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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 09 2011 : 08:30:18 AM
Claudia praying.
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 09 2011 : 5:41:04 PM
Oh my it's been too long since I've been on here! Claudia, I'm sending prayers! I've been doing a lot better lately when it comes to going to mass and being a participating Catholic/Christian. I've been going to mass again, and being on my school's mass planning team makes it easier to participate and such. We're already planning our Advent activities. I'm really excited for Advent, just because it always leads up to such a special time for me. I hope that everyone's doing well otherwise! God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 11 2011 : 06:42:21 AM
Thanking God for our freedom and appreciation to all our veterans and current soldiers and thier families. |
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
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Posted - Nov 15 2011 : 11:42:53 AM
Just when I thought my kids weren't listening to me, and learning, my youngest daughter surprised me today.
After I got home from the doctor, she said to me, "you know Mom? I prayed today."
She said she prayed for the family to get better. It put tears in my eyes. You have to understand our family to appreciate her reaching to God for help. Just wanted to share.
Farmgirl #800
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 16 2011 : 11:43:59 AM
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 16 2011 : 7:23:51 PM
Kristina, that's so sweet. God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 16 2011 : 10:22:59 PM
Claudia - I've been praying for you, too... It's a been a few days since we've heard from you - I hope everything's okay?
Megan - I am so happy for you... I love Advent, too. I'm planning to do a Jesse tree with the little girls I babysit - I think it's a wonderful way to really celebrate the season!
Oh, Kristina - How wonderful! I know exactly how you feel! I've caught my son having little conversations with God over the years, and it moved me to tears, too. There's just nothing like knowing your child has a special relationship with Him! What a blessing to a mother's heart! That's so awesome! I hope you all are feeling better!
Hugs and blessings -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Edited by - Ninibini on Nov 16 2011 10:23:19 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Pleasant Hill
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Posted - Nov 17 2011 : 05:48:23 AM
The time we spent at Linda's (Ks) a couple of weeks ago, Her little GD said the prayer for us before dinner. Through her words you just knew she was totally connected to God. It was as if he was sitting right there at our table. She brought tears to my eyes. The honest little talks they have with him priceless and such a blessing for us.
Claudia I'm praying that you are doing better! Love ya girlfriend.
Kristina & Nini the children are such a blessing, I find myself praying that I could pray with such peace, for it is hard not to take alot of the other emotions in my prayer time. The little ones are great teachers.
Well I'm off to sew somemore on baby things. Hugs, Brenda
Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 17 2011 : 06:30:50 AM
I think I would have cried, too, Brenda! God bless her precious little heart!
That is so true, it really is hard sometimes to pray with the heart of an innocent - with peace, without distraction, and with full understanding that He is right there in our midst loving and listening. I guess it's just like Jesus said, huh?
"Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3
I reflect on that Scripture quite often!
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
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Deer Park
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Posted - Nov 17 2011 : 11:27:00 AM
Thank you for all your prayers, my "Sisters in the Lord." I read a little note from Nini to me today, & I thought I should tell you a little that is going on. First of all, things are not all settled, but as I told Nini..prayer really does change things, and tensions are a little less.
We all have stress, sometimes a little more than other times and what others are going through, but I believe that stresses are being put on us that we may not have gone through before. Maybe it is the endtimes. Maybe God has us on His personal clothesline so that the wind of the Spirit can blow us about producing members of His church to come out with fewer spots or wrinkles. Some of us need that so that we can be used effectively by Him in His great commission. Anyway, as I may have told you, my husband & I are both rN's. I am a little older than Dan and I am retired. DD works in a large area hospital that really is a fine hospital, but with all the dynamics of healthcare cutbacks to patients and hospitals, reimbursements are down. This hospital does a lot of charity care, and so one way to cut down is to cutback on personnel...anywhere from cleaning staff to the RN's. DD works on a trauma unit where a share of his patients(pts) have been injured while on drugs & alcohol...whether it is knives or autos.With cutbacks, nurses are taking a heavier load, & pts are getting rightfully upset. anyway...I know this is long. DD came home the night I asked you to pray...very depressed as was another nurse that was here. They talked about their day & how 1 pt that dd had was an alcoholic who had not fessed up to being one, & hit the 72 hr mark going into DT's & cardiac irregularities. Dan got him off to the ICU & the pt did survive. While taking care of that pt, another pt wanted the bedpan, (other nurses were truly busy) and when dd got into the pts room, the pt had pooped & smeared it all over his bed, siderails and overbed table swearing about poor nursing care. anyway, things like this go on every day, but dd talked about ending it all. There are few nursing jobs now with the economy & even fewer lateral movements to another nursing unit. Seems administration says, sorry, but the pts are always right...suck it up. I've been praying for God's will & to open doors, whatever. That was a very scary night as I watched how much nursing had changed from when I worked on the floors. Most of my time had been spent in heart, so I didn't have to deal with this stuff. with our age...late 50' in my early 60's, who will hire.
Anyway, thank you again...& I know I am not the only one dealing with problems. I loved how you all said different things that are so kids come up with pure innocent faith, how they surprise you and pray when maybe you think their ears are made out of brass, and that God will supply all our needs. He doesn't always so when, but that is what makes things like what we are going through difficult. Some of us don't like to wait and want our prayers answered NOW. Thank you again kind ladies. You too are in my prayers.
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl Sister #870 @}~~ "God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." DL Moody
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 17 2011 : 10:14:47 PM
Wow, Claudia - I'm so sorry this is happening. I can only imagine how frustrating this whole situation must be, and how burdened with worry and fear you must have been when the discussion changed to ending it all. My heart hurt for both of you when I read that. I will definitely continue to lift you all up in prayer. Please always remember that your stresses and problems are just as important as anyone else's; and we all deeply care about you. And I find that the more specific our prayers for each other, the better! So never feel you can't or shouldn't share and lean on us when you need to - that's what we're here for, and you ALWAYS are there for us! You are never alone in anything - we're here, and we love you, sister! God bless you, always! Hugs - Nini
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
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Pleasant Hill
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Posted - Nov 18 2011 : 06:44:29 AM
Claudia, sweetie you are in my prayers. It's scarey to be in that situation, I'm praying for you both. He just feels defeated right now, knowing that it's impossible for just a few nurses to care for all the patients. Remind him that God will place him where he is greatly needed and let God take care of the rest. I have found that in all the uproar that I'm trying to fix it all. Had I stayed where I was meant to be, things would have gone much smoother. Will all the disruption at the hospital and his concerns for fianances,it is alot to carry. I'm praying today that the Lord can ease his concerns and pain and just let God do his work. And also for you, to encourage him that it will all be good. I know its alot on your shoulders, but remember that we are all here for you, always. Please feel you can come to us with whatever there is that you need prayers for. Sweetie, you have been here for all of us from the day we all became sisters. Let us share some of you concerns and know that we are all praying. Hugs,Brenda
Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 18 2011 : 09:28:54 AM
The politics in the hospitals here in the Anchorage area are nothing short of amazing. My ex's widow worked in the same hospital with my son until she left for an easier job in a local doctor's office. The employment situation for hospital/medical workers is not quite as bad as out in the lower 48, but still not really rewarding by any means what with cutbacks and the need to cut costs. She was worn out, back gone etc. and as soon as Bob, my ex died, she left the hospital as she no longer needed the insurance. My son is a CNA and has been working in the same place about 18 years, so I sort of have an idea of what is happening up here. Will continue to pray for you and yours Claudia
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 22 2011 : 05:17:29 AM
Claudia, Still praying for your husband. Nurses take the brunt of everything; patients, doctors. Seems to me they do the majority of the work and never get appreciated.
Brenda, I agree. I think some of the greatest moments of my life have involved my children's faith. When my daughter was still 3 I found her one day sitting on my bed quoting John 3:16 (we do memory work in our home school). I love listening to her pray. My five year old causes me to just burst with pride and joy. He'll be having trouble with being naughty and he'll pray for help. Then when he has a victory moment he'll tell me that he prayed and God helped him and we bow our heads and thank God for His help. To see my children have such real faith so young, well it just warms my heart to the core. I have no greater joy than knowing my children walk in the truth.
Excuse the mess & the noise, my children are making happy memories |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 23 2011 : 07:35:24 AM
Hi Ladies, I need your help. My friend was talking to me about a verse in the Bible that has something to do with being a good husband, and how the husband is responsible for his families beliefs, salvation, etc. Do you know which one she mentioned?
“It always looks darkest just before it gets totally black.”-Charlie Brown |
Edited by - one_dog_per_acre on Nov 23 2011 07:35:57 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 23 2011 : 08:02:57 AM
Here are a few Scriptures that may help:
Colossians 3:19 "Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter towards them."
Ephesians 5:25 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her"
Ephesians 6:4 "And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."
Genesis 18:19 "For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him."
1 Peter 3:7 "Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers."
2 Timothy 3:15 "and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus."
Deuteronomy 4:9 "Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them."
Deuteronomy 6:7 "Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
Deuteronomy 11:19 "Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
Psalm 78:4 "We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done."
Proverbs 22:6 "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
Malachi 2:15 "Has not [the LORD] made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his. And why one? Because he was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth."
And then you can also read Matthew 19:3-15 ...
"3 And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful to divorce one's wife for any cause?” 4 He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, 5 and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” 7 They said to him, “Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and to send her away?” 8 He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. 9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.'”
"10 The disciples said to him, 'If such is the case of a man with his wife, it is better not to marry.' 11 But he said to them, 'Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given. 12 For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.'"
"13 Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, 14 but Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.' 15 And he laid his hands on them and went away."
Hope this helps, Trish!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Edited by - Ninibini on Nov 23 2011 08:08:09 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1572 Posts
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Posted - Nov 23 2011 : 10:29:29 AM
Thank you, Nini.
“It always looks darkest just before it gets totally black.”-Charlie Brown |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
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Posted - Nov 23 2011 : 2:51:07 PM
A-ha! I knew I would see Nini selecting scriptures. Just the ones you listed would be good for contemplation and a bible study. Thank you, dear stand up in the face of adversity with the Sword of the Spirit...the Word of God.
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl Sister #870 @}~~ "God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." DL Moody
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Nov 23 2011 : 2:57:40 PM
My DH is on another long stretch of work, but I forget to tell you that Sunday...his last work day, he said was the best day he has had in many months. All I can do is say that it is because of the prayers of believing sisters like you that has given him a breather. I know if Dan is feeling this are so many others who have taken the profession of being with those who are ill. Thank you...and if Dan comes me mind, would you please shoot of a prayer? Many thanks!
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl Sister #870 @}~~ "God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." DL Moody
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
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Posted - Nov 26 2011 : 06:17:35 AM
Nini - those are great scriptures.
Can you (and anyone else) help me with more for another farmgirl? She's the one I put out a card shower for. Her mother needs to have a portion of her leg amputated to be able to live her life to the fullest. However, she is choosing to keep her leg, and not care for herself, and the infection she has will move to her organs and brain and eventually cause death. My friend is asking for scripture about suicide (this is what she feels her mother is doing to herself)?
Farmgirl #800
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 26 2011 : 09:07:44 AM
Wow, Kristina... That one's a toughy because the Bible doesn't specifically address suicide, per se. And I'm not sure that we can consider this woman's decision to be suicide, either, because we don't know her heart as far as the Lord is concerned. She may just be throwing herself on the Mercy of God and trusting His judgment to be sound and sure. She may be hoping that God will heal her. She may be acting on an inner movement from the Holy Spirit. I don't think it's a decision anyone else can make for her. We must always keep in mind that there are many Scriptures about the healing power of God and the Lord's healing people, too. I don't mean at all to sound like I'm against your friend - I'd be just as crazy overwhelmingly upset and afraid for my mother in all of this, myself. But, perhaps the focus should be moved from her mother's unwillingness for “treatment” and onto her mother's faith and that of her loved ones.
If her mother is unwilling, perhaps the Lord is allowing this for the purpose of everyone growing in the Lord. His will may be to prove His healing power or grace; it may be that He is giving her mother and all of her loved ones an opportunity to exercise their faith and simply trust in Him, whatever the outcome. “For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?” (Romans11:34) “Who has directed the Spirit of the LORD, or being his counselor has taught him?” (Isaiah 40:13) I'm not sure I'm saying this right, but I hope you understand.
Scripture discusses how our days are numbered by God, and that we cannot add or detract from them. God's will be done. Job 14:5 states: "Man's days are determined; you O God have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed" Psalm 31: 5 states: “My times are in thine hand.” Psalm 139:16 states: "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be" Even if we don't try to help ourselves, God will not allow us to go before our time. He has a purpose in all of this, so perhaps that should be the focus, you know? The Bible tells us in Romans 14:3 that “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” We have to be very careful and have faith despite our circumstances.
I would offer to this lady’s mother, however, I Corinthians 6:19-20, which states: "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." We can look at this in two ways: 1) We have a responsibility to care for our bodies, and 2) Since our bodies belong to God, His will be done. The Bible also tells us right off the bat that God made us in His image: Genesis 1:26 "Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness." This truly should be seen as a message about the sanctity of life. Not only does God make us in His likeness, His Holy Spirit lives in us! Further, when we consider the essence of Satan’s hatred for man is because of his hatred for God, we realize he hates God in us, and hates us basically because we are made in God’s image. That’s pretty profound. Destruction of man – mind, body and spirit - (even through the destruction of the yet born) is Satan’s way of attacking God and trying to end God and His image in this world; in other words, Satan is trying to “clear God out of the picture” so he can take over completely. This clearly helps us to see why murder and suicide are completely antithetical to what God’s will would be for us. But understand: Jesus has already overcome, and Satan has lost. Satan’s lies remain, but they hold no power over His children.
Now, suicide itself - the actual taking of one's life (which I'm not so sure really applies here, if her mother is "leaving this to God's will") does go against the sixth Commandment in Exodus 20:13, "Thou shalt not kill.” This same Scripture is repeated by Moses in Deuteronomy 5:17 when he reads the Ten Commandments to the Israelites at Mount Horeb. "Thou shalt not kill” doesn't specify as to whom one should not kill, but rather that killing should not be done at all, but 1 John 3:15 does say that “No murderer has eternal life.” James 3 also discusses the power of the tongue, and, my thought in particular goes back to James 3:5-6 which shows how the tongue can be an agent of distruction: “5 Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.” We can, in effect, “murder” others and ourselves through the tongue, and gives a whole different perspective on the concept of “murder” and “suicide.”
The unforgivable sin is not suicide, but rather blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Matthew 12:31 “Therefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven unto men.” My Church – the Catholic Church- teaches that there are no limits to the mercy of God, but anyone who deliberately refuses to accept his mercy by repenting, rejects the forgiveness of his sins and the salvation offered by the Holy Spirit. Such hardness of heart can lead to final impenitence and eternal loss. We are also warned that we do not know what happens between a man and God at the time of death, and that God is a merciful God, so that there is always the possibility of “one last chance” for repentance and salvation before final condemnation. In my opinion, Jesus died for us – once, for all; a love like that isn’t going to just let someone slip by. We have such loving God. He emptied Himself to walk among us. If anyone understands what we go through, how we feel, our weaknesses – it’s Him. Peter says in 1 Peter 4:18, “If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and sinner<?>” Although I don’t believe we should ever seek suicide, I believe God alone is our judge, and that we should trust in His mercy and profound love for His children whenever suicide occurs.
As for suicide itself, we find many examples of suicide in the Bible:
Abimelech (Judges 9:50-54) who wanted to be killed by the sword so they could not say a woman killed him. He didn’t do this at his own hand, but had a servant do it for him. Abimelech’s suicide was due to pride, which is a sin.
Samson (Judges 16:23 – 31) gave his life for his people, but also for revenge on the Philistines. His act could conceivably be considered both that of a martyr as well as that of a sinner (revenge – “Justice is Mine saieth the Lord.” Hebrews10:30 and Romans 12:19, both referring to Leviticus 19:18)
Ahithophel (2 Samuel 17:23) gave up because his advice wasn’t followed and he hanged himself. His act could’ve resulted as a form of pride as well as a lack of faith.
Zimri (1 Kings 16: 15-20) committed suicide because of guilt and fear. The scripture ends with,” So he died, because of the sins he had committed, doing evil in the eyes of the LORD and walking in the ways of Jeroboam and in the sin he had committed and had caused Israel to commit.” This scripture to me would clearly indicate that suicide is evil/sinful.
Saul (1 Samuel 31:2-5) committed suicide so that the “uncircumsized” would not abuse his body. This was fear and pride at work. And I might also mention it was extremely sinful to abandon his army like that instead of fighting to the death – he was their leader! But in II Samuel 1:23, Peter says of Him, “Saul and Jonathan--in life they were loved and gracious, and in death they were not parted...”
Judas Iscariot (Matthew 27:3-5 & Acts 1:18) was overcome with remorse because of his sin. Peter said about him in Acts 1:16-18: “… ‘Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through the mouth of David concerning Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus--he was one of our number and shared in this ministry.’”
In all of these examples, you see where their sin was not trusting in and turning to God – they didn’t even seem to give Him a thought. They weren’t “letting go and letting God,” they “gave up,” they didn’t even thing to turn to God for help and mercy. I think that is a lot different from what is happening your friend’s mother, don’t you? Even if she is just “letting go”... it’s not the same as refusing to turn to God. She is refusing the doctor, not God.
I honestly don’t believe anyone will be able to “scare” this woman’s mother into “doing the right thing.” Absolutely her loved ones should discuss the repercussions of her decisions with her – both physical as well as spiritual. And she should be reminded that there will be a time in her suffering that she will be unable turn back. But we have to remember that God is a gentleman; He doesn’t force us to do what is “right” or to love Him; He instead gives us the freedom to make our own decisions for which there are always consequences, whatever they may be. If this were my friend, I would counsel her to meet with her priest or pastor for guidance and ask for his or her help in discussing the situation with her mother. I would also offer to her to see this as a spiritual journey God is asking of her as well. God is offering her an opportunity to grow closer to Him through prayer, through Bible study, and in exercise of faith. If she asks, God will reveal everything she needs to know in order to get through this heartwrenching time in her life. He will give her strength, He will give her faith, He will give her peace. And, perhaps, if it is His will, He will even answer her prayers for her mother’s healing. Miracles DO happen!
I feel so bad for the woman in question and for her family. This must be such a frightening, heartbreaking and worrisome situation for all of them. May they find comfort in Psalm 23:4 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Speak to her Deuteronomy 20: 3, “And shall say unto them, Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them;” and Deuteronomy 20:21, “When you go out to battle against your enemies, and see horses, and chariots, and a people more than you, be not afraid of them: for the LORD your God is with you, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt;” and Isaiah 7:4, “And say unto him, Take heed, and be quiet; fear not, neither be fainthearted…” And Lamentations 3:26: “it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD;” and 2 Samuel 22:19: “They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the LORD was my support.” Finally, remember always John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” If your friend knows that her mother loves the Lord, then she can rest in blessed assurance that her eternity is safely protected under the shadow of His wing.
I will be praying for them, Kristina. God bless us, every one!
Hugs - Nini
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Edited by - Ninibini on Nov 26 2011 10:03:25 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 26 2011 : 1:35:21 PM
Baby Update! Thank you so much all you wonderful ladies!! Your prayers worked WONDERS!
I had my first baby on Thanksgiving at home with a midwife and my husband in the room and my parents just across the hall in the guest room. :) He was born at 11:24 AM on 11/24; 8 lb 10 oz; 23 inches long with 3 1/2 inch FEET! Biggest darn baby feet I've ever seen. It was a super intense, almost 5 hour labor, and I'm feeling much, much better today than I did yesterday! :) Again, thank you for your prayers, they definitely were heard :)
I will be updating the blog sometime today with pictures and the birth story, etc. :)
~Natalie~ Just a farmgirl in Western Montana. Starting a family and raising Tibetan Yaks, Nigerian Dwarf Goats, Laying hens, Muscovy ducks, and a few dogs. |
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 26 2011 : 6:18:16 PM
Good job Nini. Natalie congrats! My first baby was 9 lbs and the second 8lbs 12 oz. If you got any newborn outfits at your shower use them quickly. They wont fit nextweek!lol. Seriously though. A new life and at Thanksgiving to boot. That is so awesome. God bless you and your new addition! |
Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |