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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
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Posted - May 11 2010 : 08:30:58 AM
Welcome Beverly! Jump on in and join us.
Beth ~glad you enjoyed yourself even though it was different. Hopefully your kids celebrate you all the time. How is your horses eye healing? Sending healing energy your way. . .
#8 Space out. Do you ever use the phase of the moon to time your projects? The next few days are before the new moon (on Friday). I have always been taught this is the best time to start anything (especially the garden) because efforts are best supported by the universe. I once heard of an experiment where on the new moon they dug a hole and did not have enough earth to fill it, somehow the ground absorbed and compacted all the dirt. Then during a full moon they dug the same hole, only to have too much dirt and the soil expanded and would not fit back where it came. This was a scientific explanation as to why it was best to plant nearing the new moon.
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 11 2010 : 09:30:04 AM
Heide, that is amazing. I am trying to do my planting by those principles. My folks always planted by the signs, used the farmers almanac to decide when to plant, alway had a great garden. lots of old timers around here plant that way. take care my Sister, and enjoy the day. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
230 Posts
Lee's Summit
230 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2010 : 10:12:34 AM
Thanks so much for the warm welcomes!
I just got my very 1st garden in this weekend. I wish I could just sit out there and watch it grow :) I can never be outside for too long! It rained ALL day yesterday, more coming in tonight & the next 2 days... hope the garden doesn't float away!
* * * It is often the bend in the road that makes life worth the drive * * * |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 12 2010 : 08:13:42 AM
Hi Beverly, congrats on getting your garden started, hope the rain doesn't get too carried away and carry it away in the process. LOL. we have a few things planted, but I'm also helping my neighbor with hers as she is older and has macular degeneration and can't see to tell what is a weed and what isn't. just hoping I can tell the difference. LOL.
sending wishes for a great day. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - May 12 2010 : 12:41:35 PM
I am not complaining, I guess, my girls are really great and I talked to all of them more than once that day. They call almost every day and they are really great kids. Sox's eye is healing beautifully. She got three stitches out on Saturday and will get the rest out next saturday. I haven't managed to plant much in the way of garden just some tomatoes. The three Great Danes just walk all over everything a squish it down. Now that two of them have gone to a new home with their Mom (My Daughter) I may be able to plant more. We are planning a trip to go trail riding over the Summer Solstice. I am really looking forward to that too. We will be staying in a bungalow on the edge of the McKinney Roughs, in the Texas Hill Country for 4 days and trail riding during the day. I am so looking forward to being on horseback at the Summer Solstice. Am spending a lot of time getting the horses into shape so they can spend 4 to 8 hours a day under saddle. I think they think I have lost my mind making them work every day.LOL I know this isn't the usual direction of this thread but I am so excited. I love my boys (horses) and to spend that special a day with them I can't wait.
Farmgirl Sister 572
When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer". |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - May 12 2010 : 1:25:02 PM
Beth~ it is good to hear that your horse is on the mend. How exciting that you are planning your solstice celebration already. It sounds fabulous. I have never really been around horses (maybe less than 4 times have I gone riding) but I have never really gotten over the fear of their size. Our property is surrounded by horse pastures and our daughters love to go feed them dandilions and apples off our trees. I guess it is never too late. lol
As far as a meditation goes today. . .
#8 Gripe. Are you upset with GMO crops and depletion of heirloom seeds? I got one of the coolest seed catalogs ever from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds and they ask that we all write the Secretary of Agriculture, asking what they are doing to protect our family farmers and demanding a pure food supply. Secretary of Agriculture, USDA, 200-A Whitten Building, 1400 Independence ave. SW, Washington DC 20250
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 12 2010 : 7:09:58 PM
Heidi, my sister was terrified by horses until she came to live here. Many years ago she went to visit a psychic who identified your totem animal. She told my sister that hers was a horse. My sister informed her there was "no way" she would ever have anything to do with horses. Now she loves mine and has learned so much about them and so much about herself from spending time with them. Now she wishes she could contact that lady and apologize for her doubting what she said. In the picture the woman drew of my sister and her horse the horse even resembles my gelding Faran. Just goes to show you can never be certain of anything. LOL.
Farmgirl Sister 572
When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer". |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2010 : 3:38:11 PM
Brigid6, Welcome! Just join in our conversation where ever you have something to share.
I have been posting "witchy" affirmations. Which I might say has been cracking me up because of trying to decide what is witchy...
I think it was Sheri who wrote, it was dusk, with the full moon rising and her black cat sat at her feet, next to a huge pond toad while the bats flew in the porch lite, as she coo'd to the barn owl, she realized what a witch must look like. LOL
Sheri ! did I get that right?
well in honor of our witchy, wild ways. . .
Finish. Are you being smothered with chores, not taking enough time to breath the flower scented fresh air? I read in Mark Lerner's web site today that, "However, we are in the extreme dark of the Moon time-period for much of the day when it is better to finish old business and complete tasks already begun recently or started during the past few weeks. Gardening and nature-connected work efforts remain a viable option - particularly cleaning your tools, reorganizing your shed, and preparing the soil for the next round of seeding. The best of this day happens just after the New Moon occurs and for the rest of the evening. . . " So here is to finishing up and kicking back. Take the evening to rejoice in our dark surroundings by writing a list of all that you have done this last month and plant it with some squash seeds; with a list of all that you wish to do this month before solstice.
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2010 : 07:49:11 AM
Hi Brigid6, welcome, so glad you are here. just jump in and have fun.
Beth, glad Sox is better. also glad your sister over came her fear of horses. your Solstice plans sound wonderful.
Heide, thanks for reminder. around here we have so many projects in process. we are almost finished with our upstairs rooms that my daughter will use for a lounge and bedroom. working on the garden, really enjoying our life here.
blessings to all Phyllis |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2010 : 08:00:35 AM
Yes, you got it right, Heide. That is a true story and that happened the first evening I ever met my son in law who is hispanic and it kinda creeped him out as owls are considered a harbinger of death to them. Go figure!!
Hope all is well with everyone. I have been dealing with seasonal allergies and trying to keep my plant starts alive as they are getting huge and it's been too cold to bring them out. Participated in an on-line meditation last night on removing seed fears from past lives. Interesting process.
Welcome Brigid. Just jump right in when you feel led to.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 15 2010 : 05:49:43 AM
Hi Sheri, it has been an interesting spring hasn't it?? Hope your plants hang in there til you can plant them. sorry about those allergies. I went out yesterday and was surrounded by the wonderful smell of honeysuckle, until the sneezing started, LOL. it was worth it.
the meditation sounds interesting. I have a difficult time with meditation, bad case of wandering mind. but I keep trying, of course it doesn't help that the cats and dog want to help. LOL.
bright blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - May 15 2010 : 09:07:01 AM
Good Morning ladies, hope everyone isn't blowing up with allergies. Is seems every tree, bush, flower and grass is blooming around here. The air has been filled with little floaties (fairies) as I have been gorilla gardening, planting Giant Sunflowers everywhere I go.
Phyllis~ meditation is best for the wondering mind. It is a practice because you do need to work at it. We are so cluttered, it is good to just space out every now and then. That is why I like to call the affirmations (to do's) or meditations, it is a focus away from the everyday distractions.
So it only seems appropriate for today,s to be
Veg. Does it feel lazy to just sit in the shade and watch the clouds float by? Find a place outdoors, sit in the music of your surroundings and listen to your body breathing in and out for as long as possible. After some time see if you can shape shift and make the clouds move or the trees respond to you or call a totem animal arrive.
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 16 2010 : 04:51:38 AM
morning all, Heide love the affirmation, it's been forever since I just sat and watched the clouds. going to keep practicing my meditation.
I'm off today to have lunch with my aunt and other family, it's "decoration day" at the cemetery where my parents,and other family are buried. do y'all have those days where you are, or is it a southern thing? we used to have a pot luck at my Mom's on this day every year. now, we just go out, my house is too faar for everyone to come to. anyhow, enough of my rambling.
wishing you all a wonderful day full of love and joy. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 18 2010 : 3:43:49 PM
Hi Brigid, so great to get the kids excited about gardening while they are young. my hubby is working on raised beds too. we have some tomato plants alreay planted, and some have little green tomatoes on them. we went to my brothers yesterday and picked cherries. they have a tree that is just full, and nobody was going to pick them. planning to make cherry pie filling for next winter. yum.
good luck the the garden. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
133 Posts
133 Posts |
Posted - May 18 2010 : 10:17:37 PM
Hi sisters!!!!! My goodness I have missed so much over the past two weeks,,,somewhere along the lines I did manage to remember to breath!!!!! I have been so busy lately between the kids,work,inlaws being ill,going to Maine to see sis graduate, and planting our garden that I havent had a spare second to chat with you all.....I need a break from life lol!!!! Im glad to hear you all are doing well and also welcome to all the new ladies!!!!!I hope to get some free time this weekend to catch up!! Enjoy your week everyone!!!
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,for they shall never cease to be amused:) |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - May 19 2010 : 07:32:36 AM
Sorry I have been away a little while. I went to Denton to celebrate my DD's college graduation. Also, to help the oldest one move up there. I miss them all so much. At least they are all together in Denton in case they need someone. Guess when it is time to find my farm I will be looking up by Dallas instead of here.
Farmgirl Sister 572
When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer". |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 20 2010 : 09:47:53 AM
Hi Jennifer and Beth, glad you are back!!! sounds like you have both had your hands full. rest up from your travels. hugs Phyllis |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - May 20 2010 : 10:06:19 AM
Good morning - it sounds like everyone has been as busy as I have. Lots of outside work in the gardens and still potting up plants as they are getting too big - again. I sure wish this weather would finally decide to be spring. We are on freeze warnings for tonight so I have to cover all the plants I have out to harden off. Keep your fingers and toes crossed that they survive, girls. I'd move them back in but they are tied up as they are so top heavy because they are so tall. This is getting old! We had high winds and thunder storms last night and our temps have dropped almost 30 degrees...brrr. Only supposed to get into the low 50's today. Guess I should get back to it just thought I'd pop in and say hi.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2010 : 09:25:10 AM
Hi Sheri, hope the weather gets more springy soon, and your plants hang in there. we are having summer here today, up to the 80's and humid. my brother has a cherry tree just loaded with cherries. no one there wanted them, so I now have 3 gallons of cherries to pit today. can't beat free food.
sending wishes for better weather and good crops. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2010 : 09:42:28 AM
Hello Ladies, So nice to hear about everyone springing into the season. We have been having wild electric storms here with heavy rains. Nice to not have to water the garden, so many seeds are finally coming out. My boxes are full of nasturtiums, calandula and catmint. The skirt of the Goddess of Hops is to the top of her tower but "heide's happy hop house" was hit really hard by the winds (needing new structural/construction).
Draw. How much time in a day do you spend seeing with your eyes closed? Be inspired by one of the world's greatest, Sulamith Wulfing Grab some colors, paper and a blindfold. Go outside and place your colors before you, then put on the blindfold and color the paper, layer your movements to the different selections of colors.
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2010 : 12:07:45 PM
Hey everyone, guess the weather is being hard on everyone. We are having heat and humidity here which is normal but I am riding my horses everyday to condition them for our trip. About 7p.m. the wind picks up and it doesn't feel like spring anymore it feels like fall. It is so strange. We also got a report on the news today about a possible tropical depression in the Gulf. We know Hurricane season is from Spring to Fall but usually we don't get a lot of activity until late fall. We just finished rebuilding from Ike. I am not ready to start again. Wish us luck for the upcoming Hurricane Season. I think Gaia is trying to tell us something.
Farmgirl Sister 572
When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer". |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2010 : 1:23:03 PM
Heide - how cool that you mentioned Sulamith Wulfing - one of my favorite artists. I have three of her prints that hand in my office by my computer and one in my sewing room. Hope all is well with everyone. Weird weather all around - the same weather that Heide had has been here coupled with really cold temps and covering plants at night. It's supposed to moderate by mid week next week - I sure hope so as it feels like March with the winds to boot. I agree - Gaia is trying to tell us something.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
99 Posts
99 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2010 : 2:10:58 PM
Is it too late to join this topic? I just joined MJF! Also, if y'all are still doin' the Sabbat swaps, can you count me in, too?
Brightest Blessings, Chassie |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2010 : 6:34:27 PM
Hi Chassie, it's never to late to join in the fun. we haven't talked about a swap in a while. maybe we can get one organized by winter solstice. welcome !!!
Beth, hoping this hurricane season is kind to you. we were in Fla. in 94, and had a visit from Charlie(there are still houses with tarps on the roof) Francis, and Jeanne. thankfully we had very little damage, but I'm happy to be away from hurricane territory.
I do think that Gaia is trying to tell us something. to bad most people aren't listening . glad to know that some of us are. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
99 Posts
99 Posts |
Posted - May 22 2010 : 04:40:19 AM
Phylis-I've said the same thing recently! We've had a substantial increase of nasty natural disasters-hurricanes hitting unusual places, high magnitude earthquakes. I'm not a scientist, but you don't have to be to realize that humans have to change... Here's wishing everyone will be safe thru the stormy seasons ahead!
Brightest Blessings, Chassie
City-bound for now! Looking for my little piece of heaven... |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |