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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 1:44:18 PM
I guess I'm gunna have to try pollenating myself...I have not plucked any for eating early ( actually never thought of that )
someplace between lost and found annette FS#1372
not all who wander are lost
why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain |
Little Sparrow
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 2:09:06 PM
Greetings....New here and am so happy to see like minded farmgirls. Just stopped by and will join in on myself and thoughts when I have more time..lots of peace sent your way....
Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. Cherokee Proverb |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
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Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 3:06:46 PM
Merry meet, Shellee! Please tell us something about yourself when you get the chance! :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
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Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 3:51:54 PM
My dad is having a similar issue with his cucumbers. Tons of flower and hardly any cucumbers growing. His tomatoes are right there and are doing fine, but I did suggest to him about the pollinating thing.... I'll have to ask him how it's going and what he's doing? I still can't get my yarrow to bloom, the leaf hoppers have invaded again big time! My thyme looks dried out and I just had to throw out miracle grow last night bc everything looks just sad! Im so excited, I saw the first humming bird at my house! I see them ALOT at my parents, but never here! It was at the clematis on the fence at the front of the yard! I decide to buy a feeder, figuring if I feed it, it will come! I put the feeder down at the bottom of the yard next to the fence, about 15 feet from the clematis. My fiancée isn't a fan of whimsical stuff or bird houses or feeders, so opted for the fancy copper and glass one... Don't you know that lil guy was back today, went to the clematis, the zoomed diagonal across the yard to the opposite corner to check out a red lantern my fiancée hung up! And when he realized it wasn't food, he zoomed away! I couldn't believe it! I had to then move the shepherds hook and feeder down to the front next to the clematis... Hopefully he finds it! Ugh! Just my luck, right? Lol also, just wanted to say.... **** welcome shellee! *******
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

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Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 5:02:18 PM
Thanks Ms. Mara! I've got to update the site very soon (I've been slack lately with that). I've found that in most cases when I try to explain what I actually believe, most people only want to hear the bad things that get sensationalized in the tabloids. These days, though I just tell them I have my beliefs and that's noneyabiz unless we're sleeping together, and that usually shuts them up. Then of course, there are those who *think* they have a clue about what I believe and make sure to tell me not to put a curse on them, to which I just say "don't piss me off then" and smile. I think that most people just get so comfortable with that they *think* and have been told to think, they don't really care to know or learn any different. I love learning about different religions and beliefs, I find it super fascinating.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 5:34:48 PM
I've found that people are absolutely fascinated by the truth about witchcraft (or nature-based spirituality or whatever we might call it) and love to hear it from a real witch. Of course there will always be people who choose to retain their ignorant assumptions, but I figure, why help them? *shrug* |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

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Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 6:09:18 PM
I think I'm a magnet for nutballs because usually that's who decides to ask me questions. I guess it could also be that I don't consider myself a witch or practitioner of witchcraft either; I'm a Hoodoo, Necromancer and Demonolatress so it is a little bit different.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 7:41:03 PM
quote: [i] I'm a Hoodoo, Necromancer and Demonolatress so it is a little bit different.
