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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Glen Burnie
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Posted - Jun 10 2009 : 7:36:51 PM
Oh Sheri, how beautiful! I love seeing everyone's altars! It's so cool to see what things are special enough to put on an altar and what meaning they have to that person. Hi Brooke, you're in!! :-)
Farmgirl Hugs, Carol
Farmgirl Sister #222 Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter |
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Clarks Summit
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Posted - Jun 11 2009 : 03:52:37 AM
I just saw the altars...very nice!
Linda in Scranton, PA
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 11 2009 : 06:09:01 AM
Hey Brooke! Welcome! And Sheri I love your altars as well. Boy, I would love to have a meditation room. At OUR house the only room to meditate in is the Bathroom!! LOL!! Actually, it is the deck or the site by our river, but in the depth of summer here in Georgia an air-conditioned room would be bliss!!
Speaking of meditations, that is the second month of my maiden lodge circle.
I shared about our spiral meditation for winter solstice earlier. I personally use a walking meditation and more often than not a knitting meditation. I need to have repetitive movement to help me find the rhythm of peace. For young people, movement seems to be doable as opposed to trying to sit in stillness. (Not that I am young by any means!)
I love drumming or chanting as I am a trained musician, but because of that training I have always been critical of what I was doing instead of letting it take me into peace. I tend to "listen to the music" instead of allowing it to enfold me. Occupational hazard.
What do ya'll do to bring a rhythm of peace to your day?
Proud Farmgirl Sister # 267
True Blue Farmgirl
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Benton City
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Posted - Jun 11 2009 : 07:22:10 AM
Howdy Ladies!
Shari, great alters! Brooke, just by your checkin in and contributing to this topic is all that you "need to do" to be part of this fantastical thread. Dana, so good to hear from you. . .
The ideas of meditation in motion has been on my mind for some time, I am so glad you brought it up.
I have been reading about the art of Shaminism. One of the major components is motion or rather dance. I find this so intriguing for a couple of personal reasons I feel safe to share here. . .
#1 Before we had our first homebirth my husband took the entire summer (our baby was due in November) to clear a path through our neighboring woods. This trail we refered to as our birth path. Indeed when I went into labor, we walked the path, trying to motion that baby out. After the labor got super intense I remember him holding me as we rocked back and forth (like the young kids one might see at a school dance).
#2 With out second baby we moved to the desert so the birth trail was sorta out with the lack of privacy from the neighbors. Yet I found we still did the "birth dance" of rocking back and forth.
#3 The days leading to my mothers death, where she had lost almost all functions but was able to stand (with me supporting the majority of her weight) we spent hours rocking back and forth. Very similiar to the "birth dance." So much so, I refer to those days as the days I "birthed my mother to the other side."
#4 Now immensed in healing and moving on, I find myself in meditation in motion as I weed my rows. I methodically pull the unwanted seedlings from my path as I move over, squating, pulling then moving over, standing, squating, pulling then standing. . .
I know this is probably different than what all you were thinkin Dana. But I thought I would share. Also I want to include this beautiful poem that I have been looking at for weeks.
May we all carry a happy tune in our head, h
Dancing as Liberation
There are countries where it is a punishable crime to dance.
Women must cover their heads, never raise their voice in song and never ever display such immoral conduct as dancing.
Those who forbid the dance forbid life.
If they tied me in ropes Held a gun to my head And forbid me to dance I would dance in my head.
If I woke up tomorrow Without limbs that would move I would dance in my soul.
If dance was taken from me I would snatch it right back. I would dance with my eyes. I would dance with my breathing. I would dance completely still. I would dance with the atoms moving inside of me.
I would dance in the mingling of voices around me Layering transcending swoooping into each other. I would dance in the red-blushed sky that caresses the tree line. I would dance on the call of the geese that cut throught the sky above me, my winged partners in the dance.
If dance was taken from me I would snatch it right back.
I would dance passion. I would dance pain. I would dance magick. I would dance at my labor and dance at my rest. I would dance my power. I would dance my palpable joy of existence.
In some countries it is illegal to dance. It is illegal to display such immoral conduct.
Dancing is an act of liberation. It is for those who much dance in stillness that I open myself up and dance.
~Victoria Day 2007 We'moon
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 11 2009 : 07:50:06 AM
I love the poem. For me it is music - I would sing in my head if I were not allowed to make a sound. I lost my singing voice a few years back and it has been a difficult wound on my spirit but I still sing in my head as I work. No matter whether I can make the sounds I want out loud, the sounds vibrate in my spirit anyway. I sometimes think we go through something like that to understand that there are so many layers to spirit - so many paths to the same place. To "talk" to Gaia while I weed or plant is one of the highlights of my day. It makes otherwise sometimes difficult chores a peaceful meditation and a communing experience. The vibrations envelope me and transport me from the aches of the body into the music of the soul. On days when I am distracted and just approach these chores with a "just get it done attitude" all I think about is my various aches and pains - It amazes me the difference in just setting the tone for my work. Spiritual joy or physical pain just by intention.
Sheri |
True Blue Farmgirl
348 Posts
348 Posts |
Posted - Jun 11 2009 : 08:44:40 AM
Wow Heide! What a poem! It moved me so much to read of your dancing your mother into the next life.
I think that anytime I am mindful of the task at hand - that is meditation for me. Mindfulness in my constant "doing". Washing dishes, kneading bread, knitting, cooking, all the moving parts of my day.
Sheri I know what you mean by being distracted by "just getting it done" and the feeling out of sync. There are times when I just want to "get er done" and wallow in the misery! LOL! But I do try to practice what I preach! ; )
Well, off to meditate at the grocery store. Now THERE'S a challenge!!
Love you all!
Proud Farmgirl Sister # 267
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 11 2009 : 1:54:06 PM
That is a wonderful poem. I like to meditate as well, and I also use "paraliminals". Has anyone used or heard of this? It's not like subliminal messages exactly - it's spoken words on either side of the ear said at the same time at it's basic's very interesting and soothing ...and it really does help!
I'd consider myself a christian witchy spiritual person - mostly kitchen witch with native american and some celtic influences thrown in .. Basis is christian and I also work with energy alot and am a Reiki Master and Herbalist... I am trying to get back into doing alot more. I have been trying to get my Stevie Nicks Tribute band, Nightbird, off the ground and that is starting to fly ..Now I am doing this again. Not like I really left it.. just not letting it sit and stagnate ..or try not to ... I also work with Angel, Fairy, and some Oracle Cards...but my absolute favourite cards are Doreen Virtue's Healing with the Angels.. it was also my first set.
I was burned by alot of judgemental christians growing up .. but I still believe strongly ...yet it can't really be denied that I am practically a witch ... lol...On the other side of the coin, I have been burned by so-called pagans, psychics, etc. that claim to be interested in being my friend yet only want money for their services as well as their egos being blown up ... so .... People are people! What can I do!
So there's some about me in a nutshell!
~~~~ |
True Blue Farmgirl
1403 Posts
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Posted - Jun 11 2009 : 1:55:55 PM
Also, I meant to add that I won't let those feelings stop me..I still love people and always want to help them!! :)
~~~~ |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 11 2009 : 2:43:04 PM
Brooke there are folks like that in every spiritual or non-spiritual endeavor. I know exactly what you mean. I am interested to hear more about your method of meditation it sounds very fascinating. How fantastic about your band. I did a lot of Stevie Nicks music before I blew my voice out. Please always warm up before a performance, I didn't and did permanent damage to my voice. Am looking forward to getting to know you better.
Sheri |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - Jun 11 2009 : 6:56:38 PM
Hi Brooke. Fancy meeting you here. Glad to hear you are open to the witchy thing. I have followed this path for awhile following American Indian thoughts a little but mostly Celtic. My Goddess of choice is Epona the goddess of horses. Imagine that. I so look forward to meeting you and welcome to the group. I just recently found them but can't go to bed without checking in. I also love Stevie Nicks.
Farmgirl Sister 572
May the force of the horse be with you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

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Posted - Jun 11 2009 : 7:10:04 PM
Oh Dana I wanted to add. You ask what we do to bring rhythm into our lives on a daily basis. For me it is throwing a bare back pad on my big old gelding and moving to the rhythm of his hoof beats. Nothing is as soothing as hoof beats after a long day at the computer.
Farmgirl Sister 572
May the force of the horse be with you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Jun 11 2009 : 9:20:21 PM
Just out of curiosity--what's the difference between a witch and a mystic? I feel comfortable with the role of mystic but I'm not so sure that witch would apply to me. I'm interested in Celtic and Native American lore and music but I don't really practice anything that might be considered magic. I've had some bad experiences with some of those so-called "shamans" who charge people money and end up doing more harm than good. I follow a Christian path but I'm not like any other Christian I know. I'm more comfortable reading about Julian of Norwich or Hildegard of Bingen than I am reading about "contemporary" Christianity. I honor Gaia but I believe in the Creator as well. I guess i was just born in the wrong century.  Cindy
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 11 2009 : 9:50:35 PM
Cindy - it'd definitely kind of like me... Julian of Norwich or Hildegaard..sounds like Christian Witch to me. Maybe it's Christian Mysticism... who knows. I hate labels!!! lol!
Beth - I had a hunch! lol! Rhiannon and Epona... I find this all too funny! I wondered if you'd like Stevie Nicks...! :D
Sheri - Don't worry! I do vocal warm ups and am pretty careful singing - I have been doing it all my life really. Thanks so much! That is cool you sang Stevie's music too. What is your favourite song?
~~~~ |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
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Posted - Jun 11 2009 : 10:35:11 PM
My favorite is Landslide and Chrystal and of course Rhiannon. I don't know why but Landslide seemed to be a favorite at weddings. I don't know how many weddings I sang that for back in the day. We lived in Lake Tahoe at the time and had a band for two years - did the bar circuit and weddings, private parties. After we came up here my husband and I sang as a duet at fairs and community events. Once I injured my voice my range got lower and lower until now I really can't sing at all (except for maybe low tenor or bass - no range, it just disappears and becomes very raspy) I was classically trained, was a music major in college. I always warmed up too only this one time we had to wait a long time to go on - the folks before us took a long time and when I started singing I felt something tear. My husband was killed in a bad accident a couple of years later so I haven't played my guitar much since then either. I play with my hammered dulcimer when I have time. |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
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Posted - Jun 12 2009 : 08:57:58 AM
I think a Mystic is just a fancy modern word for Witch. There is so much negative about the word Witch; and with equal opportunities, men would probably rather be referred to as a Mystic than a Witch(although back in the day they burned men, women and children alike for being witches). The webster dictionary says. . .
Witch: 1. a person who supposedly has supernatural power by a compact with the devil or evil spirits. 2. an ugly and ill tempered old woman; hag; crone.
Mystic: 1. Of mysteries, or esoteric rites or doctorines. 2.Spiritually significant or symbolic, allegorical. 3. of obscure or occult character or meaning. 4. beyond human comprehension, mysterious 5. Filling one with wonder or awe. 6. having magic powers.
Wow, being a mystic sounds less threatening and more politically correct, huh? And to think all this time I have aspired to be a Crone (thinkin it's a good thing, wise; not ill tempered or ugly).
~~~Sheri, I am so sorry about the loss of your husband and your voice. I wish I had words for you but instead find myself speechless. In honor of you, I am sitting in a moment of silence imagining beautiful sounds floating throughout the universe eternally dancing together in the starlights.
Peace be with y'all h
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1403 Posts
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Posted - Jun 12 2009 : 09:40:52 AM
Sheri - I would probably be devastated if I lost my singing voice, not to mention my husband.. You must be a strong woman and I'm giving you a big hug right now ... My heart goes out to you.
~~~~ |
True Blue Farmgirl
263 Posts
Glen Burnie
263 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2009 : 11:27:40 AM
Hi Sheri, I LOVE the hammered dulcimer, and have always wanted one. Is it hard to learn how to play it? I do read music and used to play piano....
Farmgirl Hugs, Carol
Farmgirl Sister #222 Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter |
True Blue Farmgirl
1403 Posts
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Posted - Jun 12 2009 : 11:35:00 AM
Someone asked about paraliminals - The ones I started with were by Paul Scheele. It's only uplifting and encouraging words spoken and you can hear everything that's being said. I don't mind self-hypnosis tapes either though at this point, I'm a little nervous about going and getting hypnosis done by a person because I've never had it done. Other meditation I also like are by Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Kelly Howell, Lucinda Bassett, Steve Halpern (Chakra balancing).... Alot of this got me through a really bad time of physical sickness and I worked hard to get better and healthier.
~~~~ |
True Blue Farmgirl
1403 Posts
1403 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2009 : 11:39:24 AM
Heide, I think your explanation about mystic and witch is absolutely perfect. I read both of those and really do think mystic is much more of what one SHOULD think a witch is.
~~~~ |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
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Posted - Jun 12 2009 : 4:40:20 PM
I appreciate the sympathy over both but it's been a long time now. I can't say that anyone actually heals from that but it gets less painful. Of course one moves on with their life. The voice loss was such a gradual process - worse and worse and it still lays me out emotionally when I'm not thinking and I open my mouth to sing and .... ouch. It seemed like a double whammy to lose one of my main sources of comforting myself in times of stress. Anyway enough gloomy stuff.
Carol,The hammered dulcimer is relatively easy to play and if you can read music should be no trouble. There are several good "teach yourself" DVD's and CD/book courses available that aren't too expensive. The instrument itself can be a bit spendy to start out - around $450+ for a 12/11 and +200 for a 17/16. I have a 12/11 but would dearly love to have a large fully chromatic but that's mega bucks....someday. The thing that attracted me to it is the etheral (sp?) sound that it makes.
I agree with Brooke - the mystic definition should be applied to Witch and the old definition of Witch retired for good.
Sheri |
Farmgirl at Heart

8 Posts
Big Bend
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Posted - Jun 14 2009 : 08:34:07 AM
Hey! I'm late to this thread 'cause I'm new here, but where do I join?
Thanks, Nica |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 14 2009 : 09:03:11 AM
Hey Nica! Just jump in right here and play! Read through the thread and you will find some groovy women!
Proud Farmgirl Sister # 267
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

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Posted - Jun 14 2009 : 11:47:05 AM
Welcome Nica! Just join in they are some very welcoming women. This is my favorite thread.
Farmgirl Sister 572
May the force of the horse be with you. |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - Jun 14 2009 : 12:28:08 PM
Hello everyone. Welcome to all. Today we are having a nice healing mother rain - just what the doctor ordered. I have been exceedingly lazy even tho I have a zillion things to do. It's nice to be able to not work outside, guilt free! I should be playing indoor catch up but have been eyeing my spinning wheel instead. If it lets up I will probably go back to planting again - a cool day for setting plants is always welcome. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Sheri |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |