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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 22 2012 : 4:12:05 PM
Oh wow. Jen, we had similar issues with our neighbors in the beginning and I definitely can relate to your stress. We finally had to just pay for a new survey which we could ill afford at the time but whats a person to do? Such hatefulness in people anymore. I'm Malena by the way(sorry forgot that part). I am a novice witch (for lack of a better word). I have really been searching for something spiritually that felt right and made sense to me my whole life. I too am definitely "expected" to be a devoted christian and nothing against it but it is not who I am and what I have learned and read in the past few years has connected me with something beyond myself but somehow within myself too. I can t describe it yet maybe ya'll could help me if you can identify with what I'm saying my daughter (who is 17) kind of has this "sense" too. We have always been able to know things before they occur and we constantly say the exact same thing at the exact same time...which I know is not necessarily a witch thing and perhaps a different type of psychic thing but yet its uncanny. I have always studied alternative forms of healing and I am an herb gardening guru. I have some Indian ancestry and celtic ancestry and am interested in learning as much as I can about as many facets of this new spiritual journey as I can. Would love to hear from any and all on your journey and learn as much as I can so I can find out exactly where I fit in this wonderful world of witchdom. Drop me a line if you have time and suggest some reading materials or let me in on your knowledge. Oh and Jen you might mention to the neighbors that should they continue to be so rude you ll be forced to send out your flying monkeys or perhaps drop a house on them (that'll freak them out maybe they'll move) Haha Just kidding.
Blessed Be... M |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 22 2012 : 8:15:17 PM
Thanks so much everyone for listening! Yes, the garage was too short for a car, so when they built it, our houses previous owners had permission from their next door neighbor to extend into THEIR yard about 2 feet.. It was preexisting when we both bought our houses, so although I am not POSITIVE of all the legalities involved, I'm sure it's recorded somewhere... Right now we have 2 trellises up now for our blackberries, and we plan to maybe put something over the fence to block the weeds THEN continue with the trellises going down the fence. Im sure they will call on us about THAT but i know the cops and code guy and they will basically tell them what they told me, if they cant see it, then they can shut up! It's so difficult, we need new steps BADLY, but ours touch theirs, so to replace them, I'll need a permit and I KNOW they will fight me on everything! They will call code enforcement, which means the guy will come out, stop the work, check on their complaint... You have NO IDEA! The people before us also built an addition out back, along with next door.. So it's exactly the same on both houses and has on really long roof with a joint of shingles separating them. I had someone come to replace MY roof bc It was leaking, only to find out THEIRS is leaking, not mine! And the rain is running down along the soffet and causing it to get under "stuff" and leak into our door frame. When the guy was here he got the permit but next door called code everyday for 3 days! It shouldn't have taken THAT long! It was a one day job! But the guy had to stop every day when code showed up! They are also now saying our guy damaged THEIR roof when replacing ours! Our guy said theirs was way worse than ours and suggested I tell them in case they didn't know. Heck with THAT! I don't speak to them EVER! As for performing ritual outside, I refuse to let them stop me from enjoying my home! Let the cops come! They now drive by and yell, hey Hazel, they called again! And laugh! They know I'm not doing anything wrong... Like i said before, i even had a police officer come to me for guidance (the witchy kind). They already warned them I can sue for harassment! It's just so stressful to have to even see them anymore. And my fiancée has finally learned to shut his pie hole, bc he doesn't want to look like a wimp by ignoring them! Now I've convinced him otherwise. Malena, you sound ALOT like me! I have a 19yo daughter and we do the same things! She is also an empath! My little one is now "seeing"things too.. She's 10. You have to tell me more about how that all goes for you guys! |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 23 2012 : 04:58:51 AM
Hello, everyone....oh, Jen, what yucky neighbors....and, I mean, how do you deal with people like that? I would probably blow up the house or something, which is probably why I don't have neighbors....I think I would, at least, put a hex on them or something...see? I cannot imagine people like that...I know I keep saying that, but honestly, you are a super hero in my I guess I will be ethical and send good energy to you...believe me it is on it's way...
Work went well this the work at home begins...lots of salsa to can!!!!
Thank you all for your wonderful anniversary wishes...they meant a lot to me. Every time I read one, my little heart strings would flutter...may the Goddess bless you all.
Gotta run....can anyone give a hint as to where the letters are?
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 23 2012 : 5:17:34 PM
Ok, so I'm at the garden center with my fiancée and of course I'm scouting out their herb section! I decided to try my hands at patchouli! But does anyone know anything about harvesting? I keep reading about fermenting it... But no one really gets into how it's done! I know it can be used medicinally in tea, but not sure if it should be fermented in that case. My fiancée wants to try our hands at making essential oils, and this would be perfect, but this is where fermenting comes in. And for making incense...Any thoughts? Oh yea, he is of course scouting for things for "his side" of the yard, mostly ornamental plants (or so he thinks!) and he picks out 2. Saint johns wort and hyssop! I didn't dare tell him that I'll be harvesting those too! Along with his yarrow, cone flower,and bee balm that I have been snipping for years now! Lol
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Jul 23 2012 : 6:08:59 PM
I've not read anything about fermenting herbs, but it sounds interesting. Perhaps it is referring to making a vinegar with the herb? I would think that for making essential oils (from what I've read based on alchemical texts) you would need fresh herbs to distill, not dried. But then I could also be a bit confused on that one.**scratching my head now** Anyway, I've only worked with patchouli that has been dried or either the EO, never had any fresh.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
197 Posts

197 Posts |
Posted - Jul 23 2012 : 7:39:46 PM
not sure about fermentation of patchouli but as Rachel said perhaps a vinegar or another thought would be an oxymel perhaps?
Interesting ...have to check it out.
True Blue Farmgirl
197 Posts

197 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 23 2012 : 8:16:56 PM
Yea, so I guess fermenting is the same as drying? But not completely dried out, only a few days before you start to make the oil... Hmmm.... Well, it may be a while before we do that.. I only have the one little plant, and it's probably cheaper to buy the oil since I won't be able to make ALOT, ya know? Although I can make lemon balm oil too...l. Got Tons of that! Lol
I'll be hitting the liquor store tomorrow to start my tinctures too.... Any suggestions on what to get? I don't drink, so I've never been to a liquor store! I swear! I heard grain alcohol is good, buy sometimes you need to add distilled water, so I've heard suggestions of vodka... I'm sure I can figure it out (I have my books to guide me) but I just wondered if anyone had any suggestions on brand or anything? Or had bad luck with one and good with another? |
Edited by - Hazel on Jul 23 2012 8:23:10 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2012 : 4:09:31 PM
Everclear is generally considered the best as it has the highest proof (most alcohol) and is what I use alchemically. Vodka works very well also. Just don't go for anything less than 80 proof.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2012 : 5:50:02 PM
Ok, sounds good! I think everclear is illegal here without a permit, and our state store supposedly don't even carry it. I'm actually gonna wait till the weekend and hit the store down by my mom in DE.. Cheaper there! Lol |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Jul 25 2012 : 06:54:30 AM
Jen~ Wow! I must really live in a redneck area. LOL Everclear is very easy to obtain here. Just be careful with it if you find it. I'm sure the project you have in mind will dilute some of it's potency, but wouldn't suggest drinking it straight, that is unless you have a liver of steel heeheehee.
Ooooo I am so excited sisters! I finished all of my homework for summer semester last night. Now to wait on grades. Fall semester begins August 20th or 21st, so I'm taking a much needed break. Just think I'll finally be able to get to bed before midnight! LOL And now I have time to focus on my "extra-curricular" witchy studies.
Awe well I am beat from staying up till after 1am to get finished. I think I will take a little snooze before I have to get ready to head off to work.
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 25 2012 : 07:09:48 AM
Yea, PA has some weird booze rules! But from what I read, some states make everclear completely unacessable. At least here you CAN get it, it's just a hassle. I'll probably go with a cheap vodka, 80 or 100 proof, if I can get it. I follow ALOT of Susan weeds herbal information, and she doesn't recommend using grain alcohol bc of the intensity of it. She actuall suggests putting tincture doses in a small amount of water and not taking it straight anyway. That's probably what I'll do. Im going to be making skullcap and valerian tinctures for now, then yarrow once mine blooms. It's got LOTS of leaves, but no flowers! None of them do! Ugh. I had a peach yarrow in the flower bed, but I've had it so long that I don't remember it's official name and can't get a straight answer if I can use it medicinally.. I ended up pruning it and tossing out the cuttings figuring I was was now growing the white "official" yarrow... Only to not get any flowers! Yuck! Lol That's my luck, ya know? So, does anyone have any suggestions for the swap we were talking about? I thought maybe people could list what they have to offer and we could all just pick from each other, ya know? Things we need or like? I know some of us are really busy with school, work, kids, gardens and farms... So we could just do it when ever... What do ya think? |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Jul 25 2012 : 09:54:43 AM
Oh yeah I almost forgot about the swap iitt's been so crazy. I'd be interested it isn't too complicated or time consuming. I only have about 3 Weeks before fall classes begin and I'm not sure how hectic my new schedule will be yet.
A question for Tarot readers.... How do you charge your cards? The book I got with my first deck said to sleep on them. Well with two decks under my pillow I feel kinda like the princess and the pea lol. Just wondering if there is another way.
Also sitting here reading Wicca A Guide For The Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham. Awesome! I am loving this book!
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 25 2012 : 11:54:15 AM
Well, I was thinking, for the swap... We could just offer what we have... Like, I have lots of home grown dried herbs, I knit, sew, crochet... I also make infused oils, tinctures, jewelry and runes.. So maybe, if we can think of a specific swap, we could just offer what we have. Like say you really wanted a set of runes, you could get them from me, and you had something Phillys liked, she could get that from you, and phillys has something Rachael wants.... And so on... OR we could try something specific... Like they did with the besom exchange.. As for the tarot question... I don't use them yet, but when I want to place intention to something.. Like a crystal for a spell bag... I'll keep it on me all the time. I actually tuck them in my bra! One at a time or course! That way it's close to my heart. Obviously you cant do that with a deck of cards, but sleeping with them under your pillow for a bit before you start using them seems logical. After that, they kind of would keep your energy from your use of them, so I don't think you have to keep them under your pillow forever! Lol.. Just my 2cents |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 25 2012 : 1:03:57 PM
Melanie, I charge my cards with intention and attention...I might just sit and shuffle them or when ever I think of them...I don't go into elaborate ritual or smudging, but a lot of witches do...I think the best way for you to do it is what feels right for you!
I will have to look through my magick bag to see what goodies are ready to be passed on....
Back to work tonight.....
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
146 Posts

146 Posts |
Posted - Jul 25 2012 : 6:15:48 PM
I am all up for a swap! I'll have to go through my stuff as well. Or I may have to purchase something, as I do not have a lot of stuff on hand! Either way, I am so up for a swap. Especially one geared to the seasons, sabbats, etc.
WHo ever gets the letter next, let me know. I have Hazel's address to add!!!
Forever farmgirl Farmgirl Sister #1363
True Blue Farmgirl
540 Posts

Del City
540 Posts |
Posted - Jul 27 2012 : 8:20:30 PM
Well, ladies, I'm going to try to be more diligent about keeping up here. One of my friends has suggested that maybe I talk with a psychic/medium to try to find out what happened with my son since I have yet to hear from our medical examiner. Meanwhile, I do my best to be happy but occasionally it's just really hard.
