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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Jul 01 2012 : 1:45:54 PM
Kaz is finally coming home tomorrow! Cue the Snoopy Happy Dance here. I think I'm all set and have everything I need for him to come home. I'm a bit of a geeky pet parent like that.
I have opted to crate train him so he will have his own little space within the house to retreat to when he has had enough people time or thunder scares him, either way. Has anyone out there crate trained before? Any guidance would be welcomed. I have the crate (with divider) already and did get an exercise pen that will connect to it (when I have to work longer than a 4 hour shift) I know that is apparently against the crate training rules but I just didn't have the heart to keep him penned that long without some way to relieve himself.
Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries. |
True Blue Farmgirl
67 Posts
67 Posts |
Posted - Jul 02 2012 : 11:18:33 AM
Woo hoo! It sounds like you've done your homework and are all ready! Crate training helps to reinforce potty training. They never want to poo where they sleep so they learn to go outside quickly. Helped with both of my dogs. The big thing is to not use it as a time out spot or punishment. It also helped when I threw one of my old grubby hoodies in the crate for them to snuggle with. Enjoy your new baby!
~Cate Farmgirl Sister #3450
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night - Sarah Williams |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jul 02 2012 : 1:06:35 PM
Hi Annette, good to see you!!! glad you could stop in. Jennifer, glad Mr. Kaz is coming home. I know he will add a lot of happiness to your life. Kay, thinking of you.
blessings to all phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
268 Posts
268 Posts |
Posted - Jul 03 2012 : 2:59:43 PM
Phyllis, Hey there! How have you been? I have sure missed this place and you ladies, I sometimes wish the world would just let me off so I could enjoy it a little more.
Jennifer, we never had any luck with crate training, mainly because I would give in to the whining and let them out.
someplace between lost and found annette FS#1372
not all who wander are lost
why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jul 03 2012 : 3:37:45 PM
Annette, I'm hanging in there. my husband and I have been canning and trying to keep up with out squash plants. LOL. I forget, how much longer is your school? I hope you can get a little break soon and relax. we have missed you, so glad you could visit. I don't think I would do very well with crate training either. Of course my critters and nice enough to let me live in their house, so maybe I should have tried it. ; )
Hope everyone has a good holiday. I'm just hoping my neighbors don't burn down the town with their fireworks. LOL. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 03 2012 : 3:54:42 PM
Hey, Everyone!!! Going to be a beautiful full moon tonight!!! Glad to read all of the happenings...would that I had something to contribute!
Jennifer, crate training takes a lot of time and puppy, nine years ago, was doing very well, but my husband undid everything that I was trying to do! Just remember, dogs are pack animals and you are becoming part of his pack, so you do have to take the leadership and he will be happier if you do.
Love and light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
268 Posts
268 Posts |
Posted - Jul 03 2012 : 5:43:00 PM
Phyllis, Glad to hear you're hanging in there. I was late getting my garden in.. 2 months ago the ground was a muddy mess from rain and now we can't get a drop to drink. I just this week have a single yellow squash promising to be delicious. How are you putting up your garden goodies? I am hoping to try to freeze pre-breaded squash cuz nothing is better in the dead of winter than some good ol home grown fried yummie-ness. I have 2 more classes before I can take my clinical rotation. The kicker there is there has to be a total of 4 students ready to do that rotation before it can even be scheduled so I may wind up waiting a month or two. This last class has kicked my butt, I have not even scheduled the test yet and I am already dreading it.. epic fail I fear. On another note, I have an interview next Monday with the school dist for a part time nursing position. I am really hoping for this.
someplace between lost and found annette FS#1372
not all who wander are lost
why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Jul 03 2012 : 9:06:09 PM
Hey ladies! I've missed talking to you all. It has been super busy keeping up with school. I can relate to somewhat to what you are going through Annette. Wow nursing! Some of the greatest women I know are nurses. I'm sure you will do fine on your test. Sending good thoughts your way. I have about three weeks left of summer classes and I'll have about a month long break before fall classes start up.
I'm super excited about the letters! Who has them now? I can't wait till it's my turn. LOL In my rare bits of free time, I've been reading books ya'll suggested.So right now I'm a little more than halfway through Spiral Dance. I LOVE this book!
Oh and I'm getting the hang of reading my tarot cards! It feels good to feel.. oh how do I put it... the cards are becoming similar to an old friend. They help me step back and see what is going on in my life. :)
Time for bed. Sweet dreams friends. Enjoy that beautiful moon tonight! Melanie
Farmgirl in Training
11 Posts
11 Posts |
Posted - Jul 04 2012 : 07:29:59 AM
Hi All,
I hope that everyone has a safe and fun Fourth of July!
Best of luck to all the fellow students out there. I feel your frustration and enthusiasm. I had to get an extension for one of my classes because the blood bank took forever to enter my blood type in their database and I couldn't complete on of my assignments until I had my blood type. Grr, Argh.
Kaz is doing great so far, he hasn't whined too much in his crate at night, but I also put him where he can see me the entire night and I put one of my old tshirts in there with him so I think that's helping. He's also getting pretty good at letting me know when he has to go out side. He may be going to meet some cousins this afternoon but I"m not sure yet, it depends on how much school work I get done. He has his first vet check up tomorrow. He is presently sitting next to me on a footstool sound asleep.
Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries. |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 04 2012 : 07:39:22 AM
Happy Fourth of July, Sistas.
Sounds like Kaz is fitting right in with is new pack!
Good luck with all of the school work!
Love and light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
146 Posts

146 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jul 04 2012 : 10:18:16 AM
Melanie, I'm so happy that you're reading The Spiral Dance and loving it. It's been a life-changing "read" for so many.
Edited by - Rosemary on Jul 04 2012 10:19:20 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
268 Posts
268 Posts |
Posted - Jul 04 2012 : 5:55:26 PM
Melanie and Marylyn, thank you for the thoughts, I sure need them. Jennifer, agh I hate when the things you need to happen for school take forever to get done and all you can do it wait until someone on the other end figures it out. Sounds as though Kaz is getting along nicely, thats wonderful!
Enjoy the rest of the 4th ladies, stay safe and fire free.
someplace between lost and found annette FS#1372
not all who wander are lost
why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jul 05 2012 : 3:06:10 PM
Hi Annette, we have made tons of squash relish, a lot like sweet pickle relish. also canned green beans, apples, and planning to can some potatoes. the frozen squash sounds good, might have to try that. I think you will do great on your test because I know you have studied. you'll do great. Hope everything goes smoothly with the clinical, and the job! Keep us posted when you can.
gosh, all these smart ladies going to school. wishing all of you good luck with your classes.
glad everyone had a great 4th. stay cool ya'll. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2012 : 10:00:38 PM
Greetings, Sistas! Long time no hear from....I know, everyone is busy, after all it is summertime! Thought I would check in; however, just to keep this thread going! Who has the letters now? Are they still going and going? Hehehehe...
I have been so busy! Oiy!!! My kitchen counters are loaded with hugh ripe tomatoes!!! On my days off I will be canning salsa, putting up frozen tomatoes, and maybe trying my hand at making catsup! What are you all doing with your fresh veggies?
Our screaming hot temps are finally cooling...not anything to brag about, but I'll take if it would just rain!!! Anybody know a good rain dance, charm, or spell?
Well, ladies, I gotta go!
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
268 Posts
268 Posts |
Posted - Jul 14 2012 : 11:43:39 AM
Marilyn, if you come across that spell send some over to southeastern IL will ya? Hot hot hot! Sittin on the couch in my bra and under wear weather!! Okra is short, cantalope bed has only 1 melon even though there are blooms like crazy, squash is non existant.. I am watering every day even! Killed a mole in the tomatoes yesterday.. dern bugger was tearing up everything.. Hubby says it was folowing the water cuz the ground there is softer. I am afraid of the water bill and considering putting in a swallow well near the chicken coop. I think I am going to put school in hiatus, it's just a thought for now. Middle son moved out on the 6th, his litle sister could not wait to take over his old room all the while I am trying to deal with having that empty room even though the benefit is that I'll finally get a place to put my sewing/crafting chaos instead of having it all cramped in a corner of the family room.. I can spread out a project and leave it out to finish.. what a novelty!
whats up in your world?
someplace between lost and found annette FS#1372
not all who wander are lost
why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2012 : 05:35:37 AM
Good morning ladies! Just two more weeks now and summer classes will be done! I'm so looking forward to a little break. Marylyn~ I have tried everything I can possibly think of to bring the rain. (We did finally get a little yesterday. YAY!!) We are dry as a bone in southwestern IN. I have left clothes on the line (sometimes overnight), windows down on the van, gave the van a good bath (that almost always does the trick), plan outside projects. Any mix of those usually works, but just not this summer LOL.
Well gals it's time to get my action-packed day going heeheehee. Ya'll have a great one!
Hugs~ Melanie
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2012 : 06:08:27 AM
I just found this site a few weeks ago and this morning I found this thread! Are there actually other witches out there! OMG! I would love to be part of this! I have been a witch pretty much all my life, but finally came out of the closet a few years ago! It would be just amazing to talk to more like minded people! My friend started a small group that we call the "nature sisters", we would get together once a month and just talk, share our goodies and plain old have fun! But it's been getting harder and harder to get together in the last 6months and it would be great if the girls and I could join and expand our little circle! |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2012 : 06:30:28 AM
Welcome, Jen!!!! It has been a little slow here this month....conversations just restarted....but yes, we are here, hehehehe...and it is always nice to have a new witch among us! So how are you surviving the heat? Like the rest of us a little wilted? Like Melanie, I have tried everything to make it rain with no luck as you can see! Hehe....with the dark moon coming up this week, I think a rain dance is definitely in order! I think there are a lot of Witchy Farmgirls hanging around, I mean being close to nature brings the witch out in all of us! I found my path about ten years ago...still not out of the closet...I live in a small bible-belt town with a church on every corner!!! I am much afraid I would be burned at the stake!!! However, if you came to my home you would recognize a lot of Witchy items! So don't be shy, jump right in and let's stir the pot!!!
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2012 : 06:56:45 AM
Thanks for the welcome, Marylyn! I am so excited to join you guys! We actually got a GOOD soaker last night! FINALLY! It knocked down some cone flower and bee balm, but they were going to seed anyways. I'm glad I tied up my blackberries tho! They would have gone down too! Where I live, even tho it's the suburbs, it more urban than where I lived in the city! So not ALOT of trees, hardly any front lawns (I don't have a front or side yard!). But I have my little oasis out back. It's only about 15x25 but I make the most of it! My town has 5 traffic lights and 5 christain churches, so I know what you mean about having trouble coming out of the closet... But since I am not at LEAST 3rd generation here (moved here 13 years ago) I am still an outsider and therefore feared and not trustworthy anyways! I have an altar in my garden visible from the street, a pentacle wreath on my porch, fairy houses all over outside, pagan themed wind chimes and small cauldron burning incense on the sabbats and esbats! They all think I'm crazy anyway and knowing what I am actually makes them leave me alone! It's kind of funny. One of the local police officers actually knocked on my door once and although I expected trouble, he was actually coming to me for guidance! Appearently I have the reputation as the town witch! Lol I currently grow mostly herbs for medicinal use, but my fiancé insists on his ornamental flower garden as well.. Hoping to convince him next season to grow some beautiful medicinal flowers and plants on his side, other than the bee balm and cone flower! |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2012 : 07:40:29 AM
The town I live in has NO red lights and one four-way stop...I have lived here all my life as have five generations before me. I grew up in church, held offices in the church, taught sunday school, lead bible studies, and sang specials every week...the churches around here are like social clubs and one day I just walked out and started searching on my own for spirituality and lo and behold I met goddesses, experienced past life adventures, and met the people I had been with for many lifetimes!!!! about an eye-opener!!! I have been happy and content ever since! I can't wait for the day I will hang out my sign that will read "Auntie M...Tarot Consultant" Well, it is a dream!!! Hehehehe....
Ohhhhh, the 'town witch'...what an awesome way to be refered to!!! Wish ther were some here and there might be...I just don't know them!
I have been trying to read through all 95 pages of this's slow going....but I noticed in the beginning they had a besom exchange (whisk brooms) and I thought that was a wonderful idea! Right now we have a round robin of letters going around...I am not sure who has them right now (someone want to give us a hint?) but I am sure you can still get your name added to the list.
You have a wonder-filled day...
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
268 Posts
268 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2012 : 09:44:15 AM
welcome to our little corner of MJF Hazel, we're glad you're here!!
someplace between lost and found annette FS#1372
not all who wander are lost
why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2012 : 10:16:28 AM
Hey, Annette, I was in your neck of the woods a couple of weeks ago...I met one Farmgirl while on my trip...had I realized you were in Cahokia we could have hooked up, too...maybe next trip!!!
Love and Light,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2012 : 10:45:57 AM
Thanks Annette! Everyone seems very welcoming so far! I have been trying to read all 95 pages of this thread, like Marylyn, but it's gonna take a while! I spent a little bit of the morning outside with my lil class of preschoolers... We pulled some weeds, harvested some of the herbs and just cleaned up a bit after last nights storm! I hope to be able to post some pics of my lil oasis, but I may have to wait til the computer is hooked up! I use my iPad for now and it may not work! We shall see! How is everyone else fairing today?
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |