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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 18 2012 : 10:47:48 PM
Hey, Mara...I can't believe my memory sometimes...I made what was called witches' runes, I painted the symbols onto black stones. I think there were 13 stones in the where did I put those? Hehehehe.... How have you been? Thanks for the sharing.
Hi, Krystle!! Did you sell all of your beautiful pentacle coasters? What have you been up to? Just selling? Hey, did you get the letters yet?
For years I have used Queen Anne's Lace in spells...when I joined MJF I found a recipe for Queen Anne's Lace Jelly!!! I made some and it is yummy! There are also recipes for red clover, white clover, and rose petal jellies as well!!! I gotta try those!!!
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 19 2012 : 05:24:38 AM
Hi Kim! Thanks for the welcome and congratulations on your coven initiation! I've often thought of joining one, in fact, I was asked by email through another forum to join one that was really close to my town.. But I emailed back to accept and ask for more info and never heard back. Just as well I guess bc I don't really follow any set path, just kinda do my own thing... So the eclectic solitary thing works ok for now. Marylyn, we do have a small growing area down the basement where we start our seeds, but It can't handle much and I'm on a very fixed income right now and the extra electric would hurt us. As it is, the combo electric/gas bill in the winter is at least $400 a month... :(. I've heard of people using queens Anne's lace for jelly, and there is so much of it right now.. But I can't harvest any of the stuff I see... I live in a very polluted, congested area.. Also, do u know the difference between hemlock and Queen Anne's lace? I haven collected from the wild and was going to start when down visiting my parents.. So I started looking at different thing and found out they are very similar... Makes me afraid I'd make a huge mistake! If u know the differences, can you share? I'm really curious! I plan on making different types of runes to sell at the Witch's ball this fall. Plus a few driftwood wands, a couple of staffs, along with other ritual and altar items I'll make. Just have to get my butt going! Problem is money for materials. We are having to tighten the belt due to some slowing in my business AND some legal and medical issues my fiancée is having.. I have ALOT of the raw materials for certain things, ALOT of materials I collect from nature (drift wood, sea glass, river rocks, feathers etc) but for my balms, oils, tinctures and herbs, I need to package them for sale. My family is ok with baby food jars, but others may not be! Lol anyway, time to get to work.. Easy day tomorrow tho and they are only calling for a high of 76!!! So maybe I'll get some things done! My house is a wreck! Lol Ps, sorry about any spelling or grammar mistakes, I'm typing on the iPad and it sometimes has a mind of its own!
True Blue Farmgirl
1868 Posts
Gulf Coast
1868 Posts |
Posted - Jul 19 2012 : 1:17:32 PM
Hi all, I am not a witch. I am a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ but I am spiritual and earthy too. Although I may not believe as you do on everything, I believe strongly in your right to believe it and I am interested in learning more, especially about the nature aspects. I celebrate the summer and winter soltices although probably not as you do. I was in Salem, MA. 5 years ago and found it all so facinating and especially learned much about the Salem with trails. I enjoyed the witch history and also the witch-owned shops. Anyway, the reason I am writing is that I am going back to Cambridge, MA. in August for 13 weeks and will get to SSalem at least twice or more. I was just wondering if anyone wants anything from there? I'd be happy to do some shopping or swaps is anyone is interested, or just get information, etc. Just let me know..general comment here but if you really want something specific, please e-mail me as I don't usually follow this forum. Thanks. Joey
Well behaved women rarely make history. |
True Blue Farmgirl
922 Posts
922 Posts |
Posted - Jul 19 2012 : 2:08:08 PM
Rosemary: actually "Runes" refers specifically to the Old Norse alphabet--either the 24 character (Elder Futhark) or 16-character (Younger Futhark).
I am a Norse Heathen, and they are important to myself and many on my path. :) I would really, really worry if you just started throwing around random figures and calling them runes. I think we all know the cosmos can get picky!
Do we have any other Heathens and vitkas here?
A hook, a book, and a good cup of coffee.... |
True Blue Farmgirl
146 Posts

146 Posts |
Posted - Jul 19 2012 : 4:30:24 PM
Hi, Joey! Lucky! I have always wanted to visit Salem ever since I did a travel report in the 7th grade...a loooong time ago! lol! How sweet of you to offer. You will be able to learn a lot from this thread if you pop in now and then. :) So many Christina traditions had root in Pagan traditions. It's fun to discover and learn.
What is the difference between Withes Runes and Runes? A friend of mine has Witches Runes she received as a gift.
Hazel, if you would like to join the Round Robin letter writing send me an e-mail and I will get you added to the list.
Forever farmgirl Farmgirl Sister #1363
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Jul 19 2012 : 4:43:07 PM
The Witches Runes that I have seen have had nature/plantetary symbols on them, and there are not as many stones (I'm thinking about 8 ish??) Runes that I was talking about are the Elder Futhark--Old Norse runes that I use for divination purposes. While I don't consider myself a vitka, I do incorporate a bit of the Norse way in what I do and work with both Odin and Frigga. On a side note, our wedding rings have the Elder Futhark on them and are awesome looking, and everyone asks me "but what does that mean" LOL.
As for the Anubis Oracle, I am very much attracted to pretty much anything Egyptian, especially if Anubis has anything to do with it. I have a few tarot decks here but they don't really do much for me at all.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 19 2012 : 5:24:10 PM
You are very lucky Joey! That's awesome! My fiancée PROMISED me a trip up there in the near future,I hope he follows through! Lol Kim, there are ALOT of different kinds of runes. Originally runes were letters of certain alphabets... There is a very very long history going back, mostly from norther Europe, But the stone with symbols used for divination that we see today (and call runes) were eventually used all over when people would travel from one area to another. People would use their own symbols on them to make them more personal. The witch's runes we see have specific symbols on them that relate to witches, although I'm not sure who came up with them. Basically people kept the name RUNES to classify this form of divination , stones which can have many different sets of symbols, or the runic alphabet ( there are a few different ones there too!). There is a very complex history behind it all. My runes that I am making will have the Elder Futhark runic alphabet on them and the witche's symbols. If it makes people more comfortable, we can call them witche's stones? Or divination stones? Doesn't make a difference to me.. But when you go to buy them, generally they are called witch's runes. Hope that helps a little bit... Lol
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 20 2012 : 2:10:05 PM
Good afternoon, gfs...what a gorgeous hot day in the, what an awesome lesson on runes!!!! Love it! Hehehehe....
As I was saying, Happy Anniversary to years ago I married my wonderful husband!!!!
Just felt like sharing that!!!
Love you,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Jul 20 2012 : 3:54:29 PM
Hope you've had a wonderful anniversary Marylyn, and many more to come.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 20 2012 : 5:57:09 PM
Oh yay, Marylyn! Have fun! |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 20 2012 : 6:29:57 PM
Thank you, my sisters...Would you believe I posted that on Facebook this morning and NOBODY responded or LIKED...I think everybody has me blocked! So I am done with Facebook. I even posted pictures...nothing, nada, zip....
I love MJF....
Now I gotta work my 12 hour night shift!!!
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Jul 20 2012 : 7:01:23 PM
Facebook's going to the crapper I think. These days I mostly get on there for some groups. I usually don't post much that is personal but rather things that either crack me up or make me go hmmm.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
Farmgirl in Training
22 Posts
22 Posts |
Posted - Jul 20 2012 : 7:47:37 PM
Sorry been so busy i haven't been checking the forums! On the tarot discussion, I love my tarot cards, I've used the Arthurian tarot for at least 10 years now. It's funny I never really ask anything of them for myself but I've done so many readings for friends and family and people usually request a reading when they see me ("Did you bring your cards?!") I try to use them on the sabbats and esbats for better results and usually they don't let me down!
Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again Farmgirl sister #4010
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jul 20 2012 : 9:18:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by GirlwithHook
Rosemary: actually "Runes" refers specifically to the Old Norse alphabet--either the 24 character (Elder Futhark) or 16-character (Younger Futhark).
Sorry, I should have prefaced my comments by sharing this very same information. I have studied this, though I don't follow Norse traditions myself. I wanted to bring the esoteric down to something a newcomer to Pagan pathways might want to adapt in order to explore their own personal beliefs, and to manifest them physically by creating their own "rune stones" -- the italics being important here, I know. Some people find it advantageous to approach the unfamiliar in this way, so that more established systems will be more intellectually accessible.
Good grief, do I really talk like that? Sheesh. I guess I do, sometimes. Grrr. Better boil myself up some chamomile tea.
By the way, I've attended a few "blots," at the invitation of Norse folk in the Baltimore area, as well as larger "gifts to the Gods" rituals at Pagan festivals. I encourage everyone here to at least read up on this general subject. It's just fascinating, especially since so many of us here in America are descended from people who lived by these ways, and may discover the roots of many unusual family observances.
A hook, a book, and a good cup of coffee.... [/quote] |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jul 21 2012 : 2:52:19 PM
Marylyn, happy anniversary(a bit late). hope you had a wonderful day.
thank you all for sharing your knowledge of runes, tarot.
Joey, that is so sweet of you. glad you stopped in, hope you will do so again. we can all learn from each other about earthy things.
hope everyone is having a great weekend. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
146 Posts

146 Posts |
Posted - Jul 21 2012 : 4:18:54 PM
Marylyn-Happy Anniversary!!! Hazel- I cannot wait to see what you design! I want to get a scrying mirror and a pendulum one of these days as well. I feel drawn to these, more so than Tarot. Though I do love a good Tarot Reading!
Any of you on Facebook, please friend me. I'll be happy to friend you back!
Forever farmgirl Farmgirl Sister #1363
True Blue Farmgirl
1868 Posts
Gulf Coast
1868 Posts |
Posted - Jul 21 2012 : 7:56:06 PM
Jen-I will be in Boston, MA. from 8/6-11/4. If you get up this way before then please let me know. I'd love to meet up and can bring my DH to keep your fiance busy if need be. Hope you all are having a good day. Joey
Well behaved women rarely make history. |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 22 2012 : 12:14:24 AM
Gotta share, I ask the tarot what I needed to focus on in the next 24 hours...I drew the king of cups, the queen of cups and the knight of! Well, I thought maybe I hadn't shuffled enough....soooo I reshuffled and then redrew....drew the exact same cards!!! Hehehe....
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 22 2012 : 07:47:47 AM
I just have to vent, so ignore me if ya like! Maybe someone will have some idea how to deal with this... Anyway, my neighbors are a nightmare! You know how much I love my garden, but it is also very small. When I bought my house, it had a garage that faced the side street (i am on the corner with no side or front yard) and the back of ithe garage extends 2 feet into my neighbors yard. It was grandfathered into the deed and appearently the 2 previous owners were amicable enough to agree to it. I moved here first and everything was fine. There was a short chain link fence separating our yards right on the property line that matched OUR fence on the other side of our yard, the neighbors didn't have a back fence and the other side was completely different. Well, these people moved in 6 mos after us and were niceish at first, but they aren't quite so nice any more. I just ignore them. BUT, after a concern I voiced about a pool going up against the common fence, they turned around and installed a SIX FOOT privacy fence 10 inches away! It goes from the garage to about 3 feet from our back steps (we share the top platform and steps go down opposite each other against the houses). It is UGLY! It's been 6 years! They hardly EVER clean out the weeds! They also put it with the panels facing in, so I see the posts and all. I cant just install my own 10 inches on to my side bc at the back of the yard there is a walk way running along the whole width of my yard about 2 feet below the rest of the yard, and a retaining wall holding up their yard. The common chain link fence is in the cement of the wall, and 10 inches in would be air! I would just replace the common fence, but they hate me so much I know that they would take me to court. I won't bother asking bc I know they will say no.... Trust me! They've already called the police on us for so many things, installed cameras to "watch" their property... Its so aweful! Man, could I tell ya some stories about these people! They have referred to my fiancé as a "Jew" (which yes, he's Jewish, but it wasn't said in a kind way!) and called the police Saying i smoke pot out back when I am celebrating the sabbats in my yard and burning incense! They are just stuck up and nasty people! The husband has come pounding on my door cursing me out about parking spots and even turned a hose on my fiancée on Christmas eve! I wish I could put up a fence that matches theirs so it's hidden and the weeds are not visible, ugh! Sorry, just a rant... I can't talk to anyone else about this bc I live in such a small town.. It would only make my life here more miserable! Anyway, thanks for the ear, I needed that! |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jul 22 2012 : 08:16:20 AM
Jen, I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with such rude and nasty people. I'm having difficulty picturing the fence situation(problem with my brain, not your description) is there room to grow flowering vines etc on a trellis that could block your view? maybe a pergola with grape vines, over the sidewalk? you are doing all you can do with people like that, staying away from them as much as possible. wishing you peace and a pleasant (neighbor free) day. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jul 22 2012 : 08:21:58 AM
Kim, just friended you on facebook. don't know how long I'll keep my facebook page, kinda over facebook. I started to reconnect with people when i first moved back home after being gone so long. found a lot of people I used to know, found out, I have ABSOLUTELY nothing in common with any of them. LOL. blessings Phyllis
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 22 2012 : 09:16:04 AM
Thanks Phyllis. When I post the pics of my garden you'll be able to see what I am talking about. I added Kim as well, so can I find you and add you to my friends list too? My garden pics are on there, so maybe that would be easier? As we speak, I'm on my porch and the woman next door came out all huffy, slamming her door, tossing things around, mumbling under her breath about goddess knows what! I heard "stupid b---". So heaven only knows what her problem is NOW! Lol probably because I exist! |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Jul 22 2012 : 10:13:56 AM
2 words: HOT FOOT.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Jul 22 2012 : 11:08:59 AM
Marylyn~ Sorry I missed your anniversary. Hope you and your hubby had a wonderful day! 
Jen~ I am just beginning to learn to read Tarot. It's something I've always felt drawn to. I kinda had the same feeling as you but with having my palm read. The first time I went the lady told me that I would have a long hard life. Well, my first thought was to ask for a refund. LOL Awe well but after I thought about it for a little while, it dawned on me my life has not been completely unbearable, there have been rough patches (a lot of them) but it has always, always been worth it. And being the kind of gal that never takes the easy way out I don't imagine life will get much easier from here on. LOL I look at the tarot for me as a way to expand my thinking, to see how things may go if I continue on the path that I am on. If I don't like the answer, I change the path, find a new answer.  *sigh* What crudbuggers of neighbors! Sending lots of love and light your way. I know people like your neighbors and I feel sad for them. To think how awful they must feel packing all of that negative energy around with them all the time, dragging them down. And I just can't help but wonder how in the world did they get so miserable. Let's hope they lighten up for their sakes too. 
Hey Joey!!!! How have you been!? It's been so long since we talked errr emailed lol. I must confess I am JEALOUS LOL you get to go to Salem. How awesome for you!!!! I'm a history nut bad and that's one of the spots on my bucket list. My new friend and I have plans someday to see Maine (which is on his bucket list) and then we're gonna swing back through to Salem. Have a great trip!
Well sisters, I am up to my eyeballs in homework so it's time to get back at it. Oooo I have good news too--- I got my new tarot set in the mail the other day, the Rider Waite deck, and a new book about Chakras. I was not sure about my draw to the Rider Waite deck when I saw it on Amazon last week, but I totally got it when I opened up the package, just felt like a very clear, simple energy. Does that make sense? heehee Ok well going on the last week of school, well till fall semester begins. I am soooo ready to be done for a little while. Have a great day!
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jul 22 2012 : 2:00:01 PM
Jen, what an awful situation. My sympathies and blessings for a bright resolution.
By "grandfathered," I assume you mean that at some point in the history of your property, local zoning regulations have recognized that a portion of the property that originally went with your neighbor's lot was used and maintained for a long enough period to be considered yours "adverse possession." It might be a good idea to let your neighbor know that you've been concerned that you might have eaten too much into their property and offer to pay for a new survey. It's a generous gesture that will set things straight on legal grounds at least.
If you are determined to stay where you are, it would probably be best for you to ignore your nasty neighbors as much as possible and be more discrete with outdoor rituals. At the very least, reconsider the usual incense, and perhaps let a nice scented oil stand in for Air. It may be necessary for you to take your rituals inside, or gather up your portable altar (a good Craft project, by the way, if you don't have such a thing!) and go someplace where you can do your ritual in private safety.
I love the idea of using the new fence as a backdrop for some garden embellishments. If the walkway is a problem, surely you can plant something that will just grow vertically and not take up much space. You could even do that in some moveable containers. I'd be careful about mounting anything on the fence, though, since it isn't yours.
What a shame we have to go through this sort of thing. Those neighbors of yours sound just horrible. |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |