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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 22 2009 : 4:33:21 PM
Hi Phyllis, It's really nice to get to know you! So happy that you love your house. I don't even want to think about w______, can't even spit the word out...:-( :-(
I am glad you liked the tag line. I did. But now it's changed, what do ya think??
Linda in Scranton, PA farmgirl #71
(The Junk Gypsy) |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Clarks Summit
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Posted - May 22 2009 : 4:34:26 PM
Heide! you are so lucky/blessed to have the varied spiritual learning! I think that's the best!
Linda in Scranton, PA farmgirl #71
(The Junk Gypsy) |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
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Posted - May 23 2009 : 06:29:04 AM
Hi Linda, Ha, love the W--k comment. LOL. reminds me of Maynard G. Krebs, LOL. Are you old enough to remember Dobie Gillis?? My hubby does a good impression of Maynard. I love your new tag line too. I'm working on being that not well behaved. I was always the good girl, did all that was expected of me. decided it's time to not always be what others expect me to be. LOL.
Tamara, I forgot to say, glad the headache tincture is working for you. that's wonderful. I'm really impressed that you accomplished so much this week. so many things I want to try, once we get the house done making soap is one.
take care ladies. Hugs Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Clarks Summit
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Posted - May 23 2009 : 06:48:42 AM
I barely remember Dobie Gillis..I was a young child and it was all black and white. That sure makes modern technology so amazing in comparison. Maybe we could start a new topic of "remember when?" that would be fun!
Linda in Scranton, PA farmgirl #71
(The Junk Gypsy) |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Clarks Summit
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Posted - May 23 2009 : 06:49:47 AM
Okay, now I will share here...on topic.... :-D about the United Methodist lady minister that became my very close friend. She studied and taught us about the strength of women, Goddesses, spirituality and many things that the fundamental Christian church would cringe at...the cool thing was the ladies that met once a week were all in the same church. She would join hands with the group who protested against the United Methodist Church'es stand against homosexuality. I admired her for that but I didn't have the guts to stand with her...I was working as the church secretary, actually I was the only secretary the 3 churches depended on. I am sure that some of the members would have called us "witches" if they knew...but I never thought being called a witch was a bad thing!
Linda in Scranton, PA farmgirl #71
(The Junk Gypsy) |
Edited by - yarnmamma on May 23 2009 06:56:30 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - May 23 2009 : 3:58:59 PM
Tamera~ I love that you are bringing the trees inside. Your home becomes an alter of sorts. . .and think of all the new things that will grow and feed your family in the new space.
And to everyone, my question is why is "witch" a bad thing? I don't think it has anything to do with religion or spirituality. I think it is just this wierd prejudice, stereotypes or a fear of powers. . .
Like a wishful thinking, demanding, to do it herself, bossy (with a pinch of good manners) FARMGIRL.
Linda ~ I just want to shout out to you "good girls gone bad" we know you ladies have been up to thinkin' outside the box before now. . . Making it safe for others, like myself, to "hang out" with y'all. It is scary talking about being different and people are prosecuted all over the world for being "witches".
Whatever that word means. . .
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
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Posted - May 23 2009 : 6:16:39 PM
I think the problem with "witch" comes from people being afraid. I think they think that it is evil. I have a real hard time with this "new" brand of Christianity that is always pointing fingers at everyone and everything. It's so easy to judge another but difficult to actually love someone different from yourself. As long as labels continue to keep people at arms length from each other then this rush to judgement will continue. The very idea of consciously directing energy to manifest what you want in your life is very scary to a lot of folks. You see they think that they have to beg God for favors. They think that they are somehow perpetually flawed and the only way to receive blessings is to bargain with God. Therefore they give it a label and call it bad because they can't let those kinds of blessings into their lives. That is my theory anyway. Fear always divides.
Sheri |
True Blue Farmgirl
4247 Posts
Clarks Summit
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Posted - May 23 2009 : 6:23:04 PM
Can we share a little about what the word "witch" means? I was taught thru conservative Christiany, starting with Southern Baptist, that witch was evil and worked against the one true God.
Many years ago I began to believe that there is a God but I don't believe there is a "devil".
My experience with women who called themselves witches were spiritual and good spiritual at that. There are little shops with things to buy, stones, books, incense, music, pictures, etc. and I enjoyed getting to know that lady who owned the shop. My experience with religious people concerning that shop and openly practicing witches was assuming it was spiritualy "bad" and to pray for her and her shop to leave. I can't discuss the part of my personality and beliefs and practices with many people because of prejudice that is unwarrented and only because of the word "witch". So we are considered spiritual evil to most of the people I have known.
I get the idea that you are talking somewhat about what is known as "mother nature" ? Tell me more of your practices and beliefs.
I have experience with Native American rituals, beliefs and practices from living in Alaska. It was so wonderful and beautiful to me. The Natives didn't tell any other people that they are "wrong" but accept others for what they are without judgement.
I believe animals communicate with us and God/Goodness or Goddess is in everything, with simple consequences rather than punishment of "wrong". I don't want to start a debate or disagreement of any sort. I'm just wanting to learn more. I believe a witch is a woman who is aware of her personal power and does practices to help others and our earth.
Linda in Scranton, PA farmgirl #71
(The Junk Gypsy) |
True Blue Farmgirl
4247 Posts
Clarks Summit
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Posted - May 23 2009 : 6:26:15 PM
Sheri! I love to read what you write....means so much to me at this time in my life. How awesome to get to know you!
Linda in Scranton, PA farmgirl #71
(The Junk Gypsy) |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - May 23 2009 : 8:07:38 PM
The old meaning of the word witch was wise-woman. The word wise-woman was changed in the Bible in several places by Pope Innocent to say witch rather than wise-woman. This was done when men started to become physicians and take over the role of the local hedge-witch, herbalist, mid-wife or wise-woman. The term was vilified in the publication called "The Witches Hammer" at which point the local churches sent out the witch hunters. They killed over 6 million women, men and children. Along with the humans they killed thousands of cats and ferrets which lead to the Black Plague because there were no cats to keep the rats in check. Because the words have never been changed back the word Witch has become a term that means something evil, ugly and scary. I think it is time for us to make the work acceptable again. I think that the average witch is someone who cares for family, community, animals and the earth. I know my family totally goes nuts over the word Witch and have cut off myself and my kids because of our beliefs. I love that you can believe as you wish and other witches do not try to push their beliefs at you as if is the only way to believe. Blessings to all of you,.
May the force of the Horse be with you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
389 Posts
389 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2009 : 07:53:13 AM
my great-grandmother was considered a "witch" because she was a wise women who healed. she also had gifts for seeing the future and for communicating with those who have passed on.
it is kind of funny because i am from the appalachian mountians. a strong bible belt area but there was always a strong sense of the old ways. many of the women treated their families with herbs. people came to visit my great grandmother to get readings. this was woven into our lives. i believe it come from the strong irish/celtic influence and the native american influences of the region. but times have changed.
if i were to say i was a witch to any family member they would flip out. why? because of the negative image placed upon the word. but here is my truth ~~ i am a wise women, an herbilist, healer, seeker, in tune with the earthly vibrations, who watches the sky and follows the lead of the moon and sun. i find strength in the trees, rivers and plants, i light candles and chant for healing and guidance. i celebrate the seasons of this earth. i am a woman of the moon, the stars and the earth. i am a mother, daughter, wife, sister, and friend. i am a witch.
live well, Tamara "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children" follow me!
Edited by - corporatefarmgirl on May 24 2009 08:30:53 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2009 : 08:16:59 AM
Hi all, thank you all for eloquent and honest discussion. You all said so well what I feel I can't add to it.
I was raised as are most people that witches are evil and worship Satan. Imagine my surprise when I actually read what witches really believe. I do believe my Grandmother was probably a granny woman, but she never really talked about it.
I find myself daily enthralled by all the glories of nature and the world our Creator blessed us with. I think the world would benefit from a few more folks like you all. Blessings to all Phyllis |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2009 : 11:02:06 AM
You can shake your head and think I'm daft if you wish but the "Satan" was put there to create polarity. Light, dark, good, bad. Lucifer was not (in my opinion) a fallen angel but one whose job it was to create that polarity. Lucifer did his job and went home. We cannot experience light without dark on this earth plane. However, marketing by the big religions has kept the idea of fear of the dark alive and well.
Sheri |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2009 : 12:07:45 PM
Just last night my friend who is a midwife was saying how doctors think she is a witch. People don't realize how much formal training midwives have, believing they are acting out of superstitions. There is this idea that midwives don't use science and labs, using some sort of magic to birth babies. She said in school they joked about needing chicken feet to hear a heartbeat.
I started thinking about chicken feet and "witch craft" and the whole image of having to kill to survive. The goddess of Death. How chickens are symbolic of growing to consume to continue the cycle. The chain of life, this then brought me to feelings about my mothers passing and how difficult it is to trust natures rythem in death and birth. I think of caring for my baby chicks and raising them to the day of slaughter and having to take their lives to feed my family. I know this is brutal but a very natural process of life that we are more and more removed from.
Exact polarities of light and darkness. Good and evil. But life isn't so cut and dry, there is so many shades of grey. That is where the wisedom lies, within us trusting ourselves and our traditions to "this great mystery" called life, to know what to do and when. Some of us look on to the moon and planets for guidance, the forests and nature and in each other.
I am just really gratiful for tolerance and freedom of expression that we can share the different ways we find Solice and healing.
Thank you ladies for braving this cyber community and sharing with us where you find strength.
May we all learn to use our powers of Lightworking for the good and not evil, h
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2009 : 3:53:09 PM
Heide, I think doctors biggest problem with midwives is they feel threatened. they(many of them anyhow) labor under the mistaken idea that the M.D. stands for Medical Deity(can you tell I was a nurse, met a lot of those kind of doc's). LOL.
Sheri, to quote Arlo Guthrie, "ya can't have a light without a dark to stick it in". Interesting idea you brought up.
bright blessings to all. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
4247 Posts
Clarks Summit
4247 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2009 : 5:58:56 PM
I am learning so much...about history...spirituality (for lack of a better word) and true wisdom How can we find words to describe life and the things human see or experience. Humans seek to find some way of explaining things. I have a yin/yang tattoo on my ankle. I put it there to represent one of the symbols used in Karate, the Tang So Do style that I was studying at the time. I have had it explained by yoga teachers. The dark or black side stands for a few things like fire, pain etc. not necessarily evil but the other side of light or the white. It made sense to me at the time and since I have the tattoo of sun and moon joined together as one. A woman once told me that both tattos stand for balance....I didn't know that but I have one on one side of my body and the other one on the other side. I just know that I simply liked the sun and moon for no special reason. I liked the explanation of polarity...makes perfect sense to me. Some people don't believe in evil at all. I may call a person evil sometimes because what they do is so repulsive and painful to people but at the same time who am I to judge.
Linda in Scranton, PA farmgirl #71
(The Junk Gypsy) |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 26 2009 : 06:53:16 AM
hey, just a note to say Hi this a.m. Linda, I too am stiving for balance in my life. I think it is something badly lacking in most of our lives.
I'm having a brain foggy day so I'm going to close for now. Just wanted to check in and let you all know I'm thinking of you. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
389 Posts
389 Posts |
Posted - May 26 2009 : 12:28:59 PM
phyllis ~ i hope the fog lifts soon...
i really would love to hear more about everyones alters! i am wanting a small alter for inside and i want a larger alter area somewhere on my 6 acres. someplace away from everything. has anyone built an outside alter? or have some ideas... also wanting to build a sprial meditation path...
live well, Tamara "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children" follow me!
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - May 26 2009 : 12:45:38 PM
A path like a labyrinth? Or just a simple spiral? If it's a labyrinth you are looking for there is a new book coming out written by a lady who has a lavender labyrinth over by Seattle. Her website is
Sheri |
Edited by - Sheep Mom 2 on May 26 2009 12:46:55 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
389 Posts
389 Posts |
Posted - May 27 2009 : 08:08:44 AM
i am looking at a simple meditation sprial but i hadn't thought about a labyrinth!! that is a great thought... hmmm... i will be looking into that!
live well, Tamara "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children" follow me!
True Blue Farmgirl
348 Posts
348 Posts |
Posted - May 27 2009 : 08:39:16 AM
Hey girls! Just wanted to share a meditation spiral we do on Winter Solstice outside. We make a double spiral of white Christmas lights in the back yard and if we have pine branches we fill in with them. Then at nightfall I sit in the middle on a stump holding a candle and each person walks the spiral with a candle in an apple. Upon reaching me, they light their candle and then find a place on the spiral to bring their light. It is based on the German Advent Garden and it is a quiet beautiful thing to behold! We leave the spiral up all season and it reminds us of the quiet light we each bring to the world. I love walking it after dinner while everyone washes up!
Off to weave!
Proud Farmgirl Sister # 267
True Blue Farmgirl
389 Posts
389 Posts |
Posted - May 27 2009 : 09:51:42 AM
dana ~ that sounds beautiful! the double sprial is what i am thinking of building for a "meditation path". the symbolism is really wonderful....
live well, Tamara "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children" follow me!
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - May 28 2009 : 8:20:28 PM
This is a bit off topic but does anyone know how long it takes to get confirmation when you apply for a merit badge. I submitted a few and have not heard anything. Just wondering if I should resubmit or just keep waiting.
May the force of the Horse be with you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
389 Posts
389 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
4309 Posts
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Posted - May 29 2009 : 2:45:49 PM
Hi Beth, Please don't re-submit if you submitted once and got a page that said your application has been successful submitted. If you are waiting for your badges and certificates, then I know that Gabe has been backed up ( partly my fault.. woops! You'll read about it in the newsletter :) If you have any questions, please feel free to email Gabe at the farm and he can tell you if they were received. His email is Hope this helps.
Rene~Prosser Farmgirl #185
Circumstances made us FRIENDS; MaryJane's has made us SISTERS :) |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |