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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 02:03:15 AM
Heide!!!!!your boxes are so beautiful and I am so jealous of your may pole it is wonderful!!!!!! I love Avia dancing too that is so precious!! your place looks so welcoming and fun!!
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,for they shall never cease to be amused:) |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 07:12:19 AM
Happy Lunar Beltane!! It's rainy and windy here today so no dancing around the maypole for me. Welcome Melanie - we always look forward to someone new. The only dancing I'm gonna be doing today is with a cattle panel trying to confine my sheep to the barn to dry out before they are sheared on friday noon. That should be fun in high wind and rain....hopefully Gaia will give me a break sometime today to get this accomplished. I could use and easy button today, ladies. Anybody have one I can borrow???
Phyllis that particular fairy house isn't weatherproof. I am still trying to work out a way to make them weatherproof but also strong enough to withstand pinecone bombs which is a real issue around here. I am making one of stones right now but it looks more like Hagred's house from Harry Potter. If I ever get rich enough to build a studio seperate from the house, I'd love it to look like Hagred's house.
Hope everyone has a blessed Beltane - let go and enjoy the dance....
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 08:02:24 AM
I feel so lucky today that it is Lunar Beltane and my birthday. My dancing will be on the top of my big old Gelding this evening. I feel so close to the Goddess and Gaia when I am out there with the horses. Send good wishes please for my Mare she cut her eye and it is now infected. Welcome to Melanie there are some great people here. Happy Beltane to all Blessed Be
Farmgirl Sister 572
When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer". |
True Blue Farmgirl
81 Posts
81 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 08:14:12 AM
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I must say that that is one of the things I love about this site is how warm and welcoming eveyone is. I awoke to a warm and beautiful day, unfortunately since we just moved to our house in December I don't have a may pole up but we will be dancing a celebration tonight. Happy Beltane everyone and blessed be to all.
Melanie Bickham Homegrown Girls |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 08:49:56 AM
HAPPY BELTANE BIRTHDAY BETH! That is so great, I hope today is more blessed than usual for you.
I also hope your horse is healed swiftly and you have a great ride.
Welcome Melanie, always room for more "witchy" farmchicks! Would love to hear about your Mayday pasts. I wanted so badly to adorn our pole with ribbons, but the price is unreal! So it is colored rope to hold my hops up instead (a yearlong dance). Practicality and tradition have to get along 'round here.
Sheri~ I love your fairy houses. They are so freakin cute! I too wish I had the money to have one that fits me built! *hope your sheep are minding. . .and shearing goes easy tomorrow.
It is so great to hear from everyone out there (even though we are all busy, we are finding time to dance)! I know it is still cold; makes sense as to why our ancestors would burn huge bonfires and make love on this day (what they forget to mention is, not only was it to diversify the gene pool but it helps keep everyone warm)!
Well I hope everyone is staying happy, healthy and bursting with love not only today but for the rest of the year, h
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
Candy C.
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 10:20:44 AM
Happy Birthday Beth!! Happy Beltane to all!
Candy C. Farmgirl Sister #977
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 11:43:56 AM
Happy Birthday, Beth!
Got the sheep confined and now the rain and wind have really picked up. Now that the hardest part of the day is done I can relax and play. I am relieved that it went so smoothly. I think some celebratory wool spinning is in order....
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
133 Posts
133 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 1:17:52 PM
Happy Beltane Everyone!!!!!!!It is freezing here today so naked dancing in the moon light is out here!! def will be wrapped up tight..however Heide is correct in her "making love makes us warm" comment;) Happy Birthday Beth and best of luck to your horse I hope for a swift recovery. Blessings to all today and everyday..enjoy!!!!!!
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,for they shall never cease to be amused:) |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 3:23:23 PM
Happy Birthday Beth !!!! happy Beltane everyone. just a quiet day here, no dancing in the moonlight for me, LOL a bit on the chilly side. just enjoying time with my family. Blessings y'all. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 3:26:29 PM
Boy, I miss my brain !!!! meant to say Beth, hope your mare gets better really soon.
Melanie, welcome !!! so glad you joined us.
Sheri, I thought your fairy house wouldn't be good for outside, but it sure is cute. I think the stone house sounds nifty too.
hugs Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 7:36:37 PM
Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was a good day. Sox is doing ok but she now has stitches. She is very unhappy being separated from her two boys. But she can open her eye again. I hope everyone has a Happy Beltane.
Blessed Be
Farmgirl Sister 572
When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer". |
True Blue Farmgirl
76 Posts
76 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 10:50:41 PM
Ooh, I love the hoppy Maypole! I have been trying to make Maypoles since I was a little girl, and saw a drawing of one in a Tasha Tudor book. Never have really been successful though, mainly because I've never really had the resources to do it right. Probably not this year either, but there is a Faerie Festival this weekend which is supposed to have a Maypole, so maybe I will go dance theirs :-) When I was little I also used to make May Baskets to leave on my neighbor's doors on May morning. I haven't done that in years, what with one thing and another, but I have been thinking about doing something this year. The ones I made were always construction paper cones that looked remarkably similar to the ones in the most recent issue of MJF, and filled with whatever happened to be growing in our back yard. I seem to remember there was always quite a bit of bottlebrush, simply because we had a lot of it, and it filled the cone up nicely so I didn't need as many other flowers to make it look good. We lived in the SF Bay area until I was 10, which had lots of lovely flowers, but then when moved to Tucson, which was a little more sparser. I don't even know what I'm going to put in them if I do make them - there are no flowers in my yard yet. :( We just moved into this house in July, and it's a rental, so I've got a lot of work to do to pretty it up.
Anyway, our family celebrates the Sabbats with a feast, mainly because I got a lot of my ritual ideas out of "The Pagan Family" and they all seem to be based around a dinner meal (which feels appropriate, since that's one of the few times we all come together as a family). On Beltane, we always have barbecued ribs - although we have grilled some hot dogs when we had that heat wave a couple of weeks ago, Beltane is the first real barbecue of the season. My husband makes this fantastic rub, smokes them slowly on the grill, and just before they're done, coats them with sweet-and-smokey barbecue sauce that he also makes himself from scratch. They're very good with just the rub, but they're fantastic with the sauce. We serve ribs because pork is a solar food, the fiery, red barbecue sauce also has a lot of solar associations, cooking over fire is appropriate for a fiery holiday like Beltane, and well...really, it's just a good excuse to have Moar Ribs. :D As with all of the feasts, I always try to serve food that is local and in season, so I get the ribs from a local butcher (a real, no kidding butcher, not just a meat cutter), and I get whatever produce is available from the local farm stands and farmers' markets, or in the natural foods co-op (which carries lots of local stuff, and everything is organic, too). Hopefully I'll get my garden going soon, and we'll be able to have fresh vegetables from our own garden this summer, but in the meantime, unless I get around to sprouting some sprouts, we won't have anything we grew ourselves for Beltane. I need to go shopping tomorrow and see what is available produce-wise, and I'm also thinking about doing the greek roasted potato salad from last summer's MJF. I wish we could have a bonfire, but I am not sure whether we're allowed to do it, or whether I can get my husband to build it for me (since he is the Eagle Scout and knows way more about building fires than I do). We'll have to see. Anyway, that's what we're doing. Well, that and quite a bit of private celebrating. :D
Lis *the Sourceress* pagan unschooling mama to Corwyn (4/99) and Galen (5/01)
True Blue Farmgirl
76 Posts
76 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 11:35:06 PM
Wow, over the several hours I worked off and on on that post, many things happened! Welcome Melanie! Happy Birthday Beth! Healing eye thoughts to Sox! Yay for penned-up sheep! And it's been unseasonably chilly here as well (although Tom tells me this is actually normal for Maryland, by which he means not just the chilliness at this time of year, but the wacky weather and the going from hot to cold to hot thing). So when I have to walk the dog at night, I wear my favorite sweater which is the one (and only, to date) I knitted - it's made of chunky-weight grey wool, with an intarsia skull and crossbone design on the sleeves in white. Not only is it very warm, it's always me. I think it's all the energy I put into it while I was making it, just from the process of making it with my hands. But it seems entirely appropriate to me to wear in the moonlight when it's too cold to wear nothing, if you know what I mean. It has the same feel as a ritual robe, even though it's my favorite sweater and I wear it everywhere in the winter. Which of course gave me the idea of trying to knit a ritual robe....wouldn't that be awesome for the winter festivals? Or even spring festivals where it's still chilly ;-)
Someday I hope to have the little farm of my dreams, and then I will "dance" in the moonlight on May Eve. Until then, though, I'll have to content myself with walking the dog - I grumble about it, but secretly I kind of enjoy getting to go out in the night and breathe the cool, quiet air and listen to the Night Chorus and the sleepy cows down in the neighbor's pasture, and all the other small noises and scents of the night. We have some fantastic old conifers on either side of the driveway, like sentinels, and one in particular is my favorite, and sometimes I will go and lean against it and put my arms around it (as much as I can - it's too big and old to get them even halfway around) and lean my cheek against it's rough bark and inhale the sharp, piney green woody smell, and try to feel its energy and listen to what it has to say. I remember when I was very little, I could talk to the trees, but then for some reason, I forgot how - I think too many adults told me I was just imagining it, and after a while I believed them. So for the last 15 years or so, I have been trying to regain that ability; I think I'm getting better. And I have always been very careful not to do anything like that to my sons, or to allow other people to do that to them, as much as I am able to prevent it, which is unfortunately not always enough.
Lis *the Sourceress* pagan unschooling mama to Corwyn (4/99) and Galen (5/01)
Farmgirl in Training
17 Posts
New Berlin
17 Posts |
Posted - Apr 29 2010 : 06:14:47 AM
Morning Ladies! I'm hoping for a little assistance Does anyone know of an online place I can get daily wiccan (not quite sure of the word to use here) devotions, affirmations, 'soup for the wiccan soul', things to practice for the day (I need help with my visualization ). Thank you in advance!! BB ~Laurie
"We fight not for glory, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life."
Ravelry: pgngrl (friend me!) |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Apr 29 2010 : 08:25:52 AM
Good Day Ladies!
Wow Lis, your dinners and sweater (and trees) sounds wonderful. Wish I wasn't on the other side of the Continent so we could gather and visit. Or if only I could get a broom that would fly by moonlight.
Laurie, last year I was writing daily (spiritual or paganish) affirmations or exercises and wrote them on the "Hogs and Quiches" thread under "Are you Taking care of yourself" here on MJF. Here is the link if you are interested in reading them. Thank the goddess you ladies are out there.
Rowdy Blessins, h
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
Farmgirl in Training
17 Posts
New Berlin
17 Posts |
Posted - Apr 29 2010 : 08:30:05 AM
You are wonderful Heide! I will check out the link, so far sounds like it will be JUST what I was wanting/needing. I think that you should start writting them again, here with this group knowing that they would be appreciated!
"We fight not for glory, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life."
Ravelry: pgngrl (friend me!) |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2010 : 07:18:20 AM
Heide, I would LOVE it if you posted those wonderful affirmations on this thread. I thought they were wonderful !!! I just can't get over that the ladies on here that seem so nice and supportive of each other can be so mean to you. well, I'm so thankful that you are here. I love the pictures you post of you and your lovely family, and I love your boxes. I hope someday they will open their hearts just a little and realize the hurt they have caused to a sister who was just trying to help.
Beth, I'm so glad you had a wonderful birthday, and that you have family to support you. wasn't the moon beautiful?? things are going to look up for you I just know it.
bright blessings to all our sisters. Phyllis |
Farmgirl at Heart

8 Posts
8 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2010 : 3:34:21 PM
I was just thinking this morning that I needed some kind of daily affirmations! It would be great if you could post some here, and yes I think they would be appreciated! Amy
~~~Well I'm proud to be an Okie from Muskogee...~~~ |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - May 01 2010 : 08:57:17 AM
You ladies are seriously some of the nicest ladies ever. The vibe comin off your blessings has been radiating around me, making me smile all day.
Of course I will write more. . .it's something I do for myself all the time; make lists of changes I'm trying to make. What is so weird is to look back on those lists and to see I am still working on all of it. Is there never a lesson learned, only practiced?
The only thing is that I don't want to hog this space, so if there are any objections, just pipe up. and I am not committing to everyday, it has to be more of a surprise (for all of us).
#1 Liberate. Is there something you once did and loved but for whatever reason don't do anymore? Take your time to remember an experience that brought you great joy; it can be as short as a walk through the garden section of the local grocery. Take in those feelings and try to find something to do today that will relive that moment. Let yourself know why you haven't done this particular practice in a while. It could be a long thought like of a time spent with someone passed and is extremely moving to remember. While remembering let your face move into different emotions, exaggerate your breath, smiles, laughter and perhaps tears.
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 01 2010 : 09:39:12 AM
thank you Heide, anytime you can post an affirmation, we will just soak it up. thanks for the reminder to remember and experience things I once enjoyed and can't do now. I used to sing, my Mom says I was singing before I could talk, LOL. due to the CFS I can't sing much anymore, but I always have a song in my head and heart. I still miss my Sweet Adelines, but listen to tapes and sing along til my voice wears out. LOL. and I don't have to dress up anymore. LOL.
sending blessings and hugs to all Phyllis |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - May 01 2010 : 9:21:54 PM
Today I spent trying to do some spring cleaning. I always find that deep cleaning brings up deep thought and emotion. I'm trying to liberate myself from my recent "Mouse invasion" - I've caught 10 in the last three days!! Ewww....I really detest mice. Nasty little creatures if you ask me. Not too bad in the chicken house or barn but NOT in my house. I almost stopped to pull out my guitar but knew if I did I would loose my momentum.....tomorrow.
I did get the sheep done yesterday so now they are happily naked - it rained and lighting and hailed and just about everything else today as well so they are doing the naked dance for me!! I love to watch them after they are sheared they seem so liberated and frolicy - their little tails go a mile a minute as they eat the baby grass.
Hope everyone had a great day.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
81 Posts
81 Posts |
Posted - May 01 2010 : 9:38:15 PM
Ok my Witchy Sisters, I have a problem. My youngest son has always been very sensative to the after life, he has recently be having experiances with people touching his arms and feet while he is asleep, he doesn't know who it is. I have tried every blessing that I know and even some I was not to sure about, but tried anyway. I am honestly scared, he doesn't sleep at night anymore unless he is with me and even then he still wakes up screaming. I am not sure if he is really being touched or if he is just dreaming it. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Melanie Bickham Homegrown Girls |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - May 01 2010 : 10:51:03 PM
I wonder if it is someone close to you like a grandparent? Most of those kinds of interactions are usually a loved ones. Children who are ultra sensitive can usually describe the person once they quit being afraid. The veil is thinning between dimensions as we near the 2012 energy shift so people who are extra sensitive are receiving more than usual. Have you tried to visualize a protective bubble around him? Another thing that sometimes helps is to place rose quartz around the bed as it promotes tranquility and love energy. Try to reassure him that he is in no danger - I do not feel anything malevolent in this case. How old is he? Many children go through similar dreams around age three or so. I don't know if any of this helps.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 02 2010 : 05:57:09 AM
Melaine, I'm so sorry your little one is having such scary things happen. I'm afraid I don't have enough experience to be able to offer much help. Sheri, has some good ideas I think. sending love and comforting energy your way.
Sheri, love the picture of the naked sheep dancing in the pasture. LOL. You sound like my hubby about the mice. LOL. he seriously freaks out if he thinks there is one in the house, I think we had some mousey visitors in the attic. My thing is spiders, eeeeekkkk. LOL.
have a wonderful day gang. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
81 Posts
81 Posts |
Posted - May 02 2010 : 07:28:46 AM
Sheri, He is 9. I thought that it might be my grandfather because he has alwasy followed me and my grandmother since a month or so after his death, but I showed him pictures of all the deceased family and he said it wasn't any of them. I hadn't thought of the rose quartz, I have some of that. Thanks will give it a try.
Melanie Bickham Homegrown Girls |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |