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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 21 2016 :  09:51:22 AM  Show Profile
Sisters, I confess I've abandoned the MaryJane community due to the demands of my professional life, which has really exploded over the past couple of years, leaving me too little time for this, since I also have to squeeze in subsistence gardening and the usual housework. I was also hospitalized about two years ago for a week (massive blood clots in both lungs). I'm told I was *this close* to dying. Bounced back just fine, though. I'm not terribly witchy anymore, unless you can call it a wee bit witchy to have organized my county's 100+-member volunteer organization in support of Bernie Sanders last year and being a delegate for him to our state convention earlier this month. Of course, I observe the Wheel of the Year and lunations, but rather more privately than before.

Whenever I bopped into Farmgirl Connection, I checked here first, saw nothing happening and didn't feel I had anything to offer, especially realizing I probably wouldn't have time to follow any conversation that might result. Elsewhere on the forum, things are just a little too twee for my taste, with an increasing emphasis on conservative Christianity that made me feel unwelcome. I still have my copy of the wonderful witchy Round Robin we did -- do you remember that?

I hope everyone here is healthy and growing in wisdom.

Edited by - Rosemary on May 21 2016 09:52:42 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gresham OR
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Posted - May 21 2016 :  12:58:19 PM  Show Profile
The Round Robin was before my time - I've been here all of 3 days, I think. :-) It sounds like you've been super busy, so that is obviously a good reason for not being here. Real Life First. Glad you're ok from the health scare. Yikes! As for the increasing emphasis you mentioned, well...I'm gonna stand up and let them know that witches can be farmgirls, too. (And I don't mean that in any judgy way, I totally get you feeling unwelcome.)


Farmgirl Sister #7004

^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 21 2016 :  1:06:05 PM  Show Profile
Ahem. Natalie, speaking of feeling welcome (or not), shame on me for not prefacing my earlier comments with a great big WELCOME to you! It looks as if you may have poked the sleeping witches :)

Edited by - Rosemary on May 21 2016 1:12:09 PM
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Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl

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Debbie L.
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Posted - May 21 2016 :  1:22:11 PM  Show Profile
Hi Rosemary, I am glad you are doing better and have checked in. I have not been on this thread before and like you I have been around for a few years too. But, I took 2 years off from the farm, 2014? is when I left for family reasons and have only returned a short few months ago. So, I am in not in the loop and have no idea what went on over the years. But, I for one am so sorry you were treated so badly, and I understand believe me. So, I hope you will be able to be here part time to help us newbies to the thread learn the ropes:-)

Blessed in Colorado

FGOTM, Septembe, 2012

"You must do the thing you think you can not do." Eleanor Roosevelt

Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings We simply continue to fly on our Broomsticks. We're flexible like that!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gresham OR
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Posted - May 21 2016 :  1:35:33 PM  Show Profile
It looks as if you may have poked the sleeping witches :)

That's what brooms are for. :-) Thanks for the welcome.


Farmgirl Sister #7004

^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 21 2016 :  2:05:40 PM  Show Profile
Deb, I wasn't treated badly! Farmgirls are nice to each other! It's just the assumption that everyone shares the Christian faith that puts me off a bit and makes me feel the forum in general just isn't for me. It didn't start out that way. Maybe it's mellowed out. I'll take some time later to check it out. I've met some lovely women through the Farmgirl Connection -- some of them in person, too! -- so I really do miss it.

Edited by - Rosemary on May 21 2016 2:07:08 PM
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Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl

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Elk WA
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Posted - May 21 2016 :  3:48:20 PM  Show Profile
It's been a long time since I have been on this forum as well. Most of the people I connected with here have gone to facebook. I am with Rosemary - no one was ever unkind but it became so Christian orientated and conservative leanings as well that I no long felt that I fit. I was quite surprised to get these postings in my e-mail this afternoon. I have made some very lasting friendships here.

Blessings, Sheri

"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran
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True Blue Farmgirl

858 Posts

Clayton GA
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Posted - May 21 2016 :  4:20:29 PM  Show Profile
I was also very surprised to be getting all of these email notifications that this forum was active again. I've been away from MJF for quite some time due to my husband's health, work, school, etc. I've been avoiding the main forums for the same reasons Rosemary mentioned...too Christian for my taste, but that's ok too. My husband died almost 3 weeks ago, so I've been working on getting things figured out and didn't look at the forum until today. Rosemary, I still have my copy of the round robin! I haven't read it in a while though. I've even let my sisterhood membership lapse, these past few months (years actually but since March has been the worst of it) have been pure hell.

So, welcome to the new ladies.

Farmgirl Sister #2753

True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama

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Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl

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Elk WA
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Posted - May 21 2016 :  5:09:12 PM  Show Profile
Rachel I am so so sorry to hear of your husbands illness and death. Such a blow. I have been there so I know what you are going through. Sending load of love and light your way. Have patience with yourself - I think that is one of the hardest parts is accepting that you have changed just from the experience and the pain of grief. Everyone around you expects you to be the same as you were and that ship has sailed....I am thinking of you. <3

Blessings, Sheri

"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 21 2016 :  6:37:11 PM  Show Profile
Rachel, oh dear girl, I am so sorry about what you're going through. I hope you're taking care of yourself. It's easy to let that slide, which only makes it harder to deal with all the responsibilities and surprises of this different life that you didn't ask for. It's long been said that there's no such thing as a coincidence, so maybe Natalie's visit to this thread, and the lines of communication that are re-opening as a result, are a little bit magical. How are you coping?
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Farmgirl in Training

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Shelby AL
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Posted - May 21 2016 :  6:45:07 PM  Show Profile
I so sorry to hear of your husband's death. Know that I'm thinking of you and sending hugs and healing. Please accept my condolences.
I think I remember your name from years past. I didn't post much, was in and out. Aren't you in Clayton? I just moved to Morganton last month. Lived in Marietta and Kennesaw for almost 15 years, then back to Alabama for almost 15 years, now back here.

It was surprising to see posts from this forum suddenly. I think the universe is calling us all together!

Nice to be here again; everyone just drop in to chat when you can or feel the need. Life happens, but we can still be here for one another when we can.

To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn't afraid of facing challenges.
- Paulo Coelho -
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Clayton GA
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Posted - May 21 2016 :  6:59:06 PM  Show Profile
Thanks everyone for the compassion. One thing that gets me is how people seem to expect me to fall apart and talk about him all of the time. It's not in me to do that. I'm actually coping pretty well considering. I know that my (our) views on death, "afterlife" and rebirth as well as my connection with the Divine and my Ancestors (Brad included) gives me the strength to get through this. Switching gears from we to me is very difficult to say the least. I am taking care of me and working on plans to improve my self care and self love since everything in my life has changed.

Teresa, yep, I live in Clayton. I don't know where Morganton is though.

Farmgirl Sister #2753

True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama

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True Blue Farmgirl

858 Posts

Clayton GA
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Posted - May 21 2016 :  7:04:05 PM  Show Profile
Thanks everyone for the compassion. One thing that gets me is how people seem to expect me to fall apart and talk about him all of the time. It's not in me to do that. I'm actually coping pretty well considering. I know that my (our) views on death, "afterlife" and rebirth as well as my connection with the Divine and my Ancestors (Brad included) gives me the strength to get through this. Switching gears from we to me is very difficult to say the least. I am taking care of me and working on plans to improve my self care and self love since everything in my life has changed.

Teresa, yep, I live in Clayton. I don't know where Morganton is though.

Farmgirl Sister #2753

True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama

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Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl

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Debbie L.
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Posted - May 21 2016 :  10:05:29 PM  Show Profile
I am so sorry Rachel that you lost your husband, we are here for you if you need us.
Rosemary I am sorry I misunderstood you post. Yes the Farmgirl are Awesome and always there for one another.
I missed all my Farmgirl Sisters that I had been friends with over the years and that is why I came back. I missed being a part of of MaryJanes Farm!
Teresa and Sheri it is nice to meet you and see old and new names on the thread.
I believe you are right this was meant to be that all of us come together and gather here.
HAppy that all of us are here.

Blessed in Colorado

FGOTM, Septembe, 2012

"You must do the thing you think you can not do." Eleanor Roosevelt

Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings We simply continue to fly on our Broomsticks. We're flexible like that!

Edited by - Blessed in Colorado on May 21 2016 10:07:30 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

899 Posts

New York
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Posted - May 22 2016 :  05:35:17 AM  Show Profile
Sheri, Natalie, Rosemary, Rachel and Teresa ... Welcome back! So wonderful so see some of the original Witchy gals getting back on the forum! I am looking forward to getting to know you better.

Rosemary, so glad your health bounced back. I would love to see pictures of your Witchy Round Robin!

Natalie, welcome to MJF Forum. Lots of wonderful farmgals here. And thank you for poking around the forum and seeing this thread. If it weren't for you, it would not have come to my attention.

Rachel, I am so sorry to read of your loss. Taking care of oneself is so important, glad to read that you are making it a priority. It would be fun to see pictures of your Witchy Round Robin.

I'm excited to now have a place on the main forum that I can look forward to catching up ... Grab a cuppa and read what everyone is up to!


Farmgirl Sister 3610 - Nov 7/2011

Edited by - ceridwen on May 22 2016 6:01:19 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 22 2016 :  07:38:15 AM  Show Profile
Hi, Carole! How nice to see you posting, too. Thanks to Natalie for resurrecting our witchy thread. :)

I notice you and Rachel are official "Farmgirl Sisters." I don't believe I ever did that. Maybe once, early on, then I let it lapse. Money got so tight for a long time that I couldn't really justify it -- though I have all of MaryJane's books, including one that's autographed by her, which is nice. I did try to start a chapter here many years ago. It kind of fell flat, though. I never could find the right "hook" to attract members. The romanticized portrait of farm life that MaryJane promotes is kind of laughable to a lot of people who really live and work on farms. But there's no reason a farmgirl chapter couldn't provide needed mutual support, even including cooperative bartering. It seems, though, that many folks around here get that through their churches, extended families, knitting circles or whatever. *sigh*

So the Farmgirl Forum it is! Other threads on the forum are great, even with the Christian slant, but it's so lovely to have this thread, where we can safely discuss anything from a witchy perspective, whether spiritual or mundane.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gresham OR
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Posted - May 22 2016 :  3:58:36 PM  Show Profile
I am always so thrilled to be part of a magical twitch. :-) Rachel, I am so sorry about your husband.


Farmgirl Sister #7004

^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^
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True Blue Farmgirl

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New York
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Posted - May 22 2016 :  6:04:24 PM  Show Profile
Rosemay, not sure what you mean by official "Farmgirl Sister" but it's really nothing special. I just added it to my signatures since I saw that lots were doing it. I also included my MJF sister number and the year I joined.

Today was a gorgeous day outside. Once I finished with my work, I went outside and did a bit of de-weeding. Also sat outside and caught up on my magazine reading. Didn't come back in uni 8:30 p.m. It was getting dark! lol

So how was your day?

Farmgirl Sister 3610 - Nov 7/2011

Edited by - ceridwen on May 22 2016 6:05:10 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gresham OR
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Posted - May 22 2016 :  10:51:06 PM  Show Profile
I figured the "how was your day?" was sort of at everybody, so I thought I'd chime in. Our Sundays are usually pretty chill, my husband works 6 days a week so it's our only day to just hang, ya know? We had Weather by Sybil here in northern UT today - sunny in the morning, then dark clouds rolled in and dropped the temp. Started thundering/lightning and then rain and then HAIL. Hail the size of bloody lima beans. Then it all went away and the sun came back out and made it all humid. Sure was entertaining, though. Did our menu planning for the week and then the grocery shopping. Put gas in the car. That kind of knock around stuff. He's gone to bed while I ran to the laundromat to dry our clothes (have a washer and no dryer, usually hang the stuff but left it late) and I'm gonna finish up some random computer stuff and head to bed myself. Certainly did enjoy the bright moon outside, though.


Farmgirl Sister #7004

^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^
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True Blue Farmgirl

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New York
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Posted - May 23 2016 :  06:28:26 AM  Show Profile
Natalie - lol indeed it was directed at everyone! I guess it's my way of getting a conversation going! lol

I work on Saturdays (I own a quilt shop). I have Sunday and Monday off ... not really. Being an owner of a small business I feel I work all the time (it's probably me that doesn't set proper boundaries). For instance, even though it's closed today, I'm at the shoppe (enjoying a latte and doing a bit of catching up on the main forum. I do love the space here). I needed some fabric to complete a project. Got to keep everything fresh and new. I put a quilt top together on Saturday evening and came to the shop on Sunday to pick up the border and backing, however I forgot to pick up some background I needed for this other project that is on my "to do" list. Sigh ... it's a good thing I only live 10 minutes from the shoppe!

After I completed the quilt top, poured myself a glass of wine and sat outside catching up on my magazine reading. It was gorgeous out! Stayed out till it was dark. I felt so relaxed (the wine did help just a tad lol).

Today, I plan on working on another top (cutting the fabric) and taking time to enjoy the gorgeous day we are having .... doing a bit of weed pulling gardening. Hum .... I'm thinking I may need DH to put the ac in my quilting studio. It does get hot with the iron going.

Enjoy your day everyone! Cheers!

Farmgirl Sister 3610 - Nov 7/2011

Edited by - ceridwen on May 23 2016 06:32:00 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Evanston WY
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Posted - May 24 2016 :  08:38:53 AM  Show Profile
I have been learning about the pagan customs a lot lately and am very intrigued, particularly in the druid customs of the Scotland Highlanders. Does anyone have any suggestions on some good reading on the subject?


Farmgirl Sister #93
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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 24 2016 :  11:08:52 AM  Show Profile
My dear friend Isaac Bonewitz (pronounced bonna-wits), who left us too soon, wrote a wonderful book on Druidry. He was a founder of the somewhat controversial Ár nDraíocht Féin ADF) introduced a measure of scholarship and dramatic ritual into modern practices based on what little we actually know of the old. His bibliographies are always worth perusing for ideas about what to read next. :)

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gresham OR
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Posted - May 24 2016 :  2:04:34 PM  Show Profile
I imagine Bonewits is the go-to guy for Highland Druidry. There's another gentleman...Ronald Hutton? Sutton? Something like that. They're both knowledgeable. I tend toward witchery, I guess you would call it.


Farmgirl Sister #7004 May 2016

^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Bridgeport Pa
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Posted - May 25 2016 :  1:02:06 PM  Show Profile
I'm glad to be getting notifications for this again.. I must confess, I've been gone a while. I lost my fiancé in December 2014 but it was a rough year leading up to his death, so free time was pretty much non existent.
But 2 months ago today beautiful daughter passed away suddenly.. And today is also her birthday. #128542;
So reading thru and catching up here is a much needed distraction
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gresham OR
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Posted - May 25 2016 :  1:05:29 PM  Show Profile
Jen, I can't even imagine losing one of my daughters, I am so sorry.


Farmgirl Sister #7004 May 2016

^*^ We are the weirdos, mister. ^*^

Edited by - NAGarcia on May 25 2016 1:05:58 PM
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