Quite a bit different, actually. Thanks for clarifying. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
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Posted - Aug 09 2012 : 07:14:53 AM
Jen, how sweet that you've got "hummers." we love ours. Of course they are attracted to anything in the red area of the spectrum, which is why feeders feature that color. Once they learn they've got a reason to visit your new one, you'll have a regular show :) I understand we need to stop feeding them in autumn, though, or they'll forget to migrate and will freeze. Brrrr! By the way, you don't need to buy special hummingbird food. Just boil 2 cups of water and 1 of sugar until the sugar melts. The boiling is critical for the birds' safety. Let it cool. That's it :)
If the situation with your plants is a common thing for you, you might want to consider working some compost in around the plants and getting rid of the Miracle Gro. Chemical fertilizers can burn plants' roots. If you use the stuff, be sure to water deeply afterward. This dilutes the chemicals gets moisture down into the soil down under the roots. No watering might be okay but eventually it will rain, and probably not enough to do what's needed. Drenching rains just wash the stuff away. Light rain, like shallow watering, forces thirsty roots to grow upward toward whatever moisture they can find. They'll either cook in too much heat and/or get burned by the fertilizer. Yarrow thrives on neglect, by the way. :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2012 : 12:58:36 PM
Yea, my peach yarrow did pretty well, but Susan weed said its poisonous, so planted some white from seed... Now, just to get it to bloom! My issue is my garden is basically a container garden... We have a pretty flower bed on one side, but that's mostly ornamental flowers that my fiancée plants. (he doesn't realize that he now has cone flower, st. Johns wort, bee balm and hyssop, which I will all start harvesting next year!) my side is all large pots, so it may be the reason the yarrow isn't doing well. My scarlet bee balm has yet to bloom and it's been 2 years.. Same doe my lavender... I talked to him and we agreed that next year we can put in my white yarrow, my scarlet bee balm and my lavender in the flower bed, instead of filling itin with annuals. I bought the humming bird food bc it was cheap and figured it would be just starting out... Once I run out, I'll have to make my own! Yay
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
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Posted - Aug 09 2012 : 2:11:29 PM
Well, Susun is welcome to her always interesting opinions, but there's nothing poisonous about the non-white varieties of yarrow. It's just that, as with most herbs, they're not as medicinally potent as the original. I'm talking about nursery cultivars that you can find in various shades of yellow, pink, peach, like yours, magenta and so on. Those will often revert back to white anyway if you leave them alone. Susun might have meant the ones you can buy in cut-flower shops that have been dyed after cutting. Yecch!
I wonder if your yarrow might be suffering from a too-rich soil. Mine go crazy in our lousy clay down here, especially if they have a little shade. Same with bee balm. Your garden sounds lovely, though! If you let the coneflowers spread, as they are wont to do if left to their own devices, world will get out in the bird community and you might have goldfinches chowing down on them when they go to seed. Such a pretty sight -- have camera ready!
It's cool that you're working herbs into the ornamental garden, with your fiancé none the wiser. ;) There are so many beautiful medicinal plants you can introduce that way, most of them very hardy. You'll have him on the team in no time!
Do you grow sage, by the way? That's nearly impossible to kill, and it's very soft and pretty, as well as yummy in many foods and good as a tea (with honey) for winter sore throats. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2012 : 8:37:14 PM
I do grow sage... One is doing ok, I've been able to take a bit here and there.. But my newer one isn't fairing so well... Not sure why.. But I got it the same day I got my lemon verbena... And THAT one lost all it's leaves within a week after planting it. My fiancé told me it was dead, but I wasn't sure.... And I'm glad I waited! It sprouted new buds on its stalks almost immediately and now it's full and lush! The sage, however looks droopy and sad... Its in a container, like my other sage.. Same soil, same watering routine, same amount of sun... It just drooped and stayed that way! I do have to admit, ive always had a bit of a black thumb.. I still can't keep house plants to save my life! But I am learning and I've made some boo boos along the way. Your point about yarrow is very likely the culprit! My fiancé bought a very rich potting soil for my seedlings this year... Maybe they need a little neglect! Could that be the issue with the lavender too? I bought it last year, it is in a large container... It didn't bloom last year but very big and has beautiful silvery green foliage. I put it in the garage over winter and then brought her back out in the spring.. She never shriveled up, turned brown.. Nothing... But also no blooms! I think we need to move her into the flowe bed... That might do the trick! We got a single pot of cone flower last year with maybe 4 blooms... This year it came back and boy did it take off! I had about 50 blooms! And the plant is about 3 feet tall! So pretty! And I love gold finches, so they are always welcome here!
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 10 2012 : 06:25:35 AM
We are getting a much needed soaking rain this morning! Looks like a hurricane out here! Woohooo! :) Hope everyone has an awesome day! TGIF |
True Blue Farmgirl
268 Posts
268 Posts |
Posted - Aug 11 2012 : 09:56:14 AM
Hazel I am jealous!!!
someplace between lost and found annette FS#1372
not all who wander are lost
why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain |
True Blue Farmgirl
146 Posts

146 Posts |
Posted - Aug 12 2012 : 6:12:13 PM
Hi everyone!! I was wondering who has the round robin letter now? I have a new address to add to the list!! :)
Forever farmgirl Farmgirl Sister #1363
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 13 2012 : 1:14:03 PM
Hello all!
I've been browsing this thread the last couple of days and have been mulling over my... spiritually, I guess you could say. When I was in high school, I started researching other religions/beliefs obsessively. I read several books on Wicca/earth religions and I was immediately drawn to it. I started incorporating some Wicca with my Christian beliefs (I was raised Southern Liberal Baptist, learning from 2 strong women pastors). Well, when my mother died in 2003, I turned from all religion. My boyfriend (now my husband) was a firm atheist and after being with him for a while, I started to fall into his beliefs and was very happy with that. However, I would find myself mediating in the fields of my grandparents' farm or praying to some whatever deity would hear me. Which brings me to now...
Last year, when I was pregnant, I started to feel very uneasy in the house we were renting. My dogs and I started to feel weird in the room we were turning into the nursery and eventually, the dogs stopped going in there all together. I put off the uneasy feeling as anxiety and would sing "Amazing Grace" out loud (this was my mother's favorite song and always gave me a sense of peace and empowerment) and the feeling would go away for a while. When my son turned 8 months, we started to move into a new apartment. When I was by myself in the house, I would start to feel that feeling again. One day, my son and I were over there by ourselves grabbing boxes and he was so scared! He kept trying to crawl out of his stroller and when I picked him up he kept crying and whimpering. I grabbed what we needed quickly and as we were walking out the door I yelled, "Whatever you are, you have no business here! Leave my family alone! I will not stand for it!". Later that evening, when my husband was back from work and could watch the baby, I went back over to the house to grab some more things. I felt like I was being watched. I dug through a box and found one of my mother's crosses and yelled again for "whatever" to leave us be and to never follow us again. I imagined a bright light encompassing my family and blocking out whatever was bugging me. I have felt nothing but peace in our new place.
So, what I learned from this experience is something I always knew. I'm sensitive to other "things" and I will always feel the need to have some form of Wicca (or whatever) in my life. Now I'm planning on setting up an alter on my balcony, among the beginnings of my herb garden. Now my question is, where do I go from here? Any suggestions on starter books? I have no idea what path I want to take and would just like to see what's out there.
I apologize for this being so long, but it's been weighing on my mind and I needed to get it out! My husband has no beliefs in ghosts, spirits, etc. and while he listens and helps calm my fears, it does me good to be able to talk to like minded people.
Hope everyone is having a good Monday!
*Micah* Farmgirl Sister #1478 |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 13 2012 : 3:25:50 PM
Micah, welcome! It's so strange bc after I read your post I decided I wanted to take some time and think before I wrote something.. While I was thinking I happened to check YouTube and one of my FAVORITE people just made a video that I think will make sense for you! Check it out and let me know what you think!
She has lots of amazing things to say so if you like it, check out her other stuff! BB |
True Blue Farmgirl
146 Posts

146 Posts |
Posted - Aug 13 2012 : 3:49:07 PM
Hi Micah! Welcome! I am in Pflugerville, not to far from Austin. I attend the Wildflower Unitarian Church. If you'd ever like to come let me know. They have an awesome website and a group called Earthseeds which is pagan/wicca oriented.
Forever farmgirl Farmgirl Sister #1363
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Aug 13 2012 : 3:50:17 PM
My suggestion is to do your research online or (if you have a decent one)the library to get free info. Read about everything that seems of interest to you and go with what feels right in your soul--you'll definitely know it when you're on your path. Once you find authors you like, or an area that you are comfortable with or want to learn more about, then go buy some good books. I've spent lots of money on books over the years (mostly before the internet and computers--and my local library had crapola, and the librarian wouldn't order anything that wasn't "proper") and many of the I could have done without--but they did show me what I didn't like at least. I also spent countless hours at the GSU library on the 4th floor copying their occult books when I was in high school and got tons of information that way.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 13 2012 : 4:04:06 PM
Haha, Rachael! I have TONS of books too! When I first started a free adult (blessedly divorced) I would buy as may books as I could afford! Most just repeated ALOT of the same thing! Internet is sooooo much better! Also, Micah, you can start a book of shadows on the computer! Just cut and past what interest you, things you want to remember or be able to go back to! I keep mine on my desktop!
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Aug 13 2012 : 4:09:13 PM
Good advice, Rachel. And I would like to add that for a very long time, it has been considered inappropriate in witchy circles to charge anything for spiritual training. At most, you should expect a responsible teacher to charge you reimbursement for consumables used in classes (candles, for example) -- more commonly, they'll just ask students to obtain needed items themselves. They'll often be glad to loan you books, DVDs, and so on, which of course you MUST return, ideally with a little gift to express your appreciation, like a pinecone or a pretty stone found on a walk. We never quibble over prices amongst ourselves in the witchy marketplace. Naturally, we expect our sisters and brothers in the Craft (or whatever you may call your NeoPagan path), to earn a reasonable living from the creating and/or sale of books, recordings, tools and other things used in ritual, magickal clothing or jewelry, and so on. If you can't afford it for cash or if the seller rejects barter, say thank you and move on. What you need will come to you another time. Beware of anyone who seems to be primarily concerned with just selling you stuff. This reminds me of a "Q&A" joke I heard years ago at Starwood. Question: What's the difference between a New Age festival and a Pagan festival? Answer: About $500. :)
Edited by - Rosemary on Aug 13 2012 4:12:22 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Aug 13 2012 : 5:30:38 PM
LOL, that's funny !!! Which reminds me, I have a copy of Circle Round if anyone is interested, just pay shipping and I'll send it to you. I've had it on the shelf for a while, but never use it so I might as well pass it on to someone who will. It's focused on rituals that are family oriented, has some good information in it and it's by Starhawk, Diane Baker, and Anne Hill.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 13 2012 : 5:50:31 PM
Exactly Mara! I make things because I enjoy making them.. I haven't started making ALOT of extras to sell yet, but when I do, the prices will mainly cover my costs to buy more stuff to make more stuff! I am on the process of making oils, salves, tinctures, runes, witches stones, wands, offering bowls, diety figurines, candle holders, incense, tarot and spell bags, altar cloths... The list of things I want to do keeps going! But I enjoy doing it, so it's more about sharing my gift than the money. Money only comes into play bc I have to purchase items to make these things... I am going to my first pagan pride festival in September! Super excited! Yay!
True Blue Farmgirl
63 Posts
63 Posts |
Posted - Aug 13 2012 : 6:10:49 PM
Everyone, thank you so much for the help and info!
Hazel, I'll check out the video tonight! The 11 month old is tearing up the apartment at the moment and is trying to help me type as we speak!
Kim, I'll definitely look it up and check it out!
Again, I appreciate all the info. I was able to get some research done today while the baby was at daycare. I dug out an old journal that has nothing written in it and plan to use it to compile my musings and findings.
Now I'm off to attempt to calm the beast! I mean... the baby. :)
*Micah* Farmgirl Sister #1478 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Aug 13 2012 : 6:40:23 PM
Ooh, Circle Round is a terrific book. I have it, too. Pounce on this, ladies :) |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |