I used this in all my flower beds 2 or 3 years ago and it has been a lifesaver! It has really eliminated almost all the weeds; of course, some still come up in the holes we cut out for the perennials and shrubs, but not many.
I've never had any critters so far, but I live in town and don't see any in the yard, etc. It might be different out in the country. With the size of garden dh & I plan to put out on the farm, I don't know if I can afford the black cloth. I'll probably just mulch like crazy!
Some people search for happiness; others create it.
I used to work in landscaping and we used it all of the time. They know much more about it now and we tend to use it less. It only prevents weeds the first year and new weed seeds will set in. So for one season of growing it is great. When you clean up the garden in the fall just roll it up and reuse it nest year. Don't leave it down because the new weed seeds from this year just start growing on the top for next year.
I use it all the time - it has cut down my weeding by over 1/2. I also used it to line the drainage ditch (french drain) before we put the rocks down. It is great - no weeds there.
"Second star to the right, straight on till morning" Peter Pan