have felt comfortable.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 25 2013 : 11:30:01 AM
I got up at 8 AM today even after going to bed at 4 AM. I feel great today. Lowell, of course, feels lousy. That won't change. I predict that he will feel awful during the movie because of the big screen action scenes and he will complain about it at dinner. I will have a nice hot caramel drink of some kind. I hope we get to the movie theatre early enough for me to get a diet pop to drink. That would really tick Lowell off. 
Christmas Eve has always been a time of quiet reflection for me. I like to sit alone and quiet reflecting on the past year and the changes I wish to initiate. I feel quiet happiness, soft joy, revelatory regret, profound sadness and sustaining hope. I have to go through this every year. I am happy to be alone and share at the same time.
Holly, just how many people do you have in your house and how old are they all? So far, it is you, another lady (partner?), one or more teenaged boys, one teenaged girl, two little boys and two older home care ladies. I know I have missed someone. Here is a picture of a physical map that the kids in the second grade did.

Email me for instructions if you need them.
I didn't get all my Christmas cards out so I will look for some New Year's cards and send those out to the ones I missed. Hayley will be picking us up at 2:30 for the movie and dinner and she wants us to be READY. US = Lowell So I will be taking a shower and getting dressed up after this.
I am not worried about my list today. 
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 25 2013 : 3:04:37 PM
Bunny, was looking at the guide on the tv and saw Dr Who and thought of you! I agree that some sunshine would have been nice today. We are ice covered, which is beautiful, but dull without sunshine. I would have stayed home, too. It is better than being uncomfortable. mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 25 2013 : 3:43:28 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am glad to hear from everyone. We had a mostly calm holiday. One or the other of the littles had momentary emotional breakdowns from the sugar, and excitement. But, overall they had a wonderful day.
I am going to list who is part of the family that were here today. Read it and memorize it because the listing will disappear in a day or so because anyone can read this board. I realize that I have given out enough information over the last while that if someone were seriously interested in tracking us they could.
If you are now reading the edited version and want the list of members of my household and family you will need to email me. edited on December 27
So, that is all of us.
Bunny we had peppermint ice cream last night for the eve with chocolate syrup on top. Today we had turkey, gravy, smashed potatoes, winter squash with a little brown sugar and stuffing and cranberry sauce. Cookies for dessert.
Today was a bright sunny day with not a cloud in the sky. Temperatures were in the teens. J took C and G out skating on the newly frozen ice. They all had a good time.
Marie I hope you had a great meal at the restaurant and had leftovers to take home for breakfast.
I hope that everyone's day had moments of joy.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Dec 27 2013 6:13:17 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 25 2013 : 3:49:00 PM
We got our heat back on yesterday afternoon., The furnace guy had to put a couple more new parts on and clean the pilot. It stayed on all night, we are very happy about that. Heat really is a luxury, along with water. Our Christmas Eve dinner was so good. We always have the same thing, Canadian French meat pie, cheesy potato supreme, and cherry jello cheese cake for dessert. I don't know what my son and daughter will have after this year. They know we will not be here for any more winters, hopefully. I told them we will have Christmas dinner when and if we come back in the summertime. Bunny, your dinner sounds so good too. I can smell it!!!!! I am not a fan of Sci-fi or Dr. Who, never did see one of those. I am an old classic movie type of person. Marie, Hope your meal was good and you enjoyed the movie. What did you see? Gypsy, You are probably at your DD now, hope things are going well for you. Mel, Hope you are having a nice day too. Holly, I bet there was a lot of excitement there between last night and today. Did you get any cold weather yet? It is supposed to get below zero here tonight. It got down to 1 this morning, and got up to 17. Mar, It was quiet here today here also. I like it that way, I had a lot of years of noise and chaos when the kids were small and our siblings and their families got together, there were usually around 40 of us. Too much noise, and too much work. We only got around 9 cards this year. I guess a lot of people are not sending cards anymore. I hear the postage is going up again, what else is new. The more they have raise hikes, the less people use postage. Well, off to snack on cheese and crackers and watch another movie. Have a wonderful rest of the evening, and Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!!!!
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 26 2013 : 05:11:24 AM
Well, I had a night! We were totally ready to go when Hayley came to get us and neither of us forgot anything. We went to the movie theatre and as I bought the tickets, Lowell and Hayley said they did not want to see the IMAX 3D version of The Hobbit. Hayley immediately started tossing blame our way. She got stressed out and wanted to know what our alternate plans were. We considered going to the restaurant early and going to a later movie. I finally had to get out of the car and walk around because Lowell and Hayley were arguing too much. She was looking the movie up at other venues but didn't know how far away the other theaters were and she didn't want to be late for our reservation. We went about 3 miles away to a nicer, smaller theater and yes, I got the diet pop. I can never see in a dark theater and the two of them always go in before me so I can never find them. I would have been fine sitting away from them but they insisted I sit with them. That was lovely because they were talking during the film and I had to tell them to shut up.
The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug was very enjoyable. Orlando Bloom reprised his role as Legolas. We got to know all the dwarves better too. The skin changer was awesome!!!! I really liked how Sauron was depicted first as a living dark cloud then as a radiant figure in armor transforming into THE EYE.
When Hayley gets stressed she starts making driving mistakes. The restaurant is on the first floor of a mixed use tower that has residences and a hotel and there is a mall with a large (empty!) parking lot next door. You should drive on the right under the drop off canopy and then find a spot in the meager parking lot next to it. Instead, she went to the left bypassing three cars who were waiting for a parking spot to open up and headed for the first opening spot. Someone honked at her and she got mad and started calling the driver "a fattso in an SUV who can't walk to the restaurant" which I felt was very inappropriate. Lowell told her to go back to the empty parking lot by the mall. "Why didn't you tell me that?" "Well by the time I had the chance you were already here." etc. I said nothing except to note that she had the road rage. They, again, walked ahead of me and engaged the hosts about our table, excuse me booth (Lowell always wants a freaking booth no matter how long the wait.) We had 15 minutes to kill so we went to the bar which was kind of crowded but I found a large empty booth to sit in. They were not sure we should sit there. I said that if they kick us out we would stand. We had these really yummy hot apple cider drinks which hit the spot. So now we are ready to go to the dining room but not so fast. Oh horrors! It's a table in the middle of the room!!!! We had to wait another 15 minutes for a booth. I am starting to get frustrated now. Menus came and all was ordered. We exchanged presents. She got us tickets to a July production of My Fair Lady at The Guthrie (a prestigious theatre). Lowell likes the play but I do not. I kept my mouth stuffed with food. As I predicted, Lowell was feeling poorly and started his litany of woes regarding his "condition" and what he has done to relieve it. I ate my swordfish. I tastes like red meat. So amazing. When we left, Lowell got in the same section of revolving door that I did and jammed it. I had had it. I called him an idiot. I really have no excuse for this. I guess I had just had my limit of these two. He was hurt that I did that in public and, yes, it was unnecessary and uncalled for.
We gave the leftovers to Mitzi and she ate it right up and licked the container clean. Lowell got on the computer right away and I went to bed early. I thought everything was okay but he came to bed late and was in an out all night. I thought all the stressing out was over. In the morning he suddenly asks if I saw his van out on the street. I said that of course we did because we both went out with the dog and it was there. He called me a liar and said that he was going to look. I informed him that I had called the city snow emergency number and they were plowing the even side today and that the car was safe where it was until 8 AM. He went and looked anyway. I sat on the bed wondering why I was sleeping with someone who thought I was a liar. I am many things but not that especially about his work vehicle. I told him that I was getting up and that I did not like being called a liar. He said that he felt that was something anyone would say to shut him up.
I am having a very difficult time dealing with this. He tells me it is not personal but it sure feels that way. He told me that if I told my therapist this, she would laugh at me. Well, I am sitting here crying right now feeling unappreciated, even hated. I so want to set him adrift in the choppy seas of reality without me steering the boat. I feel so trapped by this self-absorbed hypochondriac who can't plan his way out of the house. I'm sorry. I'm doing it again. I know I am not a perfect person. I at least have my s*** together and know where I put it.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |