I'm looking for some herbal remedies for the blues. I have tried St. John's Wort on two different occasions and had a strange reaction both times. I don't dare to use it as it doesn't seem to agree with my body.
Are there other ideas? I'm using Lemon Balm right now but it's midly relaxing and I feel tired already. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!
How about a nice hot cup of lavender tea and taking a hot bath and putting some lavender essential oil in the water. I make my own Lemon Balm tincture and I take it when I get blah. I have felt depressed this week, maybe it's the moon, or just menopause *sigh* with me.
Thank you ladies~Kathy I do LOVE lavender...I tucked a little sachet of dried petals in my desk drawer to smell and enjoy at work. Alee, thanks for the reminder about B vitamins. I've been taking a B6 but forgot all about my B12 which is in the cabinet. Thanks! :)