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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
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Posted - Apr 18 2010 : 10:13:16 AM
wow, gone for the weekend and look what all you ladies are up to!
Yes you have to join the sisterhood (I think it is twenty bucks) so we just never started a chapter and just posted on this thread where everyone can access. Privacy was once an issue but as I am living proof, ya gotta walk the talk.
And as was brought up, we should all be proud ambassadors to our communities that a witch can be more like a fairy godmother, than an evil shrew.
As far as planting goes I have the sweetest sweet potato that I had cut the end off of to eat and on a whim placed the root in some water. Now I have a 6 foot vine all around my window, wanting to go outside. But the frost could still happen again here. . .so we wait.
There was once a Tarot thread somewheres but long gone now I guess. Anyhow it was funny how so many ladies posted how they believed they were evil and satanic. I have the most beautiful deck that is called "The Herbal Tarot" It associates herbs to each card and it's healing traditions. So cool. If anyone is interested I would look up the web info. Its in the other room and I am taking it easy today. . .
One other thing I wanted to share is I started making my "Blessing Boxes" again. I finally got some inspiration and crafted some up; I will take some pics to share. I have made almost a hundred of them in my life and was so upset that they were being called "spell boxes" that I quit for a while. But like all things, I have come around. . .
Sheri, you need to post a pic of your boxes too. SO GORGEOUS!
Oh and one last thing, does anyone have a labyrinth and ideas of how to do one. . .I was asked to paint one on a barn floor. . . I know there used to be a thread on that too. . .
Rowdy blessin's for memorable times, h
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 18 2010 : 10:22:47 AM
Hi Heide - check out this site for labyrinth building info I have always wanted one but so far haven't gotten around to it.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - Apr 18 2010 : 5:49:43 PM
Ok, I am not sure you have to be a member to join a chapter we would have to check on that. I think you have to be a member to join a henhouse. I think there is a difference. You would need to e-mail Brian he does the henhouse stuff. I am a member of the Heart of Texas henhouse. I think there is a difference between chapters and henhouses but checking with Brian would give us the answer. I also don't know if the Witch Way farmgirls is gone or not but I check all the way back to April 2009 and couldn't find anything and it wouldn't go back any further.
Farmgirl Sister 572
When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer". |
True Blue Farmgirl
133 Posts
133 Posts |
Posted - Apr 19 2010 : 01:02:33 AM
Heide, the labyrinth sounds awesome! I would love to see a picture when its done
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,for they shall never cease to be amused:) |
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
756 Posts
756 Posts |
Posted - Apr 19 2010 : 6:59:15 PM
Heide, where did you get your Herbal Tarot cards from? Had no idea that there were so many of them and everyone seems to have their own favorites. Like I said earlier, I'm just starting this adventure and have so much to learn. I also remember reading the thread a very, very long time ago on Tarot cards and how some of the other farmgirls thought they were evil, the devils work, etc. But like they say, people are afraid of what they don't understand. I'm so in favor of starting our own chapter. Will have to get my $20.00 in soon if that's how it works.
This has been so wonderful to find others "out there" who are like me - or should say I'm going to be like you. I have so much to learn, read and take in. Anyone have some favorite web-sites they like for reference, buying items, etc.? Would enjoy finding out what sites are good and maybe not so good to go to. Also, what books do you recommend? I've picked up a couple on being a solitary witch and have a few others, but am interested in what everyone has as favorites or what are just "you can't live without" books - just part of this learning process.
Heide, can't wait to see your Blessing Boxes. BB Annie |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2010 : 09:46:00 AM
Hello Ladies,
Yes there are a trillion Tarot card sets. The Herbal one, The Herbal Tarot Deck, Created by Michael Tierra (a very well known herbalist) and Designed by Candis Cantin. Super insightful deck, nothing evil about it!
Ok so I have taken pics of my boxes and they aren't the best; like so many of the pics I have shared. However it gets the point across.
Here is some group pics of them together

These ones are ones that go inside of each other, so in the pics above you only saw the largest box. These boxes are inspired by a fellow friend who's husband after 41 years has called to say he wants a divorce. She said to me, "if the 'we' falls apart there is no 'us' or 'ours'" SO I call the littlest box, "we", the medium sized one is "us" and the largest is "ours". . .

This one is for "Rejuvenation"

One the inside (this one is for "enough") there is a "Blessing" or "Meditation"

"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Benton City
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True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
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Posted - Apr 21 2010 : 09:56:39 AM
ok I am really sorry about all these emails. . . but I finally figured it out.

AHHHHHH got it! Hope you ladies enjoy. . .
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 21 2010 : 12:24:54 PM
Heide, those are wonderful. thank you for sharing them. wishing you a blessedly happy day. Phyllis |
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
756 Posts
756 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2010 : 12:55:09 PM
Heide, those are so beautiful. You are so artistic. Do you go to craft fairs, etc. and sell the boxes? Thanks for the info on the Herbal Tarot cards. Will do some research on all the different kinds.
BB Annie |
True Blue Farmgirl
605 Posts
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Candy C.
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
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Posted - Apr 21 2010 : 2:42:56 PM
Cool boxes Heide!
Candy C. Farmgirl Sister #977
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. |
Farmgirl in Training
40 Posts
In The Trees
40 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2010 : 2:54:05 PM
Heidi - so glad your back. Your blessing boxes are beautiful!! I'd like to make one, but not sure where to start. Do you have any suggestions?
Julie to rest is to rust |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2010 : 2:58:04 PM
Hey Julie, good to see you !!!!! hugs Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
76 Posts
76 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2010 : 8:11:48 PM
Even though it's almost over, I just couldn't let the day end without wishing you all a Happy Earth Day :-)
So - Happy Earth Day!
Lis *the Sourceress* who is the same age as Earth Day, minus a couple of months :-)
True Blue Farmgirl
720 Posts
720 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2010 : 8:41:22 PM
Happy Earth Day to you, Lis, and all others.
Heidi, I too love your boxes and would love any tips on getting started myself.
"Be the change you want to see in the world" -Gandhi |
Farmgirl in Training
40 Posts
In The Trees
40 Posts |
Posted - Apr 23 2010 : 02:35:50 AM
Lis - I PMd you. I'm in MD also, we have a MJF chapter if you're interested. |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Apr 23 2010 : 08:34:14 AM
Hello ladies, I'm so glad you liked my boxes. I was sure y'all would. Funny that people can be freaked out by them. Just goes to show that you can't control how others perceive you, as it is just a reflection of themselves.
I am flattered that y'all are interested in making some. It is super easy.
First you need to decide what you are going to use as a box. I usually find mine at the local craft stores. They have all sorts of wood or cardboard containers. (Once I got a mirror with a wood frame and then designed the frame to say positive affirmations).
Then I paint the box, inside and out and I try to make it several colors. If I know the blessing or person I am making the box for, I usually choose colors of the chakra(s)I am working with.
After the box is dried I begin pasting (I just use Elmers glue and paint it onto the back of the clipping) pictures and words I have found out of magazines. I love to collage so I have a bookshelf of mags just for cutting out. I cut up mags about gardening, cooking, yoga, you name it (yes even some of my MJ mags). I even have some sets of Tarots that are missing cards and I like to add them in, with angel cards, anything.
When the glue dries, I paste beads, mirrors, sequins, anything shiny or interesting on the outside and inside. I love folk art and so I love to add glittery dots (although my husband says it makes it look tacky but I truly believe magic knows nothing tacky and LOVES reflection).
Then after all that is done. I begin the blessing that goes inside. I usually give an exercise that would focus on the blessing. The idea is to give some ritual that will bring the mind to the changes and steps necessary to obtain or recognize the blessing. I believe that we are all blessed but so much of the time we are clouded by our own issues to see that it is there waiting for us.
Ok then your done. Just be careful who you give it to. Or you might end up in a painful situation like myself where you think the person is cool and instead they go telling everyone your wickedly placing spells on them.
Hope y'all got dirty for Earth Day! I made the coolest raised garden beds. A friend of mine had to replace her 2 garage doors and was going to take them to the dump, when we decided to break up the pieces of the door into 8 feet long boards.
She bought 'L' brackets and we screwed the boards together making 4 large raised beds. Then she had compost and rock delivered. I lined the inside of the boxes with cardboard (as weed control, instead of buying plastic or fabric), filled them with soil. Lined the outside also with the broken down cardboard boxes and put rock on that. Then we planted one box with just tomatoes, one with Blueberry bushes and strawberries, one with an artichoke, dill, red chili's and brussels sprouts. The finally the last one is full of herbs. SO COOL. I will have to get pics of it to share soon.
Today there is only rest and yoga on my schedule.
Rowdy Blessin's, h
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Apr 23 2010 : 09:47:47 AM
Heide, your boxes are just wonderful. I'm so sorry that someone misunderstood your good intentions. it's so sad that they deprived themselves of a wonderful friend and you were so hurt by there behavior. thank you for coming back and sharing with us.
I played in the dirt a bit, my neighbor planted a tomato plant for me and I weeded and planned further gardening adventures. blessings , enjoy your rest and yoga today. hugs Phyllis |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - Apr 23 2010 : 10:19:29 AM
Good morning. I haven't had a chance to be on for a couple of days. this has been a weird month to say the least and a strange week to boot. First the concert got cancelled due to the volcano so the artist couldn't get here. Then a mess with rain complications trying to get my sheep sheared - they didn't so hopefully will get done next week. Poor things have so much wool they are miserable. I hope next week goes better. The temps have been all over the place from 80 three days ago to below freezing this morning.
Love your boxes Heide. If anyone is interested in seeing mine I think the pictures are on page 2 or 3 of the "what are you doing today" thread in the crafts section. I have been working in the garden area still doing clean-out my partner put up poles and fencing for my blackberries so I need to get out there and untangle and tie them up today and continue on cleaning out the strawberry bed. It's a lot of clean-out since it didn't get done last fall so there are dry runners everywhere. It's turning into a nice patch though - I started with 200 plants and they are now filling in nicely. In the spring, every day is earth day!!
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Apr 23 2010 : 3:25:32 PM
Sheri, those boxes are amazing !!!! I also loved the fairy house you had pictured. very talented and creative. what do you do with the fairy houses? would they go outside? I have a really shady back yard the old roots and neat places I have thought of putting a fairy village. I make little figures out of polymer clay, and thought it would be fun to put a little neighborhood in the back yard.
we went to the Amish market near us today and they had blackberry and raspberry plants, my hubby is going to get the area ready for them next week. 200 plants??? girl, I was thinking about 20.LOL ummmmm, I do love strawberries, heck Iove berries, peroid. of course we do only have 1/4 acre and half of it is shady. I just marvel at the beauty around me, love the spring time. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Apr 26 2010 : 1:14:57 PM
Whats everyone doing for Beltane?
Any Bonfires? Moonlite dancing?
My DH just finished our May pole. . .It is a 20 foot tower for our Hops to climb. I tried to take pics but it is too big to fit all in one frame. I LOVE IT, we are calling it our goddess of Hops.
I would love to hear what y'all got planned. h
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Apr 27 2010 : 5:45:26 PM
Happy Lunar Beltane (tomorrow)
"Beltane excerpt from 2010 Wemoon
I wake at dawn, anticipating May Day, Feast of Flowers and Cross-Quarter holyday, when the Taurus Power Gate of Earth opens to the streaming tide of summer.
Yesterday we frolicked in lush nature, singing, gathering flowers and greenery for garlands. The tall Maypole tree awaits, its multicolored ribbons waving as if anticipating the dance. On this bright sumptuous day, we will go a-maying to each home, reviving the tradition of giving gifts to ensure prosperity.
I rise, placing a wreath of roses in my hair, caressing the folds and curves of my voluptuous body with erotic scents. I will see my lover today, and fell the magnetism between us.
As I walk through the blooming earth to join friends, I realize that passionate love takes many forms, and that the earth is my greatest lover. I bless my blue planet, vowing unchanging devotion and care for her. Seeing Earth as a living, breathing female body has changed me, and become the conre3stone of my commitment to Her.
Today we joyfully dance the Maypole; tonight we celebrate our bodies with sexual abandon and then leap the blazing bonfire flames. Aphrodite's Day, day of the Goddess, day of Love.
By Ffiona Morgan ~2008 "
This is our "May Pole" from the Hops point of view.

This is what the tower looks like. We want to build a upper body on the top to the tower so the Hops will grow to look like a skirt (of the Goddess)

Then this is last years "Heide's Happy Hop House" with Avia dancing in it today. . .

Hope you ladies let loose and have a good one!
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous
Watch Films by Heide at |
True Blue Farmgirl
81 Posts
81 Posts |
Posted - Apr 27 2010 : 11:05:34 PM
Are ya'll still open for new members to your online chapter? if so I would like to join. I have been a practicing wiccan for 15 years now and have had a hard time finding like minded individuals, and know it looks like I have found the best of worlds here.
Melanie Bickham Homegrown Girls |
True Blue Farmgirl
133 Posts
133 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2010 : 01:58:57 AM
Hi all!!!! Unfortunately I will be working this evening so I will have to squeeze in a naked frolick;) in the moon beams before I head into work..Maybe I will dance thru my field and celebrate the goddess before I am strapped down to another night shift..I wish you all a wonderful day and evening...Blessed Be
Melbick-welcome!!!! we havent really decided on a chapter I dont believe..we have been gathering here and chatting. I would love to chat with you more, I am sure you are full of wonderful knowledge to share...
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,for they shall never cease to be amused:) |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |