Hi there fellow farm girls. I came across a website that is really ingenious. The Roberts family of Palouse is spending a year living ONLY on products that are produced within a 250 mile radius of their home.
How will they live without oranges? What will they us in replace of bananas? No Papaya for them. What about coffee? Wheat for bread? They have to buy it from us as we are local farmers. What about sugar? I guess they will have to use local honey instead. The list goes on and on....The prep work for this project is just getting underway as they try to prepare for everything that they will need for the year.
I highly suggested you bookmark this website. It had really made me think about what I buy and what I would have to live without if there were no local supermarket to run to.
The book Plenty by Alyssa Smith chronicles their life on a 100 mile diet and they live way up in Canada. I thought about trying it for a week or month and even that made me cringe.
I would love to do this, but I should wait until my kids are older and I can move into a small cabin in the woods. ;) I'm sure everyone here probably knows this but a easy more simple way of doing this is to buy from your local Farmers Market. IDK about Farmers markets around the U.S. but here in Oklahoma City they have all kinds of things.Like Produce,knits,plants,worm castings,clothes, soaps,teas...basically everything I love! I think people should cut back on going to wal-mart,target..ect and help out their local economy.
You got it Kimberly!! I sorta remember as a small child that certain fruits and veggies were just seasonal and we had to wait for summer to have Oranges, Strawberries etc. People ate what grew around them. Buy local--eat local--be healthy. MB