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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 29 2009 : 3:12:30 PM
Thanks Rene, I was just wondering. I don't mind waiting but since it is the first time I have submitted I didn't know how long it would. Take. I have no problem being patient.
May the force of the Horse be with you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
389 Posts
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Posted - May 31 2009 : 08:57:38 AM
can any of you tell me how you make your besoms? i am wanting to make my own and have never done this before. i want one to set outside my front door and one inside for rituals. THANKS!
live well, Tamara "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children" follow me!
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - May 31 2009 : 12:22:10 PM
I received some of the coolest seed from a fellow Farmchick for Broom Corn (she got the seed while in PA). Grown traditionally for natural Broom fibers (no longer farmed due to being replaced with plastic brooms). I am hoping to grow it (still little seedling right now)then bunch them up (like you do when drying herbs) and hang them upside down, making besoms. I want to tie dried baby smudge sticks made of Sage and Mugwort into where I lace the ribbon that holds it all together in. Charming it with beads.*
*Interesting side note: I was selling edible roses yesterday at the Farmers Market (all roses are edible if not sprayed down with toxics). And this elderly sweet, witchy/gypsy lady told me that when she was younger they would take corn starch and water making a paste. Then pulled all the petals off a bowl full of roses. She stirred the mixture up into a pasty, rollable substance. She took the "rose petal balls" and skewered them, letting them dry in the warm shade. Leaving her with rose petal beads, she then informed me that that was how the orginal rosery beads were constructed; of different colored rose beads. . .
. . .I'm off to pick my roses.
Blessings, h
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Clarks Summit
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Posted - May 31 2009 : 5:00:36 PM
How! how cool is that!! I'm learning what a besom is and how to make one...also the rosary bead story!
When I lived in Alaska my Native American friends taught me the smudge ceremony where we would cleanse things with the smoke of the my question is if we swept with the bunch of sage with a broom like sweep it would work the same way? We burned the sweet sage and loved the smell and helped wave the smoke along with our hands and said prayers during the ceremony. I think I am getting the idea of the witche's broom? The process was to drive bad spirits away and bless the area for good.
Linda in Scranton, PA farmgirl #71
(The Junk Gypsy) |
Farmgirl in Training
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 31 2009 : 7:17:55 PM
I love the story of the rosary beads...I also do the smudging ceremony from time to time and I recently made a besom using old feathers from some parrots that I used to have. I like the idea of symbolically sweeping away all the negative emotions and blessing (with smoke, rosary beads. etc.) so that positive vibes will enter. There is an article in a recent issue of the magazine Spirituality and Health that focuses on healing using candles, positive energy, etc. I don't understand why some people are frightened by the idea of using healing energy. We can't control everything in our lives but we can certainly influence it. so why not influence it for good? I don't see how the Creator would have a problem with that. Cindy
"Dog is my co-pilot"
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Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 31 2009 : 7:29:10 PM
I do periodic cleansing ceremonies in my home just to keep the energy balanced. I will do it especially after a large gathering or house guests just to re-balance the energy. I use smudge sticks, bells, chants and blessings. I also like to do it after cleaning my home. I don't see how that is any different that saying a prayer because basically that's what blessings are. I believe that what ever ceremonies we choose to participate in, it is the awesome power of intention that co- creates our reality.
Sheri |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jun 02 2009 : 08:49:05 AM
Hi all, Dana, I love the spiral that you described. I have been thinking of doing something like that in my back yard. I have these big maple trees that make kinda a triangle, with a nice flat spot in the middle. I think that would be a good place for a spot for ceremonial things.
Linda, I don't see why you couldn't use sage, the cleansing come with the intent, so it should be good. I too love the smell of sage.
I love hearing of everyones ceremonies. please keep sharing. I too have been trying to figure the best way to make my bessom. Thanks hattah for the instruction, now I just need to find the broom fibers.
blessings and big hugs to all. Phyllis |
Sharon Garrity
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Jun 02 2009 : 6:46:40 PM
Hello, I've been watching you for a while now. I have been reading up on magic and wicca for the past few weeks because someone asked if I was a solitary. When I asked why she said that my yard was filled with magical plants. I also have a blue front door. Today I got some of the trees in my yard identified, found out one of them is a Rowan. The more I learn the more I find that all my life I have had magic working in my everyday life. It was just chance that I found this group, its almost scary. Sharon
Daddy's Baby Girl
Learning who and what I am. |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - Jun 02 2009 : 7:08:52 PM
Well, welcome to the group. Everything happens for a reason. You found this group because it was time for you to do that. I have always wanted a Rowan tree in my yard but they won't grow in my area so my tree of choice is the Willow. My life was always full of majick too but I was in my late 30's before I realized it. I was a solitary for years until my girls grew up enough to make the choice and my sister moved into the house with me and we got brave enough to come out of the broom closet only to discover that we had both been following the same path. Once again Welcome.
Farmgirl Sister 572
May the force of the horse be with you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jun 03 2009 : 07:58:45 AM
Hi Sharon, glad you found us!! I recently discovered this path myself. when reading I found that I, too, had been living a life of magic and didn't realize it. I found myself often in the books I'm reading. My daughter and hubby are also learning, so I'm not alone. around here in the hills, doors are often painted "haint blue" a magical color to ward off evil spirits and ghosts. again, glad you found us, there are no accidents I think, so I believe you are here for a reason.
Beth, that is so cool about your sister!!! I love willow trees, always have. I only have maples in my yard at the moment, but I love all trees, need to look up Rowan and see if I can grow it here. I don't have a lot of plants growing yet. want to plant medicinal and magical herbs, might have to wait until next year though. we are still figuring out where things will grow and such here, having moved here in the fall.
blessings to all my witchy farmgirl friends. Hugs Phyllis |
Sharon Garrity
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Jun 03 2009 : 10:03:45 AM
I am working on revamping the front garden. It has been sadly neglected, I can't blame the previous owner, we llived here for since '93. When we first moved in we cleaned up and kept it neat, with 20 overgrown rodidendrons and 10 azala bushes, I used a chainsaw. Now the rodies all look like trees, even my DH can walk under them and he's 6'3", but the azala's are 4' tall and have shades out everything else. So now its almost like starting from scrach, so I can do it my way.
Phyllis, my DH has been watching me study and is rolling his eyes, but the funny thing is that two years ago he bought me little cauldren, we saw it, he said it was something that I needed since I cook in cast iron. What would I do with that little thing but he insisted so home it came. Out of the cupboard, and onto the counter.
Sharon Daddy's Baby Girl
Learning who and what I am. |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - Jun 03 2009 : 4:13:42 PM
Phyllis, Rowan is also called Mountain Ash. I really wish they grew where I live. Sharon the cauldren sounds cool. I would love to find a small cast iron cauldren. Do you remember what sort of store you were in when you found it?
Farmgirl Sister 572
May the force of the horse be with you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jun 04 2009 : 06:58:36 AM
Hi Beth, I had a feeling that if you couldn't grow Rowan in Texas, the Tenn. was out of the question. lOL. I was right, it said that Rowan doesn't tolerate heat, boy howdy, neither of us can say it doesn't get hot where we are. LOL. You might want to look in an antique shop or thrift store, I have seen a couple here anyhow. I inherited one from my Mom in law.
Sharon, it's great that your hubby found you a cauldron. he might be rolling his eyes, but at least he isn't fighting you about your beliefs. maybe he just isn't into study. LOL.
Take care ya'll. hugs Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
4247 Posts
Clarks Summit
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Posted - Jun 04 2009 : 5:03:21 PM
That's the perfect explanation for me.....Earth and Goddess based spirituality.
Linda in Scranton, PA
"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world!"
author unknown |
Farmgirl in Training
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48 Posts |
Posted - Jun 07 2009 : 02:47:24 AM
What is the significance of a blue front door? I am gonna have to paint my door now. The landlord is probably not gonna be happy about it. lol
"Never spend time with people who do not respect you."
Edited by - hattah on Jun 07 2009 02:48:01 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Jun 08 2009 : 12:01:03 PM
Around here everyone paints their door red. I think it has to do with Feng Shue bringing prosperity.
I have yet to hear about the Blue door. Does it matter what shade?
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
263 Posts
Glen Burnie
263 Posts |
Posted - Jun 08 2009 : 12:17:11 PM
Hi Heide, Sorry it's been a while since I've been on here. My workload has just about doubled in size, so I spend a lot of time working instead of reading wonderful websites and blogs. I thought I better check here.... and catch up. I LOVE your altars. I am like you because I am interested in all sorts of religions and how they work and what saints/dieties et cetera are used. What a fascinating life you have led so far!! I'm so envious, I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to go to New Orleans. I think I mentioned I'm learning and working with Hoodoo and I just LOVE it. And I know that is very prominent there. But I'm also learning about some of the Hindu gods and goddesses, and just bought a beautiful statue of the white Tara, who I believe is a Tibetan goddess. Anyway, I sure enjoyed reading about your altars and your travels! Awesome and thank you so much for sharing.
Farmgirl Hugs, Carol
Farmgirl Sister #222 Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter |
True Blue Farmgirl
4247 Posts
Clarks Summit
4247 Posts |
Posted - Jun 08 2009 : 2:39:23 PM
site about the White Tara
check this out
Linda in Scranton, PA
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world! |
Sharon Garrity
Farmgirl in Training
12 Posts
12 Posts |
Posted - Jun 08 2009 : 5:22:13 PM
The blue is a protective color
Sharon Daddy's Baby Girl
Learning who and what I am. |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2009 : 06:36:44 AM
Hi ya'll, hattah, the blue is the color of protection. the "haint" blue color that folks use to protect the home and keep spirits out is a kinda light blue with a hint of periwinkle. My door is currently green, so I have to get out the paint brush too. LOL. sorry I didn't answer sooner. was celebrating my 35th wedding anniversary, and didn't get online for a day or two.
good to see everyone. hugs Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2009 : 07:09:44 AM
Happy anniversary Phyllis! Congrats! 35 years is a big deal. I hope you had a great celebration. Does anyone know any "witchy" ways to bless a wedding/anniversary union?
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
263 Posts
Glen Burnie
263 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2009 : 07:12:18 AM
Thank you, Linda for that wonderful website!! I just looked at it. That was so nice of you to post that. My statue I got is beautiful!
Farmgirl Hugs, Carol
Farmgirl Sister #222 Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2009 : 2:49:24 PM
I wanted to share pics of two of my alters. One is from my bedroom

The second is from my meditation room

I know the other pics were posted a while back but I finally got to taking the pictures.
Sheri |
True Blue Farmgirl
1403 Posts
1403 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2009 : 7:21:49 PM
Wow - Why am I only now finding this thread!? I want to be in on this! :D :D
~~~~ |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |