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Aunt George
True Blue Farmgirl

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Midlothian VA
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Posted - Sep 24 2007 :  8:21:15 PM  Show Profile
LOL....E.....great ideas!

"Made With Love"
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Sep 24 2007 :  8:31:33 PM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
Hey ladies!

Wow it looks like we have a bunch of names floating around! It is going to be so fun to pick one of them as our identity- don't you think?

So I was thinking about the farmgirl chapter journal-

I think it would be really great if we all made a page and then sent it in. That way we could all contribute to something in the real world right away. And then of course we can stay in immediate contact here. Maybe we could ship the finished scrap book type journal to someone with a scanner and we could have it on photobucket so everyone could see it?

What do you think?

The amazing one handed typist! One hand for typing, one hand to hold Nora!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Stephanie Suzanne
Smoky Mountains Tennessee
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Posted - Sep 24 2007 :  10:00:51 PM  Show Profile
Hey Alee,

Thought I would paste this section from one of Bev's (Bee Haven Maven) first posts
about starting the chapter many pages back in the first Apron Sew Along

She mentions a "traveling journal" so to speak. You can always scan your journal page and upload to your favorite photo album before mailing the journal to the next person.

Tha journal will be alot of fun!

By the way, how's the apron coming along?? or are you still cleaning house?

Talk to ya later,

queenofdreamsz & Miss Morgan

Bev wrote:

I would like to keep it all simple, since we are all very busy with our own lives...but if you all feel this strong connection through this thread like I do, I think this idea could really work.

First order of business......Name for chapter. Put your creative thinking caps on.

Second....I will make a journal and start it on it's rounds to each of you. I will attach a list of addresses and you will just send on to the next person on the list.

So......I need your address if you are interested....if I have not already gotten your address. If there is just a little tiny piece of you that would like to join so! It will not be a big commitment, but I think we will all benefit from the feeling of sisterhood.

You all are such amazing women and it would be loads of fun to share some of what makes us each unique with each other. I have a bunch of ideas and welcome any other ideas that you might have to make this a great experience.

Third item of business.....chapter apron. I like the idea of us all using the same fabric, but making our own style according to what we feel comfortable in. So, if you have a suggested fabric.....let us know and we will vote. If you have a fabric hardship let me know and I will help you out!!

MaryJanes Chapter newsletter is suggesting that chapter members have denim jackets. She is making a Farmgirl patch to sew on the jackets. We could design our own patch and I would have them made for us. Then there will also be patches available for meeting certain requirements.....reminds me of the girlscouts, but still, could be fun if all are interested.

Big meetings, except thru the mail and on line. So this should not be much of a time commitment.

Originally posted by Alee

Hey ladies!

Wow it looks like we have a bunch of names floating around! It is going to be so fun to pick one of them as our identity- don't you think?

So I was thinking about the farmgirl chapter journal-

I think it would be really great if we all made a page and then sent it in. That way we could all contribute to something in the real world right away. And then of course we can stay in immediate contact here. Maybe we could ship the finished scrap book type journal to someone with a scanner and we could have it on photobucket so everyone could see it?

What do you think?

The amazing one handed typist! One hand for typing, one hand to hold Nora!

"hold close your inner child and always listen to the gentle whispers" ~queenofdreamsz
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Sep 24 2007 :  10:21:53 PM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
Oh I am still cleaning house so the apron won't be started probably until this coming Sunday.

I think this is going to be really fun to have a chapter of all us who like to sew!

The amazing one handed typist! One hand for typing, one hand to hold Nora!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Vancouver WA
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Posted - Sep 24 2007 :  10:33:45 PM  Show Profile
Can I join?? This sounds like so much fun!!!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  01:20:41 AM  Show Profile
I rather like "Banty banter without borders" but I'm a nut for chickens and allergic to bees *sigh* Maybe I'll start a chapter one day

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Bee Haven Maven
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  03:54:08 AM  Show Profile  Send Bee Haven Maven an AOL message
I like the idea of everyone doing their own journal page and sending to me. I have a scanner and can upload them to an on-line journal so that everyone of us can enjoy it right away. Then we can send the finished copy to MaryJane's Farm to share with other Chapters! Good way to pull a journal all together quickly. I am afraid if we make one and then send it down the line, it will take over a year to complete....given the size of us, now.

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Tammy Claxton
True Blue Farmgirl

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Glen Burnie Maryland
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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  05:11:14 AM  Show Profile  Send Tammy Claxton an AOL message
Is it too late to join in? I'd love to "bee" part of the group! lol

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Thonotosassa Florida
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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  06:38:56 AM  Show Profile
THAT one would get my vote!!!!

In a World Where you Can Be Anything, Be Yourself..
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Southwest Louisiana
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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  08:05:51 AM  Show Profile
Bev-I agree, sending the journal out has potential of losing steam.
I am not too good at scrapbooking so I would really love to have some specific ideas of what the page should look like etc.
(Sadly- an image of something similar is what I need)
YIPEE!! My friend Vicki- all the way in UTAH - and I get to be in the same chapter!!!!WOO!HOO!!!

Is this growing or what!!
Anybody sewing?
Missing Georgann, Jess and others- must be at the machine.
Good girls!!
Blessings Autumn

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  08:40:41 AM  Show Profile
Bev: I love the cyberjournal idea. Do define for us what a journal page is . . . as I am not a scrapbooker, but am a collage-card maker, I have some idea, but could use some specifics.

Edited by - katie-ell on Sep 26 2007 07:34:19 AM
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Bee Haven Maven
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  08:51:47 AM  Show Profile  Send Bee Haven Maven an AOL message
I think we are all in agreement, Katie...we all would like to be bees here in this chapter....polinating the world with a little kindness!!
As far as the journal goes....well I see us each taking a 8 1/2 by 11 inch piece of paper and doing whatever we wish with it. It could be just your own writing about WHO You are.....what you want the rest of us to know about you...and then you could do anything you wish to "gussy" it up!(like decorate it with color, pictures, collage, stamps, scraps....anything your heart desires. Let your creativity flow......whatever feels right to you. OK?

Easy........don't get hung up on making it like anybody elses. Do what you like.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Thonotosassa Florida
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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  10:36:55 AM  Show Profile
I have three really brilliant books of beautiful Graphics That even have a cd with them.. I'm thumbing through them here at work to see if i see anything new or interestring .. So far all i've seen is one with a couple Bee's but is does have a lovely Bee Hive..
Which would steer away from the Bee name a bit..
(I am sort of wanting our name to be a bit more seperated from our Sister's in Utah.. to avoid any confusion.. The "Bee Hive Farms")

Anyway.. the Hive is really pretty.. i know we're pretty set on the Treadle & the Bee icon's now..
but I'm going to toss this one in the Pot anyway.. only because this picture is so pretty.. Of a Bee Hive..

"Treadle Hive Haven"

yes.. definatly corny..

In a World Where you Can Be Anything, Be Yourself..
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  1:17:50 PM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! I agree with Bev- the pages should be whatever we like, even a letter to the rest of the farmgirls if that is what strikes your fancy-

But of course you could always wait to make your own until a couple are submitted if you want to see what others are doing before doing your own.

So other than trying to find the fabric for everyone, what is going to be our first project?

The amazing one handed typist! One hand for typing, one hand to hold Nora!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Elsmere Kentucky
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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  1:31:25 PM  Show Profile
How did I miss this thread? Darn vacation!!!!

Can I be a member, what's the charter, why are we doing this, and how do I join?

"She was built like a watch, a study in balance ... with a neck and head so refined, like a drawing by DaVinci"...
NY Newsday sportswriter Bill Nack describing filly, Ruffian.
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Bee Haven Maven
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  2:05:30 PM  Show Profile  Send Bee Haven Maven an AOL message
KYgurlsrbest....I will e-mail you....
Kathie....not corny, besides I like a little corn now and then!

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Edited by - Bee Haven Maven on Sep 25 2007 2:11:40 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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MJF Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  2:49:06 PM  Show Profile  Send celebrate2727 a Yahoo! Message
"Bee Sisters Without Borders" ???

“People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did,
but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

I Can

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Bloomington Indiana
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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  3:04:26 PM  Show Profile
good i am ..i am cleaning up sewing room...realizing i have about 15 packages to post to farmgirls everywhere...jeez...i am a slacker..and minis to finish and hmmm...what else...lots...3 treadles i bought a few weeks ago finally found their way home, but they need to be cleaned and polished and oiled. They are beauties, but I will be away and busy trying to maintain my real life. you know with my family and my house, etc. I am missing you girls though!

Has anyone seen elizabeth? where'd she go? she just vanished!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Clarks Summit PA
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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  3:12:36 PM  Show Profile  Send yarnmamma a Yahoo! Message
miss you too Jess!

"Imagine that you are a masterpiece unfolding, every second of every day, a work of art taking form with every breath."
-- Thomas Crum

Linda in PA
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Vancouver WA
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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  3:17:24 PM  Show Profile
I think the idea of sending individual pages is excellent! If you send the whole journal then it will get held up somewhere and the people at the end of the list might never see it. I think we went through this with other items that were supposed to travel around!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Bloomington Indiana
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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  3:26:14 PM  Show Profile
yes..i am the slacker who will hold everyone up...i am late for everything..just a character flaw i think i have tried for years to overcome it, but it will never happen!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Clarks Summit PA
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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  3:31:11 PM  Show Profile  Send yarnmamma a Yahoo! Message
I like the journal individual pages too...we will get the idea after seeing the first couple I am sure. I don't have a blog or web site so it would give me an opportunity to share myself with my bee sista's!

**************** the day la la la

Linda in PA
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Thonotosassa Florida
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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  5:36:31 PM  Show Profile
I love the idea of the Chapter.. i REALLY do..
But i'm wondering if it's growing Way Beyond it's own Borders even before it has a chance to begin..

The idea of this Forum.. OUR forum is so we all can get together bounce things off each other.. ask for help.. comfort each other.. laugh.. cry.. have a great time together.. & express ourselves in a way we feel comfortable.. to & with each other.. & we always manage to work things out among ourselves..
We are all SOOOO very different & unique..
NOT Stepford Woman.. Not Cookie Cutter Woman..
We are as varied & changing as the fields we all come from..
We have been able to 'climatize' ourselves to each other quirks & personalities.. in acceptance.. because of the love we do share for each other..
We just always have.. If anyone of us has felt something that threw us off at all we addressed it right then & there.. Like the strong, intelligent women that we all are & WE took care of it.. OURSELVES.. We've never had to sit back & wait for someone else to step in do it for us.. We knew what needed to be done.. & we just did it..

I just don't want for this ONE Chaper to become SO large that it becomes too big for us to be able to do anything with..
Not a "Mini Mary Jane Farm" with in the Farm.. with So many that we become annonymous.. but a True Chapter among MANY Chapters..
I know I'm just rambeling on here.. As i am prone to do..
& really just talking out loud..
Definatly want to hear what you all are thinking about this too..

You know how I over think.. So yes.. i am truly doing it tonite Girls!!

Love ya Lots..!


In a World Where you Can Be Anything, Be Yourself..
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Clarks Summit PA
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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  5:49:53 PM  Show Profile  Send yarnmamma a Yahoo! Message
Hi Kathie...and gals. I can see where we could be getting way out there with big plans and "special private club" type of identity. I agree with Kathie about who and what we have been...and I am only a few weeks here. I thought that the new topic thread was just to support each other and chat about topics that were not aprons.... I'd like to think that will not change. Getting too big could be a problem. Does anyone know what I am trying to say? I don't think we planned to organize or formalize simple online friendships. I'd like to hear feedback on this. Love ya and I also feel the love. We can't organize nor can we easily formalize love. :-)

**************** the day la la la

Linda in PA
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Sep 25 2007 :  6:05:01 PM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
I think this chapter can be a wonderful spot. I don't think we are trying to seperate our selves away from the rest of the forum at all. But it is a place where we can have things like fun sewing challenges, the journal, and maybe even card exchanges for special occasions.

What do you ladies think?

The amazing one handed typist! One hand for typing, one hand to hold Nora!
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