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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 31 2012 : 05:23:15 AM
Melanie, my guy is the same way.. No matter what we do. If we both go want to go to a store, it seems if I have things I wanna look at, he rushes me along... But if he finds something HE wants to look at we will be there for HOURS! He tells me he likes flea markets and stuff, but I can never get his butt to one! When I try to just go on my own he gets all pouty saying he'll miss me, can we do something else? So, I go alone a couple times bc I'm not gonna let him stop me from going.. He then realizes I'm not playing along and decides he wants to come the next time.. But I tell him, straight to the point, I will not be rushed around. Of you really wanna go, ok.. But if you're gonna rush me then don't bother. Now he only goes occasionally.. And he's better. But I really don't want to go to the city alone, or to museums and such... So it's still hard to drag him to anything like THAT.. . Ugh.. MEN! |
True Blue Farmgirl
67 Posts
67 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2012 : 6:44:31 PM
I like Melanie's idea of a swap box. What a change of pace! I'm in if it gets going!
~Cate Farmgirl Sister #3450
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night - Sarah Williams |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2012 : 07:02:47 AM
Have an awesome Lammas, everyone!
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2012 : 08:21:49 AM
Yay! Blessed Lammas! |
True Blue Farmgirl
197 Posts

197 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2012 : 10:59:27 AM
Blessed Lammas to all. Started the day with fresh baked biscuits in hot blackberry sauce (fresh from the harvest) yum. On to completing all the crafting I can muster today for the upcoming craft fairs...and I think this evening perhaps I will bring out all the fall decorations when it cools down. I really wish there wasn't a fire ban every place (even in my pit it isn't allowed) I would love to curl up outdoors later in a big comfy quilt and breathe deep of everything that is this time of year...the sights and smells and sounds of a fast approaching fall. I love cold weather and even though it isn't upon us yet I am really anxious for it and have started having that stock up the pantry, fill the freezer and prepare to hibernate feeling.
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Aug 03 2012 : 07:41:57 AM
Did everyone survive their Lammas day celebrations? Well, I celebrated quietly, in my mind and my little closet...hehehe...but it was a beautiful day! I don't understand why everyone hates us so bad...oh, yea, I do...damned TV....oh, well, it is enough for me that I know who and what I am...besides someone might expect me to tun someone into a toad if they knew!!! LOL....
So what's up with everyone? The swap sounds great....and I would love to join in...BUT my blessed nosey husband will open any package that comes in the house and, yes, I am even in the closet from him...I know, it is sad...but I am what I am and I love him, but he doesn't own me...I am here by choice. But I would love to send someone something!
Okay, enough whinning....y'all have a wonder-filled day!
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Aug 03 2012 : 6:57:07 PM
Marylyn, I wish TV was the only reason people didn't like us. After church (I go for my dd) the other night I know a few folks I wouldn't mind turning into toads if it were possible, at least then they would fit in better with their own kind. Ok that was bad and I really probably shouldn't have said it, but grrrr. Ahhh well.... I have finally come to understand something my Mamaw used to say, "It's not God I have a problem with. It's some of His children I don't like very much." I have not spoke with the pastor yet, but will be soon. Makes me sad to think you can not join us in the swap, Marylyn. I don't believe anything is set for sure with the swap. Maybe we can come up with another plan so you can join us. Maybe something like a "wish list" will work. We could pair off and we could email our partner our witchy wish lists. Let's say we're partners for example. Now I'm a newbie and I like surprises so you could send me anything you liked and think I'd find helpful and your list might contain witchy goodies that will be able to fly under the radar so to say lol, maybe it would be teas or candles or just something that doesn't stand out so much to dear hubby but will still be special to you.
Speaking of being locked up in the broom closet.... I have a question for those of you who have taken that brave step and came out. How did you tell your loved ones? My kiddos know, my momma has a little inkling. My sister not a clue, all though it wouldn't surprise her in the least cause I've always been a "bit off" lol. My guy and I have been seeing each other about 8 months I guess. We are still getting to know each other, not madly in love (those three little words have not came out even though we do care about each other). He appreciates that I'm a little different just not sure how much difference he'll appreciate. I don't want to wait until he's crazy about me and spring it on him, "Oh honey, by the way, did I mention I'm a witch?" Somehow don't see that going over very well hahahaha. Any suggestions on how to break the ice?
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Aug 03 2012 : 7:23:48 PM
Thank you, Melanie, for your kind words and trying to solve my problem, but honestly, it is okay. I will just send everyone good energy ... I'm good with it. And I don't know why I even started whinning like that, because I usually do not do that at all! I kinda like being in the makes me think I know something that nobody else knows. Like I have this precious secret that the rest of my little world are oblivious to....
As far as sharing with your fella...I have to wonder why you haven't mentioned it in 8 months...he might wonder also. Hey, I know, invite him over and when he comes in be lighting candles, lighting insence, and casting a circle and when he asks what you are doing, just say you will be done in a minute that you are sending energy to a sick friend. Then when he asks what you a talking about just act like , well, surely he must have known!!! No, I didn't think so....hummm...
Y'all have a wonder-filled day!
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Aug 03 2012 : 8:39:03 PM
Well....Marylyn, I'm very very new that's why I haven't said anything to him. Not really sure how to go about it without him thinking I've completely flipped my lid lol. He does know that I have a fascination with witch history though. Maybe I can use that as a way to open up.
True Blue Farmgirl
922 Posts
922 Posts |
Posted - Aug 03 2012 : 9:37:13 PM
Well...with Ric, I just didn't hide my altar the first time he came to visit! When he asked questions, I answered honestly.
I've found that to be most effective: if I feel the time is right, I just let people see my altar or whatever. Makes for interesting conversations. :)
Once or twice I've come out by offering a Rune reading. I *don't* suggest what happened with my MIL: I was pressured into mealtime prayers. She actually found it really fascinating, but she orsn't ask me to say grace anymore! 
A hook, a book, and a good cup of coffee.... |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Aug 03 2012 : 9:44:18 PM
Good for you, Alyce! Sounds like you have your stuff together! I love it when I hear stories like that! I wish mine were that simple, but life is life...and I am so grateful to have found this path...believe me I cherish it always....but, hey, Melanie, there you go...set up an altar in the living room! That'll get the conversation going!
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Aug 04 2012 : 07:49:46 AM
How did I come out of the "broom closet"? Hmmm.. Well.. First I let people see the books I was reading.. Like my parents and my one daughter ( she's older, little one was too young to have a clue). Then I started talking about different things in casual conversation... Like "oh, this crystal would be really good to carry with you for -----!" I got some odd looks, but I didn't care. I was already on my path when I met my fiancée 5 years ago, so I just told him up front I was Wiccan. He thought it was interesting. It came up bc I met him right before Mabon.... He is fine with it. His is technically Jewish, but I now know more about his religion than he does! He told his parents so when I met them hi mom just asked very polite questions and I answered. She said the Jewish people have the Kabbalah and its very similar... So she is completely cool! Now, my parents? Again.. They saw the books. Then they would come here and see my pentacle wreath on the porch, then I started wearing a pentacle necklace.... It's not really a big deal.. We don't talk about religion anyway... . My parents are both catholic and my mom taught in catholic school, but she believes in ghosts, spirits, reincarnation, psychics.. All that! She actually cleansed my house once without me knowing! It was before I really started on my path and we had ghost troubles (my older daughter is very sensitive). My moms BFF is psychic and she told my mom what to do. One Easter, she went around the house with holy water when no one was looking and blessed each room! Lol So she is very open to me finding my spiritual path. Later, I decided Wicca just wasnt for me... I really don't like man made organized religions.. So I just call myself pagan now.. But since Wicca is recognized now, I tell people I'm Wiccan. There are alot less questions that way. BEFORE I switched tho, I told my little one about what I believed (very roughly) and told her I was Wiccan. Now she just announces it to people! Lol.... I raised my older daughter catholic bc I feel having some kind of spiritual guidance is helpful to give children a good moral compass. She doesn't follow it anymore, and as much as I've offered to teach her paganism or loan her books, she just seems indifferent. The little one is also being raised catholic bc my ex and I agreed when we married and then when she was born, we would since at the time, we were both catholic. But I talk about the craft at home all the time, and we celebrate ALL the pagan, (major) catholic, and Jewish holidays. In December we have Hanukkah, Yule AND Christmas! She doesn't do ritual with me, but she does help me make my herbal remedies, she has asked if she could help me cleanse the house (bc now SHE sees our friends)... Point is, I don't flaunt my beliefs, but I don't hide them. I have an altar in my yard that I only put stuff on when I'm actually out there using it (people steal around here).. I have a pentacle on my porch, I wear my pentacle, I have books out in the open... People ask? I explain. If they start debating I politely say my faith isn't up for debate. You can't convert me and I don't have to defend my beliefs to you. That simple. They usually shut up... Marylyn, I'm glad we can be here for you as your little secret society! You look at your situation in such a good way! You don't ever have to be lonely,tho! Just talk to us! Yay!
True Blue Farmgirl
146 Posts

146 Posts |
Posted - Aug 04 2012 : 08:00:19 AM
My daughter knows (because she is one as well) and my husband has an inkling. The rest of my family-no. My mother knows I love Witches, Salem, & stuff. She took us to several Druid rings in England. History of religion, etc.
Melanie, I so agree with your Mamaw!
Nothing special for Lammas here. Too busy which is not the way it should be. But I had a wonderful initiation into my coven last month. I am so lucky to have found such a great group of people!
Forever farmgirl Farmgirl Sister #1363
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Aug 04 2012 : 1:55:24 PM
Do y'all have any idea how much you mean to me? No, you probably don't.....
Much Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Aug 04 2012 : 1:56:45 PM
I squealed when I found this thread!!!! Honestly!!!
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Aug 04 2012 : 6:29:56 PM
Sisters, I've been otherwise occupied for a while, but am trying to catch up. So much heartache! And yet, so much pure, positive spirit, too. I am warmed by what I read. Marilyn, I also love the idea of a "pass it on" kind of swap. Count me in.
About coming out? It's sometimes difficult, especially in a small town like mine, but there are always going to be people of whatever religious persuasion who are really kind and loving people. Such are the owners of my favorite café, where they've honored my spiritual beliefs with terrific affection and good humor. Just this morning, a new waiter just back from a tour of duty in Afghanistan and trying to adjust to civilian life again, made me a cappuccino with a pentagram "etched" into the foam on top. Also, I work with a lot of local politicians when they are running for office and come to me to design their campaign materials. Most of them know I'm a witch and even ask, most respectfully, if I'll do a little something to help them win. I always say I'll do a little something to be sure the election has the best possible outcome for the good of all. I have to explain that witches don't try to manipulate outcomes, because this is not only a violation of other people's free will, but also because it can backfire horribly. It's always best to work our magic, as the great witch Marion Weinstein used to say, "correctly, for the good of all and according to the free will of all." They're always impressed and it makes them think a bit about the promises they make to voters, or so I would like to think.
True Blue Farmgirl
197 Posts

197 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2012 : 5:46:28 PM
My latest reads..Celtic Wisdom for Contemporary Living by Phyllida Anam-Aire I've not yet finished and find some things beyond my understanding or maybe I should say I understand but I am not sure I agree with everything however it has been a very interesting read and has really made be think about myself and my life in a deeper way. The Healing Craft (Healing Practices for Witches and Pagans) by Janet and Stewart Farrar and Gavin Bone. Again not finished yet but interesting.. thus far it has been about the history and origins of the healing craft but in future chapters it covers certain methods and rituals of healing in depth. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch (not witch related but a really good non-fiction read). Would love to hear what you all are reading and your thoughts on them as well. I'm from a little podunk town and my daughter and I love to go to Florence Kentucky to half-price books occasionally and buy books because they have an entire section that cover all the topics that we are interested in learning more about. WE can't get anything even at the library here relating to any "different" i.e. not strictly Christian religion. I keep a list for when we have time and can afford to go book sleuthing (its definitely been awhile). Sending Love, Light and Positive Energy to you all this evening.
Smile it makes people wonder what you know that they don't...
Malena |
True Blue Farmgirl
268 Posts
268 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 07:47:32 AM
I have been attempting to read "A Withch's Garden" by Ellen Dugan. She is a local witch full of so much knowledge and she is a wonderful lady! I had the pleasure of meeting her at Pagan Picnic in St Louis, she is just a regular joe like you and me!! Anyway, I say attemtpting to read because well there are just not enough quiet times in my day to actually sit down with a book without interuption of some sort.
I did get that zuchini pre-breaded and frozen, so far so good... 2 cups cornmeal, 1 cup flour and an eyeball it amount of bread crumbs... put it all in a zip lock, add the veggies (a cup or 2 at a time), shake it to coat, scoop out the veggies and single layer them on a wax paper lined cookie sheet, freeze, and then dispatched it all to freezer bags for storage. I put the left over coating in the ziplock I had mixed it in and left that in the freezer for later use with more garden goodness.
Does anyone know why my eggplant flowers but won't produce any fruit? I was so looking forward to having some this year. dern it!
I decided to finish school.. I think.. lol.. I still have not tested for my last class, no confidence on my part.. can't afford to pay for the test only to turn around and pay for it again at $305 a pop because I failed it the first time. I did however register for my next rotation, this class and one more and I can request a CPNE date.
I haven't been paying attention to the commings and goings here even though i have been reading all the posts.. welcome to anyone I may have missed.
someplace between lost and found annette FS#1372
not all who wander are lost
why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain |
True Blue Farmgirl
67 Posts
67 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 09:49:01 AM
Ooh! I love Ellen Dugan's work. She seems to write like she's speaking directly to you, like she's a neighbor or galpal. It's nice to hear that she is like that in real life too.
Thinking about the broom closet...I do keep a lot close to my vest too. Though certain friends do know about me. I blurted out to my husband on our first date that I am a witch and let the dust settle from there. Luckily, he accepts it and is okay with my openness about it. My siblings are also Wiccan though we all have chosen to not tell our parents. Not from our own shame, but from a belief that they will not understand. My wish personally is not to cause them any grief. When they come to visit, I simply streamline my altar, step outside to do ritual waaaay back by the barn and wait for the day that they naturally arrive at a question about it all. Then we'll talk.
I honestly believe my mother has an inkling but chooses not to know. I respectfully let her be oblivious.
Now, the super-Catholic in-laws...whole new story. I am deep in the closet there!
Perhaps we can share stories of how we may have positively dealt with negative feedback from community, friends, family? Sort of use it as a way to diffuse some of our uneasiness together.
I hope everyone is doing well and can carve out a little time to enjoy the Perseid meteor showers this weekend.
~Cate Farmgirl Sister #3450
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night - Sarah Williams |
Edited by - Cate1313 on Aug 08 2012 10:30:49 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
197 Posts

197 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 10:20:38 AM
Eggplants are moody sometimes like the rest of the universe one thing possibly if you pluck blooms to bread and fry earlier on and get all male blooms or all female blooms that will keep them from producing. Another thing is the moon...if they were planted in the sign of the flower they will be lovely and full of blooms but no beauty in the bounty department. Other than those I'm not sure.
Beautiful Journeys M |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 10:40:54 AM
Hello everyone! The kiddos and I are on a mini-vacation this week. We rented a hotel room close to home for a couple of nights and exploring an area I don't get to often. This morning the kids and I went to a couple of witchy-type shops and one of them offers classes and ways for me to meet others interested in the craft. Super excited about that! And since the kids were good and didn't rush, I told them I wouldn't rush them at the pool.
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 10:48:39 AM
Silly phone posted before I was ready lol. Found some great incense and a couple of other things. Reading a couple of books- Starhawk's Spiral Dance is on hold right now. Seems my concentration is not where it should be and the other is one of Scott Cunningham's Wicca A Guide For The Solitary Practitioner. My concentration isn't really into this right now either but it's really just because my babies are distracting even though they don't mean to be haha. Speaking of distractions time for me to go hang out with the little ones. Have a great day! Melanie
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 12:16:55 PM
Annette, if you're not being visited by enough of the right insects, you might need to pollinate the eggplant flowers yourself. I've heard that people use a Q-Tip for that. |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 1:01:06 PM
Very interesting to read the stories of you ladies and the closets. Gosh, I don't think I've ever been in the closet about my beliefs. Since I was little I was "different" and when I turned 12 or so and I decided that "religion is crap" I didn't mind letting anyone know what I thought about going to church and such. For me though, my mom was not super religious (this from growing up with my super religious grandma--she never missed a day of any church service until she was 16 and was allowed to decide not to go) and well her husband (my sperm donor) doesn't believe in anything (although his mother was a Hoodoo). While I don't go around telling everyone all about my beliefs, I also don't hide the fact that I am not a member of any organized religion. My husband believes along the same lines as I do so we have it really good. My son is still figuring things out. When I was in high school (and still today) I was often accused of being a devil worshiper and people would ask about what kinds of sacrifices I did. So I would tell them to meet me in the cemetery by my house at midnight and I'd show them exactly what I did. You know, no one ever came out? LOL.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 1:36:06 PM
Funny post, Rachel! :) Gotta unleash my inner Crone, though. Here goes.
Next time someone reveals their ignorance by suggesting that what we believe involves devil worship and sacrifices, maybe you could ask them to come help you pick up litter at a nearby park. They probably won't show up for that, either, but at least it won't reinforce their negative assumptions about us.
I love your website, BTW. Great one-stop-shopping place for natural cleaning ideas, among other things. {{{witchy hugs}}} |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |