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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 09 2009 : 07:42:53 AM
I've never handled a swap before and don't have time to do a broom but if it is paperwork that needs to be done I could help. What exactly needs to be done? You can e-mail me if you want.
Farmgirl sister 572
Blessings Beth
May the force of the Horse be with you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
263 Posts
Glen Burnie
263 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2009 : 2:55:33 PM
Happy Mother' Day to all mothers. Has anyone watched the Good Witch movies on the Hallmark Channel? One is called "The Good Witch", and the second one is called "The Good Witch's Garden." They aren't bad. At least they made some witchy movies.
Farmgirl Hugs, Carol
Farmgirl Sister #222 Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2009 : 06:21:22 AM
Hey Carol, no I haven't seen those. sounds interesting. I wonder if they would have it on Netflix(we only have basic cable, no Hallmark channel).
Late happy Mother's day to you too. hugs Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
263 Posts
Glen Burnie
263 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2009 : 07:16:11 AM
Thanks Phyllis. I would check and see if Netflix has them.
Farmgirl Hugs, Carol
Farmgirl Sister #222 Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2009 : 4:14:12 PM
calling all Besom Buddies!!! since Tasha is so swamped I thought I would try to take over. I was a little hesitant because I'm no altogether sure what is involved. sooooooo
If you don't mind, please e-mail me if you want to do the swap. I know you have done it before, but I don't want to miss anyone.
also, since it is a very busy time of year for everyone, would you like to post pone the swap until later in the year? I'm open to either way.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
348 Posts
348 Posts |
Posted - May 17 2009 : 2:06:50 PM
Hey sisters! I'm thinking of altars and sacred space. I believe the altar we carry with us at all times is the altar of our heart. There we place all that we love and have passion for.
I love having little altars around my home. The outside eye would not place the name of altar on it, but intent holds it there in our family.
I have a kitchen window altar, an ancestor altar on shelves, an altar above each child's bed. Our family altar is the mantel and bookshelves in our family room at the fire place. I have a traveling altar in a bag that contains a length of cord braided to create a circle, a picture of Father Sun that my (at the time 4 year old) daughter drew, a feather from our yard, a stone and a shell. It gets placed on a table in a hotel room. Simple and unassuming.
I want to formally create an outdoor altar back by our river.
Do you have a formal altar in your home? What do you have on it? Is is seasonal?
Proud Farmgirl Sister # 267
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - May 17 2009 : 3:06:18 PM
Dana, you always inspire!
From all the love and acceptance this thread has given me (and all of us) I feel safe to share my private offerings to the Divine, the greatest mystery in life.
Have you ever read "Little Alters Everywhere" by Rebecca Wells? Every since I read that book I realized that every effort of our energy is manifested by ritual and alters. My farm is my alter. I have a sticker on my bike that reads "my body is my alter and the earth is my church".
I just finished my first "real" outdoor alter. It is centered around a statue of the Virgin Mary that I bought for my mother over a decade ago. It has always had a place of honor in my mothers garden and she referred to it as her "grotto". When my mother learned of her ALS, she had to move from her home that she could no longer pay for, into a tiny place, where her grotto fallowed but broke in the move. I am unable to toss the broken mary away and instead we are keeping her cracked and honoring her brokeness.

I also started this home alter after spending some time in New Orleans. It is a work in progress representing all possibilities.

This is a smaller one we keep in den.

Here is our "farm" one.

And lastly the one that is in the center of our house.

Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
348 Posts
348 Posts |
Posted - May 17 2009 : 3:47:43 PM
Here is my kitchen altar. I have water, earth, fire and air represented and it gives me such peace to stand before it and wash dishes!

This is our ancestor altar in our bedroom.

Proud Farmgirl Sister # 267
True Blue Farmgirl
348 Posts
348 Posts |
Posted - May 17 2009 : 3:50:17 PM
Heide, I love your altar built inside the dollhouse! And your mother's dear Virgin Mary is so sweet. I love that you are keeping her to honor the broken.
Proud Farmgirl Sister # 267
True Blue Farmgirl
4247 Posts
Clarks Summit
4247 Posts |
Posted - May 17 2009 : 5:07:44 PM
Hi! I am so honored that you share your altars with us. The kitchen one I can relate to...I really like it.
I have to say that I so totally enjoy the Virgin Mary. When I first moved here to Northeastern area of PA I started seeing these same types of statues all over often in people's yards. It looked so odd to me and I didn't understand why because I thought only of the symbols or icons used for Catholic churches. I had to ask people what they were and why and the only answer was it's a statue of the Virgin Mary. I finally realized it is a tradition of the Catholics in this area on the country. I believe she is there to bless the home so that makes sense to me. One of them wears a Santa hat and has lights at Christmas! and another has colored lights for Halloween! I love the symbol of Mary...but I prefer the married Mary, healthy, sexual and womanly. She enjoys and celebrates her womanhood and being a wife and mother....not staying a virgin forever. I can relate to a Goddess who is like me....a woman who is not ashamed of being sexual and a mother who also loves a man. This forum topic is so spiritual and also educational and empowering for women. love it here!
Linda in Scranton, PA farmgirl #71
We all get heavier as we get older, because there's a lot more information in our heads. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. (author unknown)
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - May 17 2009 : 6:26:42 PM
I keep an alter on the end of my dresser. I have a candle with a mare and foal on it to represent the fire element, a bell with a horse on the top for the element of air, an aquamarine carved horse statue for water and a small flat stone with a horse carved on the surface for earth. I have a mirror in the middle and a pitcher full of irises at the back. The whole thing is surrounded by various other horse statues. As you can probably guess my Goddesses of preference are Epona and Rhiannon. I love my little alter and use it for calming and for visualization. When i get something new that I feel needs cleansing it spend some time on the mirror surrounded by the representation of the Goddesses.
May the force of the Horse be with you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
348 Posts
348 Posts |
Posted - May 17 2009 : 7:14:59 PM
Beth, it sounds so beautiful! Epona and Rhiannon sound perfect for you!
Our family protector is Brigit and I have Brigit's crosses over the stove and drawn on each of our heaters and inside the fireplace.
Proud Farmgirl Sister # 267
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 18 2009 : 05:45:58 AM
Hi ya'll, I love the alters!!! I'm still trying to get things set up here, so I don't have any formal alters set up yet. I'm drawn to Brigit also Dana. Beth sounds like you have found the perfect Goddesses for you. Heide, I love that you are keeping the Mary statue and honoring your Mom that way. Linda I like your take on Mary also, celebrating all of the aspects of womanhood.
I am still trying to get my house organized after our move. it's only been 6 months. LOL. I hope to have alters in each room. you all have some lovely alters.
Heide and Dana, I wanted to let you know I got your e-mails, I will try to get the swap started by Fri. to give everyone else to sign up. I haven't heard from anyone else, but i'm looking back to see if I can get names from the forum postings, then check with everyone.
gotta run. bright blessings to you all. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - May 18 2009 : 08:16:31 AM
You ladies are awesome! Yesterday after I posted those pictures, my daughters and I went and picked flowers and rocks from around our little farm to offer Mary. As I was doing it I was thinking/praying about how I need help so that I can do more. I was wishing for someone who could live here symbiotic, everyone benefiting. I felt doubt that it would take a special person who would even want this lifestyle, sorta doubting the possibility. I shoo'ed the doubt away and asked that the right person come.
No more than an hour later my good friend who is a local homebirth midwife, called asking if we could help or knew anyone who would be willing to house a pregnant momma with a small child who has been living in a WDV shelter. She is too stressed out in there with all the noise etc. Long story. But she comes from Amish people, she loves to cook (bakes bread), garden, teach children and is used to living off the grid and is extremely open minded. PERFECT match!
So ladies, honor your goddess, and be very specific in what you ask for. Because it is my experience that the mother of god always wants to give you what you want.
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 18 2009 : 1:38:58 PM
Dear Heide, how wonderful is that????!!!!!!! that is just lovely, I hope everything works out for you both, and I'm sure it will.
thanks for the reminder of asking for what you want. take care. hugs Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
263 Posts
Glen Burnie
263 Posts |
Posted - May 18 2009 : 3:21:29 PM
I am going to do an ancestors altar too. I read that you should have that in your kitchen, not sure why, and that you should always burn a white candle and have fresh flowers there. I just got frames for pictures of my grandparents and my great grandparents to place there. I can't wait! Also I did get some "Ancestor" votives to put there too. Heide, how were you inspired by New Orleans? Those are the most interesting altars I've ever seen! COOL!
Farmgirl Hugs, Carol
Farmgirl Sister #222 Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - May 19 2009 : 12:27:53 PM
Ok. so my honest to God(dess) answer to how I was inspired by New Orleans to start creating my Doll house alter is,
I grew up with lots of Catholic/Christian Deities and they were contrasted in the background with Native American Totem/Pagan Icons. Then I was super brave and traveled to New Orleans (Pre Katrina) and lived in the French Quarter. There I saw the Catholic/Slave VooDooesque images and was very empowered with the common beliefs of superstition and rituals.
Off to Central America I went on my bike searching for Witch Doctors and Medicine Women and that I found! Still curious, I took up an invitation to go to the Middle East and be a part of an International Women's Art Collective (in 1999) and found images beyond my imagination represented by so many different cultures of women describing their personal Divine.
I was forever changed by realizing the personal freedom we have as Americans, that as women we can make, believe, do as we please and I vowed to forever remember our ability to have faith and hope in whatever we will (as agreed with our personal creator whomever we each know that to be true to our own hearts).
These travels are accumulated and represented in these shelves/alters/shrines to what experiences and being, we (as myself, husband and children) presently manifest. They are dusty and cluttered but full of symbols/riches of what we have found connection to god(dess) through.
I guess I just believe the more the merrier. . . why would we burn spiritual bridges. . .and ultimately we were made in "god's image" so why not celebrate ALL the beautiful (and maybe some ugly) ways we are? ~h
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2009 : 09:31:53 AM
Hi all, I'm still trying to organize the swap. I have only heard from Heide and Dana. I know there are more of you than that. I don't want to leave anyone out or post your name if you don't want to do it right now.
If you could just post a quick, include me in and I'll feel better knowing that I have everyone on the list. I've gleaned several names from previous posts, but would feel better if you would post just one more time. ;thanks friends Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
614 Posts
614 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2009 : 7:40:27 PM
Could you explain the swap? Is it for a broom? I'm lost.
Bringing the Past Back to Life
"You may never know what results come from your action. But, if you do nothing, there will be no results" -Gandhi |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 22 2009 : 09:54:15 AM
Hi LynnMarie, we had talked earlier about swapping small brooms for ritual cleaning. say whisk broom size. Tasha got so busy she couldn't handle the organization of the swap, so I tried to fill in. I have the feeling that everyone has gotten swamped, so I've only heard from a couple of girls. I think we may have to postpone the swap until things settle down a bit.
maybe we could take a little time and everyone discuss what the rules should be and set a date a bit after the late spring, early summer rush. Glad you posted LynnMarie. do you have any ideas about the swap? would love to hear them. I'm kinda new here and am really still finding my way.
Looking forward to getting to know you. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 22 2009 : 10:02:52 AM
Hey, where is everybody??? Life around here is very busy, so I imagine you all are having the same thing. we haven't been able to get a garden in this year because we are repairing and doing up the inside of the house. I'll be happy to get some tomato plants in, at least there is a farmers market nearby.
we moved into this neat old house(1920's) in Oct. a week after we moved I went to visit my Mom and found her on the floor having had a stroke the night before. She passed away the next week. then our old doggy died the next week. then of course we found problems with the house that the inspector missed. just small time consuming things ya know. I still love the house, but it's a mess around here. LOL.
we almost have one room done that will break the log jam and allow me to get the clutter under control. you know, can't do this until we do that kind of thing. My poor hubby is having to do most of the work. my daughter and I have a chronic illness that limits our ability to do things. Not meant to be complaining, just thought I would introduce myself a bit. the illness also makes it difficult to express myself sometimes, so if none of this makes sense, please excuse me. LOL.
Sending positive energy and hugs to all. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - May 22 2009 : 10:25:46 AM
Phyllis, thanks for taking on the swap and I think it might be best if we all just post our Besoms for now rather than trade. Maybe do a trade for winter solstice? I sure do understand busy. Your home sounds wonderful, sorry about all the changes you have to make but I am sure it will all pay off. Blessings, h
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
4247 Posts
Clarks Summit
4247 Posts |
Posted - May 22 2009 : 12:24:49 PM
I would love to start seeing what we are making and showing. Then I can get inspired to do something of my own.
Linda in Scranton, PA farmgirl #71
We all get heavier as we get older, because there's a lot more information in our heads. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. (author unknown)
True Blue Farmgirl
389 Posts
389 Posts |
Posted - May 22 2009 : 1:01:08 PM
hey girls ~ i love the idea of posting what we are doing and maybe waiting on the swap ...i know we are all busy this time of year. my last week included clearing 1/4 acre of land for garden expansion, moving the chicken coop so the chicks can roam free, planting tons of herbs, making 2 batches of soap and 1 batch of lotion bars~ i also made a headache tincture which is working great! i have not had to use an asprin all week (YEA)... ho yea i put in myh 60 hours of work and drive time too.
i have to tell you ladies that clearing the land and cutting down the trees was hard to do. i love the trees and forest and could spend hours in them! so hubby and i found a way to kind of keep the trees. we found a saw mill just up the road from us. we are taking the trees and having them milled for a new hard wood floor in the living room, dinning and kitchen. now the trees will be in my house . the plus side is it is only costing us around $250.00 to get all the wood milled for floors. i really had to "listen" to what to do about the trees and so now i have some peace about it
live well, Tamara "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children" follow me!
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 22 2009 : 3:16:38 PM
Hi all, didn't mean to sound like i'm unhappy with my new house. I love it, actually love doing it up ya know? I would love for things to move a bit faster, but we are making progress. I'll try to post some pictures once I figure out how. LOL.
I think the idea of doing the besoms and posting pictures is a great idea. that way everyone can do it as they have time. I know most of you are working really hard this time of year with gardens and such. Tamara, I can't believe all that you have done and worked full time. wheewwww!!! Makes me tired just thinking about it. glad that you are using the trees that you had to remove to add to your home. please share the headache tincture when you get time, I think a few of us could us it.
A winter solstice swap sounds great. I posted a bit about myself so we could begin to get to know each other better. I know that a lot of you already are friends. you all are so nice and friendly, helpful and caring. I love it here!!!
Hey Linda, love your tag line, I wondered why I was gettting heavier all the time. LOL.
Hugs and blessings Phyllis |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |