I'm just starting out researching the GAPS diet or the Paleo. I have heard that GAPS helps with depression. Does anyone have any knowledge of the diet? Especially if it helps with depression.
Talking with my kids yesterday about our diet. We're "clean eaters" about 80% of the time. Eating this way has had an effect on our health - we've only had the sniffles this past winter, no full blown out colds/flu. If we can impact our health that much with the dietary changes we made. I wonder about helping my oldest with her depression and my youngest with her stomach issues. (She has stomach aches at least 4 times a week.)
I'm not sure yet how the diets are the same. GAPS vs. Paleo. I need to do some more research. But if you can lead me in the right direction or share your experiences. I'd appreciate it!
After doing some research, I'm going to talk to our doctors about Candida. I fit the profile for it, both of my girls fall into it in one way or another. http://www.thecandidadiet.com/