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Barnyard Buddies: Goats!  |
country roads
True Blue Farmgirl
443 Posts
443 Posts |
Posted - Apr 23 2010 : 6:02:11 PM
Guess what girls!?! My hubby has a friend with a bunch of different kinds of goats. She said she would trade us 2 goats for 2 turkeys. We went down tonight and I picked out a four day old baby girl and her mama. We won't get them til we are on vacation in May so we can work on the fencing, gate and make the door larger. They will be living with the chickens and ducks. I can't wait til we can bring them home! I have wanted goats for forever! I am so spoiled Channah if you happen to read this don't tell Emilie about it, we want to surprise her! YAY GOATS!!!
Take care, Melissa.
Farmgirl # 352
~Think happy thoughts~ |
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Apr 23 2010 : 7:24:37 PM
Sure think Melissa! She has told me over and over again that she wants goats. lol I am so happy for all of you! What a deal! Hugs, Channah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Just a small town country girl trying to live her dreams. :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Apr 23 2010 : 7:40:29 PM
oh is there any questions you have or anything I can answer? I would love to help if it is needed. I am not an expert but do know some things. :) Let me know and if not great!! Hugs, Channah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Just a small town country girl trying to live her dreams. :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
13055 Posts
13055 Posts |
Posted - Apr 23 2010 : 8:14:43 PM
Melissa: Great news! Keep us posted. I wish I had goats, too. After seeing all of Channah's cute mommies and babies, I just think they are so beautiful. Marly
"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross |
country roads
True Blue Farmgirl
443 Posts
443 Posts |
Posted - Apr 24 2010 : 04:01:22 AM
Channah, I'm sure I'll be asking you some questions since I've never been a goat mommy before and have alot to learn! :)
Marly, I will be sure to keep everyone posted. When we get them home I'll take pictures and have to figure out how to post them on here(hubby can help with that part).
Everyday when I go to work I drive past there home so I will get to see them! I held the baby yesterday, she is such a little peanut, and she has a cute little squeaky voice that sounded like she was saying mom. So adorable!
Take care, Melissa.
Farmgirl # 352
~Think happy thoughts~ |
gypsy goat
True Blue Farmgirl
673 Posts
mary jo
673 Posts |
Posted - Apr 24 2010 : 06:14:40 AM
congrats on the new addition to your farm-you will love them!!! post pics and tell us their names when you can-congrats again!!!
whatever you are be a good one-abe lincoln |
kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl
11303 Posts
11303 Posts |
Posted - Apr 24 2010 : 06:38:06 AM
Yay! Another goat person! What kind are they? And peanut sounds like a good name. I have a Nubian that had twin bucks. When they are away from their momma they sound like they are saying "Maaaaa!" and she answers back "Whaaatt?" It's so funny. And they go back and forth. I just laugh. I'm sure they aren't having much fun but it is cute.
Happiness is simple. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3775 Posts
bend in the high desert
3775 Posts |
Posted - Apr 24 2010 : 07:33:32 AM
oh boy more goats. let us know what they are. we all love those pics too. ya for you sherrye
the learn as we go silk purse farm farmgirl #1014
country roads
True Blue Farmgirl
443 Posts
443 Posts |
Posted - Apr 24 2010 : 08:17:23 AM
Mary Jo, I love them already and they are not even here yet! I can't wait to have them on our farm!
Kristin, I was afraid someone was going to ask what kind they were, ummm....mama looks like a pygmy and the babies daddy is bigger with a long beard, long head hair, and a long cape. I'll have to ask Kimmi what kinds they are. I probably should have done that in the first place. But unfortunatley as soon as I saw the baby I had to have it! I really need to get some books and start researching now so I'm prepared for them.
Sherry, I'll get those pictures out as soon as I get some :)
Hubby has decided the goats will have their own house as soon as we butcher the turkeys in the fall. That way they won't be laying in the chicken and duck poo. Which is a good idea, I'm not sure how fond of baths goats are!
Hubby looked at me this morning and said "Goats....You are so spoiled!" I looked at him and said "Well who do you think let me get so spoiled?" and he just grinned :)
Take care, Melissa.
Farmgirl # 352
~Think happy thoughts~ |
gypsy goat
True Blue Farmgirl
673 Posts
mary jo
673 Posts |
Posted - Apr 25 2010 : 1:45:02 PM
hey it's good to be queen melissa-i know my hubby spoils me too!!love it
whatever you are be a good one-abe lincoln |
country roads
True Blue Farmgirl
443 Posts
443 Posts |
Posted - Apr 25 2010 : 2:08:59 PM
Mary Jo I'm glad I'm not the only one being spoiled! :) I think I have decided on names for the new girls. The mama will be Lily Ann and the baby girl will be SweetPea.
Take care, Melissa.
Farmgirl # 352
~Think happy thoughts~ |
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Apr 25 2010 : 2:15:59 PM
Very cut names Melissa!I am happy for you! Hugs, Channah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Just a small town country girl trying to live her dreams. :) |
country roads
True Blue Farmgirl
443 Posts
443 Posts |
Posted - Apr 26 2010 : 05:11:08 AM
Thanks Channah! I almost messed up several times yesterday and said something to Emilie about them. Her and Dalton will be so surprised and excited! :) I think she has a letter going out to you today, she has some news for you too.
Take care, Melissa.
Farmgirl # 352
~Think happy thoughts~ |
Candy C.
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
823 Posts |
Posted - Apr 26 2010 : 3:44:19 PM
YAY Melissa!! It is always a good day when we get goats! LOL!!
Candy C. Farmgirl Sister #977
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. |
country roads
True Blue Farmgirl
443 Posts
443 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 04:11:03 AM
Ok...the goat's out of the bag, DH hubby told Emilie about the goats. She is so happy. We have to finish this week and all of next week, then we are on vacation and can get the fence and gate ready and theeeeennnn.........WE CAN BRING THE GIRLS HOME!!!! YAY!!!
Take care, Melissa.
Farmgirl # 352
~Think happy thoughts~ |
gypsy goat
True Blue Farmgirl
673 Posts
mary jo
673 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 05:51:29 AM
love the names- i'm so happy for you. hope the next couple of weeks goes by fast for you so you can get your babies faster!!
whatever you are be a good one-abe lincoln |
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 1:05:27 PM
awwm so exciting! I am sure you will all have tons of fun with them! Hugs, Channah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Just a small town country girl trying to live her dreams. :) |
miss kris
True Blue Farmgirl
118 Posts
118 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 4:18:59 PM
It is good to hear you guys go back and forth - makes me smile. It is so fun to add to the farm. It is fun to hear your excitement, Melissa. |
country roads
True Blue Farmgirl
443 Posts
443 Posts |
Posted - Apr 29 2010 : 05:08:19 AM
I am so so so excited about getting them, you girls will be tired of hearing from me! I'm pretty sure the girls at work are definately tired of hearing about our animals. :( But none of them are animal people. The one lady I work with the most thinks cat and dog hair is disgusting....? I just don't understand it. Oh well, at least I can talk to you girls on here and not feel like a misfit. Oh! I emailed the lady we're getting the girls from, and she said the mama is a pygmy and so is the babies dad. I will be putting some big blocks of wood and stuff in their yard to play on. Any suggestions of what they like? I also have a nice tree growing in their yard, it's trunk is about as big around as a quarter. I plan on cutting my fence and moving it to the other side of the tree so they don't eat it. :) I told hubby we will have to move our weekend coffee spot down by the goat/chicken/duck yard. He just smiled and nodded his head. Do you think it will be ok to have them in with the chickens and ducks til fall, when they can move into their own house? The rooster is in his own house so he can't get to them. Is there anything they shouldn't eat that is poisonous to them? What treats can they have? OK! Enough questions for now or I won't stop, Plus my coffee cup needs a refill :)
Take care, Melissa.
Farmgirl # 352
~Think happy thoughts~ |
gypsy goat
True Blue Farmgirl
673 Posts
mary jo
673 Posts |
Posted - Apr 29 2010 : 06:37:34 AM
we have a giant spool and a really big rock in for them to climb on. they might eat your tree that is in their yard. they will be ok with the chicks and ducks-just don't feed them any hay with droppings on it. they are several plants that are poisonous to them-oleander,arborvitae,golden chain,monkshood,yew,withered leaves of stone fruit trees-but for some reason they know what will hurt them and they are smart enough to stay away from it-hope i didn't freak you out hope the info helps
whatever you are be a good one-abe lincoln |
country roads
True Blue Farmgirl
443 Posts
443 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2010 : 03:53:28 AM
Thanks Mary Jo, no you didn't freak me out, I appreciate the help. I have to go on line or go get a book from the library so I can see what those plants look like and make sure I don't have any growing in their yard. Spools! That was what I was trying to remember the name of yesterday! DH knows a place where they give them away if you ask. So we'll be getting some of them to. We'll have to make one of those wall mounted hay feeders for them too. Thanks again for the advice Mary Jo.
Take care, Melissa.
Farmgirl # 352
~Think happy thoughts~ |
kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl
11303 Posts
11303 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2010 : 06:15:57 AM
Azalea and ivy also are very poisonous to goats and will kill them if they eat too much. I know the wild cherry tree will kill a horse but not too sure about a goat. I have one on the fence line and I don't think my goats like it.
Pygmys own't eat as much as a bigger goat. If cicken poo gets on the hay here my goats will not touch it. It has to be perfect hay for them. And the hens have been laying in the hay racks lately.
I hope you enjoy your girls when they come. They are fun to watch. Especially the kids.
Happiness is simple. |
country roads
True Blue Farmgirl
443 Posts
443 Posts |
Posted - May 01 2010 : 02:58:31 AM
Thanks Kristin for the info. One more week of work then I can get busy getting everything ready for them while I'm on vacation.
Take care, Melissa.
Farmgirl # 352
~Think happy thoughts~ |
miss kris
True Blue Farmgirl
118 Posts
118 Posts |
Posted - May 01 2010 : 05:13:26 AM
Good Morning you all! Good news, last night and this morning, I milked the newly first time Nibs goat 2 handed with only 3-4 kicks total counting both milking's together. So, we are getting there. I am so pleased!!!! Last night, I milked her for the first time 2 handed and took my second outside shower (new) -- I was delighted! Take good care....Kris
For I know the plans I have for you...Jer.29:11 |
country roads
True Blue Farmgirl
443 Posts
443 Posts |
Posted - May 01 2010 : 05:19:12 AM
That's great Kris! What are you going to do with the milk?
Take care, Melissa.
Farmgirl # 352
~Think happy thoughts~ |
True Blue Farmgirl
3775 Posts
bend in the high desert
3775 Posts |
Posted - May 01 2010 : 07:03:48 AM
i think wild cherry is bad for goats.its great your having fun happy days sherrye
the learn as we go silk purse farm farmgirl #1014
Barnyard Buddies: Goats!  |