The swap sounds interesting, but I have no idea what I could offer as I am still such a newbie/learner here. I just got my first deck of tarot cards and I'm going to smudge my niece's home this weekend. Her 4-year-old girl is doing some destructive things around the house and when asked why she says that "Number 26 (or whatever) told her to" and to be glad beause they told her to hurt her parents. I've been studying on this and talking to several of my friends about the procedure. I am ready to take this on and try to make life easier. My poor niece and her hubby are at their wits' end. Please send out some positive energy this way so I can help them. I really believe we can do this.
I'm working my way through what I have missed. My garden has pretty much gone away. The corn was either wormy or moldy. The squash and zucchini got eaten by bugs & grasshoppers. The green beans and peas shriveled. We have okra and tomatos going like crazy - now I guess I need to learn canning for sure. We have found several melons growing in the high grass. It got so hot that the weeds and grass went nuts but we were unable to spend the time outside to weed. Took the weed eater after them last week.
Thanks for giving me a forum to pour out my feelings into.
Life's a dance you learn as you go
Farmgirl Sister #2351 |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 28 2012 : 06:28:51 AM
Oh Kay, I know exactly what your niece is going through. I was very lucky bc my older daughter, Meg, was amazingly mature for her age, so by the time her "friends" started speaking to her like that, she was able to get a handle on it. A typical 4 year old cant. Smudging the house is a perfect idea. I am also very sorry about the loss of your son. Nothing is more frightening to me than losing one of my children.. But to have unanswered questions must seriously intensify all your feelings. Sending you lots of love and healing energy. My garden is suffering like yours... I have green leafhoppers attacking everything again, the weeds can't be kept under control anymore, and I found a mysterous group of beetles on my bee balm today.. The plant looks aweful! I looked around and found very odd looking creatures! They would be beautiful in my eyes if they weren't killing my plants! The base underneath is orangey red, they are small, but they are longer and slimmer than a lady bug and have perfect black and white stripes going down their backs. They are small |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 28 2012 : 10:43:08 AM
Jen, you have blister are going to have to use chemicals or kiss your garden good bye...they live in the ground...they took out half of my tomato plants and just about everything else. Then the news talked about them...bad little &;$@-?'s!
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Jul 29 2012 : 2:03:56 PM
Kay~ You have been on my mind. I have been sending little rays of love and sunshine to you everyday. So happy to see you here with us again. I do hope you find answers soon. How terrible for the little girl and her folks. I have heard of similar situations, but it wasn't anyone I was very close to so I never heard how they dealt with their "friends." We have a couple of "friends" who stay with us, one just kinda pops in from time to time- that's my mamaw and she's usually around just long enough to put in her two cents then she's off again. Gotta love her, even in spirit she pops in to set me straight even if I get a smidgen off track. Our other "friend" is here all the time. My oldest has nicknamed him Peeves and he totally gives her the creeps. I'm kinda at a loss on what to do about him. I know he's harmless, sometimes a bit of a nuisance though. He likes to move things around and work in the middle of the night. But my dd and I don't share the same belief system, if you will, so she doesn't see him quite the same as I do. Please let us know how the smudging goes. I have thought about doing the same in our home. I just don't know if that's the right way to deal with Peeves.
Sorry to hear about everyone's gardens. Guess this weather is just messing with everyone. I passed a corn and a bean crop here a couple of weeks ago. Beans were mighty puny, but if we could just get enough rain they may pull out of it. Corn is a total loss. 3 feet tall (if we're lucky) and dry clear through. No amount of rain is gonna bring that back. :(
I was out of town last night when my mom called to tell me a home behind mine was engulfed in flames. Thankfully everyone is safe, but they lost everything. Will you please join me in sending some good energy their way? I know the parents have enough on their plate with finding a new home and all they will need for that, but they also have three boys and school resumes in just a couple of weeks. if it's not bad enough to lose everything in a fire once, this is this family's second time to have this happen. The last fire was 3 or 4 years ago on Thanksgiving. Breaks my heart to hear of all the pain and suffering going around.
Spent part of the day trying to enjoy the steam engine show and craft fair we have a couple of times a year at a local park. Took my guy with me. This was his first time to go. I don't know why, but it seems like whenever we go do something I want to do, he's always in a hurry to get it done and over with. Grrrr After the park he wanted to grab lunch so I thought we'd enjoy some lunch and conversation and I'd have my quiet time with him like that rather than at the park. Ummm nope, drive-through. I'm feeling a little frustrated. There's another show in October and the kiddos and I all ready have plans to go. We'll take my guy too on the condition he slows down and takes time to smell the smoke LOL otherwise we'll go by ourselves.
So looking forward to the letters Did we decided on anything for sure on the swap? I don't have much as I'm new to this path, but I love a good hunt. Unfortunately I can't commit to a craft like the beesom (Sp?) swap, I can commit to something like a swap box. For any of you who are not familiar with how that works... Whoever kicks off the trade will get a flat rate box from the USPS-- they have them in small, medium and large. Small boxes cost $5.35, medium are $11.35 and large are $15.45 to ship within the US. We have a list of sisters in the swap with addresses, the gal that kicks off the list will put her goodies in the box (these are the items she wishes to commit to the swap. Usually in a craft swap, the first gal will pack the box completely full. We do not necessarily have to do that.) We should take care on our packing in case we have anything that could break or spill. We should pack accordingly. Anyway ok so the first sister has loaded the goodie box, be sure to include the list of names and addresses (or I suppose we could have the list emailed to each one of us), then she will mail the box to the first sister on the list. This sister gets the box and let's say she finds 5 items in the box she wants to add to her stash, so she replaces those 5 with 5 from her own stash and so on down the list. Now the last sister on the list will then mail the box of goodies back to the sister who started the chain. Just a suggestion 
Awe just a couple more hours till my babies come home from their dad's house. Think I will stretch out, maybe read a book, maybe watch tv. Hugs~ Melanie
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 29 2012 : 5:23:36 PM
Oh Melanie! That sounds perfect! Very cool idea! Anyone wanna do it? |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Jul 29 2012 : 5:38:28 PM
Yes, it does sound interesting!
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
197 Posts

197 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2012 : 10:23:31 AM
Love Melanies idea for the box..sounds like great fun. Isn't it awesome to receive something in the mail that doesnt say u owe, u owe? Rays of sunshine, positive energy and tranquility are definitely what we all could use more of.
Beautiful day to all. I am spending it at the sewing machine restoring a 100 plus year old quilt...a bit tedious but I love it. I have an idea for a witchy farmgirls piece so stay tuned I will be asking for input, ideas and good thoughts as I get into this art quilting but I am very excited. If you are a artsy or sewing type let me know. I would love to have some contributions from you all...maybe a circle where we each could add or embellish it ?
Malena |
True Blue Farmgirl
146 Posts

146 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2012 : 4:49:03 PM
That sounds like a cool way to do the swap!
Sending healing light to everyone. It's been a rough year for so many.
Melanie~Maybe you can make a deal with Peeves to go to bed a reasonable hour? Or talk to him about how he creeps your daughter out? Some, spirit or human, can take their shenanigans a little too far and just need to be reined in. And on the other topic with your guy...I wonder if it is a guy thing. I have learned that if my hubby is so-so about something, I go by myself or bring someone who will enjoy it. I have lived in Texas for 5 years now and finally got to go to the Dr.Pepper Museum and the Alamo, when my BFF came to visit!
Forever farmgirl Farmgirl Sister #1363
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2012 : 5:49:30 PM
Kim, good idea about Peeves. We've talked a couple times but I may have not been very clear with him. As for my guy,i found it strange because he actually enjoys that sort of thing a lot well usually anyway. It was one of the things that kind of drew us together when we first met. Oh well think we all get that way every now and again.
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |