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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gresham OR
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Posted - Mar 10 2017 :  8:10:35 PM  Show Profile
I don't have any plans, but if it's nice I might go sit in the yard for a bit. Burn some incense. That kind of thing.

And yeah, waves are totally a thing. :-)


Farmgirl Sister #7004 May 2016
^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^
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Randi in N Idaho
Farmgirl in Training

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Posted - Mar 13 2017 :  08:02:45 AM  Show Profile
The moon did not show its beautiful face last night due to clouds. That being said, it was 40 degrees and the rain/snow that was predicted held off, so I did sit outside on my bench by the chicken coop for a bit. The coop door was still open and my two most social hens kept me company by roosting in the doorway. =)


"The authentic self is the soul made visible" - Sarah Ban Breathnach
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Randi in N Idaho
Farmgirl in Training

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Posted - Mar 16 2017 :  09:29:50 AM  Show Profile
(((HUGS))) to all my dear sisters!

The sun finally broke through the clouds this morning! Woohoo! Between the heavy snowfall that's been melting fast and several days of rain, we are having some flooding, mudslide, and washout issues up in the tip-top of Idaho, as well as across the border in Washington (where my hubby works and children go to school). Hopefully things will dry out and stabilize a bit today. I know the weather has been acting up in other parts of the country too - how is the weather in your area?


"The authentic self is the soul made visible" - Sarah Ban Breathnach
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gresham OR
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Posted - Mar 17 2017 :  3:12:20 PM  Show Profile
The glories of spring are visiting northern UT. Always makes me want to grub in the dirt except I have bad knees and a gray thumb. (not quite black, I spent $5 on a tomato plant last year, took good care of it, and got 2 tomatoes the size of a baby fist)


Farmgirl Sister #7004 May 2016
^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^
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Randi in N Idaho
Farmgirl in Training

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Posted - Mar 20 2017 :  08:07:59 AM  Show Profile
Wishing you all a splendid Ostara!

And Natalie, I have never heard the term "Gray thumb" - it's cute. =)


"The authentic self is the soul made visible" - Sarah Ban Breathnach

Edited by - Randi in N Idaho on Mar 20 2017 5:46:31 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

140 Posts

Framingham MA
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Posted - Mar 20 2017 :  3:49:27 PM  Show Profile
Happy Ostara to you and everyone else!
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True Blue Farmgirl

102 Posts

Gresham OR
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Posted - Mar 21 2017 :  5:16:56 PM  Show Profile
Happy Ostara all around!


Farmgirl Sister #7004 May 2016
^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^
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Randi in N Idaho
Farmgirl in Training

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Posted - Mar 27 2017 :  4:06:12 PM  Show Profile
I hope everyone's week is off to a great start!


"The authentic self is the soul made visible" - Sarah Ban Breathnach
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Framingham MA
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Posted - Mar 28 2017 :  07:33:16 AM  Show Profile
New moon energy!
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Randi in N Idaho
Farmgirl in Training

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Posted - Apr 11 2017 :  08:36:54 AM  Show Profile
I keep hoping by posting often I can relight the fire in this thread... unfortunately, I am not very great with these sorts of things and am not entirely sure what to post. =) Anyhow, enjoy the full moon tonight, my dears!


"The authentic self is the soul made visible" - Sarah Ban Breathnach
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True Blue Farmgirl

102 Posts

Gresham OR
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Posted - Apr 11 2017 :  2:30:22 PM  Show Profile
Oh, it was beautiful here in northern UT last night. First full moon in several months that wasn't obscured by clouds/rain/snow. Clear and bright and casting shadows! Absolutely glorious. Trying to prep some Beltane gets "Spring-y" outside and I wanna dance a Maypole and smell the blooming flowers (and wear them in my hair!) and lay in the grass and find pictures in the clouds.


Farmgirl Sister #7004 May 2016
^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^
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Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl

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Elk WA
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Posted - Apr 11 2017 :  2:42:31 PM  Show Profile
Happy ostra to all. Clouds cleared off enough to see the moon last night but it looks like they are beginning to move in again so probably not much of a view tonight. I am so ready for some warmer weather. It has been a long winter in Eastern WA this year.

Blessings, Sheri

"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Framingham MA
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Posted - Apr 11 2017 :  3:31:11 PM  Show Profile
A pink moon! A very warm night here for ritual.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Framingham MA
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Posted - Apr 11 2017 :  3:38:17 PM  Show Profile
I too would like to get this group engaged more.I agree Randi, I too work on a computer all day and am not always wanting to get back on in the evening.

So I question for all:Do you have issues with neighbors regarding your path? I live in suburbs and have actually had parents tell their children not to talk to me. I am not overly wiccan, mostly garden and am outdoors. A neighbor who was pet sitting for me, was nosy (I have a spiritual room) and told neighbors. Witch, Witch......
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 11 2017 :  8:32:55 PM  Show Profile
Julie... That is so sad to hear. I am a Christian but I love my Wicca friends just the same and do not judge them and they do not judge me. I preach only love and acceptance. Not completely sure why the stigma with your path. I would have tea with you and play backgammon and wear big hats. BUT I don't think I should dance with you or Natalie under a pink moon or any other moon
(Hushed voice... I am kinda clumsy, hence Tumbleweed)

Bright Blessings


The fun begins where the pavement ends!
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Randi in N Idaho
Farmgirl in Training

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Posted - Apr 12 2017 :  06:03:04 AM  Show Profile
Well, it was cloudy last night, so I am glad I enjoyed the moon the night before.

In regard to your question, Julie: First of all, great way to get us all engaged and talking. =) Second of all, shame on that person for snooping (and telling)! I am sorry you have to deal with an unsupportive neighborhood, but am glad you have found a "safe place" in this forum. (((HUGS))) As for my answer, I don't think anyone outside our close friends and family has a clue. we live in a pretty remote area where everyone keeps to themselves and only two people can see our property from theirs. We wave when we see each other, but I don't really think they have any idea of anything that goes on here (which is nothing dramatic or noteworthy). As for our community, where our children go to school and we work, I am fairly certain no one there is the wiser either. We were quirky before I fully committed to this path, and I suppose some may suspect, but it has never been discussed. However, if someone were in my house, particularly browsing my bookshelf, I think it would be obvious.

All that being said, my husband is currently looking for jobs in larger cities, which means potentially less seclusion when we move. I try not to think about it and stay positive, but I have to say thoughts similar to the situation you mentioned have certainly caused some anxiety.


"The authentic self is the soul made visible" - Sarah Ban Breathnach
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True Blue Farmgirl

140 Posts

Framingham MA
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Posted - Apr 12 2017 :  1:02:06 PM  Show Profile
Thanks for the support Nancy and Randi. Oh and Nancy, dancing under the full moon is an incrediby open, dancing technique is not judged. And to quote a much loved movie, "clothing is purely optional, as you well remember #128512;"-Practical magic

One of the many reasons I want to move to rural Maine, from Massachusetts is to have more space and no nosey neighbors. Outdoor ritual and dancing!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 12 2017 :  1:12:20 PM  Show Profile
Julie That is one of my favorite movies. Midnight margaritas and all. Love the Aunts. I am the Diane West auntie and my BFF is the Stockard Channing Auntie.


The fun begins where the pavement ends!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Framingham MA
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Posted - Apr 12 2017 :  2:17:44 PM  Show Profile
I also love that house! What a herbal room!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 12 2017 :  3:58:23 PM  Show Profile
Isn't it grand! My Granny had an herb garden like that. She never admitted to me during her life but I believe she followed a different path. She had a remedy for everything.


The fun begins where the pavement ends!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 12 2017 :  7:13:02 PM  Show Profile
A little explanation: my clumsiness has caused me several trips to the ER. I love having fun but have issues with safety rules and looking where I am going. Last big trip I was hiking alone with my dogs and fell down a small cliff and broke my tibia below my knee. Had to crawl out of the woods on my hands and knees flanked by my two bestest friends. Some other hikers came along and offered help. That night I came home from the ER with a 40 ton hot pink cast from my foot all the way up my leg.

Just hand me a tamborine or rhythm bones and me and my health insurance provider will be happy.


The fun begins where the pavement ends!
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Randi in N Idaho
Farmgirl in Training

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Posted - Apr 13 2017 :  07:15:58 AM  Show Profile
Oh my goodness, Nancy - how scary! Good thing your furry companions were with you. I have weak ankles and have twisted them on more hiking trails then I would like to admit, but fortunately have never done it without another person with me. I am not very easy to offend, so it has become a bit of a joke in our family when we come to very uneven places in trails or lots of loose rock - "Randi/mom, the trail is a bit hazardous, please don't twist an ankle. We don't want to have to carry you back to the Jeep". =)


"The authentic self is the soul made visible" - Sarah Ban Breathnach
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True Blue Farmgirl

102 Posts

Gresham OR
102 Posts

Posted - Apr 13 2017 :  5:16:22 PM  Show Profile
Not a lot of dancing here, due to bad knees. Wish I could. As for out - I thankfully haven't had any issues, as I'm out and fairly open about it all. The no issues could be many reasons, even here in UT, up to and including my gothy look. I think I intimidate people, which is weird to me, but whatevs. 75 here today and windy - happy spring!


Farmgirl Sister #7004 May 2016
^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^
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True Blue Farmgirl

140 Posts

Framingham MA
140 Posts

Posted - Apr 13 2017 :  5:28:43 PM  Show Profile
Nancy that is scary, so glad some help came along. That is why I am hesitant about hiking alone. Okay ladies, I believe dancing from the seated position is in order. #128513;
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 13 2017 :  8:21:23 PM  Show Profile
You know you would think I would have been scared but survival kicked in and I had a one minded goal to get back to my car. Ranger was a Doberman Shepherd and Cody was a 130lb Lab, Golden Ret. Newfoundland and all black. When you are faced with a situation like that primitive instincts take over and you do what you have to do. Two of The helpers were shirtless hotties out looking for a rock climbing place. One was on each side and hauled me out. Ranger and Cody following close behind.


The fun begins where the pavement ends!

Edited by - Tumbleweed on Apr 13 2017 8:22:09 PM
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