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Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 02 2010 : 08:00:18 AM
Melanie - my granddaughter went through a similar thing and was so afraid that she wouldn't even go in her room. Her father is hispanic and so they called a priest to do a blessing on the house and he even gave her a vial of "holy water" and she was fine after that. I can't say I agree with the priest per se but it was a big ceremony which reassured her. I do believe in the power of intent so perhaps a blessing is in order with pomp and circumstance?? I am very in tune with the other side and I have rose quartz all the way around my bed. It does help.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
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Posted - May 02 2010 : 09:04:51 AM
Just one more thought - the picture you showed him - was it when he was older? Many spirits come across as about age 35 and not how they looked when they were older. Try showing him a younger picture of your Grandfather if you have one.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 02 2010 : 09:21:01 AM
I will try the younger picture. I have one when he was in WW2 and it was actually my grandfathers proudest times. I thought about the priest, but I am not a big fan of that, my son is pretty in tune with nature like I am so wanted to try this first, however it is possible the big production thing might be able to help. I think we are going to try one more blessing and this time include the whole family in it.
Melanie Bickham Homegrown Girls |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 02 2010 : 10:21:48 AM
Melanie - another thought occurred to me while I was out watering my plants - The touching came to me as more of a caress. When one walks into a sleeping childs room, we tend to stroke an arm, a cheek, or touch the soles of their feet, esp. when they are babies. Can you possibly explain to your son that there is nothing to fear, that the touching is from love and nothing to fear? Also - if YOU are afraid or upset, he will more likely be as well. Whenever the kids would mention something like that I always respond in a totally benign, calm, matter-of-fact manner and then they tend to relax and tell me more about it. Our society makes too much out of these types of contacts and that is fearful because it's unknown. For me it's an every day occurrence. Let me know how it goes. You can e-mail me if you wish.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
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Posted - May 02 2010 : 11:12:49 AM
I agree with Sheri 100%. We love rose quartz around here. Any ceremony that could let your son not to be afraid but rather feel chosen, perhaps the fear of sleeping would fade. When he feels the ghost does it hurt or just freak him out? Do you know the history of his room, bed etc?
My daughters have Native American dream catchers and believe that they filter their dreams, letting the good ones through and holding the bad ones from reaching them. Before they go to sleep we always talk about our favorite things and what we want to dream about and it seems to help ease them into sleep.
When we moved into our house it had been abandoned for months. The couple who lived here where "foster parents" (we are told for the money). The wife found a lover and left and the husband went ballistic until the police took him to jail and relocated the children. From that day the house stood empty (except for the ants, skunks, raccoons and rodents that came in the pet door and ate all the food left out). Ugh! whatta physical mess. Well that was the main reason we got such an amazing deal on the property.
However there was an "invisible" spiritual mess remaining as well. Even after everything was remodeled and cleaned up (it took about a year) my husband and I kept hearing crying children. Now we are too far from neighbors for us to think it was coming from afar, and our kids would usually be sleeping or happily playing when we heard the distinctive sounds.
I believe that we are orbs of energy and exchange that energy everywhere we go. If there is negative energy in a place, one would first think that positive energy would fix it, but like in math, a positive and a negative charge make a negative. SO I am a big in the practice of Neutrality.
We grow lots of Sage and it's harvest is always a tradition here every fall. As soon as I had some dried (and I wanted to use the Sage grown here) we (as a family) took the burning sage to all of our rooms and took turn blowing on the smudge. I asked the girls to talk to the spirits of the house and we all took turns welcoming the spirits to stay but we also informed them that they were free to go. We opened all the doors and windows and turned on some music and as a family we danced (with our spirits). My husband even took the smudge to the corners of our property and blew the smoke to carry the spirits away.
Seriously, the crying sound stopped!
We smudge a lot, sometimes with Sage, to assist the spirit moving on. Then sometimes with Sweet Grass to invite goodness to come. My husband likes burning Ceder in his shop because he feels it brings creativity.
So this has inspired another one of my spiritual soul chores, one that we have worked on before and Sheri suggested the Bubble technique.
#2 Solidify. Have you ever imagined yourself in an invisible bubble protected from others and even protecting others from your own emotions? Imagine that feelings are just energy passing through you (in the time it takes to say "electricity" that atom has gone around the world once.) We are exposed to vibes from all over (the universe) and it takes shape in many different manifestations (especially while we sleep). In our culture we are taught to be afraid of these lightening like moments but really we need to know we can protect ourselves and not be shocked. Meditate for a moment about your bubble, I imagine a rubber ball (super brightly colored) around me, keeping me balanced while there is external charges trying to get in and keeping my "zap!" from being misplaced coming out. This exercise strengthens my focus to channel my energy (coming in or out) productively rather than living in fear (of someone or something) or from swimming in guilt for saying or doing something I didn't (or someone else didn't mean)to say or do.
Hope this is helpful and everyone's reflection is a spring bloom.
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 02 2010 : 6:39:34 PM
Melanie, I have had this happen to my daughter when she was younger and I had read somewhere to bless an egg then place the egg on a stand beside her head and every morning check the egg for cracks or a break in it. you are supposed to do this every night until the morning arrives that the egg is "break free". anyway I did this for my daughter and on the first morning the egg had a crack in it so I put out a new egg that night then on the second morning the egg was un broken...we also hung a small dream catcher in her room and she had yet to have anymore "scary encounters" She would wake up screaming and crying saying that people where there talking to her and were going to hurt her it was really scary... after the egg and dreamcatcher she has been sleeping much better..I know she still get night time visitors but either she is unafraid of them or they are nice to her now..At the time I had no idea what was going on with her until a visit w my sister who is a psyhic and has been blessed with many gifts of that nature told us that she had many nights like that for as long as she can remember. I hope that everything works out for your son and that the fear will leave him and he can again sleep peacefully...Blessings
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,for they shall never cease to be amused:) |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 02 2010 : 7:39:33 PM
You may want to smudge his room and do a ritual sweeping of the negative energies in the room. Also you could put a pentacle under the bed either physical (metal, glass etc.) or you can draw one using blessed water or salt. If the visitor is negative that should take care of it if not then you just need to become comfortable with it. We have a visitor in our house that we have all encountered at one time or another but she is not negative and we have learned to accept her presence. She can be a little frightening for company.
Farmgirl Sister 572
When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer". |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Benton City
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Posted - May 04 2010 : 07:11:30 AM
Jen, the egg is a wonderful suggestion. It reminded me of a woman from Greece who placed an egg next to new babies to protect them in their sleep, must come from a similar tradition. I just assumed it was so SIDS thing, but after reading your post, I was like Ahhhaaa.
Melanie, how is he sleeping, any better? Keep us posted on what you try and how it works out.
There has been very aggressive energy around us, strong winds (over 60 mph) heavy rains and electrical storms. Everyone's moods seem to match the weather. So I am writing this meditation for today.
#3 Calm. Do you ever feel like Mother Nature is angry and taking it out on you and the rest of the world? Make a stack of magazines that you don't mind cutting up and start cutting out any pictures or words that reminds you of the image/actions of mother nature. Find a piece of butcher paper or anything long enough to fit your body on because you are going to lay on the paper and have someone trace the outlines of your body on it. If this is too much to do, you can always trace your hands or and feet on paper. Then take all your cut outs of Nature and glue them in your tracing. Enjoy the reflection of glory in mother nature within you.
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 04 2010 : 07:41:42 AM
Sorry it has been haywire around here, as you said Heide the winds have been severe. He is doing better. We did a smudging ritual that he participated in and hung new dream catchers (he decided that maybe the old ones were full :))He even made one of his own and learned to bless it. We talked a little more about the person and he was able to tell me that he tought it was a woman because he could hear a rustling like when I wear one of my "dress up" dresses as he calls them. Our house is brand new so I don't think there is anything attached to it, but the land is old farm land so there could be there (i am researching it). Also as Hiede mentioned I had forgotten that most of the furniture that he has was my great grandmothers, I am wondering if she has attached to the furniture and is the one checking on him. I don't feel that he is in danger, I just think this is something new to him and he is not sure of how to deal with it. So far we have had a quite week since the smudging, he also started sleeping with a crystal that I took him to the rock shop and let him pick out. Thank you all again for the wonderful suggestions, I am so used to doing rites and blessings alone that I never thought of including him or the rest of the family.
Melanie Bickham FarmGirl Sister #1475 Homegrown Girls |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 04 2010 : 12:10:47 PM
I am so glad to hear that things are going better with your son, Melanie. Keep us posted as to how things progress. I think you are spot on on it being your Great Grandmother.
The wind here was crazy insane yesterday - ended up with a 6 hour power outage. Fortunately, no downed trees but plenty of branches. Still windy today but not as bad. It feels more like March than like May. I know what you mean about everyone's moods matching the weather. When I get all agitated, I try to sit at my spinning wheel and let myself zone into the action of the spinning. I love how it mellows and centers me. Throwing pots on a wheel used to do the same thing for me.
Hope everyone is having a good, mellow day.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
76 Posts
76 Posts |
Posted - May 04 2010 : 10:45:45 PM
See, this is why we really need to form a chapter or something - so we can have a whole forum to post different threads in and have conversations in. I can think of lots of things I'd love to talk about with you all, but which I'm pretty sure will offend somebody if I go post it elsewhere. Like, I've been thinking about starting a thread in Hogs and Quiches about how the Farmgirl ethos fits into our spirituality, because for me, a large part of the reason I am interested in "farmgirl" things is because of my faith, which is very organic and nature-based. If you worship the Earth Mother, it's pretty difficult to turn around and not care about what happens to Her, kwim? Anyway, I could wax eloquent - I won't here, but I will at some point in the future - on this subject, and I'd be interested to hear what other Farmgirls have to say as well. I think it would be really interesting to do it somewhere where Farmgirls from all kinds of different religions could write about how their faith and their Farmgirl ways intersect - I'd love to hear from pagans of all sorts and Christians and Jews and Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists and, well, anybody else who's out there. I think it would be fascinating, and I suspect it would turn out that we all have a lot more in common than we tend to think we do. But given Heide's experience, I'm wondering if it would be received in the spirit I posted it, and engender the friendly, thoughtful discussion I'm hoping for, or if it would simply start a flame war. So I dunno. Probably, I'll do it anyway, because I'm me, and a priestess of Eris, and "It's an ill wind that blows no minds." ;-) But I'm still thinking about it atm. But just..stuff like that. I can think of so many interesting discussions!
Lis *the Sourceress* witchy unschooling mama to Corwyn (4/99) and Galen (5/01)
True Blue Farmgirl
76 Posts
76 Posts |
Posted - May 05 2010 : 12:10:02 AM
Wow..once again, I start posting something, get distracted, and a whole page of stuff happens in the meantime...
About kids and spirits and bad dreams and things: What everybody else said about cleansing the room with smudge. When my sons were having nightmares I did a whole cleansing ritual with the water in the chalice and and the smudge and the candles and the salt and the whole nine yards. I try to do that to the whole house periodically anyway, just to "clean house". After I've cleaned everything, I set new wards around everything, and ward the windows and doors. I like to paint tiny pentacles at the top of the window in clear nail polish, where they're unobtrusive, but you can see them sparkling there if you look. My husband won't let me do that if we're renting the house, though, even if I promise to clean it off with nail polish remover when we leave.
Also what someone said about putting a "bubble" around him. I have been teaching my sons to put "magick bubbles" around themselves since they were old enough to talk - it's Shielding 101, but "magick bubbles" makes more sense to little kids than "shields"; now that they're older I can get a little more in-depth, but when they were little I had to simplify things a bit. When one of my sons is having scary dreams or is afraid or whatever, I remind him to make a magick bubble and then I do one around him and one around the bed, and I redraw the wards on the room. My youngest son is actually getting pretty good at shields, and is learning to draw wards. His older brother tends to be a skeptic and insists that he doesn't believe in magick, so he refuses to practice and says we're silly. I think that has more to do with a close friend of his laughing at him for believing in ghosts then what he actually believes though - for all he says he doesn't believe in them, he recently accused the faeries of taking something of his, and when he's been having bad dreams or feels like there's something trying to interfere with him I end up having to ward the room and walk him through making a magick bubble.
Anyway, at one point I had been researching stones for warding off nightmares or having good dreams, with the thought of making a bracelet or something for my youngest, who use to have frequent nightmares. I remember finding a couple of things that seemed like they might be useful, but I don't remember what any of them are. I'll dig around tomorrow and see what I can find out. This really doesn't sound like a nightmare to me - it sounds a lot more like a presence of some kind - either a ghost or a faerie, but it's good to have that info around anyway. :-)
And that's a thought, and I'm surprised no one else mentioned it - is there a reason you or he specifically thinks it is/was a person or a person's ghost? Do you have faeries in your house/garden? It occurs to me that if it's not his great-great-grandmother or something like that, it might very well be one of the Wee Folk "playing" with him. If that's the case, I've found that acknowledging their presence and leaving out offerings of milk and freshly-baked cookies periodically seems to help. It cuts down on the mischief for a while, anyway. Some sources also recommend pizza, but I haven't tried that myself yet. Lis *the Sourceress* witchy unschooling mama to Corwyn (4/99) and Galen (5/01)
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
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Posted - May 05 2010 : 08:57:00 AM
Good day ladies,
Melanie ~I am so glad to hear of all the remedies you have. Sounds like something is going to work.
Lis, I like how you reminded us of the Faeries. Also I love your ideas of starting a thread on the Hogs and Quiches. I like you, love to coexist with many walks of life and I teach tolerance and acceptance to my children. I think that is why I have found so much solace in this thread, it is the norm here. But how could you bringing up the fact that there are others, hurt?
So with that as my inspiration here I go again
#3 Burst. Do you ever feel like your invisible or that the actions you take aren't being received by others (as intended)? Take four seeds and draw a large circle into the ground. Plant a seed on the North, West, South and East ends of the circle and stand in the middle, barefoot. Repeat, "Here I stand in safety, in the middle, here I am. May my light spread in all directions and the forces of good grow from this land." Feel the power and energy from the Earth be absorbed into the sole of your feet, propelling you like the seeds upwards.
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Benton City
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Posted - May 07 2010 : 09:07:17 AM
Hello my witchy friends,
how is everyone doing? In honor of mother's day coming up I wanted to write a blessing for all us ladies, momma or not. Not only to we have to momma our babies and others, most importantly we need to momma ourselves. With the media throwing so much expectations at us, we tend to have a lot of negative inner conversations and negative energy comin at us.
One of my favorite movies "What the bleep" has this awesome experiment with water. Where the scientist (Masaru Emoto) put different words next to containers of water and then took microscopic pictures of the molecules. It showed how hateful words created a jagged and pointy molecules and gentle, kind words made soft, smooth molecules. This reminds me of the power of blessing our food and giving gratitude for our plenitude.
#4 Nurture. Do you experience the power of soul food? Get a 32oz glass canning jar (we are suppose to drink at least 2 of these a day, to flush our internal systems from pollutants). Take a permanent marker and write "I love you", "thank you", "you are beautiful and perfect", "you deserve the best life has to offer" etc. on the outside of the jar and drink from it all day.
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 07 2010 : 09:18:36 AM
What a great idea, Heide. I love that movie BTW. I think it's so easy to put self-care at the bottom of the priority list. Just remember, we are human "Beings" NOT human "doings" friend just reminded me of that the other day.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 07 2010 : 1:13:40 PM
Melanie, glad your little one is dong better. don't we have some creative and caring ladies around here? Lis, great stuff. It would be great to get that chapter set up, wasn't someone working on that? ( boy, my memory is bad).
Heide love the affirmations. esp. like the last one. haven't seen the movie, but I think it's on my Netflix list. Sheri, love the human being not doing sentiment. You girls are the greatest !!! Phyllis |
Candy C.
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 08 2010 : 04:51:57 AM
Lovin' the affirmations! Thanks!! :)
Candy C. Farmgirl Sister #977
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2010 : 10:12:58 AM
Ahhh thanks ladies. Very nice to know some of us are in the same boat.
I have been struggling here with a two faced lying Dragon. UGh such ugly wildebeest hiding in the shadows of truth. I keep reflecting, trying to understand why this monster keeps coming back and how I can best avoid them. Patterns are so interesting to me that my meditation is about favorite colors and shapes. May the abstract beauty distract us!
#5 Bloom. Sometimes does it get hard to get past a blue, broken feeling and show your true brilliant colors? Get out some paper, glue, scissors and some seed catalogs. Cut out all your favorite flowers, fruit and veggies. Paste them onto paper in the shape of a huge bouquet. Then if you know anyone else in a similar funk mail it to them or just keep for yourself!
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
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Posted - May 09 2010 : 10:20:40 AM
Happy Mothers Day!
#6 Detach. Do you crave attention, wanting others to anticipate your needs or get angry when you don't get the credit due? Take to heart the wise words of Don Miguel Ruiz, in his book "The Four Agreements" and "Don't take anything personally." Not a positive or negative opinion of you has anything to do with you (this is an equally challenging exercise for both the woman who is celebrated or the woman that is forgotten). If anyone is made at their momma's, it's time to let it go. Know she did the best she could with what she had and we need to sympathize. If you are a momma, give yourself a break. These are hard times and we are in this together, good or bad.
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 09 2010 : 7:12:41 PM
Happy Mothers Day y'all !!!!
Heide, thank you for the wonderful affirmations. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with someone like your "dragon". sending hopes for better days.
blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2010 : 08:51:39 AM
Thanks Phyllis. I had a wonderful Mothers day and I hope you did too.
One of my gifts has inspired today's affirmation and I would like to share it with you ladies. . .
#7 Reach. Have you yet to waken from your winter hibernation? Take extra movements today and exaggerate each stretch. Sometimes we get in such a routine we forget how flexible we are. Our bodies were made to sway and bend. If we don't do it everyday it stiffens up, like our mind and keeps us from adapting. Take a moment while your stretching, to breath and empty your mind, feeling total relaxation.
These are a couple of pics from the yoga demonstration my daughter gave me and our guests for mother's day. Isn't she wonderful?!

"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 10 2010 : 11:01:12 AM
ok, that is the cutest thing I've seen in a long time !!! I try to do stretching to deal with the CFS/ Fibromyalgia, but nothing that exciting. LOL. glad you had a great Mother's Day, I had a wonderful day. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
230 Posts
Lee's Summit
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Posted - May 10 2010 : 6:25:44 PM
Hi, I'm new & I just had to stop by & say "hi" to all the witchy farmgirls!!! I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.....well, OK, probably not everyone, but I can try! 
It is often the bend in the road that makes life worth the drive. |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2010 : 6:40:49 PM
Hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day. This is my first one with no children at home. They are all away at college, etc. It was a little hard. But, I will see them all next week when I go up for the middle daughters graduation. Welcome Beverly.
Farmgirl Sister 572
When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer". |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2010 : 07:35:57 AM
Hi Beverly, Welcome!!!! looking forward to getting to know you too.
Beth, glad you made it through your empty nest Mother's day, and that you will see everyone soon.
blessings Phyllis |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |