Earn Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badges Start earning Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badges. You'll be strutting your sisterhood stuff for all the world to see, hen and cackle style!
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters! I, MaryJane Butters, Farmgirl Sister #1, am proud to present certificates of achievements to the following sisters for earning a Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge. Go farmgirls!
Merit Badge Chit Chat Here's where we share what we're doing to actually earn our Merit Badges in every kind of chitty chatty detail our big hearts desire.
Young Cultivator Awardees - Awesome! I, MaryJane Butters, Farmgirl Sister #1, am proud to present certificates of achievements to the following Young Cultivators for earning a Young Cultivator Merit Badge. Way to go!