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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
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Posted - Aug 13 2012 : 6:48:16 PM
Hazel, a first gathering is a fascinating experience. You'll never forget it. Are you camping? If so, you might find this link useful. I was a member of Free Spirit Alliance during its founding years back in the 1980s. It was the vehicle by which I met my husband, so it's close to my heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 14 2012 : 05:06:57 AM
Mara.. No, it's a one day event and thankfully close to my parents house, so I won't have the 1 1/2 hour drive home! I plan to stay allllllll day and definately dont want to have THAT drive! Last year it was postponed bc of a hurricane and when they finally were able to reschedule, it conflicted with other things I had to do... So this is my first time! I'm debating on whether or not I should take my fiancée... He's not pagan and just kind of accepts who I am, but doesn't really seem interested (like asking questions about anything around the house, or about sabbats). He is also one of those people that rushes you when he gets bored. Since its not something he's interested in, he WILL get bored, I'm sure of it! I don't really wanna go alone, but that might be my only option.. I'll have to talk to him about it. I AM going to check out your link tho, it sounds very interesting! Thanks for the info! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Aug 14 2012 : 07:05:53 AM
Leave him home! You won't feel alone; that way, you can observe and experience the event, not just his reaction to it. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 14 2012 : 07:26:49 AM
Yea, that's what I'm thinking! I'm going to the PA REN Faire this weekend with a bunch of girlfriends and leaving him home! Every year I go at least 3 times, and every time he's gone with me he always wants to leave early bc he's tired! I like to stay till the end! My lil girl goes with me at least once and she doesn't wanna leave either! I wish it was her weekend with ME so she could go to the PPD, but it's her dads weekend.. :( It's funny bc although I technically raise her catholic (ccd classes and celebrating Christian holidays) we also celebrate the Jewish and pagan holidays.. So she is so eclectic in her beliefs! She asked if we could smudge the house, she helps me prepare the altar for sabbats, she even asked if there was something I had she could take to her fathers house so she could cleanse her room without him knowing! I believe spirits come to her, so to make her feel better, I gave her a vial of holy water I made on my birthday and put a citrine crystal in it for extra oomff! I showed her how to bless her room, so this way, if her dad asks, it IS just holy water! He's catholic, but not a diehard.... So he should be ok with it. I doubt he would help her burn sage or anything like that tho! Lol |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 14 2012 : 07:36:51 AM
Oh, just to explain a little bit before I get too many questions... I raise her catholic bc that's what we agreed upon when we got married and it's in our divorce papers that she would attend ccd and receive all her sacraments. It does NOT say that she can not be exposed to other faiths. I don't hide my path from her, I explain the differences between my beliefs and catholic beliefs. We celebrate Christian holidays ( pretty much just Christmas and Easter) bc that's what my entire family does and it's what we're used to.. I don't feel it's against anything for me to do it bc the traditions for those holidays are pretty much pulled from paganism, so it's almost like "my lil secret joke". My older daughter doesn't show any interest in ANY path, so to her they are just the "norm" and life would be dull without them. I include pagan influences in our decorating and I do talk to both of them about what I do just so they understand.. My fiancé is Jewish and after he moved in, I bought a menorah and encouraged him to help us celebrate HIS family traditions! My little girl LOVES it bc she gets extra presents! Lol |
True Blue Farmgirl
63 Posts
63 Posts |
Posted - Aug 14 2012 : 08:46:24 AM
quote: Originally posted by Hazel
Micah, welcome! It's so strange bc after I read your post I decided I wanted to take some time and think before I wrote something.. While I was thinking I happened to check YouTube and one of my FAVORITE people just made a video that I think will make sense for you! Check it out and let me know what you think!
She has lots of amazing things to say so if you like it, check out her other stuff! BB
Thank you so much for the video! It's exactly what I needed to hear! My usual answer to just about any new venture is "To Barnes & Noble we go and buy all the books!". So after taking a step back, my plan is to browse and see what pops out at me. If I find something, then yay! If not, I'll keep searching.
I'm also going to check out the rest of those videos on her channel. She's got a lot of good stuff!
I feel more peaceful today. My little monster is home with me today, so we're off to have adventures! Hope everyone has a great day!
*Micah* Farmgirl Sister #1478 |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 14 2012 : 10:39:57 AM
Glad you liked it! I thought it was so amazing that she posted it exactly when someone really needed it! And I was blessed enough to to be able to pass it along! Things are a bit rough for me today. I lost a client in early June, and haven't been able to replace her. To explain, I have a small daycare in my home, have been doing it for 10 years...I have a degree in early childhood education but working in daycare centers was the pits! I can't make enough to support my family since technically I'm a single mom and the main source of income. I've been advertising since April and only had 5 phone calls! 2 interviews! And no clients! Seems like there are so many people without jobs these days that no one needs my services... They just get their unemployed relative to watch their kids... Also, ALOT more moms are doing what I do around here bc the job market stinks! I keep asking the goddess to please guide people to me, to see my ad and make them feel at peace reading it... Help them see I would be a good fit for them... Just a whisper in their ear... Please say a prayer for me and my family, i only have the minimum amount of clients to keep us going, so having one opening is starting to really pack a punch... Plus 2 of my part timers are leaving for school in September.. Ive always been careful to save when there was extra money, so I have a small reserve.. I've cut back on many luxuries that we dont need (extra cable services, Netflix, eating out, entertainment....) if I wasn't getting into the REN faire for free this Saturday, I wouldn't be going..... Ugh.. Oh well, enough of me moaning.. I have work to do if I want to fix this! BB! Have an awesome day everyone! |
Little Sparrow
Farmgirl in Training
47 Posts
47 Posts |
Posted - Aug 15 2012 : 07:18:58 AM
Greetings...I'm back to write a bit so you all know who is this Little Sparrow. Well I'm 57 and love the Earth and all life. Enjoy making healing salves and growing things. Have been in a domestic relationship with an Aries Man, I'm a Libra, for 5 years. On July 13th we tied the knot over at the local courthouse....that was a friday, a very lucky day indeed. Love to read about earth based beliefs, never can pass up a new tarot or oracle card deck. Our children are grown and all live close by and are all very busy exploring and growing into who they have chosen to be. Please feel free to contact me...must admit I'm alittle slow to start anything about myself. I have been threw the ringer a few times in my life, but have become a stronger women. Have my own shamanic drum...need I say more? Many bright blessings to all, blessed be.
Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. Cherokee Proverb |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Aug 15 2012 : 08:37:45 AM
Micah~ I am also new to this path 
Jen~ Thanks for sharing the YouTube clip. Awesome video! I just watched several of her videos since I have the morning off. Amazing!
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
756 Posts
756 Posts |
Posted - Aug 15 2012 : 08:56:09 AM
Shellee, welcome to the thread. Hope to hear more from you in the future. |
Little Sparrow
Farmgirl in Training
47 Posts
47 Posts |
Posted - Aug 15 2012 : 2:52:08 PM
Thanks Annie )O(
Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. Cherokee Proverb |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Aug 16 2012 : 3:25:48 PM
welcome to our new sisters! so glad you found us. Jen, keeping you in my thought, hope the job situation improves soon. thank you all for sharing your beliefs and knowledge. I've been trying to keep up with our garden. I find that the more physical energy I use, the less brain power I have, so I'm not very articulate. thankful to have found you all. blessings Phyllis |
Little Sparrow
Farmgirl in Training
47 Posts
47 Posts |
Posted - Aug 17 2012 : 08:19:48 AM
Fyi Sisters...the 2013 Wemoon date book has just been released. Here's some info
Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. Cherokee Proverb |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 17 2012 : 12:14:41 PM
Anyone have a good remedy for sinus troubles? I get sinus headaches from my allergies and usually one Advil cold and sinus will fix me for a whole day, but for the last three days I've had to take at least 2 to 4 a day to keep the pressure at bay.... I've been using a steam tent breathing in diluted apple cider vinegar with fresh rosemary, thyme and sage a couple times a day and that is REALLY helping, but I wonder if anyone has any other options? I don't have health insurance and dont respond well to antibiotics anyway.. So it thought maybe there were other options.... Any ideas? I'm considering a netti pot, but I don't have one handy just yet.... |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Aug 17 2012 : 5:47:07 PM
Neti pot! You can also add some silver to the rinse, which really helps. Eucalyptus oil, mehtol, camphor, etc--any of the "minty" smelling oils will help clear the pathways. Sometimes I like to get a hot washcloth, put some oils on it and lay it across my sinus areas and it helps alot.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 17 2012 : 7:52:33 PM
Rachael, what do you mean by adding silver to the rinse? Im sorry if that sounds like a dumb question, but I never heard that before...... My daughter ran out of allergy meds (she forgot to pick up her prescriptions) so I have her under the same steam tent I am using... She said it helps.. I'm gonna get some Oils that you recommend tomorrow.. My headache is better, but not gone.. Its been days and needs to take a hike already! |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Aug 18 2012 : 07:55:10 AM
Yes, you can add the silver to the rinse or even use it as a nasal spray. Of course, drinking silver helps the immune system tons as well. I get mine from New Sun or Nature's Sunshine, they are both high quality silvers. New Sun's is a bit less expensive than Nature's Sunshine, but Nature's Sunshine also has a silver gel which is super handy.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Aug 18 2012 : 09:51:46 AM
Nothing beats plain salinated water (a half teaspoon per cup of comfortably warm water in a neti pot, and also in the form of nasal sprays you can get in the drug store. Be careful about adding anything else to your neti pot water. You might want to read up on colloidal silver before deciding if you want to try it. It's controversial.
Your steam sounds harsh. It might be doing you more harm than good, since any irritation of sinus membranes can lead to a full-blown infection. I use only fresh rosemary (NOT essential oil) in water.
Your manners will define you wherever you go. Never forget it. |
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
756 Posts
756 Posts |
Posted - Aug 18 2012 : 1:57:18 PM
I too go with the Neti Pot. Started having some really bad allergies this season and started up doing the neti pot and spray and I'm so much better now. Do it once in the morning and then once at night before bed. Really works. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 18 2012 : 7:28:00 PM
I did use fresh herbs... Rosemary time and sage. Full kettle of boiling water then a cup of cold apple cider vinegar. It really wasn't harsh at all! It really helped. I think i did already have an infection, and the combination of herbs and ACV have antiviral and antibacterial properties... Also, I did get the netti pot... Did that this morning before going to the reniassance faire! |
Little Sparrow
Farmgirl in Training
47 Posts
47 Posts |
Posted - Aug 19 2012 : 3:48:39 PM
Hi Hazel, Along with all the excellent advice for relief, homeopathic remedies are excellent for long term prevention. You can use a nasal spray and or drops under the tongue. Basically, you are treating "like with like" when using homeopathic remedies. Your body, with continued treatment for about 6 months will become immune to what is causing your allergic reactions. Its a very successful alternative to going to the allergist and getting a series of shots.
Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. Cherokee Proverb |
Little Sparrow
Farmgirl in Training
47 Posts
47 Posts |
Posted - Aug 19 2012 : 3:51:58 PM
Oops! Sorry, I meant it says, Farmgirl in Training! LOL
Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. Cherokee Proverb |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Aug 19 2012 : 6:07:30 PM
Funny thing, homeopathics are the only FDA approved anything I like, LOL. And they are AWESOME!!!
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 19 2012 : 7:26:00 PM
Haha, it's cool Shellee... I go by Hazel too! Do you have any recommdations for these remedies? My daughter, my father and I all suffer greatly! Do you suggest premade ones from a specific source, or tinctures I can make myself? My "girls" and I decided to start up our get togethers again and our first one will be tinctures! We are all studying herbs, so we will each pick one, study up on it and write a "lesson" to teach what we learned.. Then when they are ready we will share! We plan to do this for teas, infused oils, essential oils, and crystals to start.. I'm sure the tinctures will take up a few meetings bc there are so many options! I found an herbal class near me, but it's at a bad time for me (to early and too far, I'd never make it after work) but there is one about 45 mins from me on Sundays.. So I may look into that one. One place near me offers one for like $1200!!!!! For like 6 classes! A bit out of my price range... Lol |
True Blue Farmgirl
63 Posts
63 Posts |
Posted - Aug 20 2012 : 09:43:12 AM
Good morning ladies! My little monster man is at daycare, so I have a chance to get online!
I've been busy reading and researching and searching for my path. And enjoying it! I had a downstairs neighbor complain about my dogs or some such noise to the apartment front office. She didn't say they were barking, but that there was noise that woke her up. I'm starting to think she was trying to sleep into the afternoon on a Saturday and we were actually the noise she was hearing. The front office was supposed to call me back with specifics of her complaint, but I've yet to hear back. I like to think it's because of me sending positive energies downstairs!
So I have a question for those with more knowledge about spirits, energies, etc... I've had high anxiety about moving my son into a room by himself. We've co-slept with him since about 3 months old and when he's not sleeping with me, he's next to me. We're getting him to sleep on his crib mattress next to our bed and even then, I can't sleep with my back to him. Sometimes when I'm awake in bed, I get anxious about him being down there and have to keep my eyes on him breathing. I think all this anxiety is coming from my hormones going nuts, due to a combination of birth control and Lucas not nursing as much. I've been working on this anxiety and some nights I'm fine and others not. Sometimes when I get up at night to get a drink from the kitchen, I feel like there's an energy coming from my son's room in the dark, like I'm being watched. During the day when I'm alone, I feel nothing. Can this be my anxiety? Are my high emotions projection out (I guess that's what you'd call it)? Anyone have any suggestions?
I apologize for the long post, but as you can tell, this has been weighing on my mind a lot! I hope everyone has a happy Monday!
*Micah* Farmgirl Sister #1478 |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |