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Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Deer Park
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Posted - May 02 2011 : 09:51:46 AM
Thank you Nini. This site has been pretty quiet, but knowing us farmgirls, I bet our lives have not. We've had Easter and the remembrance of what so great a sacrifice Jesus made for us. Because that was so long ago, do we feel as close to the event, as maybe one closer at hand? Does that time become just a piece of history rather than the beginning of our eternal life? I was saddened the day when I heard of David Wilkerson's death, the man given to ministry... of The Cross & the Switchblade, Teen Challenge etc. I am even saddened, and yet glad that Osama bin Laden is dead...glad because the despot was removed, but saddened that bin Laden had not changed his heart and accepted his true Savior. This is a time of many questions, and answers that can only be answered by spending time with God. Hopefully, we are all doing that. Otherwise, I would like to hear some chatter from our Christian farmgirls!! Love to you all!
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 02 2011 : 10:42:32 AM
For my heart, every day is Easter, truly - I celebrate Christ with every breath, full well knowing I am nothing without Him. I feel the same way, Claudia. I believe men like bin Laden profoundly grieve the heart of God heart - for they, as all men, live because of the love He has for them, and for His breath that resides within. Yet they do not know Him. Instead people like bin Laden spend their precious lives perpetuating evil, erroneously believing they do so on His behalf. They bring grief not only to our beloved God, but to all they victimize. Their acts produce the evil reaction of fear, hate and desired vengeance in the hearts of man. We are not of this world, though, and must be ever mindful to pray for our enemies, despite the evil they mean for us and despite our heartfelt outrage; for they are truly God's children, too - He came that not one should be lost. He died once for all. Our job is to help all know.
I deeply appreciated the President's speech last night, for it truly is terrorism we war against, not Muslims. Our beliefs are profoundly different from theirs, of course, but the only way they will know Him, the only way to true peace, is through God's own personal revelation of Himself to the whole world, as well as through our faithful prayer and submission to His will. Until He returns in Glory, we must be the salt and light, the love and peace, the good and honorable, the just and righteous - for at this time, the world only knows Him through us; it is our mission. We are to pray for our enemies and for the lost, even when it goes against every fiber of our humanity to do so - God's ways are not our ways!
Like you, Claudia, I am saddened that bin Laden did not know Him - that another soul is lost. And, like you, I am just as relieved that he is no longer part of this world. The Bible does tell us, though, that there will be many more to follow in his footsteps. We must be brave, remaining vigilent, prayerful, faithful and fear-less until He comes again. No matter what our eyes see, no matter what are ears hear, CHRIST is LORD, and we must never fear or spiritually fall prey to evil. We know where we are going, we know Who we will be with; we are assured of our salvation and our eternal life, so we must have no fear.
I've missed all of you, too. I personally have just been so busy with deadlines that I haven't had much time to "talk" lately. Like Claudia, I really look forward to hearing from everyone again!
Hugs, blessings and love to you all -
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
Edited by - Ninibini on May 02 2011 11:59:39 AM |
Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
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CeeJay (CJ)
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Heartbroken farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 03 2011 : 09:37:10 AM
Oh I've missed posts in this thread! I'm sure you all are just as crazy busy as we are here, but I'm so glad we have eachother, to encourage pray, and praise together. Like Cj said, everyday is a gift. Thank you Lord, for today, and the wonderful sisters here, to share it with.
I got this random text message yesterday, from an unknown number, but I loved it, though I had no idea who sent it... "Hello Annette, its Jesus. I will be handling your problems today. I will be in control, and carrying your burdens, so your problems WILL be handled. Enjoy your day, and remember you are never alone. Deny me on earth, and I will deny you in Heaven."
The tears I shed then, watered the flowers I harvest now.
"The aim of education is the knowledge not of facts but of values."-Dean William Ralph Inge |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - May 03 2011 : 10:41:50 AM
Wow Annette! There are no coincidences. You may not know who sent it to you, but God does. We all need messages like that, and may I say, you have given it to me today. I'm going to copy this off and have it close by. Too often I forget!
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
True Blue Farmgirl
650 Posts
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Posted - May 08 2011 : 7:33:32 PM
Wow! I just found this thread and as a fellow Christian the farmgirl "sisterhood" takes on new meaning. Its neat finding fellow believers. I know stuff happens to all of us but I wouldnt want to tackle any of it without Jesus. |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2011 : 9:18:39 PM
Welcome, Lea!!! I'm with you, sister!
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
650 Posts
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650 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2011 : 8:54:43 PM
How is everyone doing? Keeping the faith and rejoicing in the LOrd always? |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 15 2011 : 6:44:55 PM
24 hrs after posting that I find myself in need of all your prayers. Our neighbor commited suicide Sat A.m. I did her hair Fri night and saw no signs of this. She spoke of God, her job etc. They are a Christian family and need our prayer. Thank you |
True Blue Farmgirl
1812 Posts
Pleasant Hill
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Posted - May 15 2011 : 8:22:53 PM
Lea I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. We never know what is going on in someones mind. Prayer's being sent for you and her family. Hugs,Brenda
Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks |
True Blue Farmgirl
190 Posts

190 Posts |
Posted - May 15 2011 : 8:29:52 PM
I'm so sorry for this loss! I can only imagine the pain this woman must have been in to have taken her life, yet given no sign of what was going on. I had a friend who's husband took his life and NO ONE had a clue! I had seen him just 2 days prior myself and I always thought what a lovely man he was and they seemed to have the "perfect" family. To this day no one has any idea of why he did it. It was such a tragic loss. My prayers are with this family who has suffered a deep loss and with you as well as you all deal with the after math of such a tragic event. My heart goes out to you all.
Cyn~ Farmgirl #2817
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - May 15 2011 : 8:45:00 PM
Lea, thanks for allowing us to pray for you and the family of your friend. we must remember that God is merciful and that maybe He was there with her as she ended her life. For whatever reason, you must not even think of blaming yourself for not picking up on this. You many never know the reason, but I pray that all concerned will find peace.
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
True Blue Farmgirl
650 Posts
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Posted - May 16 2011 : 04:40:17 AM
Thank you all. Cynthia it helped that you told me No One had a clue. I think I am witnessing at work and feel how could I have missed this?Claudia its comforting to think that maybe He was there and its true He is merciful. I think I need to do a bible search on suicide and see what the word says. Thats were I go when tragedy hits. The Word. Brenda thanks for the prayers. You ladies are right in each reply God meet a need in my heart. Thank you |
True Blue Farmgirl
569 Posts
Northeast Kingdom
569 Posts |
Posted - May 16 2011 : 11:09:08 AM
I too read all the posts, I just don't say too much. and I love to read what you guys are saying. It is such an encouragement. I wanted to let you guys know who had seen that my husband was getting laid off (I think I posted back in February) that some prayers have been answered there. He did end up getting re-hired because on of his other co-workers left, so that opened up his job for next year. He did have all his summer work cut, but that's still okay cause we have enough $ to get us through the summer. All in all, things are good in that area, but my hubby would still like to find something more ministry related to do. I'm praying he won't lose the motivation now that the scare of losing his job is past. Anyway, thanks for the prayers and God is good!
Curly's Quilts
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” - Micah 6:8
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - May 16 2011 : 11:23:31 AM
Hooray Sarah! It is good that your husband is back to work and has money coming in. I understand his concern about having a more ministry related job, but step by step. I always think of the steps being like those made out of brick...steps upward. It takes the strength and the light of the Lord to move onward. One of the quotes I heard this past week was something that struck George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) who said, "It is never too late to be what you might have been." In other words, I think he has a ministry at his job right now!
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - May 16 2011 : 1:32:22 PM
Oh dear, Lea, I'm so sorry about the tragedy that has struck. I've been through this three times in my life: once with a classmate, once with my BFF's brother, once with my foster son's best friend. Nobody ever suspected that any one of these young men would have done anything like that. I think people's internal suffering can just be so deep and so awful that they can't bring themselves to open up to those they love and share what they are going through. It's as if the mere thought of so-doing makes their suffering seem just that much more unbearable, and somehow they think they are strong enough to handle it silently on their own. Then when this tragedy happens, everyone in the person's life feel somehow responsible, but that is so not true. Your neighbor was a Christian - Christ loves her; He will never leave nor forsake her. He knows her better than anyone ever could here on earth, and He knew her suffering. It may never make sense to those left behind, but He understands everything she was going through. Her loved ones must trust in Him now more than ever. I am sure that in her weakness, evil did everything it could to hide the love of God from her, but God was still there. And I'm sure all she wanted to be was safe under the shadow of His wing - far distanced from her pain and suffering; tragically, she somehow believed this was what she needed to do to be there with Him - she didn't want to wait any more. SO sad. I believe that He was there with open arms when she passed from this life to the next, because He loves her so much. He died so she wouldn't have to die eternally. Before the foundations of the earth, He knew that she would come to this point, and He knew that she would make this decision. Despite the grief this knowledge brought to His heart, He loved her, and He knew the beautiful impact her precious soul would have in this world - she was a gift to us, and I'm sure during her life she brought much joy to His heart as well. We must remember that His love and mercy is profound and surpasses all understanding. Whatever faith she had in Him will not return void; you, her family, and all her loved ones can and must trust in that. Part of my daily prayer includes, "Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins; save us from the fires of hell; take ALL souls to Heaven; and help especially those most in need of Your mercy." I believe with my whole heart His mercy and love know no bounds - and I will surely be praying for her and all who knew and loved her. God bless you and help you to find courage, strength, wisdom and understanding in all of this, my sister in Christ. God love you.
Sarah, that is AWESOME news! Praise the Lord - how wonderful and faithful He truly is!!!
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
650 Posts
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Posted - May 16 2011 : 2:59:53 PM
Nini thank you. It was just in time. Not 5 min ago my kids asked me if she went to heaven. Sarah I am so happy for you and your husband |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - May 16 2011 : 3:20:21 PM
Lea - It's never okay to commit suicide, ever. But we do have a loving and merciful God and Savior who is Faithful and True. Our ways our not His ways, our understanding, wisdom, compassion, love and devotion don't even come close to what is in His heart, but we can know Him and His love for us. We just really have to trust in Him and press into Him at times like this. It's so hard for us to understand, so how much more for a child. When this happened to my foster son's friend, it opened up an amazing discussion between my son, my husband and I, as young as he was at the time. As awful, life-altering and earth-shattering as all of this is, it truly is an opportunity for you to discuss and instill the severity of the wrongs, but to also remind and instill in them The Love and The Right. I wish it hadn't happened at all and that it wasn't even a thought let alone a subject of discussion. Your loving, mother's heart knows best. Just do as you always do: protect your babies and train them up in the way they should go. The Lord will do the rest. Hugs - Nini
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2011 : 11:42:14 AM
Lea, I am so sorry for your loss. Just recently at my high school, a girl jumped in front of a bus. I don't know her, and she's going to be okay, but my heart goes out to both your neighbor's family and to this girl's family. I hope you and your neighborhood will be able to grieve your neighbor's death in peace. On a higher note, I have started going back to church! I have always been told by teachers that it takes community to really practice your faith, and that has been reaffirmed to me lately. I'm so grateful for my church and for the existence of the community. I'm also grateful for everyone here on MJF:) God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2011 : 10:50:06 PM
We're grateful for you, too, Megan! :) I'm happy you've been able to return to church - what a blessing!
Lea - how is everyone doing?
Girls - will you please pray for my husband's aunt and uncle? They are like parents to us in many ways, and we love them very much. They're getting older, his uncle is in poor health, and his aunt just suffered a mild heart attack. The thing that concerns me most, though, is that they are both unbelievers. His uncle once scoffed at my faith in God and said, "You know who 'god' is? He's right here!" and pointed to his chest. I was very young then, and so stunned, that I just didn't know what to say. His aunt is a retired nurse and insists that there cannot be a God because if He were real, He'd never allow the suffering she has witnessed throughout her career. The subject, for her, is not open for discussion, as she feels she is an "intellectual." She has made her view quite clear that anyone with any intelligence would never believe in God. So neither one of these precious people cares about God, and neither could care less about getting to know Him. This breaks my heart. Once his aunt actually made fun of their former daughter-in-law's faith, but caught herself when she realized it was me - the other "faithful one" - she was talking to. At the mere mention of God, they simply laugh and roll their eyes. Having said all of that, though, aside from their deep atheistic convictions and anti-Christian views, they are really loving, kind, good and generous people, and, surprisingly, both grew up in loving Christian households. We love them very much, and I am extremely concerned for their salvation, especially in light of their health conditions. I really don't want their souls to be lost. I'd really, really, REALLY appreciate if you would include them and their salvation in your prayers! :) Thank you!
Hugs and blessings -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
650 Posts
pea ridge
650 Posts |
Posted - May 22 2011 : 2:11:01 PM
Nini-will pray for them. My father-in-law was this way. They called us to come home "this was it" I put him on the prayer chain for salvation before he died. My brother-in=law was in the hospital room and saw him flat line and come back. God is good and gave him a second chance. I will beleive with you for their salvation and if 2 or more agree they have what they ask right? Sometimes the silent witness of your life they just cant argue with. Thanks all for the support with the nieghbors. They have many mixed emotions but God will get them thru this. You ladies are great |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - May 22 2011 : 5:57:51 PM
Thank you, Lea! Thank you! Hugs - Nini
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl in Training
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True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
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Posted - May 23 2011 : 7:55:31 PM
Welcome Stacy! We just kinda let it all hang out as far as ideas, questions, concerns and prayer requests. How long have you been with us farmgirls?
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - May 23 2011 : 10:12:34 PM
Hi Stacy!!! How's the weather up there in Canada??? I love your blog - that baby Minnie Mouse hat is adorable! :) So glad you've joined us! - Nini
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |