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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
Little Sparrow
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Aug 20 2012 : 10:59:51 AM
Hi Jen, Here's a website to check out... about symptoms and what is suggested for hay fever. Homeopathy is different than herbal remedies. I too have wanted to take a class. Susun Weed and Rosemary Gladstar have online courses. The classes also come with a hefty price. If you haven't read any of these ladies books, I highly recommend you do. Also, Susun Weed has a bunch of youtube videos on all sorts of herbal subjects. If there is one herb to help with allergies it would be drinking nettle tea. Traditional Medicinals makes a wonderful tasty organic brew. Hope I helped, if not, please feel free to ask more. : ) Micah if you have a pendulum, how would you feel asking some questions about your concerns?
Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. Cherokee Proverb |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 20 2012 : 11:43:14 AM
Oh, I love Susan weed and just got one of her books! I have nettle and have had the infusions, but they don't agree with me very well.. I can only dring about 1 cup a day for a few days.. I'll check the site you suggested tho, might be just what I've been looking for! Thanks! |
True Blue Farmgirl
63 Posts
63 Posts |
Posted - Aug 20 2012 : 12:49:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by Little Sparrow
Micah if you have a pendulum, how would you feel asking some questions about your concerns?
Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. Cherokee Proverb
Hhmmm... I've never tried that before. How does one go about that?
*Micah* Farmgirl Sister #1478 |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Aug 20 2012 : 5:43:21 PM
You can also take online herbal lessons at it is 8.95 per month or 97 per year. You work at your own pace, and there are lessons from many of the best herbalists on there. There are lots of downloads also. I can't recommend it enough!! There is no certification or anything, but you will learn TONS!! I know I have. The homepoathics that I have used I got from New Sun and they are excellent. I believe they are by Dr. Frank King.
Micha, did you ever feel these energies prior to moving your son into the room or only afterwards? It may be that your anxiety about him being in there has attracted and is feeding another being, as some beings love to feed on various energies that we put out. I would think that this may be the case if it started only after you put him in the room, and that is the only time you feel it. I would recommend that you should work on controlling your anxiety levels--why are you afraid to put him in there away from you? I think that it is safe to say that most mothers have a fear of something happening to their baby and it's a common thing, but the key is to not let this fear get out of hand. Do you have a monitor? I think that now there are some with video you can get to watch over him. If you feel that you need to do so, I would cleanse the room during the day, when you are not feeling anxious about your son being in there and sit in the room for a little while. You should also cleanse yourself beforehand. Talk yourself through allowing him to be in that room, that he is safe. You can also place wards in the room for protection. Pay attention to when you start to feel so anxious and talk yourself through it. Perhaps make a sigil or get something that gives you a sense of peace and safety and hold it in your hands and feel its powers overcoming your anxiety; you may want to take it in the room with you. I would have something like that in the room and have on to keep on myself to help control the energy. It will take some time, but you will be able to get through it. The more that you can control your anxiety and fear, the less any other beings will have to feed on and if there is one in the room feeding on your anxiety and fears, they will go away when there's nothing left for them. I hope that makes sense.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
63 Posts
63 Posts |
Posted - Aug 21 2012 : 08:26:39 AM
Thank you so much for the advice and encouragement! I like the idea of cleansing his room. Today's not a daycare day, so he's with me and he can help. :) In our rental house, my son's room was in the back of the house. Not too far from us (the house was only 900 sq ft), but the back door to the back yard was in his room. Then, down the street, a couple of cars were broken into. This had been an on and off occurrence since we had moved in. That's when we decided to move. And that's when my anxiety started.
I always felt something strange in our old rental house. One day, when just my son and I were there packing up, I felt like we were being watched. My son started crying frantically and continued to whimper in my arms. I told whatever it was to leave us alone and not to follow us. For the first couple of weeks in our new apartment, I felt nothing but peace. It's been kinda a slow build up.
Now we are on a second story apartment, but sometimes the thought of placing him away from us at night takes my breath away. Yesterday, I actually pulled out some things I wanted to put on my son's bedroom walls. A cross my little brother made for my son before he was born, a wreath made of worry dolls my mom brought me back from Mexico, and a picture of my mom. I held each one and pictured our apartment surrounded by a white light and a high fence and then hung them on his walls. These things have happy memories connected to them and I felt like they'd be appropriate. My friend, who is a therapist, suggested finding ways of empowering myself, such as taking a martial arts class. I'm actually considering her advice. There's also a local women's shooting club I've been debating on going to. While I currently have no desire to buy a handgun (I've been a hunter most of my life and know hunting rifles, etc., but not personal hand guns), I feel like just what I can learn from there would be empowering.
Just being able to get this all out, to other women, is helpful in itself. My husband listens and tries to understand, but he is absolutely fearless. Besides, I'm Mommy. He's just Daddy.
*Micah* Farmgirl Sister #1478 |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Aug 21 2012 : 4:03:45 PM
Shooting is awesome therapy, I grew up with shotguns and rifles and got my first handgun back in Feb and I love it!!! Some people like to cleanse with sage or lavender, but I prefer frankincense and/or myrrh. Sounds like it may have come from feeling a bit powerless with the local breakins so close to your home and concern over keeping him (and yourself) safe. Definitely look into things that do make you feel powerful and in control of what happens in your life, with your family and especially in your home. It is always a great idea to learn ways to protect yourself physically, don't forget about the awesome power of spiritual protection. As you journey down your path, you will find a greater strength in your connection with the divine and a greater feeling of security in yourself as well.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Aug 21 2012 : 4:46:45 PM
I hope those of you preparing to learn more about herbal medicine will acquaint yourselves with David Hoffmann and his highly respected work. Here
is a handy place to find some good articles by him to get you started. He also has several books in print. I studied with David in workshops in Maryland at around the time he was converting Jim Duke to "green medicine." |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Aug 22 2012 : 6:43:32 PM
Beware of a website "" -- it is apparently a phishing site. |
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 6:40:55 PM
i'm new here but i am studying Earth Magic/Wicca. it is nice to know that there are a bunch of other witchy farmgirls out there. Char
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 6:44:27 PM
Merry meet, Charlotte :)
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2012 : 06:08:41 AM
Hi Charlotte, welcome! |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2012 : 09:44:51 AM
Hey Charlotte! Welcome aboard! |
Little Sparrow
Farmgirl in Training
47 Posts
47 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2012 : 10:16:40 AM
Greetings Charlotte great to have you with us on our journey.
Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. Cherokee Proverb |
True Blue Farmgirl
197 Posts

197 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2012 : 3:28:51 PM
Greetings Char. Hope you will find a happy place here with all the kindred spirits. One thing I have found is there really are no 2 of us here that are completely identical in our thoughts, beliefs and methods (as it should be) but this bunch of ladies are open-minded, awesome resources and have such a great wealth of knowledge in so many different things both witchy and non that it will likely become your go to place for questions and answers, advice and how-to's and general all around support.
Oftentimes the journey is as important as the destination...:) Malena |
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
756 Posts
756 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2012 : 3:55:31 PM
Welcome Charlotte. So glad you found us. |
True Blue Farmgirl
146 Posts

146 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Sep 07 2012 : 09:43:15 AM
Oh goddess! I am so addicted to facebook that as I read all your posts, I keep looking for the "like" button! Hahahaha! |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Sep 07 2012 : 4:50:53 PM
Hey Jen, is there a 12 step program for Facebook addicts??? LOL. I find myself wishing there was sometimes, when I love what someone says, but am not up to posting. ; ) hope all is well.
blessings all Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2012 : 12:34:59 PM
Hey Charlotte! Welcome!! How's everyone doing? I've been staying busy. Fall semester has begun and I have 4 classes and I just celebrated my 34th birthday this past Saturday. I was determined to prove that I am not old and am not getting old so we went to the fall festival. I decided I would go on the Tempest with my guy's kiddo. For any of you who may not know what the Tempest is.. It's a ride that holds about 6 people to a cart and you spin in circles while being slung in different directions. I used to ride stuff like this all day and night and had a blast. Well we went once, it was great. Had a blast! I thought ok I'm not old. I can do this. Went for round 2 and almost lost my lunch. I was queasy the rest of the night. LOL I've been on a crafting whim too. I spent the Blue Moon making pendulums. What fun! And now I'm preparing for my demonstration speech for my public speaking class. I have decided to demonstrate a craft project. I've generically called it a prayer box for now. I have my supplies together so hopefully I'll begin construction tomorrow. I have class tonight. I'm on such a roll I hate to stop.
Ok time to pick up kiddos from school. Have a lovely day! Hugs~ Melanie

True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Sep 13 2012 : 07:47:46 AM
Melanie, sending late happy birthday wishes! love the pendulums. they are really lovely. I can assure you that 34 isn't old,LOL but those rides can get ya. LOL. good luck with your demonstration, let us know how it goes, and pictures of the prayers boxes, please. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
197 Posts

197 Posts |
Posted - Sep 13 2012 : 3:03:03 PM
Belated , happy birthday Melanie . I hope 34 will be a blessed year for you as will all the years to come. Pendulums are awesome. Mabon is quickly approaching ladies are you all ready? I love this time of year but personally for me, winter is even better, providing we get lots of ice and snow (go ahead call me crazy my hubby does it all the time). It is a wonderful season to snuggle, reflect,sip hot drinks and craft or read. I do not have to leave home though and I do not blame people who do have to be on the roads daily for disliking it. Here in Indiana we've not had a decent winter in about 3 or 4 years(at least in my area) and I'm ready for a doozy even though I'm not fully prepared as yet...but that is what the harvest season is for...yes?
Have a fabulous weeksend. Malena |
True Blue Farmgirl
146 Posts

146 Posts |
Posted - Sep 15 2012 : 08:19:54 AM
melanie, happy belated birthday!!! Hope it was wonderful! Your pendulums are beautiful. Will you be selling them on Etsy? I would be interested in one!!!
Forever farmgirl Farmgirl Sister #1363
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Sep 16 2012 : 2:12:45 PM
Thank you all for the birthday wishes!
Malena~ I was looking to see if I still had the pictures from I guess it was 4 winters ago. I don't have it in my computer, but I bet it's still on my facebook page. We had a bunch of ice. It was wicked! Did you get hit in that ice storm? I will say even though it was one of the most spectacular sights I have ever seen, it was a very frightening night. The kids and I lived in a small two bedroom trailer at the time. I made them sack out in the living room with every blanket I could find. (We had a big tree out back that hovered over their bedroom area of the trailer.) While they slept, I sat up and listened to the trees crack and split off and transformers were blowing all around us. I found it pretty amazing we kept power as long as we did, till about 3 in the morning. It got cold fast, but thankfully their dad lived up the road and was able to make it down and get the kids. He had a wood burner and I made sure they took blankets, water and food with them. Then me and Ruby, our Peek-a-poo, curled up under a bunch of blankets on the couch and snoozed till my then b/f got there to rescue us.
Kim~ I thought about selling the pendulums and I do have an etsy even though I haven't used it in some time. I also wouldn't have a clue what to charge. Oh but if there's one you really like, I'd love to send it to you. Just message me with your address and which one you like. 
Phyllis~ I didn't get to start on my prayer boxes yet but as soon as I do I will share pics! 
Hugs to you all~ Melanie
Erin Rock
True Blue Farmgirl
103 Posts
Grand Blanc
103 Posts |
Posted - Sep 17 2012 : 1:37:12 PM
So does anyone have exciting plans for the Equinox?
Erin Rock (sister #4131) Tree Huggin' Bunny Lovin' Dirt Worshipper! |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Sep 17 2012 : 4:33:37 PM
Not too exciting, but I will be changing to "fall decor" which is just changing out the wreath on the front door and the centerpiece on the living room table. Most likely I will just do some quiet ritual in the evening (like usual). I'd really like to have a rip roaring party with a huge bonfire, but no one would come --know this from past attempts to do so.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |