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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jun 21 2010 : 3:46:07 PM
Ruby Slider (narjay, #1663) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Going Green badge.
"All I had to do was, discard all the chemicals in my house and go back to what "Ma" taught me, my grandmother cleaned everything with homemade soap, vinegar and/or baking soda.
I have 4 large parrots, so I have to be real careful about the chemicals in my house. Now that's not a problem, I'm so excited!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 21 2010 : 4:06:47 PM
Ruby Slider (narjay, #1663) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a intermediate level Going Green badge.
"I made laundry detergent using my green cleaners, I also made liquid soap using green ingredients along with tea, honey and glycerin. I use vinegar and water to clean windows and shine surfaces. I clean floors and bathrooms with the washing soda. If you have a tough stain use baking soda and vinegar.
I think they turned out wonderfully! They work great and cost pennies to use. I'm going to a meeting of "The Maydell Belles" chapter this afternoon and I'm taking samples and recipes with me."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 21 2010 : 4:13:32 PM
Rose Lynn (christmasgal, #1486) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Embroidery badge.
"I stitched a Christmas Sunbonnet Sue tea towel with satin stitch, chain stitch, outline stitch, and running stitch. I will give it as a gift to someone.
It turned out beautiful. I had a lot of fun stitching this, it is my first tea towel and will be the first of many more." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 21 2010 : 4:20:44 PM
Rose Lynn (christmasgal, #1486) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.
"I am now buying organic eggs and did research on organic pet food. I don't have any pets right now, but when I do again I will only feed them organically. I did buy a five pound bag of natural balance dry dog food and donated it to the food bank that sometimes gives to families in need that have pets.
What a difference in taste with the eggs. I will try to always buy organic, and the pet food. I think I may even try to make some orgainic dog food and biscuits to give as gifts." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 21 2010 : 4:28:46 PM
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a intermediate level What's Your Beef? badge.
"The book "BEEF" The Untold Stofy of How Milk, Meat, and Muscle Shaped the World" is definitely an interesting book full of history and information that most people would not have.
I found it to be a "good read" and I also enjoyed the recipes included along the way.
My hubby and I were both intrigued to learn that our Longhorns are part of the species "bos taurus." We already knew they were descendants of the aurochs.
We personally know several ranchers/farmers here in our community who raise and sell beef.
If we are ever in need of finding locally raised beef we would have absolutely no trouble finding a source. We are personal friends of many ranchers/farmers who raise beef.
However, currently we raise our own beef, Longhorn most specifically and that is what goes in our freezer."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 21 2010 : 4:34:27 PM
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Gaining Ground badge.
"We have had compost piles on various occasions over the years since we were married in 1968.
However, currently we have one that we are FAITHFULLY maintaining and using and have been since March of this year.
It's been good to have started this compost and be able to put all our compost-able discards in it. We have not used it in our garden yet but will be doing that for some fall planting." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 21 2010 : 4:40:57 PM
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a intermediate level Shopping Green badge.
"We started using Green Works Clorox, Homelife Ammonia, and Seventh Generation dish soap and cleansers. They are all environmentally friendly and safe and work great. We are committed to going green and clean.
We will never go back to toxic cleaners again." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 22 2010 : 10:39:56 AM
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an expert level What's Your Beef? badge.
"We have been raising our own beef, more specifically, Longhorns, for about 6 years.
Our experience includes breeding the heifers, seeing them through delivery of their calves, branding, banding the bull calves and butchering our own.
We don't have a large herd, but do have enough to be able to butcher when we need to.
Longhorns are lean beef and they do well here in Colorado. They also have very different "personalities" and, in the summer months, like to be able to roam a little more. That means they can be a challenge to keep in the pasture so we have found a way to give them a "break" at the end of the day and allow them to graze in a different spot for about an hour and then back into the pasture they go.
Many local ranchers/farmers who raise beef are our personal friends. We are in regular communication with them and especially the man who grazes his cattle on the other side of the canyon from ours and the man who also raises Longhorns from whom we got our "starter" herd.
Because of being raised on a farm where we raised and butchered our own beef, lamb and chickens and my husband's background as the grandson of an Arizona cattleman (who, by the way wrote a book titled "Arizona Cowman") we have a lot of knowledge about beef, raising them and butchering them.
I posted info on the Bulletin Board in Farmgirls Southwest Henhouse forum.
The calf in the photo is "Nougat" . . he'll be next to go in our freezer."

Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 22 2010 : 10:46:12 AM
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a intermediate level Pay It Forward badge.
"I organized non-perishable food donations for charities and food banks that have been through: - our church - from our personal pantry - through my place of employment - and from other family members and neighbors.
This is just one of the many ministries I (we) have been involved in our church for all our lives.
While I worked at the local middle school we got students and their parents to do the food drive just before dismissal for Christmas vacation. The main hallway was LOADED with hundreds of items!
Gathering and donating is something that I have always been a part of through many entities.
I will always be a part of this kind of a project.
Our Sisterhood Henhouse (Farmgirls Southwest, which is a "virtual" henhouse) will be working on similar projects. In this case, it will be the Henhouse "chick" working for donations to the community in which they live, but it will encompass the entire country." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 22 2010 : 10:52:47 AM
Judy King (patchworkpeace, #932) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.
"I cleaned out my cupboards, tossing out the unmatched lids and donated a set of containers I don't use to our local resale shop.
I'm loving the extra space!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 22 2010 : 11:00:34 AM
Victoria Montoya (EastTXFarmgirl, #549) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an expert level Shopping Green badge.
"I started the PineyWoods Farmgirls chapter some time ago but right now we are inactive due to changes in life. So to earn this badge I took my swap to the forum. Below is a partial introduction of the swap I hosted: Do you use reusable shopping totes??? Do you know that the plastic grocery bag is harmful to you, your children and your pets? For more information on the harmful effects that plastic grocery bags have on us and our environment go to: The following is what I asked of the participants: Totes can be handmade or purchased. I want everyone to be able to participate, not just those that can sew. The possibilities are limited only by your own imagination. Try to use recycled items. If you're sewing you could use old jeans or repurposed fabric, even feed sacks. If purchasing your tote try to add some repurposed/recycled embellishments. There were a few rules as far as contacting partners and mailing dates. There were 27 ladies that signed up, only 1 dropped out during the swap without contact, and only 3 ladies that sent did not receive a tote from their assigned partners. There was a drawing at the end of the swap, that included all ladies that completed the swap by the assigned mailing date, for a free tote.
For the most part everyone that signed up participated and I consider the swap a big success. Everyone that participated was sent a big thank you for taking a step toward getting the plastic bags out of our landfills and off the side of our roads. There were a couple of ladies that sent out their totes but have not yet received a return. They were angeled a tote with great love and thankfulness for the part that they played. Cindy was the winner of the tote drawing. Everyone that sent a tote received a tote. You can checkout pictures of the tote swap on the Swapping thread." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 22 2010 : 11:13:24 AM
Rali Burleson (Rali, #1679) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I started collecting reusable shopping bags in 2008. To date, I've collected a total of seven reusable shopping bags. (I'm still waiting on two more.) The best part is I acquired all of them for FREE! I clipped coupons, saved UPCs, etc. I keep them in my car. That way, I always have them for my shopping trips.
I've included a picture so you can see all of my reusable shopping bags. I'm proud of my collection!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 22 2010 : 11:39:08 AM
Rali Burleson (Rali, #1679) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.
"I inherited the bulk of my button collection from my mother. I've also saved "left over" buttons for forty years.
I store most of my buttons in two "display" jars in my sewing room."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 22 2010 : 11:52:39 AM
Robin Montoni (#1679) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Connecting Growers and Eaters badge.
"Well, its been ten long years but I have finally done it! Over the years I have watched the neighborhood children grow as they have visited my garden. Talking about butterflies, watching the birds make nests and even giving them all their own bird houses to paint and take home. Well, this year to my delight the family across the street honored me by asking for my help to create their own garden. It's not a plantation, it wont feed hundreds, but to me it is truly one of the most beautiful gardens I have ever seen. Each morning when I look out my window I see the little five by eight plot, with mums, squash and tomatoes and my heart sings! It's a joy to watch them care and take pride in their new found hobby.
This is testament to me that given a little encoragment and guidance others will follow in positive footsteps over time." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 22 2010 : 12:02:52 PM
Sally Roeser (dragonfly, #1668) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Disconnect to Reconnect badge.
"I unplugged tv, radio, computer and cell phone promptly at 5pm last Friday and plugged my phone back in at 9pm Sunday to call my dad and wish him a happy birthday and happy father's day. :)
My husband already doesn't have a cell phone (and no landline) so it was quiet at our house but definitely not dull! We had such a fun family weekend working on our new hobby farm at home with our two young boys. We had campfires all weekend, and all went out to breakfast together one morning. We shopped at a local nursery for more plants for my garden and landscaping stones for my husband's projects. We kept the kids so busy they didn't ask for tv once. I got housecleaning done and spent so much more quality time with my children and husband. It was great!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 22 2010 : 12:09:32 PM
Judy King (patchworkpeace, #932) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Bee Good to Your Mother Earth badge.
"1) I am growing a vegetable garden. We are currently eating radishes, chives and 5 varieties of lettuce from the garden. 2) We don't use any pesticides. 3) I have researched pest control. Organic Gardening magazine and Rodale books have been helpful. We choose to try to grow the healthiest plants possible since pests attack the weakest plants first. We have used some organic pesticides in the past but try remedy the problems so that pests aren't attracted in the first place before using even organic pesticides. 4) I read Nancy Goodwin's, Montrose: Life in a Garden. I loved Ippy Patterson's beautiful illustrations and the parallel between the 18-yr old cats, Cindy and Impy, lives and the garden.
In the past, we've had some problem with blight, but have added new garden and are careful to rotate crops so hopefully we will escape it this year. We've also flowers to the garden hoping to attract bees and beneficial insects. Also, we purchased row covers to deter the rabbits and woodchucks from eating the lettuces." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 22 2010 : 12:15:13 PM
Tina Dennis (dreamingofafarm, #1355) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.
"I have pulled together a complete set of sewing supplies. My supplies include embroidery floss, hoops of three sizes, bobbins of thread, spools of thread, a beginner sewing machine, scissors, thimble, assortment of needles, assortment of pins, measuring tape, and various buttons. The finishing touch to my kit, though, is a lovely needle book that I received as part of Farmgirl Connection swap we just completed. My partner for the swap did a wonderful job. I use the needlebook she sent me everyday.
I am just starting to learn on the sewing machine, so while I'm not good at it yet I am able to make small projects. I am currently working on a tote bag with several types of fabric, a pocket, and an embroidered patch." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 23 2010 : 09:50:28 AM
Stephanie Orr (OrrShine, #1545) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.
"I sewed my first half apron! I made the pockets a little larger than the pattern said.
I love it! I keep it visible so I can remember to wear it (I'm not used to that yet)."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 23 2010 : 09:57:47 AM
Stephanie Orr (OrrShine, #1545) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I have been using the shopping bags for quite some time now. Some were bought or collected and two I sewed myself.
I plan on sewing more. Six just doesn't seem to be enough sometime."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 23 2010 : 10:06:54 AM
Robin Armstrong Miller (birdie71, #1301) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.
"I picked out some fabric that goes with my kitchen...Mexican Southwest. I used a half apron my mom had made me to cut out the basic shape and ties. Then I chose to make two pockets. I was going to use black bias tape but realized how much nicer this other Mexican Southwest material would match. Once I cut it all apart, I ironed my homemade bias tape and put it all together! I love this material and this pattern and I am very proud of this apron!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 23 2010 : 10:16:30 AM
Sally Roeser (dragonfly, #1668) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.
"I already have most sewing necessities for myself so I made a sewing kit for my niece since she wants to learn and my silly sister doesn't like sewing. I included: several different colors of thread, a jar of mixed buttons, scissors, a variety of needles with a needle threader, straight pins, safety pins, a package of color-coordinated fabric, measuring tape, a pin cushion that I made myself, and packaged it all in a rope purse that I made out of clothesline and scrap fabric-- the perfect sewing kit tote!
I enjoyed putting this together for my little niece who is turning six. I think I was seven when my mother helped me make my first jumper to wear to school. :) I love sewing and hope to inspire my niece as she grows up. What a wonderful gift idea for any new sewer! I learned how to make that purse/tote in a local sewing class. Not too bad, I think! Check out the picture!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 23 2010 : 10:26:33 AM
Robin Armstrong Miller (birdie71, #1301) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.
"I actually began sewing when I was in third grade in 4-H! The kit began then. Through the years I have accumulated more of this and that. I even inherited my granny's sewing kit and have put all of it together in the green carrier you see in this picture. The pin cushion I made out of some of the material I used on my apron badges. I made it into a triangle shape cushion and put a big yellow button on it. It is in the bottom center of the picture.
As I have done this, I reflect on the fine heritage I have been given and things that have been taught to me by my grandmothers and my mom! Thank you! OXOX"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 23 2010 : 10:37:59 AM
Robin Armstrong Miller (birdie71, #1301) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a intermediate level Aprons badge.
"I chose to use them same materials that I used to make my beginner level apron. I used the pattern for the Make Do Apron from the Farm website. This apron continues with the theme of my kitchen...Mexican Southwest."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 23 2010 : 10:46:13 AM
Sally Roeser (dragonfly, #1668) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Gaining Ground badge.
"My husband found this crate on the side of the road last summer and fixed it up a bit to make the compost bin I compost just about everything food scraps and all, grass clippings, hay, leaves this is the second summer of the same pile going, and I am looking forward to building my second bin soon.
This summer my compost seems to be going much faster since I've put more brown material in it, watered it more, and stir it regularly with the pitch fork. I love watching my garbage rot.. haha. It has become kind of a joke. I hope to make the second bin soon so I can use the compost I've made in the one pictured."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 23 2010 : 10:50:55 AM
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Lend a Hand to Families badge.
"I sure hope this qualifies but I have been caring for my mom for the past 4 years. She was raised on a farm in northern Canada and for the last 4 years she has been living in a retirement apartment. I clean her apartment once a week, do her laundry and all her shopping. She is totally handicapped and is 92 years young.
She is very grateful that I am close by since I am her only child." |
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |