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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
Farmgirl in Training
39 Posts
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Posted - May 25 2016 : 5:51:24 PM
Glad to see you're back. Hopefully this can be a positive pleasant distraction for you during this time. So sad to hear of your losses, and sending you peace and healing.
To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn't afraid of facing challenges. - Paulo Coelho -
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - May 25 2016 : 8:02:19 PM
Jen, I'm so sorry. Like Natalie, I hope you'll find comfort and inspiration amongst your witchy Farmgirl sisters here. |
Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl
6869 Posts

Debbie L.
6869 Posts |
Posted - May 25 2016 : 9:58:17 PM
Dearest Jen, I am so sorry for your losses. Glad you received the notifications that the Witchy Farmgirls are back. We are all here for you. Blessed Be.
Hugs, Deb #1582 Blessed in Colorado
FGOTM, Septembe, 2012
"You must do the thing you think you can not do." Eleanor Roosevelt
Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings We simply continue to fly on our Broomsticks. We're flexible like that! |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - May 26 2016 : 01:03:56 AM
Jen, you have my deepest condolences and sympathy for your losses. Losing a child is so hard to say the least. My niece that I raised as my daughter was killed 9 years ago. There are no words to accurately describe what you feel. If you ever want to talk feel free to contact me anytime.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - May 26 2016 : 08:28:40 AM
Thanks everyone. I am really glad to be back. It IS a very needed distraction. Things have been kind of unraveling for me for the last two years... And although I always seem to pull thru, the stress has just straight up changed me.. I hate it. my fiancé, who although I really loved him, he was toxic and I seemed to actually thrive a bit after the initial shock and grief of his passing. . I lost 65 lbs, went from a size 16 to 4 and got healthy. I started working with my garden again, having a monthly ritual and just basically do things he never approved of and would ridicule me for. I also rekindled a relationship with my highschool sweet heart and I was very happy. But then my business started to struggle, my new love lives in another state (500 miles away) and is basically trapped there for now bc of his ex and his child, and then my daughter Meghan passed suddenly. Her death has put a huge rift in my family, I have no one to go to when I need support and my boyfriend and I are super stressed about wanting to be together but not knowing when. My younger daughter Jill is seriously grieving for her big sister. She is angry, moody, pulling away and lashing out. She's turning 14 and now is the time she would really need her big sister, more than ever... And she knows it. She has said it. I try to help her but she lashes out at me bc that's what kids do and normally I am the type that can take it... But right now I just can't. Thankfully my boyfriends older daughter, who is 19, asked if she could come and live with us. She has helped so much with my little one, filling the roll her sister once had. I am looking into grief counceling for both of us, but she is with her dad half the time and my job has long hours that make it difficult. Sorry to just go on and on.... But like I said... I have no one to talk to. |
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - May 26 2016 : 11:20:13 AM
Hey, that's what the Connection is for, yeah? Someone to talk to. So go on, if you need to. It sounds like it's been super rough.
Hugs Natalie
Farmgirl Sister #7004 May 2016 ^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^ |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - May 26 2016 : 9:51:11 PM
Jen, I am not trying to pry or ask you to share any personal information, but has Jill been able to do something to connect with her sister? One of the things that really helps me is my Ancestor Altar. On it, I have pictures, knick knacks and other things that belonged to my Ancestors or things that I have bought over the years that I think they'd like. I also keep food and drink offerings on it as well as light candles and incense regularly. It is definitely not the same as having my loved ones here in the flesh, but it helps me cope. For Brad, I have a separate altar just for him right now set up with things that he liked (his model cars, fishing gear, favorite hat, pocket watch, his glasses, and his ashes for now) and I also set lights (burn candles) on it and leave offerings for him. Another thing that has been helping me is buying plants for my loved ones and adding them to my garden space. I am planning to turn the backyard into a "dream garden" but I'm still not 100% sure what its going to turn out to be in the end! I've been buying up plants from the markdown racks in the garden department at walmart, home depot, lowes, etc.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - May 27 2016 : 6:39:51 PM
Rachel, those ancestor altars sound beautiful. What a great way to stay connected with the cycle of life -- which must naturally include death -- in your own family lineage. Even some of my non-witchy friends do something similar for their loved ones, whether actually deceased or just living too far away to see regularly (social media doesn't count). I think even scrapbooking is a form of this.
People seem draw to ritual during difficult times, and need it. Before I read your post, I was also reacting to reading what Jen (hi Jen) was saying about Jill and wondering if she shared any of her mother's interest in neopagan practices. If so, it might be helpful for her to particulate in some circles with a local group, if there is one. Drumming, dancing to drumming, participating in feminist Wicca-style rituals are all so empowering for young women. I know it's tempting to crawl inside yourself after a tragedy or during really hard times, and there's something to be said for that, to a point. Having creative outlets and using them to connect with others is also vital.
Jen, I can't even imagine what you and Jill are going through right now. It seems pretty nice that your boyfriend's daughter might be moving in. I hope Jill will take to her. Might be tricky to work out territorial boundaries, but that can be healing, giving her something to focus on as she regains a little sense of control over her life after such a lot of chaos.
True Blue Farmgirl
140 Posts
140 Posts |
Posted - May 29 2016 : 3:33:49 PM
So glad to find this. Love the thread and would love for this to be a Chapter. I am a Witch and a suburban arm girl, hoping to move to land in Maine someday. I wold love to do more outside ritual, too many nosy neighbors to do so now. I just planted some patchouli. Saw it at the nursery and toughthe I would give it a shot.
Blessings everyone |
True Blue Farmgirl
140 Posts
140 Posts |
Posted - May 29 2016 : 3:36:46 PM
Jen, my thoughts are with you. I agree Rachel on an ancestor altar, it helps with the grieving process. To honor the passing of loved ones. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jun 02 2016 : 10:23:43 AM
Hey everyone. Thank you for all your comments. It's been extremely difficult here so I haven't had much chance to respond. Jill doesn't follow my path. Meghan didn't either. Both are fascinated by some aspects of it but Meghan was just not into it and Jill is still with her Catholic father half the time, so I don't really push it (don't need any crap from him) I have given Jill a small stone box. In it she has put important things she has collected from my fiancée and from her sister. I think the ancestor altar would be a great thing to do tho. I planned to distribute Meghan's ashes into some keepsake urns for my immediate family and think she would benefit from having one too. Right now I work from home so having anything pagan related out in the open isn't something I do. In fact, I don't know how people would feel if I had megs ashes out in the open. All the parents knew her and she often babysat for them. I have her ashes in my room surrounded by some small trinkets that reminded me of her, I'd love to have something a little more substantial, but right now thinking about it just hurts too much. I do everything I can not to think about it. |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Jun 05 2016 : 11:28:53 PM
I think those keepsake urns are beautiful. I found some reasonably priced cremation jewelry on Amazon and have been considering getting one for Brad's mom. I have his ashes on his shrine for now, I want to get a proper urn when I have the "extra" money to do so. I'm not well versed on Catholic practices but I think they allow for the lighting of candles for the deceased. Having something else to focus on helps at times but don't get to the point where you avoid the grief and emotions. Hard as it is, it is important to recognize them, feel them and release them....which is no easy task. There are times now when I get so damned angry that I want to bring Brad back just to kick the crap out of him. It's a lot to experience and work through.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2016 : 12:01:40 PM
Do any of you ladies have Litha plans with a farmgirl twist?
Farmgirl Sister #7004 May 2016 ^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^ |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2016 : 12:27:19 PM
That's a holiday on the Wheel of the Year that often slips by me. When I used to work with a group in my former state many years ago, we treated Litha as a sort of market day, a day to show off skills and swap things we'd made -- whether for the event or just things we had that we were ready to re-home. It was always fun and certainly lends itself to farmgirl-ery. :) |
Edited by - Rosemary on Jun 13 2016 4:06:15 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2016 : 3:08:40 PM
Well, that IS a fun idea!! Makes me wish I had more people in the area that were so minded. It's sneaking up on me, too, I guess I should figure out my plans. LOL
Farmgirl Sister #7004 May 2016 ^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^ |
True Blue Farmgirl
899 Posts

New York
899 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jun 16 2016 : 11:40:03 AM
Well, there's going to be lemonade involved. And possibly sugar cookies. Or shortbread, I haven't decided. Working on the rest.
Farmgirl Sister #7004 May 2016 ^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^ |
True Blue Farmgirl
140 Posts
140 Posts |
Posted - Jun 16 2016 : 1:40:08 PM
It is sneaking up on me too. Need to make some plans here as well. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jun 16 2016 : 2:22:01 PM
I like everything sunny yellow for Litha. Lemonade is perfect. Put sprigs of Rosemary in it, maybe. Sorry -- I was thinking of Lughnasadh before (the market day idea I posted above... |
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jul 28 2016 : 06:59:52 AM
Lammas is just about here - I suppose technically this weekend, with the 1st being Monday. Baking any bread? I'm taking my oldest daughter out on Sat night - she just turned 21, so we are going to a Celtic pub for her first legal drink with some friends. Hopefully it doesn't wreck me so bad that I spend Sun on the couch!!
Farmgirl Sister #7004 May 2016 ^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^ |
True Blue Farmgirl
54 Posts
54 Posts |
Posted - Aug 04 2016 : 06:23:59 AM
Hey sisters! So, I have a question that I hope is okay to ask here. I was a witch for about 12 years before being called to another path. I still have a bunch of books on modern witchcraft, paganism, and a few on Goddess Worship. I don't need them any more but I really hate to throw them away or give them to Goodwill (last time they just tossed them). I decided to sell them for $5 a piece and they have been moving pretty fast. I have a few left over and when I saw this thread I thought maybe some of you may be interested in them. I would love for them to go to a good home that would use them!
I was thinking about posting some of the books over in the Marketplace if any of y'all are interested in checking them out, but I just wanted to make sure that was okay! thanks xoxo |
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Aug 04 2016 : 07:01:42 AM
AFAIK it should be ok, although Barter might be better. Since it's not a shop.
Farmgirl Sister #7004 May 2016 ^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^ |
Randi in N Idaho
Farmgirl in Training
10 Posts
10 Posts |
Posted - Mar 09 2017 : 2:01:54 PM
Hello! I am new to the Farmgirl Connection and just realized I spent the last 2 hours pouring through 80+ pages of the "witchy farmgirl" forum! It was amazing! I have been trying to glean as much information as I can on Goddess Worship, Wicca, Paganism, general spirituality, and everything in between over the last several years, but it always seems to fall to wayside due to lack of support, mentorship, and people with common interest in my area. I crave a connection with like-minded souls... and may have found it here (with the added bonus of being farmgirls too). There was so much support, compassion, and ideas! I know it has been several months since anyone has posted and it seemed that many of you were experiencing some hard times, but I would love to connect. I am still new to the practicing side (as I mentioned, most of my effort has gone into reading and researching), but will bring whatever I can to the table.
~Randi |
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Mar 09 2017 : 2:48:10 PM
Still around - this forum is just super quiet compared to some of the Christian based ones. Which is fine and all. :-) Been absent since I started working again - I'm on a computer all day and don't want to sit in front of one in the evenings. I'm totally down for connecting at the proverbial table!
Farmgirl Sister #7004 May 2016 ^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^ |
Randi in N Idaho
Farmgirl in Training
10 Posts
10 Posts |
Posted - Mar 10 2017 : 08:46:09 AM
Happy Friday Natalie!
And welcome back to the working world! I could totally understand not wanting to be on the computer if I sat at one all day as well. I noticed while reading through all the old post that participation seems to flow in waves - sometimes its really active and other times it sits dormant. It seems perfectly normal since most of our lives seem to move in the same motion.
Any plans for enjoying the full moon this weekend? I peeked at the weather report this morning and its supposed to be cloudy with rain and snow in my neck of the woods. I am a bit of a cold weather wimp, so I may have to enjoy the Mother Moon from my living room window (if she even peeks out).
~Randi |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |