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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Dec 14 2013 :  6:09:08 PM  Show Profile
I am here, just busy trying to get some stuff done around here before Christmas gets here. I don't get as much done with hubby home, but it is nice to have him here all the time.
Bunny, glad you had a sale. I know it hurts when you give a discount, but then maybe you would not have a sale if not. I am sure it will improve as soon as the magazine gets out there.
We had snow all day today, so far we got about 6 inches, that is because it warmed up-----to 14 degree!!!!! It is supposed to warm up to the 20s during the week. Won't be too bad.
Hope the rest of you are well and warm. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Dec 15 2013 :  08:34:58 AM  Show Profile

I didn't write last night because I was awake until 3:00 AM. I needed the desktop and guess who was there playing chess. <shakes head> Something has to change.

I had a good day at the Fixit Clinic. Lowell was all out of sorts because he couldn't find the place right away and didn't know which door to go into. He didn't want to hang around to see that our lamp was fixed. I had suggested he bring his acoustic guitar in to get the new acoustic microphone installed. He did it at home after much invective.

All the volunteers bring something in for another volunteer to work on in any spare time at the clinic. I got a pair of pants from Gary with a ruined zipper. They are his favorite pants. He wanted it replaced with a zipper from another pair of pants. I didn't get them done but I have his phone number so I'll just finish them at home and call him. During the clinic I taught a gentleman how to darn his favorite socks. He was pretty good at it. Another guy brought in a cashmere sweater with a hole and runs. I showed him how to re-knit the fabric and anchor the loops then I helped him sew up the holes himself. A lady brought in a closet full of stuff to alter and mend. I adjusted bra straps and the neck on a shirt and had her sew the buttons on the skirt because I would not have had time to do it for her. Many people came in asking what they needed to get zippers fixed, elastic replaced etc. Part of the purpose of these clinics is to get the clients to get involved in the repair so that they can do it themselves. I always have so much fun.

I have nowhere to go today so I will work on my list. So far,

Dishes - done but more are piling up
Ironing and Mending - definitely today
One Swap Item - work on it today
Calls to Make - Monday
Financial Recordkeeping - will do the non-computer stuff today
Letters - got two done, 4 to go
Cards - list is done, several have ready to go
Make Soup - today

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Dec 15 2013 :  1:15:18 PM  Show Profile
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Bunny and Jan! It was a great day for me. I got spoiled by having my chores (almost all) done for me and had such great feelings reading the special cards I got. I also got a surprise box from my HS best friend which had a great gift card and hilariously, four boxes of candy canes for the pony-poo's. Only Irene would spend ten dollars to send me goodies for the horses! She also included a photo of us in band. Good lord, we had so much hair. All the way down our backs.

Today we are in the upper 30s! It seems so warm. Your breath doesn't even show! Last week, when I stepped onto the airplane for Portland, you could see the attendant's breath as she greeted me. Inside the cabin. So, yep. Much warmer.

I finished another hat last night -- I almost sound like Jan! Of course, I haven't even reached ten hats yet, let alone a tote full! And BTW, Jan, check out the prices on etsy. I was amazed. I'm sure you will be, too.

Gypsy, we are hoping to hear from you soon. Get that phone/computer charged up and post!

Bunny, I love your work space. How nice that you can just abandon one project and move on to the next when you are feeling stuck. That quilt jacket is very special. You must be getting close to being finished.

Marie, the fix it clinic sounds like a great success.

Well, my tummy is rumbling, time for lunch.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Dec 15 2013 :  2:56:23 PM  Show Profile
Just got done eating supper. I made homemade chicken noodle soup. It was so good, I have been hungry for that for at least a week now. Bob is not much of a soup eater, but he eats soup whenever I make it and likes it, usually 2 or 3 bowls full. I could eat soup every day, most any kind.
Mar, glad you had a great day yesterday. You deserve to be pampered on your birthday!!!
Not many posting lately, must all be busy getting ready for the holidays. We went grocery shopping this morning and got everything I need to start my baking. Each year I say I am going to cut back, and every year I look at the recipes, and they are all of our favorites!!!! Won't be doing all of that in our motorhome!!!! At least, I don't think so.
We got about 8 inches of snow all together yesterday. Today was 19 and very windy. Now it is snowing hard and still windy and only 10 degrees. Supposed to get below zero again.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Dec 15 2013 :  3:16:00 PM  Show Profile
Janet, I think it is great that you are fixing absolutely every favorite thing you want for the holidays. That is what it is all about. And if you don't feel like doing it, more power to ya! It is so good to be able to choose, don't ya think?

Our holiday is going to be after January 10th...kinda weird, but the important part (being together) is all that matters.

I feel mean telling you that it is in the 40s now! You know I'll pay for this mean streak later in the season!

Holly you are a champion teacher to undertake a relief map. I never took that on. And dd has a terrible sense of the US Geography. Bummer. She can check a map. I did what I could.

Can you all tell I am in a mood to take no guff right now?

Have a great evening.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 15 2013 :  3:53:37 PM  Show Profile
Mar, sorry you have to wait so long for Christmas this year. But you can celebrate Christmas and New Years at the same time.

I'm on my own this year for Christmas. Mom is gone, my kids don't come here because of the weather. I have kitties to take care of, so no trips to Calif for me. I don't have anywhere to stay if I did. No room at the inn so to speak.
I'm hoping for a Dr Who marathon all day. I plan on fixing myself something wonderful for dinner and dessert of course.

Anyway, off to town with a friend...later all.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 15 2013 :  4:17:02 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Well, Lowell was visiting my computer last night so I could not get on. Just kidding. Cheri is doing this masters program and my laptop was better than her Ipad last night so she pre empted me. She did not offer that I could use her Ipad either.

Yesterday we were swinging from the zero in the early morning. It rose to the single digits during the day. It sure was hard to keep the house warm all day. Today it was a balmy 10 upon rising and we woke to ten inches of the lovely white stuff on the ground and in the branches. It was very light and fluffy, not good for snowballs. In the afternoon I plowed the drive with the tractor. That was easy. Then I went to the pond to start to clear it for skating. I made a loop around the outside and that was it. I wonder if the ice is thick enough to hold the tractor. I do not want to put it into the pond so I will not try. I am going to find a neighbor who has a snow blower to finish up the job.

Mar I am glad you had a pleasant birthday. I have a friend who celebrates Twelfth night instead of Christmas day for gift giving. I think if we were not already so tied into the specific day with the children we would exchange gifts later. I once asked the children if we could do one gift each night to spread out the excitement but they wanted nothing to do with it.

We had chicken soup for supper last night as well. It is so good on a cold night.

Marie you are a great teacher. The fix it sounds like so much fun and comraderie.

Bunny the quilt jacket will be so bright and cheery. I understand about having many projects partly done. Congrats on the sale. I hope you have many more soon.

We had pot roast and butternut squash for supper.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 16 2013 :  2:49:19 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 09:38:42 AM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Dec 16 2013 :  5:22:20 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today the temperature was O. The sky was the glorious blue of a winter day. I went out to shovel the pond this afternoon and sweated so much I had to take off my jacket to just the sweatshirt layer. I think because there really was no wind to speak of. I shoveled about 1/4 of the area I have decided to make into a skating rink. The little boys went out in their skates. First time for all of them. I thought it was ok to let C and G go by themselves at lunch time so I could eat in peace. They came in just as I finished and C had walked himself from the pond up the stream and had fallen through the ice. Lucky for all of us it was only knee deep. Last year we went through the learning to stay out of the running water when it is cold. Before he came we were told he has no sense of danger and to keep a good eye on him. He is a lot better at being aware of danger but geez he gets so focused on the end that he can not see the middle. I think he will not go into the cold water again this year. I will keep you posted. See how sloped his learning curve is.

I finished C's stocking except for sewing it up. Now I am on a marathon to finish G's.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Dec 16 2013 :  5:59:14 PM  Show Profile
Oh boy, Holly. I guess you had a spike in blood pressure after lunch today. I hope it is C's last icy dunk for the season. Congrats on finishing the first stocking. Have they seen it? Or will it be a surprise on the big night?

Bunny, I am sorry to hear you will only have your kitties for company on Christmas. But, in all honesty, they are good company, aren't they?

Just sat through dh talking with someone who needed his help on a chocolate problem. Then, I got to be his sounding board afterward, complete with a short (not short enough!) chemistry lesson about monoglycerides and the part they play in putting shine in chocolate and why the industry converted to them (no saturated fats). Now, aren't you glad I shared? You all got a glimpse into the glamourous world of chocolate. Sigh.

So, we had a "small" problem of our house coming up on zillow as Not For Sale. This doesn't work for us since we would like to sell our house. Apparently, we double booked our home rather than claiming the home. Whatever. I have it fixed as best I can now. There is further confusion because our property is in two parcels. The parcels must stay together and the undeveloped parcel cannot be built upon. So, our zillow "zestimate" does not include the second parcel - which I have now "claimed" - so our "zestimate" is lower than our asking price, which doesn't feel good. I have notated this in the ad for the house. I have also notated it in the ad for the parcel. Both have the same address. Somehow the parcel "had" a 3 bed/1bath structure on it...tried to correct that, too. What a durn mess.

So, the day I left for Portland, I had a call while I was still at the airport from a couple who wanted to see our house. Poor dh called them and they told him they would be there in fifteen minutes. (Thanks for making an appt.) He showed them the house. Two days later, they have a realtor call me and tell me they want her to see the house, pull comps and make an offer for them. The realtor toured the house a week ago today. She told us that she would write the offer that day and get right back to us. No word. Very disappointing. She even had a question for us from the potential buyers: When would we want to close? I don't know what happened. Oh, well.

In the middle of this mad dash of "Oh my goodness! We are moving!" we decided to not do the entire Christmas decoration bit. The kids aren't coming home until the tenth of January, etc. Now, it is all just a huge letdown.

Thanks for listening.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 16 2013 :  6:19:43 PM  Show Profile
Mar, so sorry about your house selling issues. It is a stressful thing to do. Especially this time of year. When it's right, everything will fall into place. It's just not the right time.

I finished my jacket. It came out a little more funky than I would like. I have decided to keep it. It is comfy and I'll just be a walking advertisement. I'll have a picture later.

Holly, I'm so glad C is ok. Falling through the ice is scary!! Lots to learn about living in the woods.

Gypsy, we miss you. Maybe you need a charger at each place.

Later all...


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Dec 16 2013 :  7:05:51 PM  Show Profile
Mar, so sorry to hear that you are going through so much stress with the house. Maybe you will still hear something from the realtor. The waiting and wondering is very bad for the nerves. I am sure it will all work out in the end. You still have time to put some decorations up. Go for it!!!!
Gypsy, Glad you are back with us. There are not many of us left that were on the birthday list. I do not have your new address either. You can email it to me if you want.
Marie, I do not have your address either, nor your birthday date. We used to have a birthday list with the dates and addresses on so if you wanted to send a card, you could.
Bunny, I am anxious to see the jacket. I am sure it looks great.
Holly, That had to be scary falling through the ice. Thank God it was shallow, but still, it had to be pretty cold. We took a ride by our park today, and there are a few ice fishing shacks out there already. I will try to get a picture when there are more out there.
I only made cheese ball and chex party mix today. I am hoping to get most of my cookies baked tomorrow. I just seem to be so tired and run down lately. I get tired out so easily. I guess I need to eat more cream of wheat---- that gives me energy!!! LOL!!!
What happened to Cheryl, Ginny, Penny and Mel??? Hope they come back. Our group here is getting kind of small.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Dec 17 2013 :  2:48:18 PM  Show Profile
Very upsetting day here. Dd and Dear Yellow Dog got attacked by a neighbor's loose dog. Pit bull. Everyone is fine, but very scared. Dd let the leasing office know and they were going to contact the owner. When they contacted the owner, he hung up on the leasing consultant. She was smart enough to get in her golf cart and head to my daughter's loft immediately. She found the owner yelling and pounding on the door of my daughter's loft. She answered and then told him she felt intimidated and went back into her house. He let her, but turned on the leasing consultant. Long story short. The complex called the police. And my daughter is very shook up. Good ol' yellow dog did what she was told and everyone stayed safe. Of course, good ol' yellow dog was also properly leashed.

It isn't fun to be so far away when you want to hug someone.

We have someone coming to see the house this weekend. Yay. Notice no exclamation point. Measured excitement.

Dh is watching a SciFi film. Not my favorite, but I can catch up with all of you! Our group has shrunken. I agree, Jan.
But, I think the entire forum has slowed down. When I check some of my favorite areas on the Farm, I see that some of the posts are months old.

Let's try to keep our group going. It is very meaningful to me to have your imput on my posts and I do feel like I know you and care what is happening in your life. BTW, more than a month ago I put a card in the mail to Thelma. I haven't received any reply. Does anyone have any news from her?

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 17 2013 :  4:04:32 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 09:40:52 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 17 2013 :  4:19:44 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 09:41:35 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 17 2013 :  4:48:50 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, my birthday is in June. Long gone for sure.

A friend sent me two dress shirts from her son's wedding for me to sew into aprons. They came out cute. Sorry, I was too tired after sewing for pictures just yet.

I too wish our group wasn't so small. I miss everyone.

Mar, crossing my fingers for the house visit. Very scary about your D and yellow dog. But no all pits are aggressive. It's all about the owners. And it seems the owner is a bit on the aggressive side. I have known some very sweet pits. The dog should not have been loose to begin with. You would think someone with a pit bull would take better care. Glad DD and yellow dog are ok.

Gypsy, I'm so glad you and B are doing so well. Congrats on the upcoming wedding.
Nice that B wants to fix up the ranch a bit. Is it feasible for a B and B?
Sorry about the headache...get better soon. Kinds sounds like you could use a rest.

Not much else going on. Just sewing. Tomorrow I'm making iPad cases. My mom wants to give one to a friend. Sounds like there is trouble in paradise though. She just hinted something was up but I don't think she was free to talk. The other case is for my aunt. She just got an iPad and is the only person that sends me a Christmas gift each year. I try to make something useful for her. She is very picky.

Anyway, that's all for now... Later all..


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 17 2013 :  5:54:47 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, I'm with you about it being all about the owner of the dog. In the community where my daughter lives, pitbulls are a restricted breed. This guy says the dog isn't a pitbull. You have to admit the pitbulls are fairly easy to spot. And he had the foresight to register this animal as a "service animal." He lets the dog out to potty on his own... Now, I adore service animals and I have read many stories about how these animals have saved people in many ways. Most recently, I was reading about service animals for veterans and how they just help these PTSD sufferers through the night and the anxiety. Now, I think to myself, these are animals who are treasured, adored, given wonderful care in return for what they give their owners. How many of these owners, do you think, let their dogs out to potty themselves? I call B*$&sh$% on that dog truly being a service dog.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Dec 17 2013 :  5:56:54 PM  Show Profile
I had a whole post almost ready to send, and poof, it was gone, except for one sentence!!!!
I baked 4 kinds of cookies today. My sugar cookie dough is in the fridge ready for tomorrow. That will be all the cookies I am doing, just a couple of candies, my breads I will do no Monday. We have supper here on Christmas Eve with the kids. I have to make meat pies every year, that is our tradition.
Mar, I have my fingers and toes crossed for a sale coming your way. How frightening for your DD. Glad she and Yellow Dog are okay. Things could have turned out bad.
Gypsy, that would probably be better for both of you to move back to the farm. A lot less travel, and you won't have to rent. How nice of B to be willing to help out there. When is the wedding? My birthday is April 12th.
Bunny, Hopefully your mom is not hinting to you about coming back home. I know you are enjoying your time by yourself there.
I am watching the holiday movie Holiday Affair from 1949, the 3rd time so far this season. I love all the old movies. Back to my movie before I lose this post!!!! Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 17 2013 :  6:57:36 PM  Show Profile
Yeah!! Sold another dress!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 17 2013 :  7:39:17 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 09:42:24 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Dec 17 2013 :  9:02:56 PM  Show Profile
Yeah!! excited for you. See....patience is a virtue....the waiting will pay off!

Gypsy....I love the idea of a B&B. My hubby talked about the possibilities when we lived in Waxahachie with all the lovely victorians there but life has a way of guiding us in different directions! Since he is gone, am sure glad not to have that responsibility but you have someone to enjoy it with and depend on for help. That is a blessing.

Have you set a date, now that you have the license. I love your idea of a crocheted skirt and cowboy boots and a great hat! Is B going to wear a kilt and cowboy boots? :)

Holly.....I was shivering when you told the story of your lil' guy falling in the freezing water! Sure hope he is a bit more aware the next time.

Well it was 68 here today....sorry for all of you who are freezing your buns off out there! But we will pay for it later! Supposed to be in the 30's next week. :)

My best to all,

Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 17 2013 :  9:08:42 PM  Show Profile

Lowell is being anxious and angry tonight so much that I have to exercise self control and calm. When he gets this way, I call him Lowgre (sounds like ogre). He is on craigslist trying to find a guitar player and a female vocalist. He called a guitar player whose number he had from a previous ad but he doesn't leave messages so I have no idea how he expects them to call him back.

The Fixit Clinic was a great success. Here are the numbers:

90 people
114 items
82 fixed or on the way to being fixed
75% fix rate
778 pounds not put into the landfill

Lowell thought they wouldn't be able to fix our lamp so I told him if they could not, I would buy all the alchohol he wanted to drink at the restaurant on Christmas Eve. If they could, he would buy my alchohol. Guess who gets to drink until they are silly. It should take about 2 rum and diet Cokes.

I went out with Annette today. She has Tuesdays off and wanted to get out of the house. I bought her lunch and a roll of quarters. She says that the donations and help have all dried up except for me and the building manager at her new place. I still need to make those blankets for her and her son, get them each a set of queen-size flannel sheets and crochet some rugs from fabric strips. I will support my friend in any way I can.

The temperature was up to 30 degrees at 4 AM today. It was cold for a while walking into the wind. The sun came out and put a sparkle on all the snow crystals blowing around that made everything look pretty.

Marianne - At least your DH is not talking about politics and the economy like mine does. I just grunt to make it sound as if I am listening. Zillow sounds as if it has problems. There has got to be a better solution for online listing. I had a pit bull named Abel. He was smaller than any other I had seen. I believe that he was the runt of the litter. He was very submissive and other dogs picked on him but he either was clueless or didn't mind. Oh my could he run! He liked to be chased and he would slow down for the older dogs. The problem was he got blamed for every bad dog incident in the neighborhood. There was a minor incident which I do not want to go into now and I believe he was innocent but Animal Control slapped him with a dangerous dog label anyway. Remember that there are no bad dogs just bad dog owners. Even large, naturally agressive dogs can be trained to behave. Pit bulls are never trained to be service animals. I have only seen labs, goldens and collies, maybe the occasional shepherd, as service dogs. Your DD's neighbor is full of bull.

Bunny - An all day Dr. Who marathon sounds like fun. Which Dr. is your favorite? I like Tom Baker. The first time I was alone for Christmas was when I was in my second year of college. I was dust poor. I couldn't afford to go home for the holidays. I opened my presents, called my mom and dad to thank them and sat down with a turkey TV dinner. I didn't have a TV so I was thinking about going to bed when a friend called and asked if I would like to come over and play Dungeons & Dragons. I said, "On Christmas Eve?" He said, "Yes . . ." Then I remembered that group of friends were Jewish and they were not celebrating. Saved!!!

Holly - Aren't little boys amazing? Lowell told me that when he was a kid, he and some of his friends got up on a neighbor's garage, pulled the shingles off the roof and threw them like frisbees. Man! Were they in trouble.

Jan - My birthday is March 22. I'll send my address by email. Ginny's husband has been in and out of the hospital. It started with an infection in his foot which resulted in an amputation below the knee. He had trouble keeping salt in his system and his back hurt. He got sick again and had to go back. Last I read on the Caring Bridge site, he has three infections and back problems which he will probably have surgery to repair. She is pretty stressed. I wish I could travel up to Maine and take care of her house and chickens while she is in Portland. Her daughter just found out she has a severe kidney problem which only a transplant can cure.

Gypsy - Wow! B is a great guy! I think he would love it on the farm. Does he have a brother? The answer to your query is "maybe".

I do want to stay here and talk with all of you. I feel so close to you all. Wouldn't it be great if we all could live closer to each other and meet like neighbors? Okay, maybe not. I have so few friends who have any kind of time to get together.

Okay, my list of things to do progresses or doesn't progress:

Ironing & Mending - ironing done but I just washed clothes again today, put a tiny dent in mending
One Swap Item - had to find more yarn from stash, still working on the stocking and all the gifts have been wrapped
Calls to Make - no progress, scheduled for Thursday
Financial Recordkeeping - more to do, scheduled for Thursday
Letters - no progress, scheduled for Thursday
Cards - sent 3 more today
Soup - done
Dishes - tomorrow

I do this listing here to track my progress and for motivation. I tend to get distracted and side-tracked. I appreciate your patience with me.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 18 2013 :  09:22:32 AM  Show Profile
I am sick with what feels just like the flu even though I got the flu shot. Missing the Tea with friends today and don't feel well enough to go to mail center or do anything but lie on the couch. A hot bath is the only thin g that eases the aching. Totally bummed out. I'll post again when I feel better. Have a fun day everyone

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 18 2013 :  3:24:36 PM  Show Profile
Well, crud. Just settled down to rest and read Marie's post. Made me realize I didn't do the ironing. Thanks alot, Marie! ;) I love Lowgre! Very clever. Congratulations on your Fix It Clinic. Those numbers are something to be so proud of.

Bunny, you are doing great. so glad to hear of your sale. You and I can stay in touch on Christmas. Dh and I will be here alone, too. You have to be flexible when you get older, don't you? But, it seems like you have a better idea of what is worth celebrating, too.
Gypsy, take care. Sorry you missed you girl's day. Maybe you should spend the day bedazzling your marriage license. You know, frou-frou it up a bit! No?
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 18 2013 :  3:31:23 PM  Show Profile
Jan! Thank you. What beautiful cloths and wonderful smelling soap! I am a fiend for both. The card gave both dh and I a giggle and the snowmen are adorable. What a lovely surprise. Your kindness made me smile and feel special. Again, thank you.

It is so unusual to get "real" mail anymore, isn't it? I think that is why Christmas is so exciting, too. You get to hear from acquaintances you don't hear from often. So many send those photo collages now. They are fun to look at, too. Still not a big fan of the family newsletter...
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