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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rosebud MT
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Posted - Mar 15 2009 :  4:33:44 PM  Show Profile
Anyone use these? What is the benifit of wool dryer balls over dryer sheets? I saw on TipNut today how to make some felted wool balls. You are suppose to use 3-4 of them in your dryer in place of the dryer sheets. They say it takes away the static and gets your clothes fluffy just like the sheets but cheaper and without the chemicals.

So are they worth it?? Cuz I would make some and use them instead.


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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Mar 15 2009 :  5:53:53 PM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
I like them, though the ones I have used are rubber. They are especially nice when drying things like pillows or heavy blankets that tend to clump up. I think the balls also help dispel the static electricity so it doesn't build up in your clothes.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Fort Atkinson Wisconsin
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Posted - Mar 16 2009 :  11:32:39 AM  Show Profile
I use tennis balls and they work great and not that expensive- I just have to try and keep them from the dog!! ;o)

xoxo--- Lori

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Maryjane Lee
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 17 2009 :  11:43:04 AM  Show Profile
I use tennis balls! They do the same thing and the tennis balls also collect lint! I have used them for years!

Maryjane Lee

Farmgirl #44
Sisters on the Fly #595

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Benton City WA
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Posted - Mar 18 2009 :  09:14:08 AM  Show Profile
I use to put lavender oil on cotton balls and throw them in the dryer with my clothes. It smelled soooooooooo good and even my husband and children loved it. Then I started noticing burn marks on tee shirts. . .I think the oil on the balls started to burn up! Burning what ever clothes they got caught up in. SO, I will have to try the tennis ball thing, Does anyone add essential oils to it?
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Chapin SC
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Posted - May 26 2010 :  8:50:27 PM  Show Profile
I mostly line dry my clothes bit some times I have to use my dryer.I have plastic ones and I use tennis balls. They work great at beating the clothes and fluffing them up.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Milwaukee WI
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Posted - Jun 03 2010 :  12:11:06 PM  Show Profile
I love tennis balls. I cut a short slit with a utility knife in the side, squeeze the ball to make the slit open up a bit, slip the end of a funnel in there to keep it open. Pour a bunch of lavender buds in there, pull out the funnel and bam, the opening closes up tight. Toss that in the dryer and you've got scented static free stuff that dries fluffier and more quickly. I usually line dry, but I like to toss towels in the dryer for just a couple minutes to fluff 'em up. Also, when it gets to be rainy and damp here I have put Tea Tree oil on cotton balls and shoved 'em in there instead. The oil stays in the tennis ball, but the "essence" (for lack of a better word) seems to get into the towels and keep 'em from smelling musty. I always worry about oils in the dryer though, so I don't keep 'em in a high heat dryer for the whole cycle.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Battle Creek MI
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Posted - Jun 03 2010 :  12:36:12 PM  Show Profile
A little off topic, but still kinda on topic, but I went to Aldi (some of you may be familiar with the store) the other day and bought some washing machine balls. I had never heard of such a thing, but they are about the size of golf balls and there are 9 of them that you throw in the washer with your clothes. The have deep ridges on them and are supposed to make your laundry soap more efficient. I make my own laundry soap that I have to use very little of and if these can make it so I use even less, well, right on! Anyone ever tried them before? I've been using them for about a week and they do seem to help the clothes get cleaner, especially since I have a front loader and sometimes I feel that the lack of water (although very cool that I'm saving water) doesn't clean my clothes as well as my old top loader.

Farmgirl Sister #1110
Siobhan - AKA Liza-Jane (my farmgirl name), wife to my best friend, Trent, and mommy to Camden (11/28/05) and Bennett (7/11/07). and Truman (7/28/09)
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 03 2010 :  1:01:29 PM  Show Profile
I'm very interested to know if the washing machine balls work. I, too, have a front loader and wonder if they would help get the clothes cleaner.
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