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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Oct 04 2014 :  3:37:07 PM  Show Profile
Feels like fall is here to stay. It got down to forty last night and I turned the furnace on. Today was windy in the morning and it's been cool but sunny all day. I hope tomorrow is nice so I can bury my little bird Koko in the backyard. He died early this morning--twenty=one years old so he was old for a cockatiel. I got a casket for him at a local kennel/pet cemetery. I'll miss my little bird. seems so quiet without him.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

9475 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9475 Posts

Posted - Oct 04 2014 :  4:58:50 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, Sorry about your bird, Koko. I didn't know that it was possible to get a casket for a pet. I had birds some years back but I haven't gotten any since we got our dogs.
Nice and cool here tonight. Going to enjoy it while I can because it will warm up again.

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Oct 04 2014 :  8:39:08 PM  Show Profile
We have had quite a few days of rain and wind, 30s at night, 40s and 50s during the day. Today the high was only 42, rainy with snow mixed in. In the low 30s at night, had to turn the furnace on tonight. Do not want to see white on the ground yet.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

1291 Posts

1291 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2014 :  02:34:45 AM  Show Profile
October 5th, and it is a cold one for KY. this time of year. 37*this morning, cold as I can remember for an early October morning in 10 years! Hope this is not a sign of things to come!

"There are black sheep in every flock"
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True Blue Farmgirl

7209 Posts

Paris TX
7209 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2014 :  05:36:39 AM  Show Profile
A cool 54 warming to 82. Eighty-two in Oct is definitely a kinder-gentler 82 than in Aug. Loving the fall weather.

Walk in Peace - Live with Joy
FarmGirl Sister #6034 Aug 25, 2014
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True Blue Farmgirl

13055 Posts

13055 Posts

Posted - Oct 08 2014 :  2:22:49 PM  Show Profile
I am anxiously awaiting the cooler air. It's cool in the mornings, but sure warms up fast. We need rain.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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True Blue Farmgirl

13055 Posts

13055 Posts

Posted - Oct 10 2014 :  11:25:32 AM  Show Profile
The Weather Channel says rain for the Texas Hill Country on Saturday and Monday. I hope they are right!

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl

1406 Posts

Pasco WA
1406 Posts

Posted - Oct 11 2014 :  09:08:04 AM  Show Profile
No rain here in the Columbia Basin. It's been about a month since we even saw a short mist. It's cool today and overcast. Probably should go out and mow the lawn, but I think I'll quilt instead. Should have waited the 15 minutes. Wind is blowing a gale and the sand is flying. The leaves are falling off the trees in time for me to mow Monday.

Still haven't mowed. Maybe Wednesday.

Betty in Pasco

Edited by - Betty J. on Oct 14 2014 6:52:38 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

13055 Posts

13055 Posts

Posted - Oct 11 2014 :  12:51:48 PM  Show Profile
Cool day today, 58 degrees! Very nice. Got rain last night. Rain expected Monday!

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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True Blue Farmgirl

2349 Posts

Catherine Farmgirl Sister #76
Houston Area Texas
2349 Posts

Posted - Oct 12 2014 :  3:40:29 PM  Show Profile
We had a quick heavy downpour this afternoon. I had a nice long nap on the back porch during the storm.

One of the best compliments from one of my daughters: "Moma, you smell dirt."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Oct 14 2014 :  5:34:32 PM  Show Profile
It was a cold, dreary, rainy day. More rain predicted for tomorrow, then the sun comes back out on thursday. I had to go into work early this morning and it was dark and raining. I hope we don't have a wet, rainy fall--the leaves stay on the ground and kill the grass. Also when it rains too much the fall colors aren't as bright. Last night we had a beautiful sunset. Tonight, not so much.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

2349 Posts

Catherine Farmgirl Sister #76
Houston Area Texas
2349 Posts

Posted - Oct 15 2014 :  06:21:22 AM  Show Profile
This morning I'm waking up to perfection! Nice and cool in the 50's. It'll rise up to the 80's later. But, right now is the kind of weather that I think of when the Bible speaks of Adam walking in the garden with God in the cool of the day.

One of the best compliments from one of my daughters: "Moma, you smell dirt."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Nov 05 2014 :  9:16:35 PM  Show Profile
Today was really nice. It was sunny and a little bit cool. Tomorrow is supposed to be colder and very windy. I think I'll wear the hat I received in a swap and maybe even the scarf. The cold weather makes me cough so I like to keep my mouth covered when I'm outside in it. I found out tonight, as I was cooking a pot of beans on the stove, that the dry conditions in my house have been making me cough. While the beans were cooking, they added moisture to the air and it made a big difference. I love the cold weather but I have to be careful or I'll get very sick. I've been loving crunching through the leaves in my yard and smelling their musty, sweet smell. The moon was covered by thin clouds tonight that gave it a spooky aura. Love this time of year.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

3043 Posts

3043 Posts

Posted - Nov 06 2014 :  6:56:42 PM  Show Profile

Temperatures are forecast to be in the teens at night here in Kentucky by November 14th...unusually cold for us at this time of year!!!



"Autumn~The year's last, loveliest smile."

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"...

"Country Girl at Heart...Blessed Beyond Measure"!!!

Farm Girl #5440
Farm Girl of The Month September 2013
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Nov 09 2014 :  2:36:16 PM  Show Profile
Today was beautiful. the temperature was perfect for a fall day. I took Jaxon to a park and we walked a couple miles through the woods. Heard lots of rustling in the woods but only saw some blue jays. I came home and raked some leaves in the front yard. I even sang "Born Free" as I walked Jaxon at the park. Just a lovely day.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Chapter Guru

1205 Posts

New Prague MN
1205 Posts

Posted - Nov 09 2014 :  3:30:56 PM  Show Profile
6-10" of snow forecasted here tomorrow with temps hitting single digits over night for the rest of the week. I guess it's time for snow again here in Minnesota! We did have a lovely fall, so no complaints there!

Farmgirl Hugs!

River Valley Farmgirls
Chapter Leader

~Playing in the Sonshine~

Edited by - sonshine4u on Nov 09 2014 3:56:30 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Nov 09 2014 :  4:31:30 PM  Show Profile
It is a good thing I cleaned up the garden and the yard today. DH even helped. I found some beans and an itty bitty watermelon out there. The grocery store was nuts tonight with everyone trying to stock up before the storm.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

6697 Posts

Gainesville Fl
6697 Posts

Posted - Nov 09 2014 :  4:44:05 PM  Show Profile
Brrrrrrrr!! Farmgirls stay warm up there!!

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014
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True Blue Farmgirl

13055 Posts

13055 Posts

Posted - Nov 13 2014 :  2:24:41 PM  Show Profile
Temperature hit 28 degrees this morning in the Texas Hill Country. Another cold one tonight.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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True Blue Farmgirl

13055 Posts

13055 Posts

Posted - Nov 25 2014 :  1:11:53 PM  Show Profile
Spent most of the day cutting plants. Two nights of cold weather did them in! Today its a bit sunny, 64 degrees.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2914 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2014 :  3:14:17 PM  Show Profile
Yesterday it got up to 62 degrees and tonight it's supposed to get down to 22. With a mixture of freezing rain and snow. It's blustery right now, the temperatures are dropping quickly. It can change quickly this time of year.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog at
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True Blue Farmgirl

13055 Posts

13055 Posts

Posted - Dec 08 2014 :  4:03:13 PM  Show Profile
Beautiful day today in the Texas Hill Country. Temp got to 67. Not much wind.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl

1406 Posts

Pasco WA
1406 Posts

Posted - Dec 08 2014 :  5:27:32 PM  Show Profile
Warm and sunny.Couldn't't be better.
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True Blue Farmgirl

13055 Posts

13055 Posts

Posted - Dec 10 2014 :  3:04:22 PM  Show Profile
Rain is coming, I hope. Temps in the high 50s. Overcast.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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True Blue Farmgirl

2349 Posts

Catherine Farmgirl Sister #76
Houston Area Texas
2349 Posts

Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  06:11:21 AM  Show Profile
Highs of mid 60's. Beautiful temps to work outside.

One of the best compliments from one of my daughters: "Moma, you smell dirt."
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