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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
756 Posts
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Posted - Jul 16 2012 : 1:26:17 PM
Welcome Hazel to the thread. So happy you found us. Isn't it funny how so many of us live in small towns of very few stop lights and churches on every corner. My reason for not coming out. So many of my friends here in town are big church-goers. Once in awhile I'll let something slip in conversation and it's interesting to see their reactions. But I am who I am and that's it. So having this thread to come to and talk with like-minded women is just wonderful. Also great place to learn (I'm a relative newby). To that I say thank you to all the wonderfully, witchy women here that I have learned so much from. |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2012 : 4:04:14 PM
Hi Jen, so glad you found us!!!!! looking forward to getting to know you. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2012 : 6:20:49 PM
Well, my little girl is at her dad's for the week and my first born is now an adult and out doing what 19year olds do... I've had a lil bit of time to read some of this thread from the beginning... So I feel like I already know SOME of you! Guess I'm gonna have to keep reading! (although it might take a good while!). :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
268 Posts
268 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2012 : 6:26:25 PM
Marylyn, my door is always open!
someplace between lost and found annette FS#1372
not all who wander are lost
why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2012 : 8:12:13 PM
Jen, I don't believe most of the ones who started this thread are still least I don't recognize any of them....I could be wrong.
Next trip to Illinois I will look you up, Annette.
Who has the letters? Could we share their progress here?
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2012 : 06:56:10 AM
I would love to get in on the letters! That sounds like fun! Also, loved the idea of the swap.... Just didn't get far enough into the thread to see if anyone actually did it. Anyone know? I would love that! But we could swap almost anything really! Seeds from our gardens, crystals, stones... I make rune sets, crochet, knit, make jewelry, creams, salves and balm... The list goes on! I also sew, so making pouches for tarot carts or even aprons, altar cloths and such would be fun! Would anyone be interested? Maybe a swap for Mabon? Or people could post their goodies and we can all make a trade for something we need? Possibilities are endless! I'm hoping to post some pictures soon... But I would to see pics from others! Of your gardens? Altars? Crafts? Whatever! I'm so glad I found this group! Can ya tell I'm super excited? Could also be the infusion of the day making me a bit energetic! I try to make a new one each day, change it up a bit.. I already forget what I put in today's version.. I'll have to look and see! Lol |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2012 : 07:07:14 AM
Hi, there are several of our sisters that aren't here anymore. life gets in the way sometimes. we did talk about a besom swap, but it never happened. I think a swap would be fun sometime though. It's so good to have this support group and learn lots of new ideas. there are lots of really smart ladies here, who are willing to share with those of us that are still finding our way. so thankful for you all.
Jen, please share what you are doing the infusions of. I tried nettle infusions for a while, but I don't seem to tolerate them very well. ; ) I like the lots of energy idea. LOL.
blessings all Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2012 : 07:15:02 AM
Oh, Jen, that sounds like great fun...we'll have to see what the majority thinks, but I would be for it! An exchange for Mabon....hmmmmm....let's see what could it be....hmmmmm....
Looks like a bright sun shiny day here and the temps are already soaring...BUT we have rain in the forecast!!!! Yipppeeee!
It took me years to remember the joy of hanging clothes on the clothesline...a couple of months ago I strung a line and I am awed by the peace and serenity out there. When my kids were little the clothesline was my only it is like going back in time (in a good way). Back in time to a place of just me, back to a time of sheer bliss, back to Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water....back...
Y'all have a great day!
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2012 : 07:57:17 AM
Oh I love my infusions! I use different herbs everyday bc I had a similar problem with drinking too much nettle.. But here is the list of the herbs I have and use: nettle, red clover, Gotu kola, oat straw, green tea, lemon balm, lemon grass, passion flower, rose hips, hibiscus, orange peel, mint, calendula, Yerba mate, chamomile... I think there are probably others but these are the ones off the top of my head. Basically what I do I make an infusion using one main herb, then adding others for taste. Like today's is green tea, lemon grass and orange peel. I bought one at an amish store that is lemon grass, hibiscus, rose hips, peppermint and orange peel.... That's what gave me the idea of mixing it up a bit. I try not to repeat TOO often bc I don't do well taking something for too long. Tomorrow I may do some red clover.. I don't add any sweetener, that's why I use the mint, lemon and orange... It takes the edge off the bitter teas. On Friday my sister came to visit and I had oat straw, nettle and lemon balm brewing in the fridge.. I poured it in our water bottles before we left for a weekend at our moms house.. She needed honey but LOVED it!
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2012 : 09:14:30 AM
ok, today's infusion was a WEE bit strong for me!!! I had to strain it (usually leave the leaves in all day and just finish by bedtime). I then poured it in a larger pitcher and heated some water with honey.. that will dilute and sweeten the infusion. THANK THE GODDESS!! I think I sprouted a few hairs on my chest after a glass of that!!! HAHA
True Blue Farmgirl
67 Posts
67 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2012 : 4:31:58 PM
Merry Meet Jen and Marylyn!
I also love me some infusions, though I'm a bit boring in my mixing. I had just nettle today - love that super greenie-earthy taste. The one I poured for tomorrow is red clover with bee balm. Have you used stevia leaves in your infusions Jen? Nice way to get a subtle sweetness. Hmm I'm getting a litte inspired to geet mixing....
~Cate Farmgirl Sister #3450
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night - Sarah Williams |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2012 : 5:05:15 PM
A swap does sound interesting.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2012 : 6:09:08 PM
Hey Cate! Yes, I grew stevia last year, but I actually don't like it.. To me it tastes like artificial sweetener! Lol! I'm usually really good with no sweetener, but today's infusion was ROUGH! Lol guess there was a bit too much green tea this time? Lol! |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2012 : 1:48:34 PM
Marylyn, did you get your rain? It looks a bit scary outside here.. And they are talking severe storms! I went out and got the yard ready, just in case! |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2012 : 2:58:01 PM
Well, we got clouds, lightening, and thunder...and some wind...but no rain yet...temps in the triple digits...still no rain. The forecast goes up percentage wise every day for the next few days. Thanks for asking...however, no relief yet.
Well, I just got home from an all day trip to the bluff (Poplar Bluff is the name of the small metro..we just call it 'the bluff') had to take my fur babies to the beauty shop (the groomer).... I am wore out and have to go in to work tonight!!! Oiy!!! I did go into this junkie flea market that I frequent at times and found a new tarot deck for $3.50....and would you believe I passed them by??? Well, I had no cash and that was the only thing I found and I didn't want to write a check for that amount...yadda, yadda, yadda....I think another trip is in order soon!!! Hehehe...
I have 23 emails from MJF so I need to look through all of them, so I may write more later.
Tonight I will start '78 Days through the Tarot'...I love learning the is such an awesome place to be!!!! Hehehe
Talk to ya's later!
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2012 : 3:43:50 PM
Does anyone use the Anubis Oracle? I've been looking at it online and like what I see so far. BUT--I'm not too great with reading cards (although I do runes ok). I've been thinking over this set for a while and will probably get it eventually but would like any input if any of you ladies have the set.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2012 : 6:36:49 PM
No, Rachel, I have not used that particular tarot....I did look it up and it looks fascinating....34 cards, less to learn, historical pics, and rave reviews. Sounds like your heart is reaching for it, which sounds to me like you already have a connection to it, which means you should probably get it! I moved the Universe to get the tarot of my heart which is Tarot of the is out of print and I had to pay a small fortune for it, but it was worth is like the Greenwood is my home and when I do a reading with them it is like chatting with old me the tarot is a place, the major arcana are the landmarks, and the minor arcana are the directions, and the court cards are the families that live there....
My tarot lesson is over....hehehehehe...
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2012 : 6:56:36 PM
I tried reading tarot, it didn't "speak" to me. But that was many many moons ago... Now that I am more set in my path, I may try again, but I've never been one for divination.... I've had my cards read twice and found it caused me so much anxiety... Worrying about what they said and watching for signs of the things predicted. I know, it sounds a lil paranoid, but I am a bit of a closet worry wort, no need to make things worse! Lol. |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2012 : 7:19:56 PM
That was my feelings in the beginning...until I learned that as soon as you decide to do a reading your destiny changes...the reading only shows you what will happen if you stay on your present course or mindset...and you said that you worry about it so therefore you change the outcome!!! Is that clear as mud? Hehehehe....I, myself do not ask all kinds of questions, because I am happy, content, and satisfied with my life. It is what it is...but if I were faced with a predicament that I could not figure out I would....but my first instinct is to always try to deal with life head-on. A lot of people cannot do that, just as some go to therapy, some go to tarot consultants. They are both pretty much the same thing!
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2012 : 7:33:55 PM
Marylyn, we didn't get the rain either.. It looked quite angry out here for a while but after a couple big drops and some thunder, it just passed us by! Ugh! Sorry you had to pass on your new deck, maybe they just weren't for you, ya know? I have 2 decks.. Both were my sisters that she got after high school and she left them behind when she moved. I don't think she ever really used them, it was more "cool" than anything. I just had my dad slice me some disks from a tree branch that had fallen on his property. I'm waiting for them to dry so I can make some runes... I've been wanting to try them for a while, but tarot intimidates me.... I've always found herbs to me my "thang", if you know what I mean. I get so blue in the winter bc I can't have my garden.. I'm actually out here right now laying in the grass! Just feels like the right place to be! Are your fur babies dogs? Or cats? I have one of each, and one with scales! My baby boy is Stuart.. He's a Boston terrier. My girl is Phoebe.. Shes my crazy colored kitty with hot pink nails! And my scaley girl is Penny, my bearded dragon! She is more of a lap lizard than anything! The kids love her to death! My poor boy is being treated for a scratched cornea right now.. I like to think it was a thorn that did it and not phoebe, but if it was her, it probably happened while they were playing. I noticed 2 of her nail caps missing and replaced them, but the eye thing showed up while visiting my mom, and phoebe wasn't there.... Who knows.. But he is such a submissive, he just bows his head and crawls under the couch cushion when my cell alert goes off telling me it's time for his meds! Lol... What a sight! But he's such a trooper! He gets a doggie meatball treat every time (althought he's figured out the pills are in them now, so he spits them out and just eats the treat! Now I've been using hot dogs.. Hope he doesn't figure THAT out! It's my fourth method! Cheese, lunch meat, meatball and now hot dog! And forget tossing it into his throat, doesn't work! I've tried a dozen times! I can't hold his mouth shut fast enough bc of his smooshed face! Afraid ill poke his buggy eye! Ugh!
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2012 : 8:07:47 PM
I understand what you mean about reading tarot, I think it's bc my 2 experiences were having someone read FOR me... Not me doing it myself... I think it would be different if I tried again. Sorry about the overlapping ramble above.. You must have been responding the same time I was! Lol |
True Blue Farmgirl
146 Posts

146 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2012 : 8:17:36 PM
Welcome Jen!!! I have been so busy these past few weeks. Wow! Initiation in our coven to make it official for all of us a week ago this past Sunday. . Great ceremony. BFF since 8th grade here this past weekend for a long weekend. I am all about a swap! That would be a blast!
Forever farmgirl Farmgirl Sister #1363
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2012 : 8:19:17 PM
Runes!!! I might learn those one of these many are there? I forgot....
My fur babies are poodles, I also have two slick haired terriers at the house, then two big outside dogs, and then there is Masey my long haired calico cat. I used to have birds as well. In my pastures I have goats and cattle. Used to have sheep as well, but something had to go!!! Hehehehe...
Hey, Jen, why don't you rig a heated-lighted greenhouse ( table-top or in the corner ) for this winter? I suppose you have already tried that...but how you would lay in the thing I don't have a clue...hehehe...just a thought!
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2012 : 8:25:48 PM
For all my witchy farm sisters who are interested in Tarot, I can most enthusiastically recommend books by Rachel Pollack.
Edited to add: I just saw mention of runes. It reminded me of making your own runestones. You can literally make your own from clay, or use pretty smooth stones. You can invent your own symbols (runic or otherwise) to carve or paint on these pieces to create a universe of ideas and situations that are unique to the way you live and think. You can incorporate colors, too, if you wish. Make yourself a nice drawstring pouch to keep them in. Ultrasuede is nice. (I don't like to use real animal skin, but you could do that if you were completely comfortable with how and why the animal died. Sometimes, divinatory/meditation tools that you make yourself are much more meaningful and resonant than anything you can buy. |
Edited by - Rosemary on Jul 18 2012 8:30:28 PM |
Farmgirl in Training
21 Posts

21 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2012 : 8:46:40 PM
Hello ladies! I am so sorry I fell off the grid(thanks Mom, for pulling me back!). I have my biggest show of the year next weekend and between preparing for that, orders, personal random health issues and a panel I'm doing for the show, I've been totally overwhelmed.
The letter was sent out and should be with or arrive with the next on the list very shortly.
~*~Believing in love, fluff and cuddling stuff~*~
Farmgirl Sister #3888 |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |