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Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 18 2011 : 8:59:28 PM
I just emailed you, Claudia. Love you! - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Pleasant Hill
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Posted - Mar 19 2011 : 04:56:41 AM
Claudia prayers for you and yours sister. Hugs,Brenda
Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
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Posted - Mar 20 2011 : 12:15:24 PM
Aww, Claudia thank you and I really hope that your family receives God's love. Breast cancer has also been close to my family's heart for many years: my Nana's mom died from it, my Mom's grandmother had it, and my great-aunt is a survivor. I pray for your entire family during this trying time! God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
190 Posts

190 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2011 : 2:08:50 PM
Hello fellow Farmgirls in Christ. I am also a christian. For many years now I have not been walking the walk I used to have with our Lord before my divorce even though I still had my belief in God. These last 21 months have been some of the toughest times in my life after being let go from a job I "thought" was supposed to be my dream job after only a year. I had worked long and hard to achieve my goal of getting my undergrad and then graduate degree in library information science: school media and getting my first "real" job in a middle school. It did not turn out to be so. While it was hard to understand why this had happened to me, I now believe that God was drawing me back into his loving arms. I had been feeling more and more as if I needed to find a church and get back into the word of God. In January I finally gave in and began attending the church of one of my oldest, dearest and steadfast friends over the last 20+ years. You know her as "grammytammy". She has been through thick and thin with me, even when I was so far from walking with God, she never judged me, but stood by and loved me, just as I was. Prayer as we know is a powerful thing and her prayers for me are now being answered. God has really been working in my life these last 2 and a half months. He brought me to my knees, but in so doing has been lifting me up again. I still have many things to work through but, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." And the love and prayers of good friends.
While I am a newbie to the chats, I have been reading MaryJane's magazine for the last 2 years I just became an official Farmgirl Sister: # 2817. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Deer Park
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Posted - Mar 20 2011 : 3:40:19 PM
Cynthia...first off, welcome to our group, congratulations on being Farmgirl Sister # 2817, and welcome to the crowd of us who are redeemed but definitely far from where God will have us be. What has been so important to our group here, I think, is that as in the Word, here..."there is no condemnation who are in Christ Jesus." I feel as though we can share our thoughts, our scripture finds, our actions and what the Lord is doing in our life. Please feel free to share any time you wish here. I know others will be joining me soon in throwing out the welcoming mat! ;0)
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
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Posted - Mar 21 2011 : 5:33:50 PM
Hi Cynthia! Welcome! Claudia's absolutely right - we all come from different experiences and backgrounds in our walk, but here is a place where we are just a bunch of sisters who share, encourage and support each other in our walk! I always say that I think it really makes God smile when He brings His kids together, and I'm sure that this forum REALLY makes Him smile - it sure makes ME smile! We are all so blessed to have each other, and I'm so glad you've joined us, too! :)
Let me encourage you and all of the girls here to pop in and join Megan's awesome "Bible Study #2 - Called by God": You will love it, and I know you will feel just as welcome there as here!
Hugs and blessings -
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
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Posted - Mar 21 2011 : 8:41:21 PM
Hi girls! I had wanted to share this story with you a little while ago, then got caught up in life and it kind of slipped my mind.. sorry!
Our priest told us about his recent visit with the little second graders who would soon be making their first communions. He posed and interesting situation to them: Suppose they had taken their little brown bag lunches to school and placed them in their locker during morning classes. Then at lunchtime, when they went to retrieve their lunch from their locker, they found that their lunch sack was missing. Then when they went to the cafeteria, they saw a little boy sitting in the corner eating their lunch - what would they do? He said answers ranged from telling the teacher, to going over and demanding their lunch back, etc. Then he asked them what they supposed Jesus would want them to do. The room went silent. He said he supposed that Jesus would tell them that if they had a quarter in their pocket, they should go buy the little boy a carton of milk to go with the lunch. He said one little hand flew up. The little boy was so excited to answer him that he thought the little guy would jump right out of his skin if he didn't call on him immediately. So he asked the boy what was on his mind. The little boy said, "Well that's just about the most stupid thing I've ever heard of, Father!" The priest laughed so hard -we all did. But then he made a really good point: isn't that just the way of the world, though? To demand and expect immediate justice. But God's way don't often make sense to us in the natural world. His ways are much greater than our minds can fathom. So we must trust Him and do His will, even when none of it makes sense, because our Lord said so. We don't have to know why, we don't have to carry out or see justice fulfilled (that was already done for ALL of us on the Cross); we simply have to follow Him. We just have to trust because our Father knows best. He gave it all for us, so it shouldn't be so hard to give what we do have to others.
In all honesty, I really do try my very best to do what is right in God's eyes despite what the world would have me do. I still don't believe if someone went into my garage and stole my vehicle, however, that I could bring myself to seek him out and offer to fill the tank for him. I'm just not that good. I think in that case, I'd want the police to help me find my vehicle and get the thief off of the streets, you know? But what if the person who stole it came to me with the keys, apologized and gave it back? The world would want me to call the police, turn the person in and have them throw the book at him. But would I be so loving and Christian and good as to recognize his true remorse, to open up Christ to him, to show mercy, to forgive, to request a promise that he never do it again, and simply let it go? I'd like to think I could be that gracious... isn't that, after all, what Jesus would want me to do? I suppose He'd also want me to forgive the person and drive him home, too, huh? :) The world's point would be punishment, retribution and unforgiving chains, where God's point would be forgiveness, grace and freedom in Christ. Like in the priest's story about that little boy - something that at first glance seems plainly foolish may actually have unseen eternal value and spark the flame of salvation!
Jesus is perfect. I am weak, but He is strong. I am fallible, but He is perfect in all His ways. So I must trust Him, press into Him and do what He says even when the world SCREAMS to me to do otherwise. It's not all that difficult really. I just wish I could be more like Him. Imagine a world where people were more like Him... how different it would be. How peaceful, how joyful. Imagine how many hearts would be transformed instead of crushed, and all the souls that would be saved instead of lost. What a wonderful world that would be!
Hugs and blessings -
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
Edited by - Ninibini on Mar 21 2011 8:43:32 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Mar 22 2011 : 9:45:08 PM
Nini, that is an adorable story and also so true. I don't know if I'm a good enough person to just forgive someone right away. Or if someone hurt me, would I be able to turn the other cheek? I want to trust in God so much, but sometimes I'm afraid of the hurt that may come out of it. But then I remember that in the end, that suffering gets turned into paradise. Thanks for the story Nini! God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2011 : 09:41:06 AM
Megan, we are all afraid to hurt, I think. I kringe when I think of possibilities of going through some of the things I already have...again. But I guess that is where I have not totally turned all the pain over, so God can redeem it, or as scriptures say..."beauty for ashes." Sometimes I wonder why I hold on to it...I is not trusting God enough to deal with it! Isn't that though I could do better? There is a big difference in "head" knowledge knowing God will comfort...and the 18 inches dropping to the "heart" knowledge to really believe it with our whole being. It is not a matter of being good enough. It is a matter of trusting enough..and that is a process we are all trying to develop along the way!
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
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Posted - Mar 23 2011 : 10:20:52 AM
Claudia - isn't that just the truth? I was thinking I'd probaby ask God to let me audibly hear His voice say that I should buy the thief the gas or forgive the repentant thief, because I'd be REALLY struggling with that one. Too funny. I love the "beauty for ashes" quote... I've found, as I'm sure all of you have, that my faith is reassured more and more as I exercise it - i.e. as we grow in Christ and trust Him and "blindly" act on His promises vs. trust what we know to do or see around us, it becomes more and more easy to trust and follow Him and what He would have us do. Megan, that "head to heart" connection Claudia mentions just takes time. (I love your analogy, Claudia!) I'm certainly not 100% there! None of us are! We're all "works in progress!" :)
Omygoodness, my son just yelled up in a panic - tornado warning for our county and area. I'm sure we'll be fine, don't worry! But I'm going to go, shut down the computer, etc...
"Talk" with you later, girls...
Hugs -
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
True Blue Farmgirl
569 Posts
Northeast Kingdom
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Posted - Mar 23 2011 : 1:09:16 PM
Anyone ever see Les Miserables? I haven't seen the play, just the movie, but in the opening scene, the main guy is escaping from prison and stops at a priests house to steal the silver flatware for some cash. The priest catches him but instead of turning him in, he tells him that he forgot the candlesticks! It's a great story about the power of forgiveness.
Curly's Quilts
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” - Micah 6:8
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2011 : 9:22:22 PM
Claudia and Nini, you guys are such wonderful spiritual guiders and helpers. I just have to remember that practice and time make progress, not perfect, and that God doesn't expect me to be perfect, just to be the best version of myself! God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2011 : 10:17:01 PM
Sarah - I haven't seen that movie since I was a young girl! Wow, so long ago! That scene with the priest is definitely another excellent statement about the way we need to be as Christians, and about the power of God's love, grace, forgiveness and mercy in action through the obedience of His children! What a great example! I'm going to have to try to rent that movie - my son should really see it! I loved it! Thank you!
Aw, Megan - we all learn a lot from each other, don't we?! Such a blessing this sisterhood! SUCH a blessing! I love how Claudia puts it - that it's not about being good enough, but rather about trusting enough. Isn't that just so true? We're supposed to "let go and let God." That's been on my mind a lot lately. I'm definitely going to work on that! :)
Hugs - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Mar 24 2011 : 4:53:30 PM
Good afternoon farmgirls. There was a scripture left by another on the "special scriptures" section. It is ... Deuteronomy 31:8, "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." (NIV) We've talked a bit about turning over control to the Lord. I have, for most of my professional life, been a "take-charge" person, one in control and helping to direct others. I've known for sometime that I had some trust issues...because I always thought God might do something for another, but as said, I was not good enough. That head-heart issue. The other day, when this scripture was left, I was blown out of my socks and my heart was pricked to its knees. I've always thought that God was with me, along side me....but going out before me..before I even know what to do...or take that first step?? Wow! I remember as a kid watching a western on tV called Wagon Train. A real cutie..Flint McCullogh was a scout..riding out ahead of the train, to check if there were any "desperadoes", enough water or just the right path to take. Then he would ride back & report to the wagon master. God is better than Flint McCullough. He says He makes all our paths straight (the shortest way to the goal. He is a lamp to our feet so we don't lose the way, and He is the cloud by day and the fire by night. He clears the way, and is our buckler (protector at our back) and our shield (protecting from the front.) He walks beside us all the way..encouraging us, comforting us and holding us in the palm of His hand. As times seem to become more tough in the world, let us try to remember that "the Lord is all around us...He is our glory...and the Lifter of our head."
Have a good evening, we are going to our grand daughters' concerts tonight.
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Mar 24 2011 : 5:05:34 PM
You know, Claudia - I have read that scripture so many times, but it never hit me until you just pointed it out that the Lord goes BEFORE us! WOW. I always trust His wisdom in all things because I know He sees "the big picture," and that I am only seeing things through a key hole... But knowing that He is on the path WITH me and BEFORE me looking out for me, preparing my way, and guiding me... That is just so comforting. So profound. That realization truly makes things even more clear about the intimate love Our Father has for us, His children. Thank you - I really needed to hear that today! :) Blessings and hugs - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1308 Posts
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cheryl keyes
True Blue Farmgirl
468 Posts
468 Posts |
Posted - Mar 31 2011 : 09:33:56 AM
Hi Ladies I probably should post this on the barter page but i thought this may be the place to ask first. do any of yu have the Joyce Meyer battlefield of the mind book??? Im reading it and doing the study that goes with it and i am really getting a lot out of it, i asking to trade with any of you that may have it because i know someone who could really get a lot out of it as well. i have tons of great books or other fun things if you are interested?? thanks cheryl |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Mar 31 2011 : 4:01:51 PM
Karla...the scripture you gave is one of the hardest ones for me. Being a (hopefully)reforming control freak, letting God take control so that He can strengthen me, is very difficult. I realize that He is in control, but too often I get in the way. Thank you for sharing!
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
True Blue Farmgirl
106 Posts
West Virginia
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True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2011 : 09:49:12 AM
YAY Tina! Hugs, Hannah
Farmgirl sister #1219!
"Lifes not about the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away."
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2011 : 12:02:19 PM
Welcome Tina, Glad you are hear. If you have something to share, scripture, problem, blessing...whatever, don't be shy to jump in.
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
True Blue Farmgirl
1308 Posts
1308 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2011 : 12:25:08 PM
I just remind myself that He has been there before & made a path. I am a follower! I believe that He gives us the strength to do all He has asked us to. Some days are harder to remember though!
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Apr 02 2011 : 9:17:11 PM
Welcome Tina! God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2011 : 7:11:52 PM
I just turned off the news and I must admit my heart is heavy over what I have been hearing. I will try not to voice biases or get into a position so that peoples beliefs are "questioned." I almost feel as if I bring this subject up, I am sure to hear some negative comments directed toward myself and leave open a door for "emotional sticks & stones" to be thrown. But this feeling in my chest is not going I will try to say this succinctly and delicately so as not to offend.
Throughout the ages, many atrocities have been committed in the name of religion...any religion...all our religions. I sometimes think that God cries over His earth as Jesus did with His children in Jerusalem. These atrocities never start with a bang, but start with something simmering until the boiling point is reached and it is too late. Now...there is a minister in Florida who aided in the burning of the Quran. Because of our technology, the peoples of Afghanistan heard about it and have begun riots over the last several days killing innocent people, burning our American flag, chanting to kill President Obama and down with America...because their holy book was burned. Wonder what we would think if our Holy Bible were burned? Nonetheless, even Gen Petraeus now has had to condemn the minister, apologize for the act and hope that none of our servicemen/women are killed because of it. I will not comment on the rightness or wrongness of either the Afghan people or the minister, but throughout the ages, world events have precipitated change...huge changes to take place..even in the Christian religion. Recently, I heard someone comment (a Catholic...I presume.. about the Reformation resulting because of Martin Luther..eluding to the fact that he was wrong.) This is where I am nervous to comment. Personally, I grew up many many years ago as a Catholic being told that my Dad who was a Methodist would not go to heaven without being a Catholic. Years later, I heard Protestant ministers say that the Catholic religion is a cult and they wouldn't go to Heaven. We talk about Who has the right to judge the heart, but we should be sure of our history.
I love the Catholic Church and believe that from Peter on down, they kept the truth and the Bible that we need today. It was not the Augustinian monk, Martin Luther's, fault that his 95 point thesis was nailed to the door of his church in Wittenburg in 1517. Remember the simmer.... The Gutenburg Press had been invented not too many years before, and the Catholic church had been mixed up with the politics of the regions so that the lords of and area, who had been made bishops etc, sold indulgenses to line their own pockets. Most everything was a sin, in which the sinner would have to pay to be forgiven. Luther prolaimed that Christians were saved by Jesus Christ's crucifiction and saved by gract, not by works. That had been a bone of contention between St. Paul and the apostle James. Works were to follow by loving Jesus because of His grace. Anyway, Luther went to court before the good Pope Leo X, and was allowed to make his case. People for the first time reading the Bible in their own language revolted, and many in France believing Luther, were captured by King Francis I for treason against France. There was not a separation of church and state. These people were burned at the stake.
I say all this about history, because we should be sure of it and what was going on in their times, and we should be aware of what is happening today. We may think that something is right and innocent, but it may lead to a revolution. I think, personally that we should pray, and be sure that what we do and say is correct, honest and true, and that it lines up with what the Bible teaches.
My hope that each of us loves each other not only in spite of our differences, but maybe even a little bit because of them. God is the Judge. Please let us pray for one another who may think differently that we.
I hope not to offend, but my heart is heavy in the result of actions done by one who may...or may not have been correct in his actions. God bless.
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2011 : 10:05:38 PM
Oh, Claudia, my dear sister in Christ, do not feel bad. We need to talk about these things sometimes. It's just hard. No matter what, you know this is a safe place for us to open discussion - please never, ever worry about that! You are one of the most beautiful Christian women I've ever "known." I think we all know your beautiful heart, and we know your words are always spoken in the deepest love! That's why I just love you so much! :)
I see and understand the truth in what you say; it is truly so very complicated. There will always be problems within the Church - meaning the body - so long as fallible man is involved. I can't help but feel very protective of the Catholic church, but I do also deeply love and respect my Protestant family; I am truly grateful to both for so many, many reasons. I was raised Catholic until the age of 8 or so, and then my parents "opted out" because of certain teachings with which they disagreed. Their decision started us on an incredible journey through various loving Protestant churches, as well as a few faulty, what I would call "spiritually dangerous" ones. Every time I think about it, I recall the warnings to the different churches in the Book of Revelation and can't help but think how truly applicable they are to us today, you know? Anyhow, I truly owe a lot of my Biblical understanding/perspective to all I learned those years. But there was always this nagging feeling inside that something was missing. That put me on a long personal journey of searching and discovery of the Church's history and about the understanding, teachings and works of the early Church Fathers. I learned that there is a lot of well-intentioned but definitely misguided teachings about Catholicism, as well as an abundance of misunderstanding concerning it. After a lot of prayer, I returned "home" to the Catholic Church. Seeing it with new eyes of understanding, and having a solid basis in Scripture from my Protestant upbringing, I feel very full and very grateful that God has blessed me, allowing me to have walked both paths. I do not think I'm better or worse off than my Protestant brothers and sisters for my faith and my return to Catholicism; it's just simply that, for for me, Catholicism is my heart's home. I do not feel there is any offense in that, nor do I mean any at all, and I earnestly pray that none will ever be taken. It's like I've said, many parts - one body. And the Catholic Church does recognize the possibility that Protestants are saved. I have wonderful, faith-filled Protestant friends who I absolutely know without any doubt will be in Heaven, just as I know will all of the beautiful-hearted women of God on this forum who are from different denominations; so that is just not something I debate or discuss. I know in my heart, as did my RCIA teacher who also stated: that a person's salvation ultimately is between that person and Almighty God - we cannot presume to judge. :) The great thing about the differences is that we can enjoy hearty discourse and instruction about the Bible. That's how we learn and gain a better understanding of God - I truly believe, as I always say: He truly delights in bringing His kids together! :)
As far as Martin Luther, yes, changes did begin with his 95 Theses. But the Catholic Church did deal with them and make changes where they felt it was good and necessary. Their decisions could not be made based on man's opinion, but they were made rather based on church doctrine, prayer and Biblical truths - in the same way that some of the "lost books of the Bible" were determined unfit to make it into the Bible, if that makes sense. Not everything that Luther opined fell within the realms of what the Church believed to be correct teaching. They disagreed. All the things that followed - what happened to Luther - was so sad. I think his deep love for God and God's Word is indisputable. And even since then many differing opinions have come from what HE even believed to be truth. Although hardly a Lutheran scholar (and a former Lutheran, to boot!) I did research on what Luther believed and taught, and how what he said was changed over time by the movers and shakers of the Reformation. I bet most people do not even know that Luther had a deep devotion to the Blessed Mother and the Rosary, for example! Having said all of this, though, it was a very healthy and necessary course he took to point out the ills that were occuring in the Church at the time. I am grateful for that, truly! Luther's heart was definitely in the right place, and he was a good and faithful servant. I don't believe that his intentions at first were to have a schism in the Church as later occurred. He just wanted his beloved Church to correct herself and get on the right path - for God's sake. Everytime I read about the Reformation, though, I think of Matthew 12:25: "Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, 'Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.'" I think, though, that the beautiful thing about our church as a whole - the Body of Christ - is that we come together out of love for Him, despite our differences in opinion and ways of worship. We learn and grow as a family - many different, individual parts, one body!
There is a lot taught about history out there that has truly been mishandled through the years of re-telling. A lot of times, we take as truth just because "they say," or report it in a certain way, or it is written in a book by some "expert," when in fact it has very little basis in the truth of what happened at all. It's pretty shocking when you start to delve into things. One example would be the truth behind the Church's involvement in the Inquisition. The Church was actually sent to help the people accused - not to send them to condemnation. Many people were uneducated about God (no education, no reading, no books - that was all resigned to the rich who could afford it, and to the religious). The Church asked permission to go in and talk with the people, offering them education about Christ - telling them about the truths of God's Word, so that when they entered before the final Inquistion, they would know and understand in all confidence what to say. It was extremely rare that the Church actually handed someone over to the Lords as being "un-save-able" - only when there truly was no hope, i.e. when a person outright refused to believe. When they could not help a person, it was the overlord who was the one to prosecute, judge, sentence and follow through with the verdict of torture and death. The Church tried to save people from this, and yet it is the Church has been blamed throughout history for the persecution, torture and murder, not the overlords who actually determined and committed these acts. I'm sure there were unscrupulous religious involved at times, but in those cases, that was the result of a fallen man, not of the Church behind him! And communication back in those days was not instant as it is today - it took a long time before the Church learned of any wrongdoing, but when they did, they intervened. I'm paraphrasing, of course - there is so much more to this than I can type here - but my point is that a lot of times in history the Church has been held responsible for the actions of fallen men. And please let me be clear: I am NOT referring to the Priests who hurt children. That is a different subject altogether.
As far as what that minister did - oh my. As a Christian, I do not honor the Qu'uran as a holy book, however, I would NEVER go so far as to insult anyone by "crucifying" their holy book or religion like that! What he did was so antithetical to Christ's teachings, in my opinion! Just as is the actions of that "hate church," we have discussed in other posts. Their behavior does not ring out me as complying with WWJD! Other than the time Jesus went in and overturned the tables on the money changers (who, I might add, were making a mockery out of the House of God!), we never saw him act out in violence or in any manner that would offend others. He used WISDOM and LOVE and GENTLENESS and KINDNESS to get His message across to those in His presence. What that Minister did is no different, to me anyway, than what others do to persecute Christians and Jews and other groups all over the world; it is shameful. Of course, I believe we should defend and protect the sanctity of God, of Jesus' name, of His Holy Word, and of our Holy Church, but we should not provoke others who do not believe! We are to be "salt and light!" not "fire and brimstone!" I have to wonder how deeply that man considered the repercussions of his actions on innocent people, if at all. I would worry, if I were him, that the blood of those massacred is on his own hands as well as those who committed the heinous acts. Good, decent Americans are being slaughtered by highly incensed, highly offended people who feel they must defend their faith to the death. Was that really a necessary action he took? I just don't understand what his reasoning behind the action was.
You're absolutely right, too, Claudia - Christians do not retaliate with terror and murder; thus we are not taken "seriously" when people offend or harm us! And some how, that makes it "right" in the eyes of others to persecute us. How sad, how terribly wrong. In fact, people make fun of us, insult us, abuse us... just like they did our Lord and Savior. Just like He told us they would. But we do the right thing, we believe His promises and we trust in Him, letting go and letting God, as we pray and turn the other cheek. The world may see that as weakness, but in Him we are truly strong! Our response is not hate, for with hate we will never win souls to Christ; He never wanted us to do that. Romans 12:19: "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." I think the hardest part can be sometimes simply waiting for Him to come. Think about all the souls under the altar in Revelation vs. 6:9: "When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained." Then we read on in Revelation vs. 6:10: "They called out in a loud voice, 'How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?'" And finally, in Revelation vs. 6:11: "Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed." We must wait and let the Lord take care of these things in His own time and in His own way, it's as simple as that; as simple as He always wants us to do - have faith, trust and wait. It's so hard, especially when we see the atrocities committed in the world. But God is truly ultimately in control, and we can rest assured in that!
I join you in that prayer, Claudia. I believe it is God's will that ALL of His children in this world - which includes those who are "lost" - come home to His Heart and find salvation, abundant life and eternal peace in Him. And what a wonderful place it would be if we could simply be nice to each other.
Hugs and blessings,
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
Edited by - Ninibini on Apr 04 2011 01:55:12 AM |
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