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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 26 2011 : 7:22:46 PM
Natalie...I 4th or 5th the congrats. Glad all is well and you are on this side of the birth. What is his name? I think I missed it. Kristinam I will be praying. The scriptures that came to mind were some of those Nini wrote for you. You can always count on Nini to do a good bible study look up. Good on ya Nini. People can be so depressed at the loss and change in their bodies. I have work with patients that need to go through a grieving process...just like loosing a family member. I have even had ladies balk at the thought of a hysterectomy because of cancer. the thought of not having another child, even though they weren't planning on one is difficult. Prayer will help. God will work.
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl Sister #870 @}~~ "God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." DL Moody
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 28 2011 : 08:34:26 AM
Natalie, congratulations. A great thing to be thankful for, a new little one.
The Sunday sermon was a really good one. Then went to my Hebrew studies class on Sunday evening. We are through Genesis, only took us 3 years, and into Exodus. The things in the class confirmed the things I got out of the sermon.
God is good all the time.
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 29 2011 : 10:18:49 AM
Congratulations, Natalie! I'm so happy for you and your family!!! May God bless you all!
Girls - will you please pray for my Dad. Long story short, he's dying. He went in the hospital Sunday night and was told it was pneumonia. Next morning, he was surrounded by machines and medical professionals. He has had a bad heart for 20 years or so, but now he only has 30% use of his heart (has had a bad heart for 20+ years, and already is living with a pacemaker and defibrillator), his heart wall muscle cells are dying, he's in renal failure, they think he has a blood clot, he is on antibiotics for infection, he is on morphine for the pain, the priest has come to do a sick call which made my dad cry and become even more scared... They were planning on intubating him, but the morphine really helped him a lot, and his breathing isn't as labored. He's scared, of course, but so weak he can barely speak. My poor stepmother is a total mess. She is not well herself, she lost her first husband years ago to heart failure, and she lost her eldest daughter last year unexpectedly. She is having a very difficult time coping. There's so much more, but I am so emotionally whipped I can't even think straight.
They live about 10 - 14 hours away (maybe 9 - 13 hours - it's been a long time since we've trekked up north for a visit), depending upon weather and traffic, so it's not going to be a quick trip to the hospital to say the least. We're waiting til the end of today to determine when we're heading up (Claudia - thank you SO much for your email - you really helped me understand what is happening, and helped me to think things through. God bless you - I love you, sister!). As of last night, he was "more stabilized," and my stepmother agreed with my husband that we should wait and see how he does before heading up. In other words, if the peace and rest will help him heal, we should afford him some more time to do so, and go see him once he's up to company... OR, if he is not going to pull through, we'll head up to see him right away. I want to just go, but I know my Dad very well, and he wouldn't want us to drop everything to rush to him. For the moment, I'm going to respect his wishes.
I have been fervently praying, and I am very grateful to the Lord for the peace He is giving me concerning my Dad. He sure could use your extra prayers, though.
As it stands, his doctor (for whom my father has great respect and trust) is unwilling to say all is lost. He told my stepmother that he may be able to pull my Dad out of this one, but he honestly doesn't think he'll be able to do it again. Thus, he is on very short and precious borrowed time. Please pray for his comfort and that the Lord take him Home when the time comes. In the meantime, please pray that my Dad has enough time left to make peace with those he needs to, and that there is true healing in his life here before he moves onto the next. I'd really, really appreciate that.
Thank you, sisters. God love and bless you! I am so grateful to have you, especially now! You are such a blessing to me!
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Simply Satisfied
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 29 2011 : 11:13:37 AM
I will definitely be praying for you and your family.
Emily Farmgirl # 3591 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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pea ridge
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Posted - Nov 29 2011 : 8:15:56 PM
Oh Nini. We are praying for all of you. May the peace that passes understanding flood your heart and keep you thru this time. May God give your family wisdom on the timing of your visit and safety when you do it. I wont print lots of verses sister I know you already know them. Watch how the Holy Spirit will bring them to you in this time of need and comfort you so that you sorrow not even as others who have no hope. Take care. |
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
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Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Nov 30 2011 : 04:51:39 AM
YES!! What a wonderful feeling to know that there are SO many christian farmgirls!! Can we begin a group? I am new here so not sure how this works but maybe we could begin a round robin with a cross or wall hanging, etc.? What do y'all think?
SHINE your light so that all can see. |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Nov 30 2011 : 07:13:35 AM
Hi Rachel! Welcome! You will love it here! I'm not able to commit to any kind of participation at the moment, but that sounds like a lovely idea! Maybe when things settle down, I'll be able to join in! :)
Thank you so much, girls. No real news to report yet. They are putting him on dialysis as of today, and they had to start administering insulin because his potassium levels were so high. I missed my stepmother's call yesterday, and basically told us to sit tight until we spoke with her today. I'm anxious to hear what she says. It is SUCH a comfort to know you are all praying. Thank you SO much, really. Hugs to each of you!
I'll keep you posted!
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Nov 30 2011 : 08:30:47 AM
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
1874 Posts |
Posted - Dec 01 2011 : 05:25:17 AM
Ladies, I think I posted here when the forum first began?? May I return and join y'all again? Nini, will be praying for your DD. prayers for you as well as you get thru each day!!
May I ask for prayer for my DD Sil? Also for a dear friend who just got some bad health news Thank you!
Have a busy am, look forward to checking back in later. Nini, know that prayers and good thoughts are coming your way!
Farmgirls hugs, Linda |
Farmgirl in Training
18 Posts
18 Posts |
Posted - Dec 01 2011 : 05:36:13 AM
Hi Linda~
Hope to meet up with you soon!!
Praying for ALL of my new farmgirls SISTERS!!!!

SHINE your light so that all can see. |
True Blue Farmgirl
107 Posts
St Francisville
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 01 2011 : 9:19:29 PM
Welcome Rachel and Suzanne! You will love it here! And Linda - SO good to have you back!
Thank you so much for your prayers, girls; they are working! My Dad is much more stable now - not out of the woods, but things aren't looking as bleak as they were on Monday. He didn't end up having to be on dialysis, which is a miracle according to my stepmother. His breathing is better, but he is still on oxygen. His heart is not improved, but that was to be expected. He is feeling a little bit stronger today, and was able to speak with a louder, more clear voice. He is still in intensive care, and from what she can tell, he's not going to be leaving there any time soon. She keeps stressing that he is on borrowed time, and that the doctor says he is hopeful to be able to pull my Dad out of this this time, but that he cannot possibly survive if this happens again. I asked if I could leave a message for him to listen to on either his cell phone or hers, but she said that the nurses would have a fit if they saw a cell phone in his room. She said he insists he doesn't want us coming out to see him like this, and asks that we wait until he comes home. Thinking that he would probably be more of a candidate for a nursing home, I asked if she truly thinks he will come home, and she said yes, that he simply "has" to. She is really suffering for fear of losing him. I feel so bad. She said that my aunts (his sisters) have gone to see him, but their visit caused him unhealthy stress. He was trying too hard and it ended up being too stressful on his system, so she is asking that people refrain from visiting him for the time being until he is stronger. My stepmother really didn't say much more than that, our conversation was very brief, as she's quite exhausted and not feeling well herself. I found a lot of comfort to hear some relief in her voice, though - that is a very good sign. She just needs to get some rest herself so she can process everything and give us a more complete picture of what is happening with him. It's not easy to be so far away, but I do know my Dad and I do understand her request. I am going to call my aunts this weekend and try to get a more accurate picture of his health. I know my stepmother is exhausted and she isn't intentionally being esoteric, but it will make me feel a lot better to get someone else's perspective on my dad's situation. For now, we continue to pray and hope to have the opportunity to speak with - or see - him soon.
Thanks again so much for your prayers. I truly believe they are helping him - AND me! :)
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
107 Posts
St Francisville
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 03 2011 : 11:09:58 AM
Hi girls!
Thank you so much, Suzanne... Just checking in to give you all the latest update!
'Just got off the phone with my Dad. He's out of Intensive Care and in the general ward. He is in good spirits, but sounds so old for a 66 year old man. He has a blood clot in his heart, which really surprised me - you'd think he'd be in the cardiac unit, but he's not. They have him on coumadin, and he said they can't be too worried about the blood clot because they are getting him up. The pneumonia is gone, his kidneys are functioning well. They think this whole thing started with some sort of infection, but he just didn't know he had it. They also think he passed a kidney stone. His said he has no idea where all his blood is coming from. His left arm looks like a battle zone, all black and blue with bruises. They are taking blood four times a day, but were taking it six times a day before they moved him, and each time he said they take about 6 - 8 vials. He seemed pretty shocked about that. He asked the nurses if they were going to put it back when they were done, and everyone had a good laugh. He kept stressing he is NOT in the cardiac unit, and he said he sure must have a lot of people praying for him, because everyone is absolutely amazed at his recovery and how quickly he is recovering. He said to thank everyone, and asked that you please keep the prayers up. He said he has an awesome priest coming to visit - Father Murphy. Dad said he's a great guy, that he had annointed him and prayed the prayers for the sick, and that he has prayed with my dad a lot over the past few days. I was really surprised, because my Dad's never been a particularly religious man, but he really loves Father Murphy, and said he has been such a great comfort to him. Dad said he's flirting with the nurses - well, everybody, really. He said that's how you'll know they'll take better care of you. Apparently, the personnel director stopped by today and gave him a little Christmas tree and angel for his room, so he's pretty pleased - he actually sounded tickled about it. I actually think I heard the twinkle in his eye, as a matter of fact! ;) He said we're doing the right thing in not coming. He said he knows we love him, that he has been in the hospital in dire straights three times in the last year and that every time we've all said what we have to say. He knows we've got lives and families and he doesn't want us dropping everything to head up every time he gets sick, that the main thing is that we love each other and say what we need to say while he's alive. I asked what was going through his mind while he was hooked up to so many machines with so many people fluttering around him, and he said that he just kept in mind that these people were there to help him, so he focused on that instead of letting fear creep in. He is worried about my stepmother, of course - he knows she has been a wreck. I asked if he wanted us to come up now to be with him AND to help her, but he said no, to wait til he's better in the spring... IF he's still here in the spring. I told him not to worry, he's like the Energizer Bunny - he just keeps ticking; he laughed really hard about that. I also told him my husband said he's still got a good 10 - 20 years left, because he's not done wreaking havoc in people's lives, and he laughed even harder and said, "You got that right, kiddo." He also said, though, that he knows he's on borrowed time, but he's not focusing on that. He isn't even going to think about the blood clot - what will be will be. He just is taking everything one day at a time and finding the good in each day. Please continue to pray for him, because I know the blood clot is a very dangerous thing. He's fully aware of the dangers, but he's not going to worry about things he can't change. He's just letting the doctors and nurses do what they have to do, and trusting in God for the rest. I think that's a good attitude, indeed. :) He got tired very quickly, so our conversation was brief, but I'm so glad I was able to hear his voice - I feel so much better now. <big sigh of relief> On with the day, then! On with the day!
I'll keep you posted. Thank you and God bless you so much for your love and prayers.
Big hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
650 Posts
pea ridge
650 Posts |
Posted - Dec 03 2011 : 3:03:16 PM
I'm so glad Nini that you were able to hear his voice and talk directly to him and not just go on what others were telling you he said. Thanks for the update. I have been wondering. |
True Blue Farmgirl
107 Posts
St Francisville
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 03 2011 : 3:42:39 PM
Nini, I will be praying for you and your family. I hope everything works out for your dad:) Natalie, congratulations on the new baby! What a blessing! I hope everyone is having good Advents. I went to mass last week, and I was able to not stumble over the new mass words! My goal for this new Church year is to go mass at least twice a month. That'll be more than I went last year! I hope everyone is doing well! God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Dec 03 2011 : 4:46:39 PM
Thanks, Girls! I can't tell you how much better I feel now. I am extremely concerned about the blood clot in his heart, but I'm taking his position on the whole thing - think happy thoughts, pray and trust God. I'm also just going to enjoy the days we do have together - even if they are long distance. Life is so precious... I don't want to ever lose sight of that!
Oh my goodness - I know what you mean, Megan! Does your church have the inserts in your missiles? Our priest explained that we're actually now going back to words that we USED to use a long time ago - and that they are more close with the Latin, and that they are the words that most other churches use in their translations all over the world. I'm telling you - it's actually funny, because EVERYONE is slipping up at some point or another. It cracked me up last weekend to see about three elderly parishioners all snap their fingers and shake their heads in a row! Well, I guess now at least the priests know people are paying attention! LOL! Hang in there - before you know it, it will come as second nature. Everything good takes time! :)
Oh, I just love Advent, Megan, don't you? I purchased a beautiful Advent Calendar from the Vermont Christmas Company last week: It was here in a matter of days - I was so surprised! (Bought my Advent Candles from them, too!) I absolutely LOVE it. It's like a piece of art. The image is the same on both sides, so I have it in our big picture window. It glows when the sun shines through. I've never seen one so big and so beautiful. Every day has a religious image behind its door and the corresponding Scripture - it's just so, so beautiful. (My son is a little disappointed there's no chocolate, but I have a jar of M&M's close by! LOL!) It's a little bit bigger than a charger plate you'd use on the dinner table. I am honestly considering framing it!
I also started making Jesse Trees with the little girls I babysit. We used fancy fine gold and silver glitter on branches from my lilac bushes (parts of them have died, so we decided we'd make good use of them!). I stuck them in styrofoam that we stuffed into glass candle jars I recycled. We're going to wrap them in glittery fabric if I can make it out to the store this week. We've been making really cute little ornaments for each day's reading, and the girls and I read the Scriptures and discuss them while they hang their ornament from the boughs. I'll tell you - the whole thing really does make Christmas so much more meaningful. I had done this when our son was little, but now he's 15 and really wasn't into the ritual this year. I'm so glad the girls are doing this with me. They really seem to enjoy it just as much as I do. They made their ornaments for today and tomorrow in advance, and took their trees home to celebrate and read the Scriptures over the weekend with their parents. Their Mom was just in love with the whole concept and kept complimenting all the great work they've done. We had two very happy, very proud, and very pleased little girls leaving the house on Friday! I can't wait til they come back on Monday - I'm already planning next week's creations! :)
Our Advent wreath this year is very simple. Just a fresh wreath with a big red bow, surrounding a set of three purple and one pink candle (I use the liturgical colors, but I like the red, too!), with the big white candle in the center. We do readings every day from a book I bought a few years back on the 700 Club... I can't recall the title off hand, but if you go to the website, it's a white book with a pink and purple swirly-type dove on the front. It's beautiful. I'm wondering, though - do any of you light your candles all week long, or just on Sundays, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day????
What are YOUR Advent and pre-holiday traditions, girls???
Well - I'm headed out to pick up a few craft items I need to finish a couple of projects here. I was so not feeling the holiday spirit, but after talking to my Dad, suddenly I've got it full-force! Have a blessed weekend, everyone!
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Edited by - Ninibini on Dec 03 2011 4:49:47 PM |
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
1874 Posts |
Posted - Dec 04 2011 : 06:22:13 AM
Good morning ladies, Rachel! So good to see you on here! Just posted in the henhouse about meeting up for coffee! Lol! Nini, so glad to hear dd is doing some better. Claudia, good to hear dh has had some better days. Just read your posts on his days. I worked in healthcare from time I was 16 til I got injured at home 8 yrs ago. No longer able to do healthcare. But I so related to all you said and have had days just like that one!!!people do not realize the cutbacks and the frustrations. Because of that, I cant say I miss the field so much anymore. The patients that touched me ? Will always stay in my heart!! Ladies, thank you also for prayers!! My dd sil is in a facility now and is court ordered to stay there until docs feel she is well and stable. Our dear friend with health issues? The final biopsy test proved negative of the drs worst fears!!! She is a single mom and hearts that were scared and breaking, are praising now! And also full of sorrow for bouts of fear and frustration and questioning Him.
May I ask for prayer as well? Had just a Really bad day yesterday. Kind of Murphy's law day!!! I so want to be a stronger Christian that doesn't waver in the 'battle zones' that life throws. But, I am not that Christian! I waver back and forth with discouragement easily. Anyone know of any bible studies, maybe Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, that deal with these topics? Brenda (classy gram) and I sometimes do studies over the phone. This topic would help. Well, tea time! Dd and I are decorating the apt for Christmas later today. Thank you all for listening Blessings, Linda
Country at Heart |
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
1874 Posts |
Posted - Dec 04 2011 : 06:24:59 AM
Oh!!! Welcome Suzanne! Congratulations Natalie! Have a good morning everyone! Blessings, Linda |
Dusky Beauty
True Blue Farmgirl
1108 Posts
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Posted - Dec 04 2011 : 2:10:28 PM
Afternoon Ladies, I'm so spiritually exhausted this week. I'll try to tell the story as succinctly as possible. A couple days ago a video moved through facebook, perhaps you saw it-- It was of a well spoken young man who happened to be raised by a pair of lesbians and he was speaking to a government body about having his family "legitimized" in the eyes of the law. I don't have a problem with it, at all. But what WAS bugging me was a lot of people saying very un-Christian things (either too "approving", OR too hateful) I let is slide the first day, but then a member of my last church got in on it.
I felt like I had to respond with what the bible actually says on the matter and challenged Christians to remain (lovingly) aware that the homosexual lifestyle is not compatible with a biblical faith. It turned into a 40 post argument that was mostly one sided and full of nothing but insults and anger directed at me that I would advocate "bigotry"-- I think I was called a bigot 3 times at least for quoting #8206;1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and pointing out only that homosexuality made the list and that we still need to remember that gays are "fallen" just like everyone else and that if we are Christians, we are hurting them in the long run if we ignore these scriptures in our dealings. I don't think I've ever actually taken abuse for my beliefs before, or had to work so hard to make an effective point. I held up well enough during the discussion but I feel physically exhausted after all of the debate-work it took to represent our faith in a way that is true to our values, our scripture and Jesus's love, and without stooping to anger or pettiness like my opponents.
I praise God for the opportunity he gave me to stand up for his words, a mind sharp enough to pull it off, and understanding granted to me to come anywhere close to the complexity of his love and his plans. I also thank him for the two sisters in faith who did not participate in the thread, but encouraged me behind the scenes and confirmed privately what I was saying publicly. It certainly validates for me that I'm NOT crazy! LOL
"The greatness of a nation and it's moral progress can be judged by the way it's animals are treated." ~Gandhi "After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him. The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.” ~Will Rogers |
Edited by - Dusky Beauty on Dec 04 2011 2:12:10 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Dec 04 2011 : 5:20:23 PM
Je, I pray for your peace, refreshment and for the Lord to speak to your heart. I will not comment on the topic, as it may become a further firestorm here, but you are correct that Jesus is the Truth, the Way and the Life and He gave us His Word to guide us in His way. Some only accept what they want and throw out the rest. May God open all of our minds and hearts to know and follow Him in deeper ways than we have ever before. Blessings to you Jen and blessings on us all.
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl Sister #870 @}~~ "God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." DL Moody
Farmgirl in Training
18 Posts
18 Posts |
Posted - Dec 04 2011 : 5:37:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by prayin granny
Good morning ladies, Rachel! So good to see you on here! Just posted in the henhouse about meeting up for coffee! Lol! Nini, so glad to hear dd is doing some better. Claudia, good to hear dh has had some better days. Just read your posts on his days. I worked in healthcare from time I was 16 til I got injured at home 8 yrs ago. No longer able to do healthcare. But I so related to all you said and have had days just like that one!!!people do not realize the cutbacks and the frustrations. Because of that, I cant say I miss the field so much anymore. The patients that touched me ? Will always stay in my heart!! Ladies, thank you also for prayers!! My dd sil is in a facility now and is court ordered to stay there until docs feel she is well and stable. Our dear friend with health issues? The final biopsy test proved negative of the drs worst fears!!! She is a single mom and hearts that were scared and breaking, are praising now! And also full of sorrow for bouts of fear and frustration and questioning Him.
May I ask for prayer as well? Had just a Really bad day yesterday. Kind of Murphy's law day!!! I so want to be a stronger Christian that doesn't waver in the 'battle zones' that life throws. But, I am not that Christian! I waver back and forth with discouragement easily. Anyone know of any bible studies, maybe Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, that deal with these topics? Brenda (classy gram) and I sometimes do studies over the phone. This topic would help. Well, tea time! Dd and I are decorating the apt for Christmas later today. Thank you all for listening Blessings, Linda
Country at Heart
SHINE your light so that all can see. |
Farmgirl in Training
18 Posts
18 Posts |
Posted - Dec 04 2011 : 5:44:04 PM
Hi Linda!! Our church will begin the new ladies bible studies at the beginning of January. There are at least a dozen different ones that will start then, Several are by Beth Moore (my favorite!). You can look online by going to which is the main website for Central Christian Church. Then look under women's ministries. Maybe we will choose the same one!! HUGS!! Rachel
SHINE your light so that all can see. |
Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |