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True Blue Farmgirl

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Banks Oregon
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Posted - Apr 03 2011 :  11:09:44 PM  Show Profile
Yes!!! ;D

Farmgirl Sister#2808
"Happy Hens make Happy Eggs"
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True Blue Farmgirl

1183 Posts

Deer Park WA
1183 Posts

Posted - Apr 04 2011 :  07:22:08 AM  Show Profile
Nini, and all the other ladies on this post. I hope again I say, that I did not offend. You are so eloquent on your response Nini. I believe you have written the essense of what I was trying to say. I believe that Luther never wanted to leave the Church, and as many others in different times and different situations, & even in different professions may see a wrong, want to correct it, but are released from the organization and sent on their way. The wrong is not righted. Sometimes, we do not bring up denomination so as to not offend anyone. It can be the big pink elephant in a room. You, Nini, have shed some wonderful light on this, so maybe we can tear down any artificial walls that could separate us by what we are taught and believe. Thank you again.

Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~
"It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila

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True Blue Farmgirl

1854 Posts

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Posted - Apr 04 2011 :  8:07:18 PM  Show Profile
Claudia, my heart was heavy this morning as I heard about the minister who thought it was okay to burn another's holy book. I think that he was doing it for attention, but he doesn't realize the consequences of his actions. Ignorance is a terrible thing. I can only pray that any Americans in the Arab world are not punished for what an ignorant minister did.
God's and Farmgirl's Blessings,
Megan aka Loretta Rae

At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.

The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1183 Posts

Deer Park WA
1183 Posts

Posted - Apr 04 2011 :  9:51:21 PM  Show Profile
Yes Megan. Thank you for your comment. Who knows another's heart, but as I said in my longer fumbling with words, we all must be careful that we are listening to the voice of God and that what we do will be pleasing to Him and glorify Him. We are called to love one another, and heap good things on those who may hate us. So hard to do. I've really been upset at what a man who I thought should know better, did. But haven't we all been in situations where we should have known better, and hopefully the fallout would not hurt another? Condemn the action not the person. I guess I am ready to pray for this minister and his congregation... as with our Americans and those innocents, who are being killed and wounded because of his actions.

Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~
"It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila

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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

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Posted - Apr 06 2011 :  12:30:48 PM  Show Profile
Have any of you seen the interview/telephone call between Anderson Cooper, Eman al-Obeidy and her mother from last night? Oh my gosh - it absolutely broke my heart. I can still hear her voice through her tears, and it makes me cry for her. Her mother was so calm and so loving as she reminded her to hold fast to her holy book, to pray and to trust her god. It occured to me how similar and yet how different my own words would be to my own child if he were in a similar situation. One could feel the profound sense of faith in these two women, and yet there was an undeniable air of fear and uncertainty about the god they believe in. It must be so terrifying not knowing for sure. Her mother told her, basicially, that who is she that these men should fear her so, for she is "nothing." How heartbreaking to believe you are nothing; to follow a god who does not love you as his own child; to trust in a god who is so unsure and in whom so little trust can worthily be placed. I hear their hearts for their god through their loving words to each other, and I just know that faith like that in the One True God would move mountains if only it were directed towards Him. Can you just imagine the difference in the lives of these people if they would just recognize Him? Oh my gosh. I just wanted to put my arms around her, just like I would my own sister, and comfort her and protect her... but the only way I can do that is through prayer. Please join me in such prayer. May our God love, help, save, comfort and defend her; thanks and praise to you, O Gracious Lord!

You know, I read an article the other day where a man had come to realize just how "nothing" we truly are - that it is not about us, but rather, all about God. Although I completey understand where He is coming from, I also feel he only has half the story. Perhaps we are "nothing," but only in the sense of how much we are lacking without Him.... I truly do not believe we are "nothing." John 3:16 says: "For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." To God we are something - MORE than just something... We're something SPECIAL and PRECIOUS to His heart! And He loves the whole world - not just believers! He wants all of His children to find Him and to become believers - He wants them to KNOW how special and precious they are to His heart! When I hear people say we are "nothing," to me, that signifies a range of felt hopelessness from slight to full. That is so wrong. We are not children without hope - not so at all! We have THE Hope. And I so desperately want everyone to know that - especially people like this suffering woman and her mother; because I know God loves them, too; because they are His children, too. Misinformed, misdirected, misguided, yes; blinded by absence of Truth, one could even say. But in their hearts they show a love and desire for Him that is not much different than our own, my sisters - they just don't know who He is! We must know in our hearts that God loves them, too, and that Jesus died for them, too. So through our prayers, let us help them find Him. Let us help them have hope. Let us help them know their true worth. Let us help them find Christ and truth. And let us thank God that we know Him! Let us thank God!!!

I pray to Jesus for them. I pray that He will reveal Himself to this woman so she knows without a doubt just how truly loved and important and special she truly is to the One True God, her True Heavenly Father! I don't want her to be afraid - I want her to know that her destiny lies with our loving Heavenly Father to whom she profoundly matters. I pray He will protect her and guide her and save her. I pray for her mother, her family, and even those who defile, harm and defame her. They need to KNOW! They need to KNOW! I do not know their holy book. But I do know ours! Throughout the Word of God, there is life! There is LOVE! There are promises! There are miracles! There are actions of kindness and mercy! There is protection! There is preservation! There is deliverance! There is healing! There is forgiveness! There is ETERNAL life! There is hope! HOPE! She NEEDS Him! Please join me in prayer for these, our lost brothers and sisters, and for all those throughout the world who simply do not know. And please especially pray for this woman's protection and deliverance from this horrifying experience. She is not "nothing." She is a child of God, our lost sister, who really, really, really needs Him now, more than ever.

With love in Christ -


God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974

Edited by - Ninibini on Apr 06 2011 12:36:06 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

1183 Posts

Deer Park WA
1183 Posts

Posted - Apr 06 2011 :  2:23:05 PM  Show Profile
Hmmm, there are so many people and situations for which to pray! Seems like more all the time. I have several points to relating to the subject we have been discussing and another that the "burning of the Quran", made me remember. Have you ever thought how God takes something horrific, and gives a ray of sunshine in return? Before Sept. 11, I didn't know anyone or thought of anyone in particular in New York. After that day, I found myself praying for the families of those who gave their lives in NY, the Pentagon and in the airplane flight over Penns. I had a reason to be personal and consisitent in my prayers. Nini, brought up Eman al-Obeidy, a lady made personal to her through a program on CNN. God gives us opportunity to pray "personally", as He sheds His light on all those He already knows.

The other point is how the Arab world has reacted to the burning & apparent disrespect of their holy book. It reminds me of a time many years ago when I worked with a young Jewish doctor who also taught Christians about their Jewish heritage. It started with me leaving my bible behind his office door on the carpeted floor. I used to read it for part of my lunch time. One day, Dr. Wolk came with my Bible in his hands, and asked me to come into his office. He asked me if I believed it to be the "word of God." Yes, I did. He said, if so, to not even disrespect the words typed on a page by laying them on the floor. Place the Bible in an area of respect. He also shared with me other practices that I have seen since. One was the fact that to the Orthodox Jew, even God's name was not to be written in it's entirity in case something bad should happen to that paper on which His name was written. (You may have seen God written G_d.) These 2 examples could just become rituals, meaning nothing, but they also could be practices of honor,respecting the name of God and His holy book. Just think about it. The Arab world riots because of the burn. Are we as vehement in protecting what God has given us? The Word of God was written down for us to write on our heart. How respectful are we for both?

Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~
"It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila

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True Blue Farmgirl

1183 Posts

Deer Park WA
1183 Posts

Posted - Apr 09 2011 :  5:25:22 PM  Show Profile
(Just for you all to know, I had written a message and was ready to post when the computer froze and I lost the message.) I am trying again. Although I have asked for prayers for several of my friends, I would like you to pray for my son Joel, who was layed off his job in January, along with everyone except 2 people at a golf course about 1 hr away. Joel is a golf pro and runs the business end and pro shop. The owner who is old and lives on the coast, put his step son in charge of selling the course. The sale has hang-ups, which is why Joel is not back at work. The step son is trying to make everything lean & mean, and it is frustrating all. The administrator (Joel's real boss) is a committed Christian and a great mentor. Joel could be in jeopardy of losing his home. He has looked for jobs in the area, but it is a migrant farm worker area, but other jobs he is not qualified mechanical engineer. There areothers who will buy the course if the step son is removed. Hasn't happened yet. Please pray that God's will be done, and that we have an answer soon. Of course my wishes are that Joel goes back to work there and stays close to home. Thanks for any prayers that you have available. I know we all need them here.

Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~
"It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila

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Old Spirit
True Blue Farmgirl

1499 Posts

1499 Posts

Posted - Apr 09 2011 :  6:39:53 PM  Show Profile
Asking for some major prayers for my cousin. Her ex, who was very abusive , is constantly harassing her and trying to get the kids and all that nonsense. Please prayer for her, strength and more strength through this. She is really trusting God and getting stronger but prayers will certainly be a blessing for her.

Thank you!

Farm Girl #647

...those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles:...
Isaiah 40:31

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True Blue Farmgirl

1812 Posts

Pleasant Hill Mo.
1812 Posts

Posted - Apr 09 2011 :  6:42:57 PM  Show Profile
Rae sending prayers for your cousin. It is sad that someone has to deal with this kind of behavior. May she become stronger with God leading her through all of this. Hugs,Brenda


Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks
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Farmgirl in Training

21 Posts

Ontario CA
21 Posts

Posted - Apr 10 2011 :  4:24:32 PM  Show Profile
I just discovered this topic and am excited by the sharing and honesty! I hopped in at the end, but had to back up to read the Ninibini/ BuffyPuff conversation. My journey has been similar. I was raised in the mainlines, journeyed off for about 27yrs into the more "contemporary", and then found myself being shaken by my feet upside down by the Lord. I read volumes on church history and the ancient traditions, Meanwhile we were being crowded out by our church family. ( Really God's doing, I just am certain He wanted us to move on down the road--even my husband knew it wasn't personal. ) At the end, by funny circumstances, we landed in an anglo/catholic parish. I am so happy, I have grown in so many ways that would have been impossible if we had stayed put. This was all really scary for me at first, but I am so grateful that the Lord cared enough to make so much trouble for me! He has really moved my focus from the details around me to just Him--what could be better than that?
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True Blue Farmgirl

1812 Posts

Pleasant Hill Mo.
1812 Posts

Posted - Apr 10 2011 :  4:29:49 PM  Show Profile
Kim thank you for sharing, when he brings things about that we are not really pleased about, if we have our faith that he knows best and is thinking of us as he does it, as you said, "what could be better than that!" So glad that you have joined us. Hugs,Brenda I'm a little hit and miss in posting, but I do come by and check it all out and take in all the good info.


Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks
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True Blue Farmgirl

1854 Posts

1854 Posts

Posted - Apr 10 2011 :  7:31:37 PM  Show Profile
Rae, I'm glad to see you on here! But I will definitely pray for your cousin.
God's and Farmgirl's Blessings,
Megan aka Loretta Rae

At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.

The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1812 Posts

Pleasant Hill Mo.
1812 Posts

Posted - Apr 10 2011 :  8:54:03 PM  Show Profile
Claudia prayers being sent for your son Joel and his job situation. May God's will be done. Hug,Brenda


Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks
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True Blue Farmgirl

1183 Posts

Deer Park WA
1183 Posts

Posted - Apr 10 2011 :  9:01:39 PM  Show Profile
Thank you so much Brenda!

Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~
"It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila

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True Blue Farmgirl

71 Posts

Cassie Jean
Plant City FL
71 Posts

Posted - Apr 11 2011 :  7:28:23 PM  Show Profile
Very blessed to find this...yes ma'am I am a Christian! I knew, based on alot of the skills & subjects on MJF, that there would be others Ladies as well as myself! So glad many of us are searching for the old fashioned skills of our foremothers, & passing them on! Blessings to all!

~Cassie Jean
Farmgirl #1356

" Stand still & let God move." ~The Isaacs
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Heartbroken farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

604 Posts

rio vista Ca
604 Posts

Posted - Apr 12 2011 :  08:28:53 AM  Show Profile  Send Heartbroken farmgirl a Yahoo! Message
Its so great to read here. Nini, thank you for sending me this link a while back. I didn't post, but find great encouragement from these words.
Yup, Christian!

The tears I shed then, watered the flowers I harvest now.

"The aim of education is the knowledge not of facts but of values."-Dean William Ralph Inge
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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

4928 Posts

4928 Posts

Posted - Apr 17 2011 :  4:59:12 PM  Show Profile
Originally posted by Old Spirit

Asking for some major prayers for my cousin. Her ex, who was very abusive , is constantly harassing her and trying to get the kids and all that nonsense. Please prayer for her, strength and more strength through this. She is really trusting God and getting stronger but prayers will certainly be a blessing for her.

Thank you!

Farm Girl #647

...those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles:...
Isaiah 40:31

praying for your cousin
farmgirl hugs

Farmgirl #800
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True Blue Farmgirl

1949 Posts

Shelton WA
1949 Posts

Posted - Apr 17 2011 :  7:19:08 PM  Show Profile
Another one here! Just celebrated my 40th spiriual birthday last week

\0/ Love this symbol City Chick!

Farmgirl #440

Edited by - Julia on Apr 17 2011 7:22:25 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

177 Posts

Capron IL
177 Posts

Posted - Apr 18 2011 :  5:53:10 PM  Show Profile
I just had to share a praise with christian sisters who would understand. God has recently put some finacial blessings in order for our family. These blessings will make things easier on our family and will allow us to give back to God what was His to begin with. His guidence has allowed us to let go of things we have been hanging on to because we thought we NEEDED these things. I wish I could explain the relief I feel from letting go of things that we dont NEED. There is a weight off my shoulders that I wish everyone could experience. I pray everyone has a glourious Easter week. Pay attention and Dont miss even the smallest blessing that God gives you.

Insane and Blissfully Happy
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Farmgirl in Training

42 Posts

Jonas Pennsylvania
42 Posts

Posted - Apr 20 2011 :  4:26:54 PM  Show Profile  Send mountainmomma a Yahoo! Message
Originally posted by LucyLobo511

I just had to share a praise with christian sisters who would understand. God has recently put some finacial blessings in order for our family. These blessings will make things easier on our family and will allow us to give back to God what was His to begin with. His guidence has allowed us to let go of things we have been hanging on to because we thought we NEEDED these things. I wish I could explain the relief I feel from letting go of things that we dont NEED. There is a weight off my shoulders that I wish everyone could experience. I pray everyone has a glourious Easter week. Pay attention and Dont miss even the smallest blessing that God gives you.

Insane and Blissfully Happy

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True Blue Farmgirl

1854 Posts

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Posted - Apr 21 2011 :  1:06:42 PM  Show Profile
Mari-lyn, thank you for reminding us to look for little blessings. Sometimes, I get so caught up in big problems that I forget to recognize the little victories God sends me.
Happy Holy/Easter Week!
God's and Farmgirl's Blessings,
Megan aka Loretta Rae

At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.

The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.
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cheryl keyes
True Blue Farmgirl

468 Posts

millinocket maine
468 Posts

Posted - Apr 24 2011 :  06:46:26 AM  Show Profile
i just wanted to say thank you to all you gals who insprie me through this web site.. As i continue on my Cristian walk its reading thoughts and praises from other Chritians that help me along my way. we are so blessed to have been saved by the Blood of Christ and the Grace of God. The fellowship of you ladies on this site is a great blessing to me. thanks for sharing your lives. cheryl and thank you God for your love.
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prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl

1874 Posts

1874 Posts

Posted - Apr 24 2011 :  6:02:44 PM  Show Profile
A Happy Blessed Easter to my christian farmgirl sisters!!

Blessings, Lnda

Country at Heart
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - May 02 2011 :  09:30:09 AM  Show Profile
Hi girls!

I sent this out in an email this morning, but since I don't have many of your emails, I wanted to share it with you here:

Let us all just take a moment to love the Lord our God...

Let us bow our heads to thank God for His faithfulness...

To thank Him that His hand is upon us...

To thank Him for His guidance...

To thank Him for His protection...

To thank Him for His justice...

To thank Him for guiding our military in our efforts to end terrorism and help bring peace to the world!

Let us thank Him for His mercy!

Let us thank Him for His steadfastness and abounding love!

Let us praise the Lord!

Hugs and blessings,


God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974

Edited by - Ninibini on May 02 2011 09:31:04 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Capron IL
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Posted - May 02 2011 :  09:50:54 AM  Show Profile

Insane and Blissfully Happy